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Joined: 7/15/2005 Status: offline
Hi, Glory is how you win the game, remember that first and foremost (except for Path of Napoleon which we won't get into yet). In each scenario, unless you specify otherwise which you can do to suit your taste, you start at 0 and win at 1000. The best way to get glory is to force another nation to surrender. You also gain glory for owning target provinces (check under political goals), winning land and naval battles, and in advanced game, having high luxuries. You lose glory by losing battles (or a war!), losing certain target provinces (again check political goals), declaring war without cassus belli and defaulting on treaties. That covers most of it. Keep those objectives in mind before all else. The easiest thing to do I think is to establish your own sequence of play. That is, a rote set of procedures you do every turn in the same order. Once you get used to it, you will find you will start doing things 'out of order' more often as you optimize your sequence. However, a few basic things are always useful to check. Here's an example of mine (this isn't set in stone and indeed I may have altered this even between my own posts). Events I) Check event report (I click the option to have it come up automatically but otherwise just click the event button) Diplomacy I) Check diplomacy screen or relationship 'quick' bar (the little r at the right of the screen) to be sure I know who likes and dislikes me. Sometimes you may miss a message that a war has lapsed or started. At least I seem to so I make it a habit to check the diplo screen. II) If desired, make treaties with other nations. III) Move diplomats and set actions Economy I) Check draft rates and readiness levels II) Move Merchants III) Develop Provinces IV) Buy units Move/Supply I) Move navies II) Move armies (including generals) III) Review and set depots - note this directly affects your economy too so pay attention! End turn! That's what I do in a nutshell. I've left off some of the details (like deciding if you want to make a protectorate) because you don't have to do every option to win the game. If you are looking for specific opening moves, that's much more difficult to talk about because there are so many different situations. Spain for example is tough to dominate with in any scenario. Good opening moves in 1805 are to try to consolidate your navy and start building up your forces to attack Portugal. Once you have Portugal you have a choice to go for North Africa or Naples. Both are much harder if you have lost the naval war with Britain (likely but not definitely). The problem with Spain in 1805 is it's just hard to beat France to 1000 but after a few games, you may find yourself losing to France by 200 pts everytime. Well then, just give them a 200 pt deficit (or you a 200 pt bonus) and it will make the game that much more exciting. Or up the difficulty level if you find you win too easy. Everyone is a bit different. Hope that's somewhat useful. PS Sweden is even tougher than spain in some ways. It's easy to learn with, but hard to win with. Attacking Danes can be somewhat risky but remember, you only need to conquer the capital. The risk is that if you see a flag superimposed on the country when you declare war, it very likely will go to that country and you will find you gave your opponent a free country! Anyway, after Denmark, try to get Mecklenburg and don't be afraid to pick on the Prussians but wait till they are occupied with someone else. Remember, it's about getting glory first and you get the most glory by forcing nations to surrender.