RE: Janissaries Forward! (Full Version)

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06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (9/24/2009 4:31:38 AM)

Battle of Karlsburg and Nuesatz was a stunning success for Ottoman forces. The two Austrian Armies attack south into Kronstadt at the same time the 1st Turkish Army was sent to Nuesatz. I did not expect the Austrians to attack like this. The results were very fortunate for Ottoman forces. The battle of Nuesatz ended very quickly and elements of the 1st Army were able to march back into Kronstadt to assist in the battle there. The results were quite favorable. What was even better was that the Austrians were forced to withdraw into Transylvania-further away from their base and requiring an autumn march to get back to where they needed to be.

It was very tempting to attack them in their weakened condition, but there is a fear of facing the Austrians on defensive ground. A rational position to take at this time. Hopefully, unit training will narrow the gap of abilities in the future.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (9/24/2009 4:38:05 AM)

The results of the battle on moral were also welcomed.
Austria apparently took a severe moral loss due to the battle.

Note the "feudal reforms" moral loss. In October of 1795 the Sultan ordered reforms to be initiated. This action was desired for a long time, but conditions just never seemed right. Finally, throwing caution to the wind, the program was initiated. Through massive efforts on luxury production, moral problems were minumized. Moral never dropped more than .1%. (999)


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (4/18/2010 5:29:50 AM)

After a long break with this AAR, I am going to resume. All the files were safely stored for this time. I stopped this AAR very shortly after the beginning of the great war which began in the summer of 1796 at approximately turn 49. We are now on turn 120-June 1782. It is not practical to go into details going back that far, but major events and economic matters will be mention-some events are burned into my memory.

The very bitter and long lasting fights are now at a (temporary) end. Peace is bliss, now there is time to tell of the history.

06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (4/18/2010 5:41:58 AM)

Sept 1796
Carpathian Front

At this early stage of the war not all divisions had reached their respective higher HQ's yet. There had only been the small, and quick siege and battle of Karlsburg. The results of this first battle was a very welcome relief as there is a large disparity in training doctrines between Austria and Turkey. Most notable of which is the lack of formation drilling for the O.E. Army.

This map shows the province already under Ottoman control.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (4/18/2010 5:44:54 AM)

Here is the Glory standings of the various powers in September '96.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (4/18/2010 5:50:25 AM)

Sept '96

Wastage report

In 1792 the Ottoman Empire was suffering from significant wastage-the Empire was too large for its legal infrastructure. The rate in June of 1792 was 18%-this was a very difficult burden. It is the primary reason why war was avoided as long as it was. To build all the courts to eliminate this problem was on the highest priority. Even now, after over 4 years, there is still a bit left, but nearly gone.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (4/18/2010 5:55:03 AM)

Even though court building was on the highest priority barracks were not altogether ignored. The O.E. begins with a rather dismal 7 experience per quarter. To put this into perspective; it would take nearly 10 years to gain the experience required for formation drilling (which France, Austria and Prussia already have). The work to correct this glaring deficiency has just begun, but there is progress already.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (4/18/2010 5:58:22 AM)

Due to the great cost of building improvements, it is slow going. The O.E. must pay about 25 times more for the various improvements in money. The raw material cost is the same as for the other powers. In the end, this may be an advantage as the O.E. has some significant wealth in its textile production.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (4/18/2010 6:12:47 AM)


This is the after action map of the Austrian attack into Karlsburg.

After this battle I had an opportunity to destroy the Austrian base and possibly keep Emperor Matto's armies out of supply. Ottoman forces would have had to split and advance north. Due to the heavy losses on several divisions, I just did not feel it prudent to make that decision. I regretted that decision many times in the following years. There was good reason to respect Austrian power, but that was a real chance to punish them severely-a chance missed.

The decision was made to stay put in the mountains and recover from the battle.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (4/18/2010 6:22:24 AM)

October 1796

You can see that all the major powers have mobilized and concentrated their forces.

This war began by a surprise attack by Russia on Prussia. The opening blows were crippling for Prussia-it could not recover. This had a negative side affect of causing England to DoW Russia. I had planned to fight Austria with the help of France and Russia-not alone. Turkey was caught off guard by the start of the war-there was no advance notice given of Russia's intentions.

