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RE: Request for Additional Beta Testers

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RE: Request for Additional Beta Testers - 8/24/2009 6:08:11 AM   


Posts: 1
Joined: 8/22/2009
Status: offline
I would love to help gewt his game to completion

1. Any previous experience in testing software.
no, my work job is system support for internet telco

2. Your experience of cardboard and paper World in Flames (we strive for equal numbers of Newbies and Grognards on the team)
c. Average - Currently playing WiF on a regular basis
i have group that plays every friday night

3. Your experience with CWIF (Australian Design Group's ealrier version of a computerized World in Flames).
b. Some

4. Your PC specification. (just the basics):
a. CPU speed   2.4 GHZ
b. 4GB RAM
c. Operating system  window XP ( desktop)  or vista ( laptop )
d. Screen resolution for your monitor(s)

5. Whether you have: (a) access to multiple computers for testing play over the Internet and/or (b) multiple email accounts for testing PBEM.
yes and yes

(in reply to 8amoreno)
Post #: 121
RE: Request for Additional Beta Testers - 8/24/2009 1:29:34 PM   

Posts: 4774
Joined: 4/6/2007
From: denmark
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ORIGINAL: Shannon V. OKeets

We are not accepting any more applicants at this time (August 5, 2009).

I thank all of you who asked to be beta testers. We had twice as many applicants as there are slots to be filled.

I will be sending Personal Messages (PMs) via this forum to the applicants we have chosen (13). If some of them have changed their minds, then I will augment the group until I get 13 who say yes.

Once I have 13 confirmed acceptances, I'll post the list of the people we accepted in this thread.



closed and as I understand it ...we will not ask of more beta testers before the release ...

< Message edited by michaelbaldur -- 8/24/2009 1:32:14 PM >


the wif rulebook is my bible

I work hard, not smart.

beta tester and Mwif expert

if you have questions or issues with the game, just contact me on

(in reply to Shannon V. OKeets)
Post #: 122
RE: Request for Additional Beta Testers - 9/24/2009 3:34:31 PM   

Posts: 817
Joined: 7/8/2005
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ORIGINAL: michaelbaldur
closed and as I understand it ...we will not ask of more beta testers before the release ...

I wouldn't say that. Periodically Steve opens up the beat for new testers as some leave. Currently he is on the second or third round if I remember correctly.


Integrity is what you do when nobody is watching.

(in reply to michaelbaldur)
Post #: 123
RE: Request for Additional Beta Testers - 10/26/2009 12:01:59 PM   


Posts: 1
Joined: 10/26/2009
Status: offline
1. Any previous experience in testing software.

2. Your experience of cardboard World in Flames (remember we need equal numbers of Newbies and Grognards on the team)
b. Recruit - Playing WiF occasionally (or played a lot a long time ago)

3. Your experience with CWIF (Australian Design Group's ealrier version of a computerized World in Flames.
a. None

4. Your PC specification. (just the basics):
a. P4 2Ghz
b. 1Gb
c. Windows XP
d. 1920 by 1440

< Message edited by Dalinski88 -- 10/26/2009 12:04:32 PM >

(in reply to Shannon V. OKeets)
Post #: 124
RE: Request for Additional Beta Testers - 8/31/2010 9:49:25 PM   
Shannon V. OKeets


Posts: 22095
Joined: 5/19/2005
From: Honolulu, Hawaii
Status: offline
[Acknowledgment: I copied most of this from the first post in this thread.]

I am looking to add ~4 beta testers. The current set of beta testers are putting in a lot of time and keeping me very busy, but I would like to get a few sets of fresh eyes looking at how the program executes.

If you are interested, then you should read the rest of this post and, if you are then still interested, simply post your reply within this thread.

I will leave this solicitation open for a week (through to September 7th, 2010) and then evaluate everyone that has posted a reply.
Before you reply to this post please consider the following:

Software testing is quite different from simply ‘playing’ the game. The focus of testing is not in playing the game, but in working as a team to help produce a great product.

