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Customized Grand Campaign

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Customized Grand Campaign - 6/24/2011 7:39:37 PM   


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So, one very bored afternoon I took it upon myself to edit the forcepools of both teams, although particular focus was given to the germans, to improve the balance of the game. I'm very satisfied with the latest patch and feel the game has come a long way since it's humble (and slightly disappointing) beginnings. However, many of the german BGs receive nothing but ersatz units and mgs. Although this offers some defensive capability, their offensive capability is extremely limited. Therefore I've massively reduced the numbers of ersatz units in all BGs and replaced them with more competent units. I've also increased the variety of units to allow the german player to have more choice about what is fielded. I've given all german BGs some AT units, even if it is just a handful of panzerjager teams, so the german player has a fighting chance against the swarms of shermans moving north. The germans will also make a concerted counter attack in the south, so the allied player must ensure he/(she?) keeps some units there to protect their supply route. I changed, although not drastically, the locations at which some german units arrive. I did this so poorly armed german units did not enter the map where extremely strong allied units were likely to be and be forced to into defending a tiny deployment area against superior troops.

I've changed the starting locations of some paratrooper units to allow the allied player a chance to capture the Arnhem road bridge and Nijmegen bridge. At present it is impossible to successfully take them once german motorized units take up defensive positions. With my custom campaign the allies will be able to assault the bridges on the first turn with motorized and panzer units arriving shortly after to counter attack. The challenge for the allies is to hold out until support arrives from the south (a tall order indeed). The challenge for the germans is to remove the allied threat in the north as quickly as possible and head south to hold off the armoured offensive.

If you want to try this out make a copy of your FPools file located in Close Combat Last Stand Arnhem/Data/Base and replace it with the one attached. You can simply replace the custom file with the original if you hate the new BG set up. To use the custom Grand Campaign place the file Priapus Campaign in the Battles folder located at Close Combat Last Stand Arnhem/Games/Battles. You'll see this listed under the User Scenarios in the Command screen.

Hope you enjoy it. Find me over at Gameranger as I'm always looking to start a GC.

Edit: Decided to remove all medium mortars, however increased number of mortar barrages for both sides to compensate. Weather set to random. Increased air support for both sides. Some bridge maps now have a longer timer. Several other small changes. New Campaign text file is placed in Close Combat Last Stand Arnhem/Data/Base.

Edit 2: Removed all tank reinforcements for AB units. AB units receiving huge tank reinforcements on turn 6 made the minor german counterattack in the south all but impossible. Some small alterations to BG forces. Beefed up some german static BGs. A skilled player will now be able to halt the allied advance at Valkenswaard and Eindhoven. Major bridge forces are now strong enough to stop the allies taking them with ease and potentially not at all. New Static BGs file as usual placed in Close Combat Last Stand Arnhem/Data/Base.

Edit 3: Gave German 5cm mortars the ability to fire smoke rounds.

Edit 4: With the release of the workbook I've been able to tinker with some of the weapons and unit data. I've changed a lot of the weapons units receive. Engineer units are now more recognizable as Assault Engineers. However, I've also beefed up allied Assault Sections and created Stoßtruppen for the germans. These latter units are suitably bad ass and armed for Close Combat in urban arenas. For some reason flamethrowers were not allowed to shoot on the move which may explain why they are useless at present. This has been changed. The mod is becoming increasingly unwieldy with so many files. I'll attempt to create an installer to make things easier.

Edit 5: Changed the sounds of most weapons. File goes in Close Combat Last Stand Arnhem/LOCALFX. I will create an installer ASAP.

Edit 6: Added Davidssx's new elements file. Please see for the full list of changes. Many thanks to david for his hard work.

Edit 7: Major update. Many, many changes. I will create a new thread in the mods forum with a comprehensive list of changes. All files in a .zip. Next task is to create an installer. Credits, in no particular order: tigercub, davidss, overkenshin and RD Steiner.

Latest version:

< Message edited by Priapus1 -- 7/14/2011 3:18:35 AM >
Post #: 1
RE: Customized Grand Campaign - 6/24/2011 7:42:04 PM   


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I'm only able to upload one file per post, so the above attachment is the FPools file. Please follow the below link to download the GC file:

< Message edited by Priapus1 -- 6/25/2011 5:35:20 PM >

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Post #: 2
RE: Customized Grand Campaign - 6/24/2011 8:03:57 PM   


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Seems to be a problem with downloading the FPools file. Please use the below link.

