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RE: KB hit enemy fleets in Coral Sea

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All Forums >> [New Releases from Matrix Games] >> War in the Pacific: Admiral's Edition >> After Action Reports >> RE: KB hit enemy fleets in Coral Sea Page: <<   < prev  103 104 [105] 106 107   next >   >>
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RE: KB hit enemy fleets in Coral Sea - 12/4/2011 4:03:07 PM   

Posts: 9590
Joined: 12/6/2002
From: Maryland
Status: offline





The enemy main fleets was spotted at 8 hexes so the Judy nerf immediately cost us and only our Jills could attack them, we still got in 2 nice strikes with over 200 bombers.

Pardon me but what is a 'Judy nerf'?

Funny, I have yet to hear of an AFB calling it a "nerf"


I am the Holy Roman Emperor and am above grammar.

Sigismund of Luxemburg

(in reply to plund)
Post #: 3121
RE: KB hit enemy fleets in Coral Sea - 12/4/2011 7:46:31 PM   

Posts: 1546
Joined: 6/23/2008
From: Valladolid, Spain
Status: offline
How the fight in Lae is going on ? Is Andy trying to go by feet all the way through Lae, Madang and Finschafen ? 

(in reply to PzB74)
Post #: 3122
RE: KB hit enemy fleets in Coral Sea - 12/10/2011 8:40:59 PM   

Posts: 5076
Joined: 10/3/2000
From: No(r)way
Status: offline
Again not to many updates; mostly a grind in the perimeter bases.

Yep, Andy is at Salamua and the base west of Lae.
Currently we're holding with a hodge podge of troops ~120 AV in rough terrain.
Deploying more troops would see us run low on supplies and risk getting them cut off.

We're suppressing Gasmata - a skirmish with 4 vs 4 modern destroyers resulted in light damage to one of ours and a lucky escape for a US tin can that got hit by a long lance dud!
In Burma Allied attention is upon Andaman Islands.

In the Central Pacific Canton Island was invaded and captured by a full size enemy division supported by the combined Allied fleets.
We had evacuated all cadres and major LCU units just days before and our last troop ships dissappeared over the horizon as the Allied fleets arrived.
- We opposed them only with PT boats that harrassed carriers and APAs. The last engagements saw a merchantman carrying fuel be torpedoed. Numerous enemy vessels collided in the confusion and panic.

I've been busy carrying supplies to the Marshalls - hoping that Andy will spend the reminder of 1944 here and in New Guinea, Solomons regions.
My keenest eye is upon SRA, Burma and Malaya. The Combined Fleet is performing R&R, updgrading and replenishing. I've optimized KBs air groups and within a good month 3 new carriers will join the fleet.

When Andy tries to break our main defensive perimeter in ~45 we will oppose with what we got and attempt to stall the offensive; if successful the Allied advance will then low to a crawl for the reminder of the war.


Surface Combat

Night Time Surface Combat, near Canton Island at 153,143, Range 4,000 Yards

Japanese Ships
MTB G-550
MTB G-552

Allied Ships
CA London
CA Suffolk
DD Fletcher
DD Abbot
DD Ammen
DD Charles Ausburne
DD Charles Badger
DD Beale
DD Bell
DD Bennett
DE Manning
DE Neuendorf
DE Spangler
DE Whitehurst
DE Acree
DE Bangust
DE Samuel S. Miles
DMS Hamilton, heavy damage
DMS Forrest
APA Zeilin, heavy damage
APA Tasker H. Bliss, heavy damage
APA Henry T. Allen
APA J. Franklin Bell
APA Hugh L. Scott
APA Hunter Liggett
APA American Legion
APA President Hayes
APA President Polk
APA Thomas Jefferson
APA Crescent City
AK Alderamin
AKA Algol
AKA Thuban
AKA Jupiter
AKA Athene
xAK Alcoa Pointer
xAK Nancy Lykes
xAK Jean Lykes
xAK Cape Domingo
xAK Cape Alava, Shell hits 1
xAK Cape Fairweather
xAK James Lykes
xAK Lipscom Lykes
xAK Joseph Lykes
xAK John Lykes
xAK Great Republic
xAK Virginia Lykes, Shell hits 1, Torpedo hits 1, heavy fires

Allied ground losses:
53 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Non Combat: 13 destroyed, 6 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Vehicles lost 10 (6 destroyed, 4 disabled)