Software testing takes time. Four to six hours every week (preferably across 2 or more sessions) is a reasonable estimate of the time required for a tester to stay in the loop on what’s happening and to give the software a good workout. If you are hoping to squeeze in just an hour of testing each week on a Sunday night somewhere between dinner time and watching the news, if just won't work. There won't be enough time to pick up the concepts of the game, download the latest patches, read & contribute to the private MWIF Development Forum and play through the game looking for bugs. Spending more time testing is obviously better, but only if you can keep good records of what you have tested and send me complete reports on any problems you have found. Telling me "it doesn't work" is a useless bug report.

Software testing takes patience. Testers are expected to respond to reasonable requests from the developer (that's me) to provide information about any problems they find. Sometimes that means running through the same boring ten minute long sequence of events half a dozen times and documenting the results so that you can help me reproduce the problem on my own computer.

If you have the time and energy to help, then please reply to this post, giving the following information:

1. Any previous experience in testing software.

2. Your experience of cardboard and paper World in Flames (we strive for equal numbers of Newbies and Grognards on the team)
a. Newbie - Never played WiF but it looks great
b. Recruit - Playing WiF occasionally (or played a lot a long time ago)
c. Average - Currently playing WiF on a regular basis
d. Grognard - Rules guru

3. Your experience with CWIF (Australian Design Group's version of computerized World in Flames).
a. None
b. Some
c. A lot

4. Your PC specification. (just the basics):
a. CPU speed
b. RAM
c. Operating system
d. Screen resolution for your monitor(s)

5. Whether you have: (a) access to multiple computers for testing play over the Internet and/or (b) multiple email accounts for testing PBEM.

If you are not sure how to find the specifications of your computer, then please ask.

< Message edited by Shannon V. OKeets -- 9/1/2010 6:47:38 PM >



Perfection is an elusive goal.

(in reply to Dalinski88)
Post #: 125
RE: Request for Additional Beta Testers - 9/1/2010 5:32:51 AM   


Posts: 3
Joined: 9/1/2010
Status: offline
Hi, I would love to sign up as a betatester if there is still room.

Partly to help out and also cause I love WIF! 

1. Any previous experience in testing software.

Yes quiet extensive testing! 

Beta Tester for, Populous,  powermonger, DK, Syndicate, EVE, DDO, Silk Road, Matrix online, LOTRO
Currently: Testing World of Tanks

2. Your experience of cardboard World in Flames (remember we need equal numbers of Newbies and Grognards on the team)
b. Average have played quiet a bit (when I can get a team together LOL!) longest period a game lasted was 6 months 1941

3. Your experience with CWIF (Australian Design Group's ealrier version of a computerized World in Flames.
a. None

4. Your PC specification. (just the basics):
a. DualCore 2.4 Ghz
b. 8Gb
c. XP 32bit 
d. Nvidia 9800 GT  1600 x 1200

5. Access to multiple computers for testing play over the Internet and/or (b) multiple email accounts for testing.
I have 2 mahines the above spec and a high end laptop.
Desktop is connected directly to highspeed fibre.
Laptop is wireless to 802.11N router and then Fibre.

Can test 3-5 hours most evenings.

Let me know if I can help out.

Regards Kirkland

(in reply to Peterk1)
Post #: 126
RE: Request for Additional Beta Testers - 9/1/2010 6:11:25 AM   


Posts: 141
Joined: 10/22/2006
From: Sweden
Status: offline

I would really like to be a beta tester for MWiF.

The questions:
1. I have no earlier experience of testing software.
2. I would say between recruite and average on this one. Have always had a game going on (but only facist tide) since 2007.
3. None.
4. a. DualCore 2.6 GHz
b. 4 Gb RAM
c. Vista 64 bit
d. 1920x1080, NVIDIA GeForce GTS 250
5. Just one computer but lots of email accounts.


(in reply to kirkland)
Post #: 127
RE: Request for Additional Beta Testers - 9/1/2010 3:36:40 PM   


Posts: 3
Joined: 9/1/2010
Status: offline
Is the testing closed?

< Message edited by kirkland -- 9/1/2010 3:37:07 PM >

(in reply to 8amoreno)
Post #: 128
RE: Request for Additional Beta Testers - 9/1/2010 6:52:58 PM   
Shannon V. OKeets


Posts: 22095
Joined: 5/19/2005
From: Honolulu, Hawaii
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ORIGINAL: kirkland

Is the testing closed?

