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RE: On Top of the Boardwalk - 9/28/2010 4:46:44 PM   


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(in reply to Cap Mandrake)
Post #: 1951
RE: On Top of the Boardwalk - 9/28/2010 5:02:14 PM   

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ORIGINAL: Cap Mandrake

or one of the Jap admirals is taking his prep for his colonoscopy and cant sit at the keyboard long enough....

Don't remind me. I am due for one of those............

(in reply to Cap Mandrake)
Post #: 1952
RE: On Top of the Boardwalk - 9/28/2010 5:03:52 PM   
Cap Mandrake

Posts: 23184
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From: Southern California
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OK..I sort of understand ship withdrawals and kinda sort of understand plane withdrawals....but how do I do LCU withdrawals (pretend I didn't read the rules)? I have some USN support units due back somewhere in 40 days. There is no withdraw button. Do they go to Pearl or the US...Panama?

(in reply to Smeulders)
Post #: 1953
RE: On Top of the Boardwalk - 9/28/2010 5:05:13 PM   

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What do you mean pretend you didn't the rules? I don't think we have to pretend

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Post #: 1954
RE: On Top of the Boardwalk - 9/28/2010 5:07:20 PM   
Cap Mandrake

Posts: 23184
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From: Southern California
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ORIGINAL: BrucePowers


ORIGINAL: Cap Mandrake

or one of the Jap admirals is taking his prep for his colonoscopy and cant sit at the keyboard long enough....

Don't remind me. I am due for one of those............

Don't be a sissy. I know an ENT surgeon who watched his own colonoscopy on the monitor without anesthesisa. Wisely, he chose not to try to do it himself.

< Message edited by Cap Mandrake -- 9/28/2010 5:08:23 PM >

(in reply to BrucePowers)
Post #: 1955
RE: On Top of the Boardwalk - 9/28/2010 5:10:32 PM   

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I've had one. They used memory blockers. I remember going in and coming out. That's it. It's just that it's a two day event with the "prep".

(in reply to Cap Mandrake)
Post #: 1956
RE: On Top of the Boardwalk - 9/28/2010 5:14:35 PM   


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ORIGINAL: Cap Mandrake

OK..I sort of understand ship withdrawals and kinda sort of understand plane withdrawals....but how do I do LCU withdrawals (pretend I didn't read the rules)? I have some USN support units due back somewhere in 40 days. There is no withdraw button. Do they go to Pearl or the US...Panama?

You don't have to do anything. They pack their own bags and even clean up after themselves. Except for the French, they leave behind empty wine bottles to show the Americans taking over their positions that even in the middle of the war they know how to enjoy themselves.

(in reply to Cap Mandrake)
Post #: 1957
RE: On Top of the Boardwalk - 9/28/2010 5:23:04 PM   
Onime No Kyo

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ORIGINAL: Cap Mandrake

No turn yet in the inbox. This could mean Zuikaku, Juno and Hiryu sunk....or it could be the honey-do list...or one of the Jap admirals is taking his prep for his colonoscopy and cant sit at the keyboard long enough....

So, I decide to get my daughter out of the house to achieve a cease fire in the Battle of the XX Titans. I take her shopping and buy her some clothes and shoes....that usually makes females happy....right? Anyway, I drop her off in Laguna Beach to see her deadbeat boyfriend and it is a beautiful day so I decide to read on the boardwalk at main beach. I pick up a $9 copy of Miracle at Midway and start reading. I am reading about faint IJN praise for the Coral Sea operation and there is an evangelical surfer lecturing 3 guys to my left. They are listening attentively as he talks about how he gave up the waves for Jesus. The guy is just a word machine. I go back to my reading and I am reading about defensive preparations on Midway and, when I look up, two young women who have been on the beach are getting ready to leave. One of them has a really, really nice body which has been enhanced by the E. I Dupont de Nemours company. Also, her dentist would be happy because she flosses regularly if you catch my drift. I am powerless. I start watching the show. So do the three guys to my left. It is an entirely intentional show too. She takes about 3 minutes to put on this little cover-up thing, arching her back and advertising her wares the whole time. The two woman are now done prepping and begin heading up the beach right at me and the evangelical surfer. The tension rises. Muscles involuntarily flex. Guts suck in. Now the work of the chemists at Dupont comes into full view. I think to myself, "science is great". The deadly cargo approaches. Madre de Dios! They mean to climb up on the boardwalk right between us! How long do I dare look? At the last second they turn to starboard and will pass right in front of the evangelist. His voice rises half an octave. Cleverly, he calls to his proteges, "Let us pray". They bow their heads...sort of. He starts the Lord's prayer..."Our Father..".