Japanese Ships Reported to be Approaching!
Allied TF begins to get underway
Japanese Ships Reported to be Approaching!
Maximum visibility in Overcast Conditions and 39% moonlight: 4,000 yards
Range closes to 28,000 yards...
Range closes to 26,000 yards...
Range closes to 24,000 yards...
Range closes to 22,000 yards...
Range closes to 20,000 yards...
Range closes to 18,000 yards...
Range closes to 16,000 yards...
Range closes to 14,000 yards...
Range closes to 12,000 yards...
Range closes to 11,000 yards...
Range closes to 10,000 yards...
Range closes to 9,000 yards...
Range closes to 8,000 yards...
Range closes to 7,000 yards...
Range closes to 6,000 yards...
Range closes to 5,000 yards...
Range closes to 4,000 yards...
CONTACT: Japanese lookouts spot Allied task force at 4,000 yards
CONTACT: Allied lookouts spot Japanese task force at 4,000 yards
Matsumura W. gains tactical advantage
APA Crescent City , APA Thomas Jefferson , APA President Polk ,
APA President Hayes , APA American Legion , APA Hunter Liggett ,
APA Hugh L. Scott , APA J. Franklin Bell , APA Henry T. Allen ,
APA Tasker H. Bliss , APA Zeilin , AKA Athene ,
AKA Jupiter , AKA Thuban , AKA Algol ,
AK Alderamin , LST-88 , LST-87 ,
LST-86 , LST-85 , LST-84 ,
LST-83 , LCI-67 , LCI-66 screened from combat
- escorted by DD Bell , DD Charles Badger , DD Charles Ausburne ,
DD Ammen , DD Fletcher , DE Samuel S. Miles ,
DE Bangust , DE Acree , DE Whitehurst ,
DE Spangler , DE Neuendorf
DMS Forrest engages MTB G-550 at 4,000 yards
APA Crescent City , APA Thomas Jefferson , APA President Polk ,
APA President Hayes , APA American Legion , APA Hunter Liggett ,
APA Hugh L. Scott , APA J. Franklin Bell , APA Henry T. Allen ,
APA Tasker H. Bliss , APA Zeilin , AKA Athene ,
AKA Jupiter , AKA Thuban , AKA Algol ,
AK Alderamin , LST-88 screened from combat
- escorted by DD Bennett , DD Bell , DD Beale ,
DD Charles Badger , DD Charles Ausburne , DD Ammen ,
DD Abbot , DE Samuel S. Miles , DE Bangust ,
DE Acree , DE Spangler , DE Neuendorf
MTB G-552 engages DMS Forrest at 4,000 yards
DD Fletcher engages MTB G-552 at 4,000 yards
Range closes to 2,000 yards
DMS Forrest collides with APA Zeilin at 153 , 143
APA Zeilin collides with APA Tasker H. Bliss at 153 , 143
xAK Jean Lykes collides with APA Tasker H. Bliss at 153 , 143
APA Crescent City , APA Thomas Jefferson , APA President Polk ,
APA President Hayes , APA American Legion , APA Hunter Liggett ,
APA Hugh L. Scott , APA J. Franklin Bell , APA Henry T. Allen ,
APA Tasker H. Bliss , APA Zeilin , AKA Athene ,
AKA Jupiter , AKA Thuban , AKA Algol ,
AK Alderamin , LST-88 , LST-87 ,
LST-86 , LST-85 , LST-84 ,
LST-83 , LCI-67 , LCI-66 ,
LCI-65 , LCI-64 , LCI-61 screened from combat
- escorted by DD Bennett , DD Bell , DD Beale ,
DD Charles Badger , DD Charles Ausburne , DD Ammen ,
DE Bangust , DE Acree , DE Whitehurst ,
DE Spangler , DE Neuendorf
MTB G-552 engages DMS Forrest at 2,000 yards
MTB G-550 engages DMS Forrest at 2,000 yards
DD Abbot engages MTB G-550 at 2,000 yards
MTB G-5 engages xAK Virginia Lykes at 2,000 yards
MTB G-5 engages xAK Cape Alava at 2,000 yards
DMS Hamilton collides with APA Zeilin at 153 , 143
DD Bennett engages MTB G-550 at 2,000 yards
Range increases to 3,000 yards
DMS Hamilton collides with APA Zeilin at 153 , 143
APA Crescent City , APA Thomas Jefferson , APA President Polk ,
APA President Hayes , APA American Legion screened from combat
- escorted by DD Bennett , DD Bell , DD Beale ,
DD Charles Badger , DD Charles Ausburne , DD Ammen ,
DD Abbot , DD Fletcher , DE Samuel S. Miles ,
DE Bangust , DE Acree , DE Whitehurst ,
DE Spangler , DE Neuendorf
Range increases to 4,000 yards
APA Crescent City , APA Thomas Jefferson , APA President Polk ,
APA President Hayes , APA American Legion , APA Hunter Liggett ,
APA Hugh L. Scott , APA J. Franklin Bell , APA Henry T. Allen ,
APA Tasker H. Bliss screened from combat
- escorted by DD Bennett , DD Bell , DD Beale ,
DD Charles Badger , DD Charles Ausburne , DD Ammen ,
DD Abbot , DD Fletcher , DE Samuel S. Miles ,
DE Bangust , DE Acree , DE Whitehurst ,
DE Spangler , DE Neuendorf
MTB G-552 engages xAK Virginia Lykes at 4,000 yards
DE Manning engages MTB G-552 at 4,000 yards
Range increases to 5,000 yards
APA Crescent City , APA Thomas Jefferson , APA President Polk ,
APA President Hayes , APA American Legion , APA Hunter Liggett ,
APA Hugh L. Scott , APA J. Franklin Bell , APA Henry T. Allen ,
APA Tasker H. Bliss , APA Zeilin , AKA Athene ,
AKA Jupiter , AKA Thuban , AKA Algol ,
AK Alderamin , LST-88 , LST-87 ,
LST-86 , LST-85 screened from combat
- escorted by DD Bennett , DD Bell , DD Beale ,
DD Charles Badger , DD Charles Ausburne , DD Ammen ,
DD Fletcher , DE Samuel S. Miles , DE Bangust ,
DE Acree , DE Whitehurst , DE Neuendorf
Range increases to 6,000 yards
APA Tasker H. Bliss collides with APA Zeilin at 153 , 143
LCI-65 collides with APA Tasker H. Bliss at 153 , 143
APA Crescent City , APA Thomas Jefferson , APA President Polk ,
APA President Hayes , APA American Legion , APA Hunter Liggett ,
APA Hugh L. Scott , APA J. Franklin Bell , APA Henry T. Allen ,
APA Tasker H. Bliss , APA Zeilin , AKA Athene ,
AKA Jupiter , AKA Thuban , AKA Algol ,
AK Alderamin , LST-88 , LST-87 ,
LST-86 , LST-85 , LST-84 ,
LST-83 , LCI-67 , LCI-66 ,
LCI-65 , LCI-64 , LCI-61 ,
xAK Virginia Lykes screened from combat
- escorted by DD Bennett , DD Bell , DD Beale ,
DD Charles Badger , DD Charles Ausburne , DD Abbot ,
DE Samuel S. Miles , DE Bangust , DE Acree ,
DE Whitehurst , DE Spangler
Range increases to 7,000 yards
APA Crescent City , APA Thomas Jefferson , APA President Polk ,
APA President Hayes , APA American Legion , APA Hunter Liggett ,
APA Hugh L. Scott , APA J. Franklin Bell , APA Henry T. Allen ,
APA Tasker H. Bliss , APA Zeilin , AKA Athene ,
AKA Jupiter , AKA Thuban , AKA Algol ,
AK Alderamin , LST-88 , LST-87 ,
LST-86 , LST-85 , LST-84 ,
LST-83 , LCI-67 , LCI-66 ,
LCI-65 , LCI-64 , LCI-61 ,
xAK Virginia Lykes screened from combat
- escorted by DD Bennett , DD Beale , DD Charles Badger ,
DD Charles Ausburne , DD Ammen , DD Abbot ,
DD Fletcher , DE Bangust , DE Acree ,
DE Whitehurst , DE Spangler
DMS Forrest engages MTB G-550 at 7,000 yards
DE Manning engages MTB G-5 at 7,000 yards
Range closes to 6,000 yards
DD Bennett engages MTB G-552 at 6,000 yards
APA Crescent City , APA Thomas Jefferson , APA President Polk ,
APA President Hayes , APA American Legion , APA Hunter Liggett ,
APA Hugh L. Scott , APA J. Franklin Bell , APA Henry T. Allen ,
APA Tasker H. Bliss , APA Zeilin , AKA Athene ,
AKA Jupiter , AKA Thuban , AKA Algol ,
AK Alderamin , LST-88 , LST-87 ,
LST-86 , LST-85 , LST-84 ,
LST-83 , LCI-67 , LCI-66 ,
LCI-65 , LCI-64 , LCI-61 ,
xAK Virginia Lykes , xAK Great Republic screened from combat
CA London engages MTB G-5 at 6,000 yards
DD Bennett engages MTB G-5 at 6,000 yards
DD Charles Badger engages MTB G-550 at 6,000 yards
APA Crescent City , APA Thomas Jefferson , APA President Polk ,
APA President Hayes , APA American Legion , APA Hunter Liggett ,
APA Hugh L. Scott , APA J. Franklin Bell , APA Henry T. Allen ,
APA Tasker H. Bliss , APA Zeilin , AKA Athene ,
AKA Jupiter , AKA Thuban , AKA Algol ,
AK Alderamin , LST-88 , LST-87 ,
LST-86 , LST-85 , LST-84 ,
LST-83 , LCI-67 , LCI-66 ,
LCI-65 , LCI-64 , LCI-61 ,
xAK Virginia Lykes , xAK Great Republic screened from combat
MTB G-550 engages DE Manning at 6,000 yards
DD Bennett engages MTB G-552 at 6,000 yards
MTB G-5 engages DE Whitehurst at 6,000 yards
DE Spangler engages MTB G-5 at 6,000 yards
Range increases to 8,000 yards
APA Crescent City , APA Thomas Jefferson , APA President Polk ,
APA President Hayes , APA American Legion , APA Hunter Liggett ,
APA Hugh L. Scott , APA J. Franklin Bell , APA Henry T. Allen ,
APA Tasker H. Bliss screened from combat
- escorted by DD Bennett , DD Bell , DD Beale ,
DD Charles Badger , DD Charles Ausburne , DD Ammen ,
DD Abbot , DD Fletcher , DE Samuel S. Miles ,
DE Bangust , DE Acree , DE Whitehurst ,
DE Spangler , DE Neuendorf
MTB G-552 engages xAK Virginia Lykes at 8,000 yards
MTB G-550 engages DMS Forrest at 8,000 yards
MTB G-5 engages DMS Hamilton at 8,000 yards
Range closes to 7,000 yards
AK Alderamin collides with APA Tasker H. Bliss at 153 , 143
APA Crescent City , APA Thomas Jefferson , APA President Polk ,
APA President Hayes , APA American Legion , APA Hunter Liggett ,
APA Hugh L. Scott , APA J. Franklin Bell , APA Henry T. Allen ,
APA Tasker H. Bliss , APA Zeilin , AKA Athene ,
AKA Jupiter , AKA Thuban , AKA Algol ,
AK Alderamin , LST-88 , LST-87 ,
LST-86 , LST-85 , LST-84 ,
LST-83 , LCI-67 , LCI-66 ,
LCI-65 , LCI-64 , LCI-61 ,
xAK Virginia Lykes , xAK Great Republic , xAK John Lykes ,
xAK Joseph Lykes , xAK Lipscom Lykes screened from combat
DMS Forrest engages MTB G-550 at 7,000 yards
DD Bennett engages MTB G-550 at 7,000 yards
DE Acree engages MTB G-5 at 7,000 yards
Range increases to 11,000 yards
APA Crescent City , APA Thomas Jefferson , APA President Polk ,
APA President Hayes , APA American Legion , APA Hunter Liggett ,
APA Hugh L. Scott , APA J. Franklin Bell , APA Henry T. Allen ,
APA Tasker H. Bliss , APA Zeilin screened from combat
- escorted by DD Bennett , DD Bell , DD Beale ,
DD Charles Badger , DD Charles Ausburne , DD Ammen ,
DD Abbot , DD Fletcher , DE Samuel S. Miles ,
DE Bangust , DE Acree , DE Spangler ,
DE Neuendorf
DE Manning engages MTB G-552 at 11,000 yards
MTB G-550 engages DE Manning at 11,000 yards
Range increases to 14,000 yards
LST-88 collides with APA Tasker H. Bliss at 153 , 143
APA Crescent City , APA Thomas Jefferson , APA President Polk ,
APA President Hayes , APA American Legion , APA Hunter Liggett ,
APA Hugh L. Scott , APA J. Franklin Bell , APA Henry T. Allen ,
APA Tasker H. Bliss , APA Zeilin , AKA Athene ,
AKA Jupiter , AKA Thuban , AKA Algol ,
AK Alderamin , LST-88 , LST-87 ,
LST-86 , LST-85 , LST-84 screened from combat
- escorted by DD Bennett , DD Bell , DD Beale ,
DD Charles Badger , DD Charles Ausburne , DD Ammen ,
DD Abbot , DD Fletcher , DE Samuel S. Miles ,
DE Bangust , DE Acree , DE Neuendorf
Task forces break off...


Air Combat

Afternoon Air attack on 20th Medium Field Artillery Regiment, at 106,125 (Rabaul)
Weather in hex: Moderate rain

Raid detected at 45 NM, estimated altitude 14,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 18 minutes

Japanese aircraft
A6M5 Zero x 19
J2M2 Jack x 28
N1K1-J George x 65
Ki-45 KAIa Nick x 14
Ki-61-Ic Tony x 40
Ki-84a Frank x 40

Allied aircraft
PV-1 Ventura x 4

No Japanese losses

Allied aircraft losses
PV-1 Ventura: 3 destroyed
Afternoon Air attack on Baker Island , at 149,136
Weather in hex: Partial cloud

Raid spotted at 16 NM, estimated altitude 14,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 4 minutes

Japanese aircraft
no flights

Allied aircraft
B-29-1 Superfort x 21

No Japanese losses

No Allied losses

Japanese ground losses:
5 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled

Airbase hits 5
Airbase supply hits 4
Runway hits 18

Aircraft Attacking:
7 x B-29-1 Superfort bombing from 11000 feet
Airfield Attack: 20 x 500 lb GP Bomb
6 x B-29-1 Superfort bombing from 11000 feet
Airfield Attack: 20 x 500 lb GP Bomb
8 x B-29-1 Superfort bombing from 11000 feet
Airfield Attack: 20 x 500 lb GP Bomb


Phoenix Islands

Attachment (1)


"The problem in defense is how far you can go without destroying from within what you are trying to defend from without"
- Dwight D. Eisenhower

(in reply to traskott)
Post #: 3123
RE: KB hit enemy fleets in Coral Sea - 12/11/2011 12:35:26 AM   

Posts: 9590
Joined: 12/6/2002
From: Maryland
Status: offline
Don't really know why the Japanese MGBs are so immune from light AA guns. A fleet of AKAs and APAs would be loaded with 40 mm guns at this stage of the war. You would expect them to eat up Japanese small craft.


I am the Holy Roman Emperor and am above grammar.

Sigismund of Luxemburg

(in reply to PzB74)
Post #: 3124
RE: KB hit enemy fleets in Coral Sea - 12/11/2011 1:00:01 AM   

Posts: 5076
Joined: 10/3/2000
From: No(r)way
Status: offline
These were 38 knot MTBs going all out in the pitch of the night...the slower ones catch more shells, especially during daylight.