I am not sure what you mean. I revised my post (#125) to make it clear that this 'round' of request for beta testers is open until September 9, 2010.

I will not review any applications until that time - thereby giving everyone a equal chance, regardless of when they said they were interested.

If what you mean by 'closed' is that you need to sign a non-disclosure agreement, then Yes, the beta testers are not permitted to disclose information about the game in development.



Perfection is an elusive goal.

(in reply to kirkland)
Post #: 129
RE: Request for Additional Beta Testers - 9/1/2010 7:25:14 PM   


Posts: 3
Joined: 9/1/2010
Status: offline
Thanks for clarifying Steve,

Assume you have my request to volunteer,

Look forward to hearing your decision in due course.

Regards Kirk

(in reply to Shannon V. OKeets)
Post #: 130
RE: Request for Additional Beta Testers - 9/1/2010 11:43:43 PM   


Posts: 543
Joined: 8/16/2002
Status: offline
I'm in!

1. Any previous experience in testing software.
Worked extensively on FAA training software used to train Air Traffic Controllers

2. Your experience of cardboard and paper World in Flames (we strive for equal numbers of Newbies and Grognards on the team)

c. Average - Currently playing WiF on a regular basis
I play almost weekly.

3. Your experience with CWIF (Australian Design Group's version of computerized World in Flames).
a. None

4. Your PC specification. (just the basics):
a. CPU speed: 2.6 ghz quad core
b. RAM : 8 gigs
c. Operating system : Windows 7 64 bit (multiple machines with XP)
d. Screen resolution for your monitor(s) : 1900 x 1200

5. Whether you have: (a) access to multiple computers for testing play over the Internet and/or (b) multiple email accounts for testing PBEM. yes and yes


San Diego
Home of the World's Busiest Radar Approach Control

(in reply to kirkland)
Post #: 131
RE: Request for Additional Beta Testers - 9/2/2010 1:05:06 PM   


Posts: 99
Joined: 11/24/2005
From: adelaide, australia
Status: offline
Hey Steve

(1) previous software testing- asked to be a beta tester on CWIF, signed up but never really as able to contribute
(2) experience- average to grongard
(3) CWIF- see above
(4) no idea what so ever


(in reply to Shannon V. OKeets)
Post #: 132
RE: Request for Additional Beta Testers - 9/2/2010 6:39:35 PM   
Shannon V. OKeets


Posts: 22095
Joined: 5/19/2005
From: Honolulu, Hawaii
Status: offline


ORIGINAL: christo

Hey Steve

(1) previous software testing- asked to be a beta tester on CWIF, signed up but never really as able to contribute
(2) experience- average to grongard
(3) CWIF- see above
(4) no idea what so ever



To find out your system specifications:

If you are running Windows (pretty much any version) you should have a Start icon. Clicking on that should display a menu item Control Panel. Clicking on Control Panel should bring up a submenu which includes System. Clicking on System displays a bunch of information. In particular I am interested in:
Windows edition
Installed memory
System type

For my system these are:
Windows 7 Home Premium
Intel Core i7 CPU 920 @ 2.67 GHz 2.67 GHz (yes, it appears twice - dual core I believe)
12.0 GB
64-bit Operating System

To find out your monitor(s) specifications:

Right click anywhere on the Windows desktop display. You should get a menu that includes the words Control Panel or Screen Resolution. The latter is easier to use since I just want to know the pixel width and height you use for your monitor.

I have two monitors, each of them has a screen resolution of "1900 x 1080 (recommended)".



Perfection is an elusive goal.

(in reply to christo)
Post #: 133
RE: Request for Additional Beta Testers - 9/2/2010 6:59:50 PM   


Posts: 9
Joined: 5/10/2007
Status: offline
1. Any previous experience in testing software.

I was one of Chris' testers for cwif...I have tested lots of other software including things like the Advanced squad leader Gap and the first combat mission and just recently making history 2(came in at the end)...

2. Your experience of cardboard and paper World in Flames (we strive for equal numbers of Newbies and Grognards on the team)
B. room for the paper game anymore...