The jiggling becomes almost unbearable. The little cover-up thing is hung up on the floss holder on one side so the show doesn't end as they pass by. This is it..perigee..point of closest approach to the group to my left. His voice grows louder..."...AND LEAD US NOT INTO TEMPTATION"....

I say a prayer myself, "Thank you Jesus for the hot weather and the
E. I Dupont de Nemours company."

Glad to see that youve finally accepted Christ as your personal lord and savior....or is it the duPont company, I cant tell.


"Mighty is the Thread! Great are its works and insane are its inhabitants!" -Brother Mynok

(in reply to Cap Mandrake)
Post #: 1958
RE: On Top of the Boardwalk - 9/28/2010 5:23:29 PM   
Onime No Kyo

Posts: 16842
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ORIGINAL: Smeulders


ORIGINAL: Cap Mandrake

OK..I sort of understand ship withdrawals and kinda sort of understand plane withdrawals....but how do I do LCU withdrawals (pretend I didn't read the rules)? I have some USN support units due back somewhere in 40 days. There is no withdraw button. Do they go to Pearl or the US...Panama?

You don't have to do anything. They pack their own bags and even clean up after themselves. Except for the French, they leave behind empty wine bottles to show the Americans taking over their positions that even in the middle of the war they know how to enjoy themselves.

Dont even ask for cab fare?


"Mighty is the Thread! Great are its works and insane are its inhabitants!" -Brother Mynok

(in reply to Smeulders)
Post #: 1959
Aftermath - 9/28/2010 5:27:07 PM   
Cap Mandrake

Posts: 23184
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From: Southern California
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ORIGINAL: Smeulders


ORIGINAL: Cap Mandrake

OK..I sort of understand ship withdrawals and kinda sort of understand plane withdrawals....but how do I do LCU withdrawals (pretend I didn't read the rules)? I have some USN support units due back somewhere in 40 days. There is no withdraw button. Do they go to Pearl or the US...Panama?

You don't have to do anything. They pack their own bags and even clean up after themselves. Except for the French, they leave behind empty wine bottles to show the Americans taking over their positions that even in the middle of the war they know how to enjoy themselves.

Ah, thanks. Then I can concentrate on planning for the invasion of Honshu.

(in reply to Smeulders)
Post #: 1960
RE: Aftermath - 9/28/2010 5:42:48 PM   
Onime No Kyo

Posts: 16842
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Why? Its terrible this time of year. Why dont you invade something a bit more enticing?


"Mighty is the Thread! Great are its works and insane are its inhabitants!" -Brother Mynok

(in reply to Cap Mandrake)
Post #: 1961
RE: Aftermath - 9/28/2010 5:43:46 PM   
Cap Mandrake

Posts: 23184
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From: Southern California
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ORIGINAL: Onime No Kyo

Why? Its terrible this time of year. Why dont you invade something a bit more enticing?

Like the Kuriles?

(in reply to Onime No Kyo)
Post #: 1962
RE: Aftermath - 9/28/2010 6:15:10 PM   

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Venice Beach.


"Measure civilization by the ability of citizens to mock government with impunity" -- Unknown

(in reply to Cap Mandrake)
Post #: 1963
RE: On Top of the Boardwalk - 9/28/2010 9:45:19 PM   

Posts: 2576
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ORIGINAL: Smeulders


ORIGINAL: Cap Mandrake

OK..I sort of understand ship withdrawals and kinda sort of understand plane withdrawals....but how do I do LCU withdrawals (pretend I didn't read the rules)? I have some USN support units due back somewhere in 40 days. There is no withdraw button. Do they go to Pearl or the US...Panama?

You don't have to do anything. They pack their own bags and even clean up after themselves. Except for the French, they leave behind empty wine bottles to show the Americans taking over their positions that even in the middle of the war they know how to enjoy themselves.

Hey, why not after all ? If we can manage to enjoy something !! ( no offense).