"The problem in defense is how far you can go without destroying from within what you are trying to defend from without"
- Dwight D. Eisenhower

(in reply to crsutton)
Post #: 3125
RE: KB hit enemy fleets in Coral Sea - 12/11/2011 1:07:16 PM   
castor troy

Posts: 14330
Joined: 8/23/2004
From: Austria
Status: offline



These were 38 knot MTBs going all out in the pitch of the night...the slower ones catch more shells, especially during daylight.

should be pretty much true for Allied PT too that are hit at 15000 yards during daylight...


(in reply to PzB74)
Post #: 3126
RE: KB hit enemy fleets in Coral Sea - 12/11/2011 3:26:59 PM   

Posts: 5076
Joined: 10/3/2000
From: No(r)way
Status: offline
My heart's all broken up about those poor Allied PT boats!

More action today:
- We send 4 destroyers and a light cruiser to Kiriwina Island to try to shoot up the Allied shipping there.
A prolonged skirmish with 4 US destroyers (without torpedoes) and we fail to disable a single one.

Still, we get through to the barges and landing craft and cause some mayhem.
Problem is that all the battles took to much time and the fleet didn't have time to RTB before sunrise.
Numerous Avengers with and without torpedoes attacked and scored a bomb hit and a torpedo hit.

The Yahagi is in trouble but got just enough left in her to return to Rabaul next turn.
This only shows the danger of operating in the Solomons region; lots of risk for relatively little return.

Allied bombers continue to hit perimeter bases in Burma; Andy is on guard and sent in 100 T-bolts on sweep before going in.
We didn't have anything but search planes in Tavoy though.


Sub Attacks

Sub attack near Legaspi at 95,82

Japanese Ships
xAK Sinko Maru, Torpedo hits 2, on fire, heavy damage
SC Ch 1
E Ishizaki

Allied Ships
SS Tunny

SS Tunny launches 2 torpedoes at xAK Sinko Maru
E Ishizaki fails to find sub, continues to search...
E Ishizaki fails to find sub, continues to search...
E Ishizaki fails to find sub, continues to search...
E Ishizaki fails to find sub, continues to search...
E Ishizaki fails to find sub, continues to search...
Escort abandons search for sub


Surface Combat

Night Time Surface Combat, near Kiriwina Island at 102,131, Range 8,000 Yards

Japanese Ships
CL Yahagi, Shell hits 2
DD Akizuki, Shell hits 2
DD Tokitsukaze, Shell hits 4, on fire
DD Urakaze
DD Tagokaze, Shell hits 1

Allied Ships
DD Anthony
DD Nicholas
DD O'Bannon, Shell hits 4, on fire
DD Philip, Shell hits 4

Maximum visibility in Overcast Conditions and 50% moonlight: 8,000 yards
Range closes to 24,000 yards...
Range closes to 18,000 yards...
Range closes to 12,000 yards...
Range closes to 8,000 yards...
CONTACT: Allies radar detects Japanese task force at 8,000 yards
Allies open fire on surprised Japanese ships at 8,000 yards
Night Time Surface Combat, near Kiriwina Island at 102,131, Range 8,000 Yards

Japanese Ships
CL Yahagi
DD Akizuki
DD Tokitsukaze, on fire
DD Urakaze
DD Tagokaze

Allied Ships
LCM 533B, Shell hits 1, and is sunk
LCM 534A
LCM 534B
LCM 534C, Shell hits 1, and is sunk
LCM 534D
LCM 534E, Shell hits 1, and is sunk
LCM 542B, Shell hits 1, and is sunk
LCM 542C
LCM 542D, Shell hits 1, heavy damage
LCM 542E
LCM 543A, Shell hits 4, and is sunk
LCM 543B, Shell hits 1, heavy damage
LCM 543E, Shell hits 1, heavy damage
LCM 544A, Shell hits 2, and is sunk
LCM 544B, Shell hits 1, heavy damage
LCM 592A, Shell hits 3
LCM 592B, Shell hits 1, and is sunk
LCM 592C, Shell hits 10, and is sunk
LCM 592D, Shell hits 2, and is sunk
LCM 592E, Shell hits 1, and is sunk
LCM 593A, Shell hits 1, and is sunk
Night Time Surface Combat, near Kiriwina Island at 102,131, Range 8,000 Yards

Japanese Ships
CL Yahagi
DD Akizuki
DD Tokitsukaze, on fire
DD Urakaze
DD Tagokaze

Allied Ships
LCT-178, Shell hits 2, and is sunk
LCT-324, Shell hits 2, and is sunk
LCT-328, Shell hits 2, and is sunk
LCT-352, Shell hits 4, heavy fires, heavy damage
LCT-354, Shell hits 2, heavy fires, heavy damage
LCT-357, Shell hits 2, and is sunk
LCT-358, Shell hits 3, and is sunk
LCT-359, Shell hits 1, and is sunk
LCT-360, Shell hits 3, and is sunk
LCT-373, Shell hits 2, and is sunk


Air Combat

Morning Air attack on Gasmata , at 103,127
Weather in hex: Thunderstorms

Raid spotted at 12 NM, estimated altitude 8,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 3 minutes

Japanese aircraft
A6M5 Zero x 27
Ki-49-IIb Helen x 17

Japanese aircraft losses
Ki-49-IIb Helen: 1 destroyed by flak

Airbase hits 2
Airbase supply hits 1
Runway hits 8

Aircraft Attacking:
17 x Ki-49-IIb Helen bombing from 4000 feet
Airfield Attack: 4 x 250 kg GP Bomb
Morning Air attack on TF, near Woodlark Island at 104,131
Weather in hex: Thunderstorms

Raid detected at 80 NM, estimated altitude 16,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 36 minutes

Allied aircraft
TBF-1 Avenger x 15
TBM-1C Avenger x 12

Allied aircraft losses
TBF-1 Avenger: 2 damaged
TBM-1C Avenger: 1 damaged

Japanese Ships
DD Tagokaze
CL Yahagi, Torpedo hits 1, on fire
DD Akizuki
DD Tokitsukaze

Aircraft Attacking:
12 x TBM-1C Avenger launching torpedoes at 200 feet
Naval Attack: 1 x 22in Mk 13 Torpedo
15 x TBF-1 Avenger launching torpedoes at 200 feet
Naval Attack: 1 x 22in Mk 13 Torpedo
Morning Air attack on Det. 3rd Special Base Force, at 149,136 (Baker Island)
Weather in hex: Heavy rain

Raid spotted at 40 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 18 minutes

Allied aircraft
Corsair II x 40
F4U-1A Corsair x 133
F6F-3 Hellcat x 95
SB2C-1C Helldiver x 56
SB2C-3 Helldiver x 15
TBM-1C Avenger x 149

Allied aircraft losses
SB2C-1C Helldiver: 5 damaged
TBM-1C Avenger: 4 damaged

Japanese ground losses:
153 casualties reported
Squads: 3 destroyed, 5 disabled
Non Combat: 2 destroyed, 4 disabled
Engineers: 2 destroyed, 3 disabled
Guns lost 9 (5 destroyed, 4 disabled)

Also attacking 48th JNAF AF Unit /2 ...
Also attacking Det. 3rd Special Base Force /1 ...
Also attacking 48th JNAF AF Unit /2 ...
Also attacking Det. 3rd Special Base Force /1 ...
Also attacking 48th JNAF AF Unit /2 ...
Also attacking Det. 3rd Special Base Force /1 ...
Also attacking 48th JNAF AF Unit /2 ...
Also attacking Det. 3rd Special Base Force /1 ...
Also attacking 48th JNAF AF Unit /2 ...
Also attacking Det. 3rd Special Base Force /1 ...
Also attacking 48th JNAF AF Unit /2 ...
Morning Air attack on TF, near Umboi Island at 100,125
Weather in hex: Light cloud

Raid spotted at 7 NM, estimated altitude 12,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 2 minutes

Japanese aircraft
Ki-45 KAIa Nick x 9

Allied aircraft
SBD-5 Dauntless x 14

No Japanese losses

Allied aircraft losses
SBD-5 Dauntless: 4 destroyed, 4 damaged

Japanese Ships
xAKL Kizugawa Maru, Bomb hits 1, heavy fires, heavy damage

Aircraft Attacking:
1 x SBD-5 Dauntless releasing from 3000' *
Naval Attack: 1 x 500 lb SAP Bomb
2 x SBD-5 Dauntless releasing from 4000' *
Naval Attack: 1 x 500 lb SAP Bomb
4 x SBD-5 Dauntless releasing from 2000' *
Naval Attack: 1 x 500 lb SAP Bomb

CAP engaged:
Spc.Attck.Unit with Ki-45 KAIa Nick (1 airborne, 4 on standby, 4 scrambling)
1 plane(s) intercepting now.
Group patrol altitude is 15000 , scrambling fighters to 15000.
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 40 minutes

Heavy smoke from fires obscuring xAKL Kizugawa Maru
Morning Air attack on Tavoy , at 54,60
Weather in hex: Partial cloud

Raid spotted at 40 NM, estimated altitude 19,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 11 minutes

Japanese aircraft
no flights

Allied aircraft
B-24D1 Liberator x 20
B-24J Liberator x 8
B-25C Mitchell x 9
P-47D25 Thunderbolt x 7
P-51B Mustang x 8
PBJ-1D Mitchell x 23

Japanese aircraft losses
Ki-46-III Dinah: 2 destroyed on ground
Ki-43-Ic Oscar: 2 destroyed on ground

Allied aircraft losses
B-24D1 Liberator: 1 damaged

Japanese ground losses:
29 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 3 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled

Airbase hits 21
Airbase supply hits 8
Runway hits 57
Morning Air attack on Umboi Island , at 100,125
Weather in hex: Light cloud

Raid spotted at 12 NM, estimated altitude 32,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 4 minutes

Japanese aircraft
Ki-45 KAIa Nick x 3

Allied aircraft
Kittyhawk IV x 3
Kittyhawk I x 3

Japanese aircraft losses
Ki-45 KAIa Nick: 2 destroyed

No Allied losses

Aircraft Attacking:
3 x Kittyhawk I sweeping at 30000 feet *
3 x Kittyhawk IV sweeping at 30000 feet