3. Your experience with CWIF (Australian Design Group's version of computerized World in Flames).
c. A lot  as I said I tested Cwif... still play a little

4. Your PC specification. (just the basics):
a. CPU speed i7 860 @ 2.8 ghz 2.8 ghz
b. RAM 6 gigs
c. Operating system  xp all service packs
d. Screen resolution for your monitor(s) 1920 x1200

5. Whether you have: (a) access to multiple computers for testing play over the Internet and/or (b) multiple email accounts for testing PBEM.
Yes I have assess to other computers and to other email accounts..

(in reply to Shannon V. OKeets)
Post #: 134
RE: Request for Additional Beta Testers - 9/8/2010 3:16:07 AM   
Mike Dubost


Posts: 273
Joined: 8/24/2008
From: Sacramento, CA
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ORIGINAL: Shannon V. OKeets

If you have the time and energy to help, then please reply to this post, giving the following information:

1. Any previous experience in testing software.

2. Your experience of cardboard and paper World in Flames (we strive for equal numbers of Newbies and Grognards on the team)
a. Newbie - Never played WiF but it looks great
b. Recruit - Playing WiF occasionally (or played a lot a long time ago)
c. Average - Currently playing WiF on a regular basis
d. Grognard - Rules guru

3. Your experience with CWIF (Australian Design Group's version of computerized World in Flames).
a. None
b. Some
c. A lot

4. Your PC specification. (just the basics):
a. CPU speed
b. RAM
c. Operating system
d. Screen resolution for your monitor(s)

5. Whether you have: (a) access to multiple computers for testing play over the Internet and/or (b) multiple email accounts for testing PBEM.

If you are not sure how to find the specifications of your computer, then please ask.

I'll throw my hat in the ring.

1. I have limited experience with software testing, mostly validation of software for the pharmaceutical industry. Basically, read the User Requirement Specification and the manuals, and determine what situations matter, and what the expected responses are. Then, set up inputs / scenarios to create the conditions, and verify that the expected response occurs.

2. Recruit. Played some nearly 25 years ago, but WiF final edition experience limited to CWiF.

3. A lot of experience in CWiF.

4. 64 x2 Dual Core 3.0 GHz,
3.0 GB RAM
Windows Vista
Monitor 1440 x 900

5. I only have one monitor, but I do have 2 email accounts.

(in reply to Shannon V. OKeets)
Post #: 135
RE: Request for Additional Beta Testers - 9/8/2010 12:12:04 PM   


Posts: 99
Joined: 11/24/2005
From: adelaide, australia
Status: offline
Thanks Steve

Windows 7 professional
Intel (R) core i5 CPU 750 @ 2.67 GHz 2.66
64 bit

monitor currently 1280 x 1024 but plan on buying a decent 27 inch very soon



ORIGINAL: Shannon V. OKeets


ORIGINAL: christo

Hey Steve

(1) previous software testing- asked to be a beta tester on CWIF, signed up but never really as able to contribute
(2) experience- average to grongard
(3) CWIF- see above
(4) no idea what so ever



To find out your system specifications:

If you are running Windows (pretty much any version) you should have a Start icon. Clicking on that should display a menu item Control Panel. Clicking on Control Panel should bring up a submenu which includes System. Clicking on System displays a bunch of information. In particular I am interested in:
Windows edition
Installed memory
System type

For my system these are:
Windows 7 Home Premium
Intel Core i7 CPU 920 @ 2.67 GHz 2.67 GHz (yes, it appears twice - dual core I believe)
12.0 GB
64-bit Operating System

To find out your monitor(s) specifications:

Right click anywhere on the Windows desktop display. You should get a menu that includes the words Control Panel or Screen Resolution. The latter is easier to use since I just want to know the pixel width and height you use for your monitor.

I have two monitors, each of them has a screen resolution of "1900 x 1080 (recommended)".

(in reply to Shannon V. OKeets)
Post #: 136
RE: Request for Additional Beta Testers - 9/8/2010 2:16:25 PM   


Posts: 145
Joined: 9/8/2010
Status: offline
I'm quite interested if I'm not too late !

1. Any previous experience in testing software.
4 years of Beta Testing for an annualy released cycling game (Pro Cycling Manager), as a fan of the serie

2. Your experience of cardboard and paper World in Flames (we strive for equal numbers of Newbies and Grognards on the team)
c. Average - Currently playing WiF on a regular basis
I played the 5th edition and now the Final one, almost with the same group.