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Post #: 3
RE: Customized Grand Campaign - 6/24/2011 11:51:48 PM   
Andrew Williams

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Hi Priapus

Playing as Allies I don't seem to have any BG's on the map for the first turn... is that correct, can you check?


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Post #: 4
RE: Customized Grand Campaign - 6/25/2011 12:54:33 AM   
Andrew Williams

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From: Australia
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I've changed the starting locations of some paratrooper units to allow the allied player a chance to capture the Arnhem road bridge and Nijmegen bridge. At present it is impossible to successfully take them once german motorized units take up defensive positions

see xe5's post - have you tried that?

Also H2H I seemed to take the bridges without too much trouble in this AAR  (1500 on the 18th??)


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Post #: 5
RE: Customized Grand Campaign - 6/25/2011 1:39:07 AM   


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When playing the Allies and attacking the bridge maps, I find that gaining control of bridge Vls is far easier as the result of enemy force morale loss/VL bonus rather than attacking toward those VLs directly. The AI will blow a bridge the moment it senses the player is in a position to take a bridge VL. But the AI will often lose FM (and critical Vls) attacking a patient player's defense.

(in reply to Andrew Williams)
Post #: 6
RE: Customized Grand Campaign - 6/25/2011 3:43:31 PM   


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EDIT: sorry, no crash...I posted to the wrong thread

Attachment (1)

< Message edited by xe5 -- 6/25/2011 6:18:15 PM >

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Post #: 7
RE: Customized Grand Campaign - 6/25/2011 5:16:32 PM   


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Thanks for the feedback.


ORIGINAL: Andrew Williams

Hi Priapus

Playing as Allies I don't seem to have any BG's on the map for the first turn... is that correct, can you check?

No, that wasn't intentional. Fixed now:

Latest version at first post.

Is the above save game an AI vs AI campaign or you playing as the germans? This was really intended for online play. And also with force morale turned off, as I never play with it on.

I'll look into the crash. Perhaps it's caused by a BG entering the map on that day.

Overall, is it now too difficult for the allies? They still enormously out number the germans. Abt 506 should recieve 4 Tiger II's. They definitely had 7?

I'll do some earnest testing today. Again, thanks for the feedback.

Edit: Did a quick run through of the GC and made some small amendments to some BGs. The German player receives a total of 6 Tiger II's in 2 BGs. The German player does however receive the same number of Tiger I's which weren't included in the original GC.

< Message edited by Priapus1 -- 6/25/2011 8:59:25 PM >

(in reply to Andrew Williams)
Post #: 8
RE: Customized Grand Campaign - 6/27/2011 3:51:24 AM   


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(in reply to Priapus1)
Post #: 9
RE: Customized Grand Campaign - 6/27/2011 4:07:18 AM   
Andrew Williams

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Post #: 10
RE: Customized Grand Campaign - 6/27/2011 5:04:37 AM   


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The medium mortars were driving me nuts, any movement was next to impossible. So, I decided to completely remove them.

(in reply to Andrew Williams)
Post #: 11
RE: Customized Grand Campaign - 7/2/2011 7:47:50 AM   


Posts: 857
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From: Vancouver, Canada
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good job Priapus

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Post #: 12
RE: Customized Grand Campaign - 7/5/2011 9:08:35 AM   


Posts: 857
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From: Vancouver, Canada
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heres where i think some changes could be made.........
the german BG's around arnhem dont seem to have enough specialized equipment to properly street fight. as ive posted a few times now the 9th and 10th SS at arnhem and nijmegan had direct access to FM Models HQ for men, equipment and ammo...basically anything they wanted they could ask for and usually get.

for better playability IMO......

Kraft.......could use a few more flamethrower teams.
Knaust....assault enginner squads. both kraft and knaust made up assault enginner squads to fight in the house to house fighting at arnhem with flamethrowers, PZ fausts, sub machine guns , explosives etc. they are not in the game as far as i can see.

at Nijmegan the germans did well slowing down the allied advance to the bridge. the game doest reflect the a/t capibility's of those SS troops that defended there. the germans had a full flak battery of 88 flak guns across the river that gave a/t support to there troops on the other side and other flak guns at the bridge and in nijmegan. also the SS had some...i believe... jag 4's in the initial defence, they put at strategic locations for a/t support. they also had a/t guns...they could not and did not defend against 30 corps with out a/t capability's. in LSA there seems to be a total lack of german a/t guns.
there was an SS arty battalion that gave arty support to the germans at Nijmegan also.