CAP engaged:
Spc.Attck.Unit with Ki-45 KAIa Nick (0 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
3 plane(s) not yet engaged, 0 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.
Group patrol altitude is 15000 , scrambling fighters to 11000.
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 24 minutes
Morning Air attack on Tavoy , at 54,60
Weather in hex: Partial cloud

Raid spotted at 40 NM, estimated altitude 18,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 16 minutes

Japanese aircraft
no flights

Allied aircraft
PV-1 Ventura x 12
B-24D1 Liberator x 13
B-24J Liberator x 27
F6F-3 Hellcat x 6

Japanese aircraft losses
Ki-43-Ic Oscar: 2 destroyed on ground
Ki-46-III Dinah: 3 destroyed on ground

Allied aircraft losses
B-24D1 Liberator: 1 damaged

Japanese ground losses:
7 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled

Airbase hits 11
Airbase supply hits 2
Runway hits 43
Afternoon Air attack on Gasmata , at 103,127
Weather in hex: Heavy cloud

Raid spotted at 20 NM, estimated altitude 18,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 5 minutes

Japanese aircraft
D4Y2 Judy x 17
N1K1-J George x 9

No Japanese losses

Port hits 2
Port supply hits 2

Aircraft Attacking:
17 x D4Y2 Judy bombing from 15000 feet
Port Attack: 1 x 500 kg GP Bomb
Afternoon Air attack on TF, near Woodlark Island at 104,131
Weather in hex: Partial cloud

Raid detected at 64 NM, estimated altitude 15,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 28 minutes

Allied aircraft
TBM-1C Avenger x 12

Allied aircraft losses
TBM-1C Avenger: 1 damaged

Japanese Ships
DD Urakaze
DD Akizuki

Aircraft Attacking:
12 x TBM-1C Avenger launching torpedoes at 200 feet
Naval Attack: 1 x 22in Mk 13 Torpedo
Afternoon Air attack on TF, near Woodlark Island at 104,131
Weather in hex: Partial cloud

Raid detected at 37 NM, estimated altitude 15,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 17 minutes

Allied aircraft
TBF-1 Avenger x 18

No Allied losses

Japanese Ships
DD Akizuki, Bomb hits 1, on fire
CL Yahagi, on fire, heavy damage

Aircraft Attacking:
18 x TBF-1 Avenger bombing from 12000 feet
Naval Attack: 2 x 500 lb SAP Bomb
Afternoon Air attack on 84th Naval Guard Unit, at 171,135 (Washington Island)
Weather in hex: Severe storms

Raid spotted at 20 NM, estimated altitude 14,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 9 minutes

Allied aircraft
Avenger II x 7
Hellcat I x 7
FM-2 Wildcat x 9
F6F-3 Hellcat x 54
SB2C-1C Helldiver x 12
TBM-1C Avenger x 34

Allied aircraft losses
SB2C-1C Helldiver: 1 damaged
TBM-1C Avenger: 1 damaged

Japanese ground losses:
62 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 5 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled


Naval Combat near New Britain

Attachment (1)


"The problem in defense is how far you can go without destroying from within what you are trying to defend from without"
- Dwight D. Eisenhower

(in reply to castor troy)
Post #: 3127
RE: KB hit enemy fleets in Coral Sea - 12/11/2011 3:55:46 PM   

Posts: 3890
Joined: 8/10/2008
From: Lone Star Nation
Status: offline
Andy must be feeling time pressure. Do you think he will attempt a home run? If so, where?


(in reply to PzB74)
Post #: 3128
RE: KB hit enemy fleets in Coral Sea - 12/12/2011 12:31:15 PM   

Posts: 9750
Joined: 6/6/2008
Status: offline



Andy must be feeling time pressure. Do you think he will attempt a home run? If so, where?




(in reply to Cribtop)
Post #: 3129
RE: KB hit enemy fleets in Coral Sea - 12/12/2011 8:05:07 PM   

Posts: 5076
Joined: 10/3/2000
From: No(r)way
Status: offline
Andy isn't wasting time in the Phoenix Islands, that's for sure!
He bruted on and invaded little Baker Island after bombing it with the entire combined Allied carrier fleet.

Again, we had evacuated - only a small rearguard left.

Our MTBs left there intercepted the Allied TFs - never received such great intel about Allied force composition before
Several Allied ships again collided in the ensuing chaos.

We also bombarded Gasmata but I'm retiring the heavies after yet another poor performance.



Night Naval bombardment of Gasmata at 103,127

Japanese Ships
BB Hiei
CA Kako
CA Aoba
CA Tone

Allied ground losses:
106 casualties reported
Squads: 1 destroyed, 10 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 4 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 6 disabled

Airbase hits 1
Runway hits 2
Port hits 1
Port supply hits 1

F1M2 Pete acting as spotter for BB Hiei
BB Hiei firing at 1st Australian Division
CA Kako firing at 1st Australian Division
F1M2 Pete acting as spotter for CA Aoba
CA Aoba firing at Gasmata
CA Tone firing at 1st Australian Division


Surface COmbat

Day Time Surface Combat, near Baker Island at 149,136, Range 20,000 Yards

Japanese Ships
MTB G-5, Shell hits 1, and is sunk
MTB G-550
MTB G-552

Allied Ships
CA Wichita
CA Exeter
DD Bennion
DD Boyd
DD Bradford
DD Braine
DD Clarence Bronson
DD Brown
DD Bryant
DD Burns
DD Bush
DD Callaghan
DE Riddle
DE Swearer
DE Waterman
DE Wesson
DE Bebas
DE Brackett
DMS Hobson
DMS Ellyson
AM Competent
AM Scuffle
AM Direct
AM Dynamic
AM Effective
APA Henderson
AK Crux
AK Autauga

Maximum visibility in Overcast Conditions: 20,000 yards
Range closes to 28,000 yards...
Range closes to 26,000 yards...
Range closes to 24,000 yards...
Range closes to 22,000 yards...
Range closes to 20,000 yards...
CONTACT: Japanese lookouts spot Allied task force at 20,000 yards
CONTACT: Allied lookouts spot Japanese task force at 20,000 yards
APA Henderson , AK Autauga , AK Crux ,
LST-468 , LST-467 , LST-466 ,
LST-465 , LST-464 , LST-463 ,
LST-462 , LST-461 , LST-460 ,
LST-459 , LST-458 , LST-452 ,
LST-451 screened from combat
- escorted by DD Callaghan , DD Bush , DD Burns ,
DD Bryant , DD Brown , DD Clarence Bronson ,
DD Braine , DD Bradford , DD Boyd ,
DD Bennion , DE Brackett , DE Bebas ,
DE Wesson , DE Waterman , DE Swearer ,
DE Riddle , SC PC-1082 , SC-1068 ,
SC-1067 , SC-1066 , SC-1065 ,
DMS Ellyson , AM Dynamic
Matsumura W. orders Japanese TF to disengage
APA Henderson , AK Autauga , AK Crux ,
LST-468 , LST-467 , LST-466 ,
LST-465 , LST-464 , LST-463 ,
LST-462 , LST-461 , LST-460 ,
LST-459 , LST-458 , LST-452 ,
LST-451 , LST-227 , LST-224 ,
LST-223 , LST-222 , LST-218 ,
LST-217 , LST-216 , LST-214 ,
LST-207 , LST-203 , LST-202 ,
LST-180 , LST-179 , LST-177 ,
LST-176 , LST-175 , LST-169 ,
LST-167 , LST-166 , LST-126 ,
LST-124 , LCI-444 , LCI-402 screened from combat
- escorted by DD Callaghan , DD Burns , DD Bryant ,
DD Brown , DD Clarence Bronson , DD Braine ,
DD Boyd , DE Bebas , DE Wesson ,
SC-1069 , SC-1068 , SC-1067 ,
SC-1066 , DMS Ellyson , DMS Hobson ,
AM Dynamic
Range increases to 22,000 yards
DD Bryant collides with LST-466 at 149 , 136
APA Henderson , AK Autauga , AK Crux ,
LST-468 , LST-467 screened from combat
- escorted by DD Callaghan , DD Bush , DD Burns ,
DD Bryant , DD Brown , DD Clarence Bronson ,
DD Braine , DD Bradford , DD Boyd ,
DD Bennion , DE Brackett , DE Bebas ,
DE Wesson , DE Waterman , DE Swearer ,
DE Riddle , SC PC-1082 , SC-1069 ,
SC-1068 , SC-1067 , SC-1066 ,
SC-1065 , DMS Ellyson , DMS Hobson ,
AM Effective , AM Dynamic
Range increases to 25,000 yards
APA Henderson , AK Autauga , AK Crux ,
LST-468 , LST-467 , LST-466 ,
LST-465 , LST-464 , LST-463 ,
LST-462 , LST-461 , LST-460 ,
LST-459 , LST-458 , LST-452 ,
LST-451 , LST-227 screened from combat
- escorted by DD Callaghan , DD Bush , DD Burns ,
DD Bryant , DD Brown , DD Clarence Bronson ,
DD Braine , DD Bradford , DD Boyd ,
DD Bennion , DE Brackett , DE Bebas ,
DE Wesson , DE Riddle , SC PC-1082 ,
SC-1069 , SC-1068 , SC-1066 ,
SC-1065 , DMS Hobson , AM Effective ,
AM Dynamic
APA Henderson , AK Autauga , AK Crux ,
LST-468 , LST-467 , LST-466 ,
LST-465 , LST-464 , LST-463 ,
LST-462 , LST-461 , LST-460 ,
LST-459 , LST-458 , LST-452 ,
LST-451 , LST-227 , LST-224 ,
LST-223 , LST-222 , LST-218 ,
LST-217 , LST-216 , LST-214 ,
LST-207 , LST-203 , LST-202 ,
LST-180 , LST-179 , LST-177 ,
LST-176 , LST-175 , LST-169 ,
LST-167 , LST-166 , LST-126 ,
LST-124 , LCI-444 , LCI-402 ,
LCI-400 , LCI-335 screened from combat
- escorted by DD Callaghan , DD Bryant , DD Clarence Bronson ,
DD Braine , DD Bennion , DE Brackett ,
DE Bebas , DE Wesson , DE Swearer ,
DE Riddle , SC PC-1082 , SC-1069 ,
SC-1067 , SC-1066 , DMS Hobson ,
AM Effective
MTB G-5 sunk by CA Exeter at 25,000 yards
Range increases to 26,000 yards
Range increases to 29,000 yards
DE Waterman collides with LST-466 at 149 , 136
APA Henderson , AK Autauga , AK Crux ,
LST-468 , LST-467 screened from combat
- escorted by DD Callaghan , DD Bush , DD Burns ,
DD Bryant , DD Brown , DD Clarence Bronson ,
DD Braine , DD Bradford , DD Boyd ,
DD Bennion , DE Brackett , DE Bebas ,
DE Wesson , DE Waterman , DE Swearer ,
DE Riddle , SC PC-1082 , SC-1069 ,
SC-1068 , SC-1067 , SC-1066 ,
SC-1065 , DMS Ellyson , DMS Hobson ,
AM Effective , AM Dynamic
DE Swearer collides with LST-466 at 149 , 136
APA Henderson , AK Autauga , AK Crux ,
LST-468 , LST-467 , LST-466 ,
LST-465 , LST-464 , LST-463 ,
LST-462 , LST-461 , LST-460 ,
LST-459 , LST-458 , LST-452 ,
LST-451 , LST-227 screened from combat
- escorted by DD Callaghan , DD Bush , DD Burns ,
DD Bryant , DD Brown , DD Clarence Bronson ,
DD Braine , DD Bradford , DD Boyd ,
DD Bennion , DE Brackett , DE Waterman ,
DE Swearer , DE Riddle , SC PC-1082 ,
SC-1069 , SC-1068 , SC-1066 ,
SC-1065 , DMS Ellyson , DMS Hobson ,
AM Dynamic
CA Wichita engages MTB G-552 at 29,000 yards
Range increases to 30,000 yards
APA Henderson , AK Autauga , AK Crux ,
LST-468 , LST-467 , LST-466 ,
LST-465 , LST-464 , LST-463 ,
LST-462 , LST-461 , LST-460 ,
LST-459 , LST-458 , LST-452 ,
LST-451 , LST-227 , LST-224 ,
LST-223 , LST-222 , LST-218 ,
LST-217 , LST-216 , LST-214 ,
LST-207 , LST-203 , LST-202 ,
LST-180 , LST-179 , LST-177 ,
LST-176 , LST-175 , LST-169 ,
LST-167 , LST-166 , LST-126 screened from combat
- escorted by DD Callaghan , DD Bush , DD Burns ,
DD Brown , DD Clarence Bronson , DD Boyd ,
DD Bennion , DE Brackett , DE Bebas ,
DE Waterman , DE Swearer , SC PC-1082 ,
SC-1067 , SC-1066 , DMS Ellyson ,
AM Effective , AM Dynamic
Task forces break off...
Day Time Surface Combat, near Baker Island at 149,136, Range 20,000 Yards