An odd result of all this is that my erstwhile Ally and major trading partner was now at war with my unofficial ally-and wasnow giving material support to my primary foe-Austria. I still do not know how much England provided Austria during our war, but it must amount to many thousands of pieces of gold.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (4/18/2010 6:25:09 AM)

November 1796


The second Army is now the primary force of the O.E. Army. It had been repaired from the previous battle and the decision was made to hit Austria.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (4/18/2010 6:31:46 AM)

Battle of Grosswardein
November 1796

The results of the battle were not too surprising. The decision to go ahead with the attack was some faulty intelligence regarding the ability of Austria to recover its previous losses. A lesson learned.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (4/18/2010 6:40:32 AM)

October 1796

Something was brewing in Italy. Spain was my official Ally, although it did not look as it would DoW Austria. What was to occur was a complete surprise-a Spanish DoW on France. This happened at the worst possible time for France-one whole army was destroyed over a period of months due to its supply being cut off. That was another beginning of a great war which outlasted the Austria/Turkish war by only a few months.


On the left is the full view of the Sultans repaired 1st Army.

06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (4/18/2010 6:48:04 AM)

Battle reports

Up through September, the war seemed to be going fine for Turkey. The losses were quite low and there was no need to spend on replacement units. This lead to a crazy idea that it would be acceptable to reduce the O.E. feudal level while at war. The Sultan was enjoying the Royal Bong during that moment in time.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (4/18/2010 6:56:11 AM)

October 1796

The economic picture of the O.E. has improved dramatically over the last 4 years. Moral is now easily maintained at a high level by the consumption of goods. This allows taxes to be increased to a sufficient degree.

Notice the available manpower. It looks as if there is an unending river of men for the military. Trade was also going strong-primarily with England purchasing cotton.

The two figure that should have caused concern to the Sultan was the inflation-already at 21%, and the change in feudal level. It was reasoned that any moral upheaval could be handled by the excess goods-and it could have if not for the side effects of war.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (4/18/2010 7:05:17 AM)

After a few months of little activity during the winter, the decision was made to invade Austria. The province of Krajina was chosen under the mistaken idea that is could serve as a base of operation for Austria-it could not.

The 1st Army moved into Krajina and laid siege. It was not long before the Austrian Army showed up. The result was a costly failure for the O.E.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (4/18/2010 7:13:28 AM)

Carpathian Front
April 1797

By this time it had become evident that I would need to wear down Austria by maneuver. Man power was the one real advantage that I have. It may have been as much as 50%.

While I had a very good defensive position at my main base (Belgrade), Austria main base was (is) several provinces from the border. This allowed me some freedom of initiative. I chose to draw Austria back into the mountains where they would suffer from march attrition and possibly be drawn into attacking against a good position.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (4/18/2010 7:25:45 AM)

June 1797

The new approach started off well enough. O.E. forces advanced into Krajina during April, and withdrew by June. The Austrians were approaching. Better still-an advance was made into Grosswardein and captured the city.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (4/18/2010 7:27:05 AM)

Battles Report
April 1797

The most recent battle was of Krajin-an Austrian victory. Those kinds of battles were getting a little worrisome. Even if the O.E. had a 50% advantage in manpower that would not be enough at a 3 to 1 loss ratio.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (4/18/2010 7:35:43 AM)

Economic Report
June 1797

After less than a year at war, much of the preceding 4 years work has been undone. The national moral has fallen from 1000 to a little over 200. Manpower has fallen and the inflation rate (unit cost increase) is still at 20%.

The loss of national moral affects the entire economy-all production and income from taxes. It became necessary to lower taxes even though I needed more money.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (4/18/2010 8:00:40 AM)

May 1798

Before the spring of '98 it had become clear that something radical had to be tried. The Austrian Army was just too wel trained for the O.E to take on. Battles were lost too easily. I knew Emperor Matto would come for me when the rain stopped. His forces were better-and now Austrias moral was higher.

If I stood on the defense-even in the mountains-he would defeat my forces. If I withdrew deep into the Ottoman Empire-he would just follow. The idea of surrendering was considered multiple times-and discussed with Terje, Emperor of France. The possible solution to this situation was penned several months prior to its implementation. I could not set a precise start date as Austria needed to move to the East bank of the Danube before I could put the plan into operation.. Matto did not waste any time-in May, he marched.

The plan was to seize the imitative by marching on Vienna itself. There was even a small possibility to capture the capital, although that was not counted on. I simply wanted to have Austria waste time recapturing its territory in the east-and then having to race back to its capital.