Euling ....more squads and some a/t capability...he was reinforced all day long in his initial battles.....some 50 and 75 mm pak guns? more shreaks and fausts. there was no shortage of fausts it seems in the premier units around arnhem and nijmegan shortly after the campaign started.
Rienhold......about four more mk 4's and 2 more stugs and a/t capibility's....shreaks and fausts. more grenadier squads.
107 PZ brigade.......more engineer squads and h/t's.....the whole brigade was fully motorized.
Walther.......more a/t capability's......shreaks?

Jungwirth....more a/t capibility's
Chill.....another jagdpanther.

and of course ...tone down the damn mortors.

these are just my suggestions to make LSA more playable..........

< Message edited by STIENER -- 7/5/2011 9:10:44 AM >

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Post #: 13
RE: Customized Grand Campaign - 7/6/2011 6:42:53 AM   

Posts: 2004
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From: brisbane oz
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Like to join forces and see if we can make this campaign a winner Priapus?


You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life

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Post #: 14
RE: Customized Grand Campaign - 7/7/2011 3:17:33 PM   


Posts: 33
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Great stuff guys!

Looking at the new workbook right now...

Lets get this put together with Tigercubs weapons data into one patch.

(in reply to tigercub)
Post #: 15
RE: Customized Grand Campaign - 7/7/2011 3:53:42 PM   


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Yep, joining forces sounds like an excellent idea.

(in reply to Overkenshin)
Post #: 16
RE: Customized Grand Campaign - 7/8/2011 11:40:19 PM   

Posts: 2004
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From: brisbane oz
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The new Elements file if u entend to us it ,please let me have a link so i can test with my Data with it Priapus .



You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life

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Post #: 17
RE: Customized Grand Campaign - 7/8/2011 11:45:41 PM   


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I haven't made any changes to the elements file. All of my modded files are available in the first post.

(in reply to tigercub)
Post #: 18
RE: Customized Grand Campaign - 7/9/2011 1:27:06 AM   

Posts: 109
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Do you guys think maybe the allied paratroop stats (morale, experience, intelligence etc) will need to be buffed to cope with all these german buffs?

(in reply to Priapus1)
Post #: 19
RE: Customized Grand Campaign - 7/9/2011 1:31:02 AM   
Andrew Williams

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So far my experience H2H has been an allied walkover.... even worse Allied V the AI.

So any help the Germans get has got to be good.... the latest patch did a little to help the Germans but it doesn't seem to have helped the cause at all.


(in reply to DasHoff)
Post #: 20
RE: Customized Grand Campaign - 7/9/2011 1:49:42 AM   


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Do you guys think maybe the allied paratroop stats (morale, experience, intelligence etc) will need to be buffed to cope with all these german buffs?

The allied paratroopers are already excellent troops. They shouldn't have much difficulty fending off German infantry BGs. As shrecken says, in the "vanilla" GC the Germans are desperately in need of better troops. As for the Brits in the north, dig in and hold out until the shermans reach you.

(in reply to DasHoff)
Post #: 21
RE: Customized Grand Campaign - 7/9/2011 1:50:12 AM   

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i've only gotten to the panther counterattack down south (start of sept 19th?) in an mp campaign; my opponent and i have probably stopped and started the GC like 5 times due to the never ending line of patches, lol. so yeah i'm not the expert on balance

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Post #: 22
RE: Customized Grand Campaign - 7/9/2011 1:58:04 AM   


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i've only gotten to the panther counterattack down south (start of sept 19th?) in an mp campaign; my opponent and i have probably stopped and started the GC like 5 times due to the never ending line of patches, lol. so yeah i'm not the expert on balance

Yeah, I apologise for the number of new releases. I'm still getting to grips with editing the data and also playing MP campaigns of my own and making changes when I see errors and imbalances. I also wasn't aware that anyone was using this and was mainly using this thread as somewhere to guide my MP opponents to download the mod. Now me and tigercub are working together I'll try and make things a little more professional with less frequent major releases.