3. Your experience with CWIF (Australian Design Group's ealrier version of a computerized World in Flames).
a. None

4. Your PC specification. (just the basics):
a. CPU speed 2.4 GHZ
b. 3GB RAM
c. Operating system Windows XP
d. Screen resolution for your monitor=1280x800

5. Whether you have: (a) access to multiple computers for testing play over the Internet and/or (b) multiple email accounts for testing PBEM.
yes to both

< Message edited by Pipoufle -- 9/8/2010 2:50:26 PM >

(in reply to calman)
Post #: 137
RE: Request for Additional Beta Testers - 9/9/2010 1:02:07 AM   
Shannon V. OKeets


Posts: 22095
Joined: 5/19/2005
From: Honolulu, Hawaii
Status: offline
Since only there were only 7 applicants, I've decided to accept all 7.


So, Kirkland,
Mike Dubost, and
Pipoufle, you need to send me personal message (PM) with your real names and an email address.

That will let me reply by email with information on the process of becoming registered with Matrix Games as a MWIF beta tester.

Thank you for offering to help.




Perfection is an elusive goal.

(in reply to Pipoufle)
Post #: 138
RE: Request for Additional Beta Testers - 9/9/2010 5:50:23 AM   


Posts: 11
Joined: 5/28/2010
Status: offline
Shannon, doh! I missed the last couple of weeks. I'll fill it in hoping..... :D

1. Any previous experience in testing software.

2005-present: Firaxis Games - Civ4, Warlords, Beyond the Sword, Civ4 Colonization, CivCity Rome, Civilization V (ending so will have time for this)

2. Your experience of cardboard and paper World in Flames (we strive for equal numbers of Newbies and Grognards on the team)
a. Newbie - Never played WiF but it looks great
b. Recruit - Playing WiF occasionally (or played a lot a long time ago)
c. Average - Currently playing WiF on a regular basis
d. Grognard - Rules guru

b - Used to play 3-4 nights a week years ago, but not in the last 10 years.

3. Your experience with CWIF (Australian Design Group's version of computerized World in Flames).
a. None
b. Some
c. A lot

a - None

4. Your PC specification. (just the basics):
a. CPU speed
b. RAM
c. Operating system
d. Screen resolution for your monitor(s)

I've got a Toshiba Satellite A300 laptop: Core 2 Duo 2.1, 4 GB RAM, Win7, 1280x800

5. Whether you have: (a) access to multiple computers for testing play over the Internet and/or (b) multiple email accounts for testing PBEM.

a - No
b - Yes

(in reply to Shannon V. OKeets)
Post #: 139
RE: Request for Additional Beta Testers - 9/9/2010 11:39:14 AM   


Posts: 3
Joined: 9/9/2010
Status: offline
See this is what happens when you go away for a few weeks

If it is not too late to put may hat in the ring, I would like to volunteer.

No previous testing of software.

b - several years ago and then only solo games.

b - still have it somewhere knocking about and occasionally boot it up for a quick few turns.

a. AMD Athlon 64 x 2 6000+ 3.0 GHz.
b. 4GB.
c. Windows 7 Ultimate
d. 1280 x 1024.

a. Yes.
b. Yes.

Though I have only registered, I have been mainly a lurker - till now.
As before, sorry for late application and I hope you accept me.

(in reply to DaleKent)
Post #: 140
RE: Request for Additional Beta Testers - 9/10/2010 1:57:44 PM   


Posts: 141
Joined: 10/22/2006
From: Sweden
Status: offline
Steve, have you recieved any PM from me?

I´ve tried to send a PM twice but im not sure it gets through. I get a network problem message when I press send?!


(in reply to gatowone11)
Post #: 141
RE: Request for Additional Beta Testers - 9/10/2010 4:42:04 PM   
Shannon V. OKeets


Posts: 22095
Joined: 5/19/2005
From: Honolulu, Hawaii
Status: offline


ORIGINAL: bredsjomagnus

Steve, have you recieved any PM from me?

I´ve tried to send a PM twice but im not sure it gets through. I get a network problem message when I press send?!


