aprezto -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (4/26/2011 6:15:24 AM)
My congratulations again to Anthony for his well thought out strategy and by all accounts excellent diplomacy. Thanks to Peter for stepping in when Mus left, sorry Prussia had to repay that by stabbing you. I still feel a little 'forced' into that step as at that time I didn't like the idea of losing glory every turn stuck between a Defensive pact and an alliance. I also had delusions of capability at that time, thinking the Prussian army might have the wherewithal to take on the Ottomans.I can't help feeling that Britain is almost unassailable in this current build though. No amount of loss on the land was going mean you were in trouble when you had the wooden walls of the RN. Historically accurate, but a bit difficult to grapple with in a game. Thanks to Bill, a stout ally throughout, although once again I maybe should have chosen to let the defensive pact run to conclusion than annul the alliance with Peter. Still, you ruled the world for a goodly period with an approach that I think revolved around glory through possessions and art??? Terje, disappointing for you that you didn't get Napolean. Certainly early on, when you went after Bill and Martin. Having Nappy may have made all the difference. I think my bout of delusion that Prussia was somehow a world player was heightened by my attack in your NW that ultimately meant you lost to Spain.Thanks also for allowing diplomacy to sort out our issues around the Rhine when you might have thrown your weight into carving Prussia up when Russia first attacked (2nd major war).I didn't attack you early in the Spanish war as I had barely got over the attack by the Russians. That first war spanked my man power and currency, but I did feel I had to do something about my ally in peril - more than the paltry delivery of funds. However, from your perspective that lost you the war, so understandable. Seamus, if only we could have bought Martin over to the dark side maybe the world could have turned on the Turk. Not to be. From my perspective it appeared Russia is one of the harder nations to play. Her internal issues and tough glory targets making it really hard to get traction. Even the single-minded approach of going for barracks to make your vast army capable (a la Anthony) would be very hard to achieve with Russia. Martin, I think we dithered a bit. You got so potent early on that I thought continuing to be allied to you was starting to feel like the lap dog to the King when we were supposed to have designs on the crown ourselves. As it was, of course, the world turned against you, and at that time you could have used a friend, even one that also went down in flames, rather than what I did instead which was stand back and let it happen.We seemed quite evenly matched in the end, would have been interesting to see who would have triumphed if the Ottoman Damocles sword wasn't also hanging over my head. Andrew, a tough game for you. Not sure Sweden can do that much, even if they do play a very good diplomatic game. I think they almost have to take Denmark diplomatically - navy inclusive - and a good Britain should be opposed to such things, which is of course a dichotomy of what you're trying to achieve: firm friendship with Britain - you can't really afford a full naval war against her. Kudos for staying in the game. Pity we couldn't bring Britain down so you could keep Denmark, even without the Navy. Personally I found Prussia interesting and frustrating. She is sandwiched in between everyone, and as such has to make some very difficult and telling diplomatic choices. I blundered at these something shocking. I was also a little surprised that a game that had see-sawed so much could not be persuaded to see-saw again.. against the Turks. I know I tried, and put my money where my mouth was. But alliances held firm and from that point the game was decided. To my defence I started this game having played one time through as Britain :-) so that's not the best preparation. I'll agree that the turn speed was probably too slow. Although I know I did some pretty extensive agonising over some of the turns. I think the game could still use some pretty extensive polish, and especially, the instant combat effects of the upgrades made plain. Overall though, very interesting game. If they do patch it, I could be up for a rematch, I promise to sheath the dagger a little more :-)