RE: Janissaries Forward! (Full Version)

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06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (4/23/2010 1:41:43 AM)

The organization of the supply chain may appear wasteful, but there is good reason for this setup-as will become evident later.
Bucharest replace Belgrade as the main supply base.

I wonder what the Austrian "Diplomat" is up too in Ottoman territory.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (4/23/2010 1:45:59 AM)


Recent events have driven down Austrian moral further.

Austria is the orange line-not to be confused with England's reddish line.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (4/23/2010 1:52:28 AM)

The Ottoman Empire pulls ahead of Austria in strategic strength-again. Hopefully this will remain the normal situation from here out. There are some distinct signs of Austria weakening.

What has been truly amazing in all this is how Austria regains moral so quickly. Also, the ability to maintain the large army with what should be a ruined economy leaves me with only one possibility; England is pouring in massive aid somehow. I have not seen any notice of subsidies-perhaps it is by treaty.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (4/23/2010 1:54:13 AM)


Turkey still lags back in 6th place in glory.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (4/23/2010 1:57:45 AM)

Trade is still going strong. My primary trading partner is England. These trades were set up before the demise of the old good King of England, Mus.

Turkey earns between 89 and 104 gold per month from the cotton/wool trade. The deviation comes from my fluctuation taxation rate which sometimes drives down production to a point that a trade cannot be honored.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (4/23/2010 2:02:49 AM)


The economy is humming right along at a tax rate of 26%. I have selected it to go even higher next month. This is possible because of the high national moral-otherwise production loss would be far too high.

The inflation rate has finally begun to come down-currently 25%. I have not had to build any replacement divisions in some time now-hopefully that will continue to be the case. I do have plans on further improvement of the Army, but only after inflation has fallen further.

The rate of decline indicates it should fall at 80 per month, but it does not. It typically falls by 33 per month. It will take a very long time to reach zero.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (4/23/2010 2:05:56 AM)


Development is still moving along slowly, but also increasing. The demands of war coupled with the obscenely high cost for provincial improvements severely limits what can be afforded. Soon, the need for textile production to be withheld for consumption will open up possibilities for a large barracks construction program.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (4/23/2010 2:14:54 AM)

November 1800

1st Army Location and strength.

This is a new army from what it was at the beginning of this era. It can fight and win against the best of the Europeans.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (4/23/2010 2:15:24 AM)

2nd Army


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (4/23/2010 2:17:07 AM)


Any provinces with the brown outline are under Turkish control-nearly all of Poland.

That one Austrian cavalry unit deserves some kind of significant citation-before I send them to hell.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (4/23/2010 2:21:05 AM)

A few divisions of Austrian POW's. Good thing most of them are foragers...


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (4/23/2010 2:33:23 AM)

December 1800

The conquest of Poland has gone about as far as it can go without some reinforcements. As none can be spared, the new emphasis is to catch the Austrian cavalry division-or at least stop it from wreaking havoc on the supply lines.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (4/23/2010 2:39:35 AM)


A rather odd situation has developed which will cause me to withdraw from Austria and Poland. My supply lines are about to be cut. To effectively stop that from occurring would mean sending several divisions ou of the 1st Army. This is too risky to contemplate. A withdrawal will have to be planned.

Emperor Matto is trying to help me come to that conclusion by building depots to the south. I seriously doubt he will move a large force in that direction, but I am still in a rough situation.

The Austrian cavalry is a bit too tough for my Irregulars. My only real cavalry must stay in the 5 Corp.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (4/23/2010 2:44:03 AM)


Western Europe

The French military seems to have advantage over Spain, but it just cannot pin King Iron Warrior down


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (4/23/2010 2:45:15 AM)

The main Spanish Army is still a powerful force.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (4/23/2010 2:47:24 AM)

Prussia has been at peace since the end of the war with Russia. Its large main army seems to be used as a tool to irritate the French Emperor Terje'.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (4/23/2010 2:52:51 AM)


An unexpected side affect of the occupation of Poland has been the increase in Turkish "culture" from about 56 to 66-moving it ahead a bit.

The moral of the first Army continues to grow along with its strength. it is now up to 148,000 strong. I could easily bring it up to full strength, but with the prospect of needing to make a rapid winter move-possibly into the mountains-there is not much point in that.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (4/23/2010 2:54:21 AM)

December 1800

The ottoman Empire has creped into 5 place on the glory scale.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (4/23/2010 2:58:31 AM)


The economy is stronger than ever. Not only has maximum taxation been achieved along with maximum moral, but there have been a couple of treaties added to add to the income a bit. The primary goal of these treats is not to capitalized on French and Russian needs, but to help them out in the only affordable way. Until this war is over I cannot afford to give money away.