Two things made this plan possible; it would clearly come as a surprise-and that I chose the rapid march doctrine. This gave me flexibility in advancing and withdrawing at he last minute-and getting away. Supply was going to be an issue as I had not mastered sea supply yet-and money was short anyway. Sea deports would have had to be set up from Athens to Illyria. The losses from attrition and lack of supply would have to factored in.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (4/18/2010 8:05:02 AM)

June 1798

The plan worked to an acceptable degree. The Austrian capital province was occupied for two turns. This was enough to drop Austria's moral by hundreds of points. I did launch one major attack on the City itself, but that failed.
There was not much time to conduct a long siege-the Austrians were heading to their capital in mass.

After the plan "worked" there was the issue of getting back out of Austria. This was the greatest gamble of the entire scheme. The forces committed to this operation were not a trivial group-it was over 140,000 troops. I had to count on Emperor Matto not believing that I would choose to speed march without supply-to a place that had no supply. Going on that assumption, I thought that he would attempt to cut off my route of withdrawal back to my bases straight south. Fortunately, the Austrian Emperor is a rational man-thus one army and a corp farther south escaped-straight through to the east-back across to the east bank of the Danube.

Although I can count this operation as a great success, it was not cheap. There were tens of thousands of casualties-enough to affect national moral. However, another campaign season had come and gone. The Ottoman Empire still had not suffered from invasion and Austrian territory was still in Ottoman control.

Turkey would survive yet another year. Again, I had no intention of fighting Austria alone, but with the exception of the early (and very short) advance by France, and one incursion by Russia (which was defeated by Austria)-that is what had transpired.

This was a one time gambit-not to be attempted again. Hopefully, as the O.E.'s economy improves, so will its ability to stand up to Austria.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (4/18/2010 8:43:13 AM)

National Comparisons
July 1798

Turkey is in 5the place standing at this time.

From this report I could watch Austria manpower and money decline. I could also keep track of its military doctrines and moral.

Slowly but surely, Austrias manpower was falling. Many of its prime unit building provinces were devoid of any manpower. There was light at the end of the tunnel, but it was a long, long tunnel.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (4/18/2010 8:58:12 AM)

I'll get this AAR caught up soon. After it is current, I'll add some more details. The war with Austria was one heck of an affair.

06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (4/18/2010 7:31:54 PM)

July 1798

The Great Escape

This map shows the positions of the various armies after the Turkish dash for the Danube. All forces were on speed march orders and to avoid battle. Any major battle with Austria at this time would have been very bad-perhaps decisive.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (4/18/2010 7:43:10 PM)

July 1798
Economic Report

Even with all the defeats and feudal changes over the last year, things have improved quite a bit for Turkey. Comparing this report to the June '97 report you will see some major improvements. National moral has drastically increased, which boosts production and military moral. I have been able to increase taxes also. The money supply was bad-actually borrowing to the maximum limit just to get by.

Things are looking up.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (4/18/2010 7:44:53 PM)

July 1798
Glory Report

The Ottoman Empire has also improved its glory standing over the last year. There is a long ways to go to catch the leading nations though.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (4/18/2010 7:58:17 PM)

July 1798

This is the current tangled web of allegiances and wars. England is my ally, but gives great financial support to my arch foe. Sapian is my ally, but has taken some key provinces in North Africa that Turkey needs to gain glory. Russia was supposed to be an ally, but we cannot coordinate anything-Czar Poid goes it alone. Prussia would no doubt want to fight the O.E., but is still in a bad state from the surprise attack by Russia and my little diplomatic "test" of causing an insurrection before the war even started.

France is the only nation that has some common interests with Turkey. We would coordinate activities, but both nations are clinging on in not very good circumstances. There are not very many options.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (4/18/2010 8:08:35 PM)

Turkish Training Levels

The Ottoman Army has made some progress in training. Quartely "experience" has grown from 7 points to about 20. At this stage Turkey still lags far behind most nations-but the gap is closing. Austria is actually gaining experience far more quickly.

I have been able to add two doctrines thus far; rapid march and independent command. It fit best for my new strategy of using maneuver to attrit the Austrians.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (4/18/2010 8:11:49 PM)

July 1799
Austrian Doctrines

Austria has a clear lead. Not only does Emperor Matto gain from his numerous barracks, but from the many battles he has won. I gain about half the experience from loosing the battles.


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