RE: Janissaries Forward! (Full Version)

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06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (4/18/2010 8:15:33 PM)

June 1799
Battle Reports

You can see here that in each battle between Austria and the O.E., the Turks have lost. In each battle my losses are 2 to three times that of Austria's.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (4/18/2010 8:20:00 PM)

June 1799
Operational Map

Things have settled down a bit into a cat and mouse game. The Austrian Emperor is good at anticipating my various moves. He still must be careful as the Ottoman forces are large-and individual units are getting better. I have been using experience to add training to individual units.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (4/18/2010 8:22:48 PM)

July 1799
Strategic View

The English have been steadily building up forces on the continent to defeat Russia. At times, the locations of their forces can make one wonder just what the English King is planning.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (4/18/2010 8:30:53 PM)

June 1799
Economic Report

The economy is still strong. Moral has dropped from its level in '98. but overall, it looks better. The tax rate is being sustained at the highest level which means that production of goods is running smoothly. Monthly cash increase has improved also.

On the negative side, inflation has increased further. The reason for this inflation is the need to build new units. During this war with Austria I have lost many divisions-some surrendered and others destroyed. I have also had to build new artillery which is very expensive. There was also one heavy cavalry division which came at quite a cost-it was lost in battle very soon after deployment.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (4/19/2010 5:08:03 AM)

November 99

During the later half of 1799 I consolidated in the mountains north of Belgrade (Karlsburg) and in my haven in Belgrade. Belgrade is an excellent province as an enemy will have to cross a major river, or march through mountains to bypass the rivers to attack. Except in the worst of times, I have felt safe in holding that province.

In keeping with my earlier decision to avoid battle with the main Austrian Armies I conducted a rapid move into Krajina during the late summer of 1799-away from the Austrian forces which were cleaning up around Grosswardein.
After a costly siege to capture the super fortress I withdrew the main Ottoman army back into Belgrade province. I suspect that Emperor Matto was planning on a remake of his victory at Krajina, but I had learned my lesson-the Turks got out of there before the Austrians arrived. Of course, I had put in a decent garrison of regular infantry into the fortress.

It was now Matto's turn to capture that powerful citadel. I am sure he suffered some significant losses during that siege-not as high as mine were I suspect, but many thousands.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (4/19/2010 5:15:16 AM)

December 1799
Strategic Map

It was during this time that I attempted to set up a joint plan of action with the Czar. I felt secure that the Austrian Empire had been weakened enough that a joint action could succeed in achieving total victory. Russia was at war with Austria before Turkey was, but they had little contact except for one major battle. As it transpired, no coordinated efforts materialized. The Czar thought it best that he finally surrender to England after the loss of St Petersburg.

Note the English Army in the North-it was a long siege.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (4/19/2010 5:29:02 AM)

December 1799
Strength Levels

You can get an idea of the level of the costs of the various wars in manpower by this chart. It seems to me that each horizontal block is about 3 months long and the vertical represent about 10,000 men.

There is a rough correlation of Turkish (brown) and Austrian (orange) strength charges during this period.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (4/19/2010 5:59:32 AM)

June 1800
Belgrade Area

Here we are, six months later and the Austrians are still sitting in Krajina-it is a powerful fortress. I was very much aware of the deterioration of the garrison-it was not going to last beyond June.

While Austria recaptured its various provinces north of Wallechia, I prepared for the coming battle of Belgrade. Initially, I concentrated my best forces in Belgrade. As time wore on, the 1st Army, commanded by the Sultan, was brought up to full strength.

I began to contemplate the possibility of the 1st Army being able to hold its ground on its own-or at least to make a very good showing in battle. I was finally able to get another training doctrine at this time. Due to the upcoming major battle, and the past contests, I chose the "organized withdrawal" doctrine.

With the first Army holding Belgrade on its own, I finally had an opportunity to take the initiative with the 2nd Army and some independent corps. I had long been contemplating a strike into Poland (which was conquered by Austria) and it looked like the time had finally come. The general idea was that Ottoman forces would sweep into eastern Austria, into southern Poland and possibly get within striking range of Vienna. The first Army, even if defeated, would still be able to block any further advance by Austria to the south. In any event, at some point Emperor Matto would have to address the threat in the north east. So, even if the battles did not go well, I would achieve another major bout of marching to and fro; further wearing down the Austrians. By this point in time I had ample replacements available. I could fight a major battle or two and quickly regain unit strength.

So, the stage was set. I was confident of hanging on and doing more damage than ever before, but there was still great concern as to how well the organized withdraw would work-if needed. If the first Army was routed, with the resulting loss of the best units and artillery in the Army, the future would be dim indeed.

There was another little Austrian operation going against Zara. The city had been under siege for a month, but was holding out OK. The Austrian army was rather small-about 45,000 men IIRC. I decided to try to help the garrison by sending the fleet-it actually work. Reports indicated that the garrison were receiving support from the Fleet.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (4/19/2010 6:01:50 AM)

June 1800
1st Army

This roster of the first Army shows both it current strength and special training of the individual units.
The reason that most of the units are not at full strength is that I would typically keep them at 85% in case of a rapid march requirement. I had avoided many thousands of casualties using that method. On the eve of the great battle, 100% strength was ordered.