Czar Poid did not see it as a helping hand-oh well.


06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (4/23/2010 2:59:24 AM)

Turkish Loans


Tophat1815 -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (4/23/2010 4:05:45 AM)

Good heavens,its come to Turkey bankrolling France and Russia? You fellows need to seriously redress this situation in Europe.

06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (4/23/2010 5:11:53 AM)


ORIGINAL: Tophat1812

Good heavens,its come to Turkey bankrolling France and Russia? You fellows need to seriously redress this situation in Europe.

[:D] Well, I am not quite bankrolling them-just a little loan. I'm really not privy to their internal money affairs-I can only go by what I see in the nations comparisons. The way things have gone on from this point, I have given some aid to France. I suspect that what I have spent so far will be a drop in the bucket compared to what is coming.
Turkey has got the gold, but it didn't come easy.

Zap -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (5/16/2010 1:36:54 AM)

Hi Anthony,

Whats your status? I was curious as to wether you will be able to soon be a major player(conquering more territory) in the near future.

How do you see your role in your world?

06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (5/16/2010 6:26:36 AM)

Hi Zap

The skies the limit LOL. I think Turkey is doing pretty good right now-running in 3rd place. The economy is roaring-building everywhere. However, the game has a long ways to go-and Turkey has a built in handicap of improvements costing about 20 times more than the European powers. I also still have a level 3 feudal level. This means that my provincial improvements take longer.

There are a great many variables in the details. The overriding strategic situation is that the alliances will shift and someone-including my mighty Ottoman Empire is going to be slammed hard-perhaps more than once. The way I see it there is really only two possible winners in this game-Austria and England. Austria can only win if England (Kingmaker) will be happy with second place. If they stick together, I will never get into top place-and likely will get slammed. I can now fight both England and Austria at the same time, but if Prussia comes to help Austria, or my good buddy to the north in Moscow, I'm toast.

I seriously doubt that the mighty English King, Kingmaker, will be happy with a second place finish. For him to move from second to first in glory, Austria needs to be broken down a bit. England by itself cannot do anything to Austria-it will need help. What I foresee is joining a war to smash Austria with England and others. After Austria is taken out, England and Turkey will be far ahead of the other Empires. It may be possible at the conclusion of that war that I will have gained enough key provinces to put me in the lead in a very short time. England and Turkey are separated by about 130 glory points. Turkey is gaining 11 per turn (average that will increase) and England is gaining about 12 on average. So, it will not take much of an adjustment for me to overcome his slight lead. On the downside of that situation is that the Ottoman Empire will become the target of all Europe. I can do nothing against the English Navy-but England Army will be too small to threaten me. However, Austria will be more than ready for vengeance against me-and some others will jump in just for some cheap pickings. After I'm attacked by 3 or four major powers, Turkeys glory will be in the tank.

There are other variables in all this, such as the time frame. if this whole circle starts too soon, I will be coming back with a stronger than ever army looking for just vengeance. If they wait too long, I may be able to hold out to the end of the game. Kingmaker seems to be setting the agenda-he is up to something right now-massing in Italy.

Another wildcard is France. Turkey and France have seemed to be natural allies in this game. It is likely we will have a formal alliance sometime in the future. Depending on how strong France becomes in the future, things could turn decidedly in Turkey's favor.

The bottom line is that there are too many variable and too much time left in this game to really know how it will end. At this point I am covering as many bases as I can. The Turkish Navy has been allowed to rot-not sense in going to great expense to build kindling wood for the British Navy.

As of now, Turkey is a powerhouse-no doubt some are both jealous and fearful-they should be.[:D]

Zap -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (6/8/2010 9:47:40 AM)

Anthony can you post a more recent economis advisor screen/ And some other screen updates/

06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (6/8/2010 2:20:00 PM)

Hi Zap

I have been taking screen shots as I play now so the updating will be somewhat easier. I think I have quarterly shots now.

Currently (3 years further down the road from my last screenies) I am dropping taxes to maximize production-especially of textiles, wool/cotton. I need that for major new barracks building. It might seem crazy, but I am hell bent on catching up in doctrines-and surpassing the Europeans. Textiles are my one real advantage-and I am going to maximized that advantage.

Turkey's current tax rate is about 20%-down from 30 (max). I intend to take it much lower. Of course, that lower rate cannot be maintained for long. I have a UCI of 11%-soon to be 10. I'm afraid there will be war long before it gets to zero.

