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'Troop' fleet : at lost to operate them

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'Troop' fleet : at lost to operate them - 4/18/2011 4:57:46 PM   


Posts: 8
Joined: 4/18/2011
Status: offline
Hi !

I like to form different fleet : pure combat and transport fleet.
My problem with the former is that they often end lacking fuel..

My big problem is with the second :
- I can't get enough troops on board. The fleet order 'load troops' doesn't seem to replenish the fleet except at on colony. If I click on each individual fleet, it can go to another colony, but rarely comes back with enough troops...

What is the good way to refill a not automated troop fleet ? Is there a 'fill your storage with tough bastards at any place you can find them' order hidden somewhere ?

It seems to me that if I automate the fleet, it starts picking troops by itself
Solo automateds troop transports that I put into a fleet are often at full capacity..

What's more, my fleet that I hardly manage to load at 20% looses troops while waiting for action (they're not automated I repeat).

Last big problem with those fleet : sometimes they don't attack, while all the fleet ships orbit an ennemy planet. I found I had to use 'regroup and attack' order instead of attach in those cases. Even though the fleet had fuel, troops and was in orbit of the ennemy planet and all defense were down...

Oh another one : worse of all : take enemy planet, loads troops back in fleet (I know, now, it's stupid ;b), planet starts rebelling. Stops loading troops and tell fleet to unload at planet : fleet refuses to unload and let the 10 remaining troops get sloooowly slaughter by rebel militia. I had 80 troops onboard while that happens...
Post #: 1
RE: 'Troop' fleet : at lost to operate them - 4/18/2011 7:09:48 PM   
cookie monster

Posts: 1693
Joined: 5/22/2005
From: Birmingham,England
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ORIGINAL: ThierryBis

Hi !

I like to form different fleet : pure combat and transport fleet.
My problem with the former is that they often end lacking fuel..

Design more fuel tanks on board to at least 600 fuel. Steal the Haakonish Mega Density Fuel Cell. Have a Resupply Ship handy.

My big problem is with the second :
- I can't get enough troops on board. The fleet order 'load troops' doesn't seem to replenish the fleet except at on colony. If I click on each individual fleet, it can go to another colony, but rarely comes back with enough troops...

Fleet order Load troops causes all transports with troop carrying space to go to nearest colony and load troops and then meet back up with fleet lead ship.

What is the good way to refill a not automated troop fleet ? Is there a 'fill your storage with tough bastards at any place you can find them' order hidden somewhere ?

Spam troop formations at your home colony and load troops there, spam troops at every high pop colony till you have enough.

It seems to me that if I automate the fleet, it starts picking troops by itself

It makes troops hard to track down in automated fleets. More hassle than it's worth. If you keep track of your fleet screen it's ok, but automated troop carrying capable ships such as destroyers are a pita with loaded troops.

Solo automated troop transports that I put into a fleet are often at full capacity..

What's more, my fleet that I hardly manage to load at 20% loses troops while waiting for action (they're not automated I repeat).

Don't know what you mean.

Last big problem with those fleet : sometimes they don't attack, while all the fleet ships orbit an enemy planet. I found I had to use 'regroup and attack' order instead of attach in those cases. Even though the fleet had fuel, troops and was in orbit of the enemy planet and all defense were down...

If all of the fleets ships are at the same location they will unload troops to attack.

Oh another one : worse of all : take enemy planet, loads troops back in fleet (I know, now, it's stupid ;b), planet starts rebelling. Stops loading troops and tell fleet to unload at planet : fleet refuses to unload and let the 10 remaining troops get sloooowly slaughter by rebel militia. I had 80 troops onboard while that happens...

Troop unloading at friendly colonies has been buggy for me lately. Fleet unload via the icon at friendly colonies don't work, but selecting the ships individually does. I will submit a tech support thread when I have a spare HOUR or two.

(in reply to ThierryBis)
Post #: 2
RE: 'Troop' fleet : at lost to operate them - 4/18/2011 8:57:15 PM   

Posts: 3909
Joined: 1/3/2011
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What's more, my fleet that I hardly manage to load at 20% loses troops while waiting for action (they're not automated I repeat).

Don't know what you mean.

I think the problem he notices is that he cannot fully load his manual fleets with troops. Btw, try setting the home system for these fleets to colonies with lots of troops; I use several just for this purpose so that all transports can supply at the home system.


...Igniting stellar cores....Recharging reactors...Recalibrating hyperdrives....

(in reply to cookie monster)
Post #: 3
RE: 'Troop' fleet : at lost to operate them - 4/19/2011 9:09:53 AM   


Posts: 8
Joined: 4/18/2011
Status: offline

Sorry, I'm not a 'native' english speaker.

Yes my problem is that I can't load my fleet with enough troops, while I've spawned troops like crazy in several colonies. So I know there are many troops waiting in several colonies.

I hardly can get my non-automated troop transport at more than 20/30% of their full capacity.

The 'load troops' fleet order doesn't seem to work properly : my ships come back with a low amount of troops while troops are waiting in colonies.

What's more, they loose troops while waiting to get into action.

I find DW a really interesting and compelling game. But my inability to plan ahead my troops transports so far as been a real pleasure killing issue. I can't really plan any serious offensive, which reduce much fun in the game.

(in reply to Data)
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