No I haven't. Try email:



Perfection is an elusive goal.

(in reply to bredsjomagnus)
Post #: 142
RE: Request for Additional Beta Testers - 9/10/2010 4:45:49 PM   
Shannon V. OKeets


Posts: 22095
Joined: 5/19/2005
From: Honolulu, Hawaii
Status: offline
This round of applying to be a beta tester is now closed (September 10, 2010).

My thanks to all that applied.



Perfection is an elusive goal.

(in reply to Shannon V. OKeets)
Post #: 143
RE: Request for Additional Beta Testers - 3/20/2011 8:25:32 PM   
Shannon V. OKeets


Posts: 22095
Joined: 5/19/2005
From: Honolulu, Hawaii
Status: offline
[Acknowledgment: I copied most of this from the first post in this thread.]

I am looking to add ~4 beta testers. The current set of beta testers are putting in a lot of time and keeping me very busy, but I would like to get a few sets of fresh eyes looking at how the program executes.

If you are interested, then you should read the rest of this post and, if you are then still interested, simply post your reply within this thread.

I will leave this solicitation open for 9 days (through to March 28th, 2011) and then evaluate everyone that has posted a reply.
Before you reply to this post please consider the following:

Software testing is quite different from ‘playing’ the game. The focus of testing is not in playing the game per se, but in working as a team to help produce a great product.

Software testing takes time. Four to six hours every week (preferably across 2 or more sessions) is a reasonable estimate of the time required for a tester to stay in the loop on what’s happening and to give the software a good workout. If you are hoping to squeeze in just an hour of testing each week on a Sunday night somewhere between dinner time and watching the news, it just won't work. There won't be enough time to pick up the concepts of the game, download the latest patches, read & contribute to the private MWIF Development Forum and play through the game looking for bugs. Spending more time testing is obviously better, but only if you can keep good records of what you have tested and send me complete reports on any problems you have found. Telling me "it doesn't work" is a useless bug report.

Software testing takes patience. Testers are expected to respond to reasonable requests from the developer (that's me) to provide information about any problems they find. Sometimes that means running through the same boring ten minute long sequence of events half a dozen times and documenting the results so that you can help me reproduce the problem on my own computer.

If you have the time and energy to help, then please reply to this post, providing the following information:

1. Any previous experience testing software.

2. Your experience of cardboard and paper World in Flames (we strive for equal numbers of Newbies and Grognards on the team)
a. Newbie - Never played WiF (but it looks great)
b. Recruit - Playing WiF occasionally (or played a lot a long time ago)
c. Average - Currently playing WiF on a regular basis
d. Grognard - Rules guru

3. Your experience with CWIF (Australian Design Group's version of computerized World in Flames).
a. None
b. Some
c. A lot

4. Your PC specification. (just the basics):
a. CPU speed
b. RAM
c. Operating system
d. Screen resolution for your monitor(s)

5. Whether you have: (a) access to multiple computers for testing play over the Internet and/or (b) multiple email accounts for testing PBEM.

If you are not sure how to find the specifications of your computer, then please ask.



Perfection is an elusive goal.

(in reply to Shannon V. OKeets)
Post #: 144
RE: Request for Additional Beta Testers - 3/20/2011 10:43:08 PM   


Posts: 67
Joined: 10/21/2009
Status: offline
WiF has always been a favorite of mine and I'd love a chance to lend a hand.

1. I've tested numerous software titles over the years though I haven't tested any wargames/strategy games with the the exception of the Europa Universalis series.

2. Recruit - There was a time I played heavily but not in the last few years (devilish pets and toddlers)

3. None

4a. 3.33 GHz i7 980x
4b. 6 GHz RAM
4c. Win 7 Ultimate
4d. 1920x1200

5a. Yes, a quad core gaming laptop (circa 2008) capable of the same reso above.
5b. No, but it is easy enough to make another secure email acct.

If there is anything else you need to know, feel free to PM me.

(in reply to Shannon V. OKeets)
Post #: 145
RE: Request for Additional Beta Testers - 3/21/2011 2:47:03 AM   


Posts: 84
Joined: 2/23/2011
Status: offline

Very long time lurker coming into the light... it burns...