Mus -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (6/9/2010 12:22:34 AM)

Maestro, I agree with your assessment of the strategic situation, particularly regarding France. I think the key to a Turkish victory, if possible, lies with allying with France in a short victorious war against Spain, and then using France to counterbalance English and Prussian power while you deal with Austria. Similarly, Russia is in a situation where many of his glory targets are in Prussia and Austria and maybe you could secure an alliance with him.

Provided at that point you are in possession of many Austrian target provinces (and maybe some seized Spanish and British territory in Italy and N Africa) you should then have a glory production lead you can sit on and try to defend.

If you hammer Austria with a Feudal Levy reform roller coaster ride (provided that isn't against the rules by agreement) Austria should be crippled enough that they will find taking revenge difficult.

PS. Would it be possible to post some screenshots showing the OOBs of some of the countries neighboring you? I am particularly curious what the heck is going on with Russia in this game. Russia should be able to build it's way out of the waste situation by building courts and be emerging as a powerhouse with a 750kish Army 10 years into the game. Then again Anthropoid might be badly mismanaging or has gotten himself badly defeated several times earlier in the game that I missed.

06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (6/9/2010 4:47:08 AM)

Hi Mus

I think there is a good chance of an alliance between Turkey and France. France is hell bent on retaking/punishing Spain and Spain took some N African territoies early in the game that are important to Turkey-I shall have them [;)]. There certainly are some common issues for Turkey and France-and some common problems. However, we do have an advantage in that the current alliances/sympathies must shift in a way that will be favorable for both. France has a strategic dilemma of being able to concentrate against Spain with Prussia and Austria holding a dagger to its back. France is so far down the glory ladder now that England may not mind assisting in a war against Spain. Also, at some point England must assist some effort to humble Austria if the English King wishes to win this game-the big question is at what point will he decide to take action towards that point. I think my earlier analysis is still valid.

After a successful war against Austria and Spain the Ottoman Empire will have reach a zenith in power and glory. As long as England can maintain its lead, The O.E. will be safe in the number two spot. Should I overtake England, which is possible, it will be a fight for my life to combat England and its minions-which owe it dearly.

When I get going again on posting updates I will include some shots of the national comparisons. My intell on Austrian forces is still spotty, although sometimes I can see everything. Of course, I do have a good picture of their economic assets and training doctrines. What I can tell you now is that both Russia and Prussia have had long term problems with moral-ranging from the mid 100's to the mid 200,s. I really don't know why they are afflicted in this manner, but it has been long term. Also, Russia has built up the most massive force in existence.

All powers, except for Turkey seem to be racing ahead with a maximum buildup at this time. It may very well be that war will break out again this summer-it will be some aggression by someone other than me. Turkey can easily be at full strength if need be. Turkey is now gaining 48 in experience per quarter compared to 7 in 1792 (its Jan 1804 now). This amount will continue to increase, but it will certainly slow down. I am generally at the point of needing to build level 4 and 5 (and a couple special places, 6) barracks. At 56 in gold and 16, 24, 36 in textiles, it has become more difficult to keep going-but it is still going. One little thing creped up on me; a shortage of wood. I was concentrating on money and textiles so much I forgot that wood costs for barracks is the same as textiles-and textile production was double wood for many years. My large surplus has dissipated. The shortage will be handled with trade with France and possibly Russia.

Regarding an alliance with Russia; it may be possible, but I seem to have some difficulty in communication with the Czar. I am not sure if I can even work out a trade deal with him. An alliance would benefit both our Empires, I shall give it a try later on. The Czar has a peace treaty with Austria that is good for about another 2 years-this long separate from any surrender conditions.

Tophat1815 -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (6/10/2010 5:25:46 PM)

Can we get an economy adviser and army screen-shot set please? Trying to follow and learn from France and Turks.Love to see what/how Russia is doing things but such is life.

06 Maestro -> RE: Janissaries Forward! (6/11/2010 1:07:35 AM)

The year 1801 opens with the Ottoman Empire growing in power and confidence. However, there is no end in sight to the war with Austria. Although the Austrian Empire has clearly suffered more in this long war, it has some great resilience and some secret supporters. I am no longer fearful defeat, this war is keeps sapping the wealth and slowing down development of the O.E. There is no great joy of the continuation of this conflict-we are stuck in a strategic stalemate that may not be broken for many more years. If Turkish military doctrines were on a par with the Austrian Empires, this war would have been over by now. This is the great quandary; I cannot engage in building the required depots as long as the war lasts, but I cannot give up, or quit without some type of success.

To illustrate the military difficulties, I will show the current doctrines for The Ottoman Empire, and then Austria.


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