Japanese Ships
MTB G-550
MTB G-552, Shell hits 3, and is sunk

Allied Ships
CV Saratoga
CV Essex
CVL Independence
CVL Langley
CVL Bataan
BB North Carolina
CA Houston
CA Astoria
CA Australia
DD Cogswell
DD Longshaw
DD Morrison
DD Murray
DD Owen
DD Picking
DD William Porter
DD Porterfield
DD Stephen Potter
DD Halsey Powell
DD Prichett

Maximum visibility in Overcast Conditions: 20,000 yards
Range closes to 28,000 yards...
Range closes to 26,000 yards...
Range closes to 24,000 yards...
Range closes to 22,000 yards...
Range closes to 20,000 yards...
CONTACT: Japanese lookouts spot Allied task force at 20,000 yards
CONTACT: Allied lookouts spot Japanese task force at 20,000 yards
DD Murray collides with DD Prichett at 149 , 136
CV Essex , CV Saratoga , CVL Bataan ,
CVL Langley , CVL Independence screened from combat
- escorted by DD Prichett , DD Halsey Powell , DD Stephen Potter ,
DD Porterfield , DD William Porter , DD Picking ,
DD Owen , DD Murray , DD Morrison ,
DD Longshaw
CV Essex , CV Saratoga , CVL Bataan ,
CVL Langley , CVL Independence screened from combat
- escorted by DD Prichett , DD Halsey Powell , DD Stephen Potter ,
DD Porterfield , DD William Porter , DD Picking ,
DD Owen , DD Murray , DD Morrison ,
DD Longshaw
CV Essex , CV Saratoga screened from combat
- escorted by DD Prichett , DD Halsey Powell , DD Stephen Potter ,
DD Porterfield , DD William Porter , DD Picking ,
DD Owen , DD Murray , DD Morrison ,
DD Longshaw , DD Cogswell
CV Essex , CV Saratoga , CVL Bataan ,
CVL Langley , CVL Independence screened from combat
- escorted by DD Prichett , DD Halsey Powell , DD Stephen Potter ,
DD Porterfield , DD William Porter , DD Picking ,
DD Owen , DD Murray , DD Morrison ,
DD Longshaw
Range closes to 19,000 yards
CV Essex , CV Saratoga , CVL Bataan screened from combat
- escorted by DD Prichett , DD Halsey Powell , DD Stephen Potter ,
DD Porterfield , DD William Porter , DD Picking ,
DD Owen , DD Murray , DD Morrison ,
DD Longshaw , DD Cogswell
Range closes to 18,000 yards
MTB G-552 sunk by CV Essex at 18,000 yards
Matsumura W. orders Japanese TF to disengage
Range closes to 16,000 yards
Range increases to 19,000 yards
CV Essex , CV Saratoga , CVL Bataan ,
CVL Langley screened from combat
- escorted by DD Prichett , DD Halsey Powell , DD Stephen Potter ,
DD Porterfield , DD William Porter , DD Picking ,
DD Owen , DD Murray , DD Morrison ,
DD Longshaw , DD Cogswell
Range increases to 24,000 yards
CV Essex , CV Saratoga screened from combat
- escorted by DD Prichett , DD Halsey Powell , DD Stephen Potter ,
DD Porterfield , DD William Porter , DD Picking ,
DD Owen , DD Murray , DD Morrison ,
DD Longshaw , DD Cogswell
Range increases to 29,000 yards
CV Essex , CV Saratoga , CVL Bataan ,
CVL Langley , CVL Independence screened from combat
- escorted by DD Prichett , DD Halsey Powell , DD Stephen Potter ,
DD Porterfield , DD William Porter , DD Picking ,
DD Owen , DD Murray , DD Morrison ,
DD Longshaw
Task forces break off...
Day Time Surface Combat, near Baker Island at 149,136, Range 30,000 Yards

Japanese Ships
MTB G-550

Allied Ships
CVE Chenango
CVE Nassau
CVE Altamaha
CVE Casablanca
CVE Liscome Bay
CVE Manila Bay
CVE Rudyerd Bay
CL Richmond
DD Abner Read
DD Remey
DD Robinson
DD Saufley
DD Norman Scott
DD Sigourney
DD Spence
DD Strong
DD David Taylor
DD Twining
DD Wadleigh

Maximum visibility in Overcast Conditions: 20,000 yards
Range closes to 28,000 yards...
Range closes to 25,000 yards...
Range closes to 21,000 yards...
Range closes to 20,000 yards...
CONTACT: Japanese lookouts spot Allied task force at 20,000 yards
Japanese TF attempts to evade combat
Range increases to 21,000 yards...
Range increases to 22,000 yards...
Range increases to 23,000 yards...
Range increases to 24,000 yards...
Range increases to 25,000 yards...
Range increases to 26,000 yards...
Range increases to 27,000 yards...
Range increases to 28,000 yards...
Range increases to 29,000 yards...
Range increases to 30,000 yards...
Range increases to 30,000 yards...
Both Task Forces evade combat
Day Time Surface Combat, near Baker Island at 149,136, Range 26,000 Yards

Japanese Ships
MTB G-550

Allied Ships
CV Intrepid
CV Franklin
CVL Belleau Wood
BB Washington
CA Minneapolis
CLAA Atlanta
CL Nashville
DD Cony
DD Cotten
DD Cowell
DD Daly
DD Dashiell
DD Dortch
DD Dyson
DD Eaton
DD Erben
DD Foote
DD Franks

Maximum visibility in Overcast Conditions: 20,000 yards
Range closes to 29,000 yards...
Range closes to 27,000 yards...
Range closes to 24,000 yards...
Range increases to 25,000 yards...
Range closes to 24,000 yards...
Range closes to 22,000 yards...
Range closes to 21,000 yards...
Range increases to 23,000 yards...
Range increases to 25,000 yards...
Range closes to 24,000 yards...
Range increases to 25,000 yards...
Range increases to 26,000 yards...
Range closes to 24,000 yards...
Range closes to 22,000 yards...
Range increases to 24,000 yards...
Range increases to 26,000 yards...
Range closes to 24,000 yards...
Range closes to 23,000 yards...
Range increases to 25,000 yards...
Range closes to 24,000 yards...
Range increases to 25,000 yards...
Range increases to 26,000 yards...
Range closes to 25,000 yards...
Range closes to 24,000 yards...
Range closes to 22,000 yards...
Range closes to 20,000 yards...
CONTACT: Japanese lookouts spot Allied task force at 20,000 yards
CONTACT: Allied lookouts spot Japanese task force at 20,000 yards
Both TF attempt to withdraw!
Range increases to 26,000 yards...
CV Franklin , CV Intrepid , CVL Belleau Wood screened from combat
- escorted by DD Franks , DD Foote , DD Erben ,
DD Eaton , DD Dyson , DD Dortch ,
DD Dashiell , DD Daly , DD Cowell ,
DD Cotten , DD Cony
Both Task Forces evade combat
Day Time Surface Combat, near Baker Island at 149,136, Range 30,000 Yards