Early on I opted for the "sustained volley" unit training-most divisions have that attribute.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (4/19/2010 6:14:50 AM)

1st Army Moral


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (4/19/2010 6:20:30 AM)

August 1800

Training Pool

This was what was left two months after the great battle-there were plenty available in June.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (4/19/2010 6:29:34 AM)

August 1800

After the Battle of Belgrade (in July), the 1st Army stayed put for one month to recover-and to see where Emperor Matto would head to. I wanted to move into Grosswardein quickly, but there were issues-not the lest of which I did not know where his remaining large forces were at. The second Army and small detachments would continue to exploit in the presumably undefended north.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (4/19/2010 6:32:39 AM)

July 1800
Battle of Belgrade Report


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (4/19/2010 6:34:24 AM)

Glory Report

Turkish Glory also got a boost from the battle.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (4/19/2010 6:39:36 AM)

July 1800
Siege of Zara

While the great battle of Belgrade was raging, the Austrian attempted to storm Zara-their attack failed. I'm am not aware of Austrian losses, but it looked to be severe-the nearly empty army scurried back north-a very bad month for Austria.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (4/19/2010 6:42:10 AM)

August 1800
Glory Points

Turkey gained a new general to boot!


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (4/19/2010 6:43:13 AM)

August 1800
Battle list

Note the difference in losses from the decisive battle to the others in the report. I was very relieved that it did not go the other way. In addition to the heavy losses-Austria also had 5 (IIRC) divisions surrender, lost artillery, and a general was captured or killed.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (4/19/2010 6:49:46 AM)

August 1800
Loss Comparisons

Again, Austria is orange.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (4/19/2010 6:51:26 AM)

August 1800
Moral Comparisons

Russia's moral took a quick dive to the bottom after its surrender.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (4/19/2010 6:52:44 AM)

Russian Surrender Terms


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (4/19/2010 6:54:11 AM)

June 1800
Diplomatic Situation

England under King Kingmaker did not wait long after the Russian surrender to get involved in another war. This time to gather some ground from Spain.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (4/19/2010 6:58:29 AM)

August 1800
Provincial Improvements

As the economy improved, much more could be spent on improvements. Also, there was a new confidnce in planning, resulting in long term plans with road building.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (4/19/2010 7:09:06 AM)

September 1800
Northern Area of Operations

In September, the first Army made its move north to Grosswardein. There was another little battle in which Turkey captured more Austrian artillery. It appears that the Austrian Emperor thought I was going to keep my main army in Belgrade and send one of the weaker corps into that province-he was wrong this time.

It was time to cut loose with the irregular cavalry. Most of Poland did not even have garrisons-so it was simply a matter of moving into a province and staying there one turn-most of Poland was overrun in a few months.

During this stage Austria's manpower was clearly going down fast. Most of the primary Austrian core provinces did not have any manpower-and Poland was occupied-(mostly).


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (4/19/2010 7:12:58 AM)

OK-that was another two years pulled up from saved games. I know that this is a bit fast forwarding in this, but there was a long way to go to get caught up. Another two years and it will be current-then I can get into the monthly activities. With a little luck I will have that done this week. We still have 179 turns to go!

Rondo -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (4/19/2010 2:35:13 PM)


Thanks for the updates. I can assure you that there are a numbe rof us following this with great interest.

Good luck!

06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (4/19/2010 5:09:07 PM)

Thanks Rondo-its appreciated. This was supposed to be a "during action report", but had languished for months. Its almost caught up.
To my recollection, I covered all the major events directly concerning Turkey. The various Infidel lands have had many major events which I did not mention. To keep it accurate, I would need to open too many saved games. Terje is covering France in this same game.

This has been a very interesting contest-with ups and downs for everyone. I don't want to get ahead of myself, but I see a future in this game that will be far more destructive and costly than anything that has transpired before.

Comments/questions are welcome.

Zap -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (4/22/2010 10:07:16 AM)

Hi Maestro,

Been following the French AAr's. Yours now have added a lot more color to this epic struggle. By the way, good summerization.

06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (4/23/2010 12:01:46 AM)

Hi Zap


It was somewhat of a summary [;)]. I can go into more depth now. I am now creating folders of the current turns as we progress. When I get it caught up to Sept '02 it will be smooth sailing.

Over the next 12 months there was some wild moves, but no more decisive victories. Too bad, one more would have put me over the top. However, I still got what I wanted after all.

06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (4/23/2010 1:30:48 AM)

October 1800

On this map we can see a good part of Poland. Any of the provinces with a brown outline indicate they have fallen under Ottoman control.

This was also the beginning of the camping war for the 1st Army-again. It was very much desired to move into and capture Pest. This would have been a risky move. The main Austrian forces were just across the river and could force a defensive battle against the Ottoman1st. This was not desired at all.

Even though many of the Austrian divisions should be under strength, there is no telling just how much. There were other units that could have been used to beef up one army for another fight. I still must be careful about even odds battles. If you take a look at the Grosswardein battle results you will see some very close battle losses-other than the captured artillery. This happened even though I outnumbered the Austrians 2 to 1. There is still a problem in training doctrine deficiency.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (4/23/2010 1:33:15 AM)

These are happy days for the Sultan and his soldiers. In addition to the battle of Grosswardein there were sever other small engagements. Turks are victorious everywhere.


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