06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (4/11/2011 4:27:02 AM)
Prussian AO The 2nd Army moved into Nuemark, directly east of Berlin. I was attacked by the combined might of the Prussian Army-the Prussians were crushed. However, the 2nd Army did suffer some significant losses, so it was ordered to stand fast in Nuemark while the 1st Army delivered the finale blow. The 1st move up from the south, at a speed march. The forced march adds to "initiative" and also gave my forces the first crack at the Prussians rather than letting the Austrians get in there first. There was a slight chance of being repulsed in Brandenburg, but the Prussian attack on the 2nd Army left it in a weakened condition-victory was assured. [image]local://upfiles/18421/E0BF3EB4FDB54984A601301963543504.jpg[/image]