1 -
My previous employment required writing scripts and testing procedures for custom software using Loadrunner 8. A very long ago I helped test ADC2 AETO (Advanced European Theater of Operations) I'm in the credits somewhere.

b. Recruit. Grognard 15+ years ago. The ping-pong tabletop in the spare bedroom had to go when I got married :)

a. None.

a. Intel(R) Core(TM) 2 Duo CPU E8400 @3.00GHz 3.6GHz (I've overclocked to 3.6GHz)
b. 8 GB
c. Windows 7 Professional 64-bit Operating System
d. 1680 x 1050 Single Dell E228WFP Monitor

a. no.
b. yes.

(in reply to Shannon V. OKeets)
Post #: 146
RE: Request for Additional Beta Testers - 3/21/2011 6:12:22 PM   


Posts: 40
Joined: 7/6/2006
Status: offline
1. No software testing experience. I have ~3 years of computer programming experience, and I can do basic debugging routines.

2. c, average. I've been playing WiFFE for five or six years now.

3. None.

- Intel Q9300 (2.5GHz, 4 cores)
- 8 GB DDR2
- Windows 7 Professional x64
- 1600x1200 and 1440x900

(a) Possibly. My second machine is a Toshiba NB205 running Ubuntu - it's probably underpowered, but I enjoy trying to make games run on it. In addition, I may pick up a new laptop relatively soon.
(b) Yes.

Thanks for the chance to help out make this game great!

< Message edited by lordzyplon -- 3/21/2011 6:13:25 PM >

(in reply to Villain)
Post #: 147
RE: Request for Additional Beta Testers - 3/22/2011 2:14:40 AM   


Posts: 1333
Joined: 10/9/2009
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I've got some time open now (10 hrs/week) and that will last at least through fall and would like to help.

1. No game testing, but 20 years of corporate finance. Used to data base management and reporting functions (Crystal Reports for the last 10 years), as well as complex spreadsheets.

2. A (Newbie) Own final edition and set up the Pacific scenario and played around with it for a couple of months before realizing it could not be played in solitaire mode.

3. None

4. a) AMD Quad core 3.40 GHz
b) 8 GB RAM
c) Windows 7 Home Premium
d) 1280 x 1024

5. a) Have of couple of "old" computers with XP still laying around. (Used for backup storage at present)
b) Multiple email accounts (hotmail, comcast)

(in reply to lordzyplon)
Post #: 148
RE: Request for Additional Beta Testers - 3/22/2011 2:41:52 AM   


Posts: 35
Joined: 11/26/2010
Status: offline
I am not working right now, so can devote a ton of time.
1) Beta tester for the following: Battlefield Academy (through Slitherine a year ago), Making History - 1 (before MH2 and before MH Gold), Beta tester for Windows 7 a few years ago. I own like a dozen matrix games currently.

2) Newbie to WIF, but I have been playing board games since the 1970s, and computer PC games since the 80s.

3) zero

4) windows 7, Ultimate edition, 64-bit, triple quad AMD core 2.2 Ghz, 4.00 GB Ram, resolution i run at 1600 x 900

I would love to help out, and although zero background with WIF, I have experience with time of wrath, World at war (gary grisby), making history, strategic command and the expansions, empire, third reich, and others over the years....

(in reply to Cad908)
Post #: 149
RE: Request for Additional Beta Testers - 3/22/2011 3:43:29 AM   

Posts: 35
Joined: 3/22/2011
Status: offline
1. Any previous experience testing software.
Professional QA Engineer, 15+ years experience with small and large companies. Profile available at

2. Your experience of cardboard and paper World in Flames
b. Recruit - (played a lot a long time ago)

3. Your experience with CWIF (Australian Design Group's version of computerized World in Flames).
a. None

4. Your PC specification. (just the basics):
a. CPU speed 2.5GhZ Quad i7
b. RAM 9 GB
c. Operating system Windows 7 Professional
d. Screen resolution for your monitor(s) 1920x1080.

5. Whether you have: (a) access to multiple computers for testing play over the Internet and/or (b) multiple email accounts for testing PBEM.
(Unable to test within those parameters)

(in reply to collegeprof)
Post #: 150
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