06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (3/24/2011 5:15:02 AM)
June Diplomacy It is not a happy continent these days. nearly everyone is at war. Prussia, which was forced to surrender to 3 Empires just a little over a year ago has been forced back into the war due to its treaties with Russia. Prussia is in no condition for another war, but it has it. This was not anticipated by the Sultan-it was a bit of a surprise. It also was very unfortunate as the Russian campaign had gotten off to a very good start, but must be called off under these circumstances. The supply depots were going to be stretched as it was. With Prussia back in the war, the long line of depots would not be tenable. Prussia is once again the target. It will be defeated, then Russia will face justice. It will be interesting to see how the Czar helps out his partner in Berlin during this difficult time. [image]local://upfiles/18421/287DDDA124E5455187471CF92DC2B6AD.jpg[/image]