Japanese Ships
MTB G-550

Allied Ships
CV Yorktown
CV Enterprise
CVL Cowpens
BB New Jersey
CA San Francisco
CA Quincy
CLAA Juneau
DD Fullam
DD Hailey
DD Hale
DD Halford
DD Hall
DD Halligan
DD Lewis Hancock
DD Haraden
DD Harrison
DD Hazelwood
DD Healy
DD Heermann

Maximum visibility in Overcast Conditions: 20,000 yards
Range increases to 30,000 yards...
Both Task Forces evade combat
Day Time Surface Combat, near Baker Island at 149,136, Range 30,000 Yards

Japanese Ships
MTB G-550

Allied Ships
CVL Monterey
CVL Cabot
CV Formidable
CV Ark Royal
BB Alabama
CA Vincennes
CLAA San Diego
CL Birmingham
CL Biloxi
DD Hickox
DD Hopewell
DD Hudson
DD Hunt
DD Hutchins
DD Ingersoll
DD Jenkins
DD Johnston
DD Kimberly
DD Knapp
DD LaVallette
DD Laws

Maximum visibility in Overcast Conditions: 20,000 yards
Range closes to 27,000 yards...
Range closes to 26,000 yards...
Range closes to 23,000 yards...
Range increases to 27,000 yards...
Range closes to 26,000 yards...
Range closes to 25,000 yards...
Range increases to 29,000 yards...
Range increases to 30,000 yards...
Range increases to 30,000 yards...
Both Task Forces evade combat


Air Combat

Morning Air attack on Gasmata , at 103,127
Weather in hex: Partial cloud

Raid spotted at 19 NM, estimated altitude 9,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 5 minutes

Japanese aircraft
A6M5 Zero x 27
Ki-49-IIb Helen x 16

No Japanese losses

Airbase hits 3
Airbase supply hits 2
Runway hits 6

Aircraft Attacking:
16 x Ki-49-IIb Helen bombing from 4000 feet
Airfield Attack: 4 x 250 kg GP Bomb
Morning Air attack on 31st Infantry Regiment, at 149,136 (Baker Island)
Weather in hex: Partial cloud

Raid spotted at 36 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 16 minutes

Allied aircraft
Corsair II x 68
F4U-1A Corsair x 216
F6F-3 Hellcat x 163
SB2C-1C Helldiver x 49
SB2C-3 Helldiver x 15
TBM-1C Avenger x 146

Allied aircraft losses
SB2C-1C Helldiver: 5 damaged
TBM-1C Avenger: 5 damaged

Japanese ground losses:
42 casualties reported
Squads: 2 destroyed, 1 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Guns lost 9 (5 destroyed, 4 disabled)
Afternoon Air attack on Gasmata , at 103,127
Weather in hex: Clear sky

Raid spotted at 20 NM, estimated altitude 17,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 5 minutes

Japanese aircraft
D4Y2 Judy x 17
N1K1-J George x 9

No Japanese losses

Port hits 1

Aircraft Attacking:
17 x D4Y2 Judy bombing from 15000 feet
Port Attack: 1 x 500 kg GP Bomb



Pre-Invasion action off Baker Island (149,136)

3 Coastal gun shots fired in defense.

Allied Ships
CA Exeter
CA Wichita
DD Burns
DD Brown
DD Braine
SC PC-1082
DD Callaghan

Japanese ground losses:
28 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Non Combat: 3 destroyed, 2 disabled
Engineers: 1 destroyed, 1 disabled
Guns lost 1 (1 destroyed, 0 disabled)

CA Exeter firing at 49th JNAF AF Unit
CA Wichita firing at 49th JNAF AF Unit
DD Burns firing at 48th JNAF AF Unit
DD Brown firing at 49th JNAF AF Unit
DD Braine firing at 49th JNAF AF Unit
SC PC-1082 fired at enemy troops
SC-1069 fired at enemy troops
SC-1068 fired at enemy troops
SC-1067 fired at enemy troops
SC-1066 fired at enemy troops
SC-1065 fired at enemy troops
DD Burns fired at enemy troops
DD Brown fired at enemy troops
DD Braine fired at enemy troops
Defensive Guns fire at approaching troops in landing craft at 6,000 yards
Defensive Guns fire at approaching troops in landing craft at 1,000 yards
Amphibious Assault at Baker Island (149,136)

TF 120 troops unloading over beach at Baker Island, 149,136

Allied ground losses:
6 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled


Ground Combat

Ground combat at Baker Island (149,136)
Allied Shock attack

Attacking force 1437 troops, 27 guns, 66 vehicles, Assault Value = 131
Defending force 130 troops, 4 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 4

Allied adjusted assault: 29
Japanese adjusted defense: 1

Allied assault odds: 29 to 1 (fort level 1)
Allied forces CAPTURE Baker Island !!!

Japanese aircraft
no flights

Japanese aircraft losses
H6K5 Mavis: 2 destroyed
J1N1-C Irving: 1 destroyed

Combat modifiers
Defender: disruption(-), preparation(-)
Attacker: shock(+), disruption(-), fatigue(-)

Japanese ground losses:
189 casualties reported
Squads: 2 destroyed, 0 disabled
Non Combat: 11 destroyed, 0 disabled
Engineers: 5 destroyed, 0 disabled
Guns lost 5 (5 destroyed, 0 disabled)
Units destroyed 4

Allied ground losses:
22 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 5 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled

Assaulting units:
640th TD Bn /3
112th Cavalry Rgt /4

Defending units:
205th JAAF AF Bn /1
49th JNAF AF Unit /1
5th Naval Const Bn /1
48th JNAF AF Unit /2


Baker Island

Here is the summary of the Allied carrier TFs spotted at Baker Island: 98 ships in total

8 fleet carriers (inc 2 British)
7 light carriers
7 escort carriers
4 battleships
7 heavy cruisers
4 light cruisers
4 anti aircraft cruisers
57 destroyers

CV Formidable
CV Ark Royal
CV Yorktown
CV Enterprise
CV Intrepid
CV Franklin
CV Saratoga
CV Essex
CVL Monterey
CVL Cabot
CVL Independence
CVL Langley
CVL Bataan
CVL Belleau Wood
CVL Cowpens
CVE Chenango
CVE Nassau
CVE Altamaha
CVE Casablanca
CVE Liscome Bay
CVE Manila Bay
CVE Rudyerd Bay
BB New Jersey
BB North Carolina
BB Alabama
BB Washington
CA Minneapolis
CA Vincennes
CA San Francisco
CA Quincy
CA Houston
CA Astoria
CA Australia
CL Birmingham
CL Biloxi
CL Richmond
CL Nashville
CLAA San Diego
CLAA Atlanta
CLAA Juneau
DD Cogswell
DD Longshaw
DD Morrison
DD Murray
DD Owen
DD Picking
DD William Porter
DD Porterfield
DD Stephen Potter
DD Halsey Powell
DD Prichett
DD Hickox
DD Hopewell
DD Hudson
DD Hunt
DD Hutchins
DD Ingersoll
DD Jenkins
DD Johnston
DD Kimberly
DD Knapp
DD LaVallette
DD Laws
DD Fullam
DD Hailey
DD Hale
DD Halford
DD Hall
DD Halligan
DD Lewis Hancock
DD Haraden
DD Harrison
DD Hazelwood
DD Healy
DD Heermann
DD Cony
DD Cotten
DD Cowell
DD Daly
DD Dashiell
DD Dortch
DD Dyson
DD Eaton
DD Erben
DD Foote
DD Franks
DD Abner Read
DD Remey
DD Robinson
DD Saufley
DD Norman Scott
DD Sigourney
DD Spence
DD Strong
DD David Taylor
DD Twining
DD Wadleigh

There are certainly more CVEs and probably a few more fleet carriers.
Plenty of destroyers but Allies are light in heavy escort vesseles.

Attachment (1)


"The problem in defense is how far you can go without destroying from within what you are trying to defend from without"
- Dwight D. Eisenhower

(in reply to PaxMondo)
Post #: 3130
RE: KB hit enemy fleets in Coral Sea - 12/12/2011 8:14:47 PM   

Posts: 5076
Joined: 10/3/2000
From: No(r)way
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Allied interest in Port Blair...
We send a midget sub to Colombo; it penetrates and attacks an AR...and misses, bah.

Heavy Allied air attacks in southern New Guinea; Lae and Finschafen.
As we enter June 1944 elements of the Combined Fleet will perform major upgrades.
Major LCU reinforcements that will be distributed throughout the Empire.
- In due time this will allow us to re-establish the mobile reserve needed to counter attack Allied landings.

I'm struggling to distribute enough supplies; usage in Burma theatre is huge and I also need to build huge stocks in dozens of other bases as mentioned.
Tokyo is in red for 3-4 days after loading up a 100k supply convoy. Not a single supply producing base in the Empire with substantial stocks and it's impossible to get supply levels in
bases accross Japan above 10k without strangling supplies to Tokyo. Sending out supplies and increasing / adjusting productin is therefore almost impossible.

Right now I have to prioritize stocking up of Marshalls, New Britain, Admiralty Islands, Truk and New Guinea.
When Allies establish air dominance in these theatres it will become impractical to send in further supplies so we now have to provide enough for a long siege.
Each base Andy bypass will hold a small garrison, air support and supplies enough to allow our naval bombers to hit his vanguard.


Surface Combat

Night Time Surface Combat, near Port Blair at 46,58, Range 1,000 Yards

Japanese Ships
MTB G-546, Shell hits 13, and is sunk
MTB G-547, Shell hits 1, and is sunk

Allied Ships
DD Charrette
DD Stevens
DD Alden
DD Parrott
DD Penn
DD Quality
DD Quilliam

Poor visibility due to Thunderstorms with 67% moonlight
Maximum visibility in Thunderstorms and 67% moonlight: 2,000 yards
Range closes to 25,000 yards...
Range closes to 20,000 yards...
Range closes to 15,000 yards...
Range closes to 10,000 yards...
Range closes to 7,000 yards...
Range closes to 5,000 yards...
Range closes to 3,000 yards...
Range closes to 1,000 yards...
MTB G-547 sunk by DD Quilliam at 1,000 yards
MTB G-546 sunk by DD Quality at 1,000 yards
Combat ends with last Japanese ship sunk...