(in reply to Smeulders)
Post #: 1964
RE: Op Consanguinity - 9/28/2010 9:53:18 PM   

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ORIGINAL: sprior

May 21st 1942. Noumea fell. Arse.

Simon....errr, sorry.
Lord Admiral Sprior, could you, please, ask very politely to Admiral Cap Mandrake to save wathever can be save at La Foa ?
I mean, you know, the whine bottles, the beer can, the cheese, the bread and all that stuff.
Also if you evacuate, accordingt to the last joke on The Thread !!! ( ), the French should go to "Cooperation with the ennemy" mode....and that is not politicaly correct .
If ever none of you could assist in the survival of French Territory, and according you don't care about De Gaulle advice, well, so be it.
Your sincerely, etc etc....


(in reply to sprior)
Post #: 1965
RE: Aftermath - 9/28/2010 11:23:35 PM   
Onime No Kyo

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Venice Beach.

Went to HS there. I could serve as a beachmaster, but to be honest, theres not much there to be had.


"Mighty is the Thread! Great are its works and insane are its inhabitants!" -Brother Mynok

(in reply to Mynok)
Post #: 1966
RE: Op Consanguinity - 9/28/2010 11:26:27 PM   
Onime No Kyo

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The French dude has a point. They do have the best wine on the map at La Foa. I've tried that Australian stuff....


"Mighty is the Thread! Great are its works and insane are its inhabitants!" -Brother Mynok

(in reply to gladiatt)
Post #: 1967
RE: Op Consanguinity - 9/28/2010 11:38:57 PM   
Cap Mandrake

Posts: 23184
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Enough already with the talk of surrender at La Foa...(you can say the real names now because the code books were likely captured at New Edinburgh...I mean Noumea).

The Japs laid on a big attack at La Foa today but were sent packing with 5,000 casualties...perhaps 1,500 KIA. Of course, the supplies will be near bingo.

I should be able to get out more of the carrier capable planes.

My estimate for the number of Jap IJA/IJN ground KIA's for the New Scotland operation at 8-10K but it could be much more. Their ground units at Noumea and La Foa will have lost much of their vehicles including many, many tanks. This makes me feel better but the inevitable loss of the boys at La Foa will hurt.

I have the staff working on diversion/counterattack options. They may have shortchanged their defences somewhere.

< Message edited by Cap Mandrake -- 9/28/2010 11:47:25 PM >

(in reply to Onime No Kyo)
Post #: 1968
RE: Op Consanguinity - 9/29/2010 12:34:33 AM   
Onime No Kyo

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ORIGINAL: Cap Mandrake
This makes me feel better but the inevitable loss of the boys at La Foa will hurt.

Look on the bright side, Cap. Think of the awesome movies they'll be making about this 60 years later.


"Mighty is the Thread! Great are its works and insane are its inhabitants!" -Brother Mynok

(in reply to Cap Mandrake)
Post #: 1969
RE: On Top of the Boardwalk - 9/29/2010 5:40:57 AM   

Posts: 403
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From: Placer County CA
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ORIGINAL: Cap Mandrake

I know an ENT surgeon who watched his own colonoscopy on the monitor without anesthesisa. Wisely, he chose not to try to do it himself.

Reminds me of an old internship joke:

Question: What do you have when a Gastroenterologist looks into a sigmoidoscope?

Answer: "Poop" looking at "poop." The GI surgeons used to think that was hilarious, although "poop" wasn't exactly the term they used...

BTW, I bet that ENT surgeon got a little excited when his nasopharynx came into view towards the end of the procedure---Me, I'd take the concious sedation.


"The Yankees got all the smart ones, and look where it got them."

General George Pickett, the night before Gettysburg

(in reply to Cap Mandrake)
Post #: 1970
RE: On Top of the Boardwalk - 9/29/2010 6:12:23 AM   

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ORIGINAL: Moondawggie


ORIGINAL: Cap Mandrake

I know an ENT surgeon who watched his own colonoscopy on the monitor without anesthesisa. Wisely, he chose not to try to do it himself.

Reminds me of an old internship joke:

Question: What do you have when a Gastroenterologist looks into a sigmoidoscope?

Answer: "Poop" looking at "poop." The GI surgeons used to think that was hilarious, although "poop" wasn't exactly the term they used...