< Message edited by Priapus1 -- 7/9/2011 1:59:23 AM >

(in reply to DasHoff)
Post #: 23
RE: Customized Grand Campaign - 7/9/2011 2:16:04 AM   

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ORIGINAL: Priapus1



i've only gotten to the panther counterattack down south (start of sept 19th?) in an mp campaign; my opponent and i have probably stopped and started the GC like 5 times due to the never ending line of patches, lol. so yeah i'm not the expert on balance

Yeah, I apologise for the number of new releases. I'm still getting to grips with editing the data and also playing MP campaigns of my own and making changes when I see errors and imbalances. I also wasn't aware that anyone was using this and was mainly using this thread as somewhere to guide my MP opponents to download the mod. Now me and tigercub are working together I'll try and make things a little more professional with less frequent major releases.

no, I was talking about official patches; we haven't tired your mod. though looking at this thread, i think we may be prepared to restart our gc ONE MORE TIME, in order to play with your mod, haha

(in reply to Priapus1)
Post #: 24
RE: Customized Grand Campaign - 7/9/2011 5:54:11 AM   

Posts: 330
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From: Florahduh, yea that state.
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do i need to reinstall your mods after the mega patch?


(in reply to DasHoff)
Post #: 25
RE: Customized Grand Campaign - 7/9/2011 3:11:05 PM   


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i agree with andrew.....the allies in LSA seem to be ok as far as firepower and resources. IMO the germans still need to be played on recruit to get any chance of a good H2H battle.
by adding to / upgrading SOME of the better german BG's as outlined above, IMO LSA would be more playable and is still very close to historical by my accounts. like to add that KG walther also had Von der Heydte's 4th battalion FJ Regiment 6 with it. they were very well equipted and had a very experienced veteran cadre of men to help with new FJ men that they were saddled with in this campaign. VdH's battalion had 81 mm mortors, a mortorized a/t gun co. , and air defence MG co., and recon co. and an engineer co. so KG waltther could use some beefing up too in your mod IMO.

(in reply to D.Ilse)
Post #: 26
RE: Customized Grand Campaign - 7/9/2011 4:34:32 PM   


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i agree with andrew.....the allies in LSA seem to be ok as far as firepower and resources. IMO the germans still need to be played on recruit to get any chance of a good H2H battle.
by adding to / upgrading SOME of the better german BG's as outlined above, IMO LSA would be more playable and is still very close to historical by my accounts. like to add that KG walther also had Von der Heydte's 4th battalion FJ Regiment 6 with it. they were very well equipted and had a very experienced veteran cadre of men to help with new FJ men that they were saddled with in this campaign. VdH's battalion had 81 mm mortors, a mortorized a/t gun co. , and air defence MG co., and recon co. and an engineer co. so KG waltther could use some beefing up too in your mod IMO.

Thanks Steiner. I'd like the mod to adhere somewhat to reality, so any suggestions on what BGs should consist of would be appreciated as my knowledge is mostly limited to the eastern front.

(in reply to STIENER)
Post #: 27
RE: Customized Grand Campaign - 7/9/2011 4:35:15 PM   


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do i need to reinstall your mods after the mega patch?

Yes, you will have to place the files in their respective folders again.

(in reply to D.Ilse)
Post #: 28
RE: Customized Grand Campaign - 7/9/2011 11:15:10 PM   


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Priapus... info on VdH Regiment is wrong........VdH was in command of FJ Regiment 6 which had 4 battalions. all 4 battailons were there. but they were under strength......totally only about 1000 men at the start of the campaign but reinforced through out the whole campaign. the 4th batallion was the heavy weapon battalion and was very well equiped with an 81 mm mortor co. , a mortorized a/t gun co. , and air defence MG co., and recon co. and an engineer co.
sorry about the confusion......IMO KG walther could use some more FJ MG teams, some engineer squads, and some a/t guns to reflect this. a few more shreaks too. plus FJ high morale.
VdH also supported KG jungwirth later in the jungwirth could use some of these squads as well.

(in reply to Priapus1)
Post #: 29
RE: Customized Grand Campaign - 7/10/2011 6:34:22 AM   


Posts: 33
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Hello chaps.

I present you with a gift from our good friend Davidsfx.

He has kindly converted his new elements file aka Real Walls mod from TLD to LSA for us.

Here is the link for his TLD thread in the ccs forum which explains in depth the changes he has made.

Ive only tested 2 battles so far but it seems to work very well and even produced some interesting and quite smart behavior in the soldiers.

David did this for LSA even though he doesn't have the game.

A huge thank you David from all of us. You are a great guy and a real asset to the CC community.

(in reply to STIENER)
Post #: 30
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