Sub Attacks

Midget Sub attack inside harbor of Colombo!!!

Japanese Ships
SSX Ha-56

Allied Ships
AR Prometheus


Air Combat

Morning Air attack on TF, near Merauke at 89,124
Weather in hex: Clear sky

Raid detected at 97 NM, estimated altitude 18,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 28 minutes

Japanese aircraft
P1Y1 Frances x 13

Allied aircraft
P-39N1 Airacobra x 3
P-40N5 Warhawk x 10

Japanese aircraft losses
P1Y1 Frances: 5 destroyed, 1 damaged

No Allied losses

Allied Ships
xAK Louis Joliet
xAK Morton M. McCarver, Torpedo hits 1, heavy fires, heavy damage

Aircraft Attacking:
6 x P1Y1 Frances launching torpedoes at 200 feet
Naval Attack: 1 x 18in Type 91 Torpedo
Afternoon Air attack on Gasmata , at 103,127
Weather in hex: Clear sky

Raid spotted at 17 NM, estimated altitude 16,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 4 minutes

Japanese aircraft
D4Y2 Judy x 17
N1K1-J George x 9

No Japanese losses

Port supply hits 1

Aircraft Attacking:
17 x D4Y2 Judy bombing from 15000 feet
Port Attack: 1 x 500 kg GP Bomb



"The problem in defense is how far you can go without destroying from within what you are trying to defend from without"
- Dwight D. Eisenhower

(in reply to PzB74)
Post #: 3131
RE: KB hit enemy fleets in Coral Sea - 12/12/2011 8:16:47 PM   
castor troy

Posts: 14330
Joined: 8/23/2004
From: Austria
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To be honest, those carrier TFs Andy got there don´t seem to be anywhere close to "death stars". You may not want to have KB sitting next to those carriers but together with LBA you should be able to easily wear them down and to wreck havoc once more. I think as long as Andy goes with those targets far out in the Pacific there is not much you can (should) do but if he dares to move just once into an area with a couple of bases where you can put something like 800+ ac in total I´m sure he will suffer the next big defeat.

I felt 95% safe in my last PBEM against Rainer79 when I had more than two dozen CV/CVL and more than three dozen CVE until I had to find out that a single day with three dozen strikes from all different LBA bases plus a combined strike from a "what was left of KB" TF was able to penetrate my Cap to score the usual myriad of uncountable Japanese torpedo hits on all sorts of ships. I think I had something between 1300 to 1600 carrier based fighters 1/3 Corsairs and 2/3 Hellcats, all being flown by 70 skilled pilots and Andy doesn´t even come close to that. I think he will never be close to something you have to really fear because as soon as he gets into areas where you can mass aircraft he will lose a hell a lot of carriers me thinks.

Just wait a little, I´m sure you will get his carriers served on a tablet again.

< Message edited by castor troy -- 12/12/2011 8:19:37 PM >


(in reply to PzB74)
Post #: 3132
RE: KB hit enemy fleets in Coral Sea - 12/12/2011 9:24:05 PM   

Posts: 5076
Joined: 10/3/2000
From: No(r)way
Status: offline
Indeed, I'm taking things E-C 
It's hard to sit back and wait but I'm building KB strength, adding carriers, better ac and waiting for Andy to have to expose himself to both LBA and Combined Fleet!


"The problem in defense is how far you can go without destroying from within what you are trying to defend from without"
- Dwight D. Eisenhower

(in reply to castor troy)
Post #: 3133
RE: KB hit enemy fleets in Coral Sea - 12/12/2011 10:31:18 PM   


Posts: 443
Joined: 4/26/2010
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I hope you gave the crew of MTB G-550 lots of medals for the recon work they did ;)

(in reply to PzB74)
Post #: 3134
RE: KB hit enemy fleets in Coral Sea - 12/14/2011 12:56:33 PM   


Posts: 603
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From: Austria
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ORIGINAL: castor troy
I felt 95% safe in my last PBEM against Rainer79 when I had more than two dozen CV/CVL and more than three dozen CVE until I had to find out that a single day with three dozen strikes from all different LBA bases plus a combined strike from a "what was left of KB" TF was able to penetrate my Cap to score the usual myriad of uncountable Japanese torpedo hits on all sorts of ships. I think I had something between 1300 to 1600 carrier based fighters 1/3 Corsairs and 2/3 Hellcats, all being flown by 70 skilled pilots and Andy doesn´t even come close to that. I think he will never be close to something you have to really fear because as soon as he gets into areas where you can mass aircraft he will lose a hell a lot of carriers me thinks.

Mind you, I had concentrated nearly the entire airforce on Japan proper and the fact the KB's airwings attacked last (and nearly unmolested) was really bad luck for you.

But what are a few CVEs between friends?

(in reply to castor troy)
Post #: 3135
RE: KB hit enemy fleets in Coral Sea - 12/14/2011 4:38:53 PM   
castor troy

Posts: 14330
Joined: 8/23/2004
From: Austria
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ORIGINAL: Rainer79


ORIGINAL: castor troy
I felt 95% safe in my last PBEM against Rainer79 when I had more than two dozen CV/CVL and more than three dozen CVE until I had to find out that a single day with three dozen strikes from all different LBA bases plus a combined strike from a "what was left of KB" TF was able to penetrate my Cap to score the usual myriad of uncountable Japanese torpedo hits on all sorts of ships. I think I had something between 1300 to 1600 carrier based fighters 1/3 Corsairs and 2/3 Hellcats, all being flown by 70 skilled pilots and Andy doesn´t even come close to that. I think he will never be close to something you have to really fear because as soon as he gets into areas where you can mass aircraft he will lose a hell a lot of carriers me thinks.

Mind you, I had concentrated nearly the entire airforce on Japan proper and the fact the KB's airwings attacked last (and nearly unmolested) was really bad luck for you.

But what are a few CVEs between friends?

correct, so what do you think you would have done to me, would I have only sent what PzB summed up above? Lol, glug glug glug and I really already feel for Andy. sry PzB for spamming your AAR.

< Message edited by castor troy -- 12/14/2011 4:39:12 PM >


(in reply to Rainer79)
Post #: 3136
Enemy assaults Port Blair - 12/21/2011 9:03:47 PM   

Posts: 5076
Joined: 10/3/2000
From: No(r)way
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No medals, sake and Geisha rewards are plentiful though - Samurai's are expected to do their duty, always!-)

After heavy aerial assaults on Port Blair a large contingent of airborne troops descended from the heavens.
The airborne invades could not defeat the Sons of the Heavens well entrenched on the ground though.

A much more serious threat was observed in the form of Allied naval forces in Burma and a TF approaching Port Blair.


Our standing reaction force at Singapore has been alerted, the quick reaction force of only 2 destroyers at Victoria Point is ordered to intercept
together with the 2nd and 4th Air Divisions.


Air Combat

Morning Air attack on Port Blair , at 46,58
Weather in hex: Moderate rain

Raid spotted at 20 NM, estimated altitude 20,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 5 minutes

Allied aircraft
B-24D1 Liberator x 16
B-24J Liberator x 31
B-25C Mitchell x 8
P-47D25 Thunderbolt x 12
PBJ-1D Mitchell x 23

No Allied losses

Airbase hits 12
Airbase supply hits 1
Runway hits 19


Ground Combat

Ground combat at Port Blair (46,58)
Allied Shock attack

Attacking force 1879 troops, 26 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 145
Defending force 13547 troops, 135 guns, 69 vehicles, Assault Value = 462

Allied adjusted assault: 37
Japanese adjusted defense: 539

Allied assault odds: 1 to 14 (fort level 6)

Combat modifiers
Defender: terrain(+), forts(+)
Attacker: shock(+), leaders(+)

Japanese ground losses:
154 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 15 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
Units destroyed 1

Allied ground losses:
1078 casualties reported
Squads: 22 destroyed, 64 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 4 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled

Assaulting units:
77th Chindit Bde /2
50th Indian Para Bde /1
111th Chindit Bde /1

Defending units:
53rd Division
39th JNAF AF Unit /1
6th Ind.Hvy.Art. Battalion
19th Field AA Machinecannon Company
5th Air Div /1


Assault on Port Blair

Attachment (1)

< Message edited by PzB -- 12/21/2011 9:05:39 PM >


"The problem in defense is how far you can go without destroying from within what you are trying to defend from without"
- Dwight D. Eisenhower

(in reply to castor troy)
Post #: 3137
RE: Enemy assaults Port Blair - 12/21/2011 9:18:48 PM   

Posts: 5076
Joined: 10/3/2000
From: No(r)way
Status: offline
The enemy approaches....
Our small vanguard of 2 destroyers manage to slip past the Allied surface combat TFs and unleash a vicious attack on the anchored transports.
In the continous battles the Onami catches fire and sinks but the Allied commander is wary and orders the ships to head back to sea.

At sea our naval bombers find them; explosions and mayhem.
Andy is cursing - a small slip and the plans is starting to go awry, we have to take advantage.

We send 2 Daitai's of Rex floatplane fighters to defend Port Blair.
Seas are awash with enemy subs; Imperial doctrine refuse deployment of heavy warships in these waters.

The 5th Destroyer Squadron at Singapore with 5 brand new Shimakaze class interceptors are racing at full speed towards the Andaman Islands.
The Emperor needs another victory - Atttack!!