BTW, I bet that ENT surgeon got a little excited when his nasopharynx came into view towards the end of the procedure---Me, I'd take the concious sedation.

Good lord, I am so out of depth with this conversation, and I think that's the way I'd like it to stay (yes?)


Image courtesy of Divepac

(in reply to Moondawggie)
Post #: 1971
RE: On Top of the Boardwalk - 9/29/2010 8:41:12 AM   

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From: Portsmouth, UK
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Good lord, I am so out of depth with this conversation, and I think that's the way I'd like it to stay

I guess war is a bit like the endoscope, sometime you just have to bend over and take it.


"Grown ups are what's left when skool is finished."
"History started badly and hav been geting steadily worse."
- Nigel Molesworth.

(in reply to aprezto)
Post #: 1972
RE: On Top of the Boardwalk - 9/29/2010 12:56:23 PM   

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From: San Antonio, TX
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ORIGINAL: sprior


Good lord, I am so out of depth with this conversation, and I think that's the way I'd like it to stay

I guess war is a bit like the endoscope, sometime you just have to bend over and take it.

Speaking of BOHICA, what's up with your next turn?


(in reply to sprior)
Post #: 1973
RE: On Top of the Boardwalk - 9/29/2010 3:18:35 PM   

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Just another normal "Allies advancing victoriously on all fronts"/"IJN kicks wimpy westerners"* turn

*Delete that which does not apply.


"Grown ups are what's left when skool is finished."
"History started badly and hav been geting steadily worse."
- Nigel Molesworth.

(in reply to Chickenboy)
Post #: 1974
RE: On Top of the Boardwalk - 9/29/2010 5:17:54 PM   

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So, something like this then?


ORIGINAL: sprior

"Allies kicks wimpy westerners"* turn


(in reply to sprior)
Post #: 1975
RE: On Top of the Boardwalk - 9/29/2010 5:47:29 PM   
Cap Mandrake

Posts: 23184
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I swear, some of you sociopaths probably laughed when Bambi's mother got shot.

(in reply to Chickenboy)
Post #: 1976
RE: On Top of the Boardwalk - 9/29/2010 5:53:50 PM   
Cap Mandrake

Posts: 23184
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I propose some other turn outcome options:

1) A brilliant plan executed flawlessly, making Inchon look like Operation Tiger.

2) Another day of attrition warfare as the Imperail war machine is slowly ground to dust.

3) There was a bright flash in the western sky followed by a huge cloud that reached the heavens.


4) I can't believe these crappy die rolls.

5) Man, that was seriously gamey.

6) This game is so Borked.

(in reply to Cap Mandrake)
Post #: 1977
RE: On Top of the Boardwalk - 9/29/2010 5:59:04 PM   

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ORIGINAL: Cap Mandrake

I swear, some of you sociopaths probably laughed when Bambi's mother got shot.

Laugh, no. Get hungry, yes.


"Measure civilization by the ability of citizens to mock government with impunity" -- Unknown

(in reply to Cap Mandrake)
Post #: 1978
RE: On Top of the Boardwalk - 9/29/2010 7:10:32 PM   

Posts: 24520
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From: San Antonio, TX
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ORIGINAL: Cap Mandrake

I swear, some of you sociopaths probably laughed when Bambi's mother got shot.

I cried. For the hunters. Their aim was so poor, that I cried with relief when their final shot was true. 'bout time, "jitters".


(in reply to Cap Mandrake)
Post #: 1979
RE: On Top of the Boardwalk - 9/30/2010 5:03:16 AM   

Posts: 403
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From: Placer County CA
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ORIGINAL: Cap Mandrake

I propose some other turn outcome options:

1) A brilliant plan executed flawlessly, making Inchon look like Operation Tiger.

2) Another day of attrition warfare as the Imperail war machine is slowly ground to dust.

3) There was a bright flash in the western sky followed by a huge cloud that reached the heavens.


4) I can't believe these crappy die rolls.

5) Man, that was seriously gamey.

6) This game is so Borked.

Personally, I hope you choose option #1 to describe the outcome of your future endeavors.


"The Yankees got all the smart ones, and look where it got them."

General George Pickett, the night before Gettysburg

(in reply to Cap Mandrake)
Post #: 1980
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