Surface Combat

Night Time Surface Combat, near Port Blair at 46,58, Range 2,000 Yards

Japanese Ships
MTB G-846, Shell hits 2, and is sunk

Allied Ships
DD Vampire
DE Gilmore
DE LeHardy
AM Engage
xAP President Fillmore
xAP President Madison
xAP President Tyler
xAP President Taylor
APA Wayne
AK Allioth
AK Alkes
AK Azimech
AK Hyperion
xAK Wilhelmina
xAK Donald McKay
xAK Mormacmar
xAK Mormacrey
xAK San Anselmo
xAK San Felipe
xAK Admiral Wood
xAK President Quezon
xAK Charles McCormick
xAP Cape Johnson
xAP Cape Neddick
xAK Ethel Edwards
xAK Antoine Saugrain
xAK Arthur P. Davis
xAK B. F. Irvine
xAK Billy Sunday
xAK Brander Matthews
xAK David R. Francis
xAK Edward N. Westcott
xAK Ina Coolbrith
xAK John M. Bozeman
xAK Lew Wallace
xAK Louis A. Sengteller
xAK Luther S. Kelly
xAK Nathaniel Crosby
xAK S. Hall Young
xAK Samuel F. Miller
xAK Samuel Gompers
xAK Sidney Edgerton
xAK Stephen W. Kearny
xAK Thomas J. Walsh
xAK Wayne MacVeagh
xAK William Dawes
xAK William Dunbar
xAK William Ellery
xAK William Keith
xAK William S. Ladd
xAK Maldive
xAK Nirvana
xAK Yoma
xAK Adrastus
xAK Appleleaf
xAK Ascot

Allied Ships Reported to be Approaching!
Japanese TF begins to get underway

Combat ends with last Japanese ship sunk...
TF 143 encounters mine field at Port Blair (46,58)

Allied Ships
AM Engage
DD Vampire
DE LeHardy
KV Chilliwack
KV Timmins
PC Kimball
xAP President Fillmore, Mine hits 1

Allied ground losses:
5 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled

9 mines cleared
Night Time Surface Combat, near Port Blair at 46,58, Range 4,000 Yards

Japanese Ships
DD Akigumo
DD Onami

Allied Ships
DD Vampire, Shell hits 22, heavy fires, heavy damage
DE Gilmore
DE LeHardy
AM Engage
xAP President Fillmore
xAP President Madison
xAP President Tyler
xAP President Taylor
APA Wayne
AK Allioth
AK Alkes
AK Azimech
AK Hyperion
xAK Wilhelmina
xAK Donald McKay
xAK Mormacmar
xAK Mormacrey
xAK San Anselmo
xAK San Felipe
xAK Admiral Wood
xAK President Quezon
xAK Charles McCormick
xAP Cape Johnson
xAP Cape Neddick
xAK Ethel Edwards
xAK Antoine Saugrain
xAK Arthur P. Davis
xAK B. F. Irvine
xAK Billy Sunday
xAK Brander Matthews
xAK David R. Francis
xAK Edward N. Westcott
xAK Ina Coolbrith
xAK John M. Bozeman
xAK Lew Wallace
xAK Louis A. Sengteller
xAK Luther S. Kelly
xAK Nathaniel Crosby
xAK S. Hall Young
xAK Samuel F. Miller
xAK Samuel Gompers
xAK Sidney Edgerton
xAK Stephen W. Kearny
xAK Thomas J. Walsh
xAK Wayne MacVeagh
xAK William Dawes
xAK William Dunbar
xAK William Ellery
xAK William Keith
xAK William S. Ladd
xAK Maldive
xAK Nirvana
xAK Yoma, Shell hits 2
xAK Adrastus
xAK Appleleaf
DE Narbada, Shell hits 4, on fire

Japanese Ships Reported to be Approaching!
Allied TF begins to get underway
Poor visibility due to Thunderstorms with 92% moonlight
Maximum visibility in Thunderstorms and 92% moonlight: 2,000 yards
Range closes to 27,000 yards...
Range closes to 24,000 yards...
CONTACT: Japanese radar detects Allied task force at 24,000 yards
Range closes to 21,000 yards...
CONTACT: Japanese radar detects Allied task force at 21,000 yards
Range closes to 18,000 yards...
Range closes to 15,000 yards...
CONTACT: Japanese radar detects Allied task force at 15,000 yards
Range closes to 12,000 yards...
CONTACT: Japanese radar detects Allied task force at 12,000 yards
Range closes to 11,000 yards...
CONTACT: Japanese radar detects Allied task force at 11,000 yards
Range closes to 10,000 yards...
CONTACT: Japanese radar detects Allied task force at 10,000 yards
Range closes to 9,000 yards...
CONTACT: Japanese radar detects Allied task force at 9,000 yards
Range closes to 8,000 yards...
CONTACT: Japanese radar detects Allied task force at 8,000 yards
Range closes to 7,000 yards...
CONTACT: Japanese radar detects Allied task force at 7,000 yards
Range closes to 6,000 yards...
CONTACT: Japanese radar detects Allied task force at 6,000 yards
Range closes to 5,000 yards...
CONTACT: Japanese radar detects Allied task force at 5,000 yards
Range closes to 4,000 yards...
CONTACT: Japanese radar detects Allied task force at 4,000 yards
LSI(L) Empire Battleaxe collides with xAK Yoma at 46 , 58
DD Onami engages DD Vampire at 4,000 yards
DD Onami engages xAK Yoma at 4,000 yards
Range closes to 3,000 yards
DD Akigumo engages DD Vampire at 3,000 yards
DD Akigumo engages DD Vampire at 3,000 yards
DE Gilmore collides with xAK Yoma at 46 , 58
DD Vampire engages DD Onami at 3,000 yards
DD Vampire engages DD Akigumo at 3,000 yards
Range closes to 2,000 yards
KV Timmins collides with xAK Yoma at 46 , 58
DD Onami engages DD Vampire at 2,000 yards
DD Akigumo engages DE Narbada at 2,000 yards
DD Vampire engages DD Onami at 2,000 yards
DD Akigumo engages DD Vampire at 2,000 yards
xAK Mormacmar collides with xAK Adrastus at 46 , 58
DD Vampire engages DD Onami at 2,000 yards
DD Akigumo engages DE Narbada at 2,000 yards
DD Onami engages DD Vampire at 2,000 yards
DD Onami engages DE Narbada at 2,000 yards
xAK William Dunbar collides with xAK Adrastus at 46 , 58
DD Akigumo engages DD Vampire at 2,000 yards
Allied Task Force Manages to Escape
Task forces break off...
Day Time Surface Combat, near Port Blair at 46,58, Range 4,000 Yards

Japanese Ships
DD Akigumo
DD Onami, Shell hits 6, heavy fires

Allied Ships
DD Stembel, Shell hits 1
DD Vendetta, Shell hits 1

Reduced visibility due to Thunderstorms
Maximum visibility in Thunderstorms: 4,000 yards
Range closes to 24,000 yards...
Range closes to 18,000 yards...
Range closes to 12,000 yards...
Range closes to 8,000 yards...
Range closes to 6,000 yards...
Range closes to 4,000 yards...
CONTACT: Japanese lookouts spot Allied task force at 4,000 yards
Japanese open fire on surprised Allied ships at 4,000 yards
DD Onami fires at DD Vendetta at 4,000 yards
DD Akigumo fires at DD Vendetta at 4,000 yards
Range closes to 2,000 yards
DD Onami engages DD Vendetta at 2,000 yards
DD Stembel engages DD Onami at 2,000 yards
Range increases to 10,000 yards
DD Onami engages DD Vendetta at 10,000 yards
DD Akigumo engages DD Stembel at 10,000 yards
Range increases to 13,000 yards
DD Onami engages DD Vendetta at 13,000 yards
DD Onami engages DD Stembel at 13,000 yards
Task forces break off...


Air Combat

Morning Air attack on TF, near Port Blair at 48,58
Weather in hex: Light rain

Raid detected at 79 NM, estimated altitude 15,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 29 minutes

Japanese aircraft
G3M3 Nell x 18
N1K1-J George x 18
P1Y1 Frances x 26

Japanese aircraft losses
G3M3 Nell: 3 damaged
P1Y1 Frances: 2 damaged

Allied Ships
DD Quality
DD Penn
DE Gilmore, Torpedo hits 4, and is sunk
DD Alden, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk
DD Charrette
xAK Yoma, Torpedo hits 1, on fire, heavy damage
DD Quilliam
DD Parrott
xAP President Fillmore

Aircraft Attacking:
18 x G3M3 Nell launching torpedoes at 200 feet
Naval Attack: 1 x 18in Type 91 Torpedo
26 x P1Y1 Frances launching torpedoes at 200 feet
Naval Attack: 1 x 18in Type 91 Torpedo
Morning Air attack on TF, near Port Blair at 48,57
Weather in hex: Moderate rain

Raid detected at 34 NM, estimated altitude 18,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 10 minutes

Japanese aircraft
N1K1-J George x 18
P1Y1 Frances x 13

Allied aircraft
Thunderbolt I x 3
P-38J Lightning x 4
P-47D25 Thunderbolt x 8

Japanese aircraft losses
N1K1-J George: 3 destroyed

No Allied losses

Allied Ships
xAK Samur
xAK Mormacrey
xAK Wayne MacVeagh, Torpedo hits 2, heavy fires, heavy damage
DE LeHardy, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk

Allied ground losses:
68 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 8 disabled
Non Combat: 5 destroyed, 14 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Vehicles lost 3 (1 destroyed, 2 disabled)

Aircraft Attacking:
13 x P1Y1 Frances launching torpedoes at 200 feet
Naval Attack: 1 x 18in Type 91 Torpedo

Massive explosion on xAK Wayne MacVeagh
Magazine explodes on DE LeHardy
Morning Air attack on Port Blair , at 46,58
Weather in hex: Overcast

Raid detected at 40 NM, estimated altitude 20,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 13 minutes

Japanese aircraft
N1K1 Rex x 26

Allied aircraft
PV-1 Ventura x 12
B-24D1 Liberator x 24
B-24J Liberator x 30
P-47D25 Thunderbolt x 12
P-51B Mustang x 24
PBJ-1D Mitchell x 22

Japanese aircraft losses
N1K1 Rex: 3 destroyed, 8 damaged
N1K1 Rex: 2 destroyed on ground

Allied aircraft losses
B-24J Liberator: 1 damaged
P-47D25 Thunderbolt: 1 destroyed

Airbase hits 7
Airbase supply hits 1
Runway hits 33
Morning Air attack on Port Blair , at 46,58
Weather in hex: Overcast

Raid detected at 9 NM, estimated altitude 16,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 3 minutes

Japanese aircraft
N1K1 Rex x 8

Allied aircraft
B-24D1 Liberator x 13
B-24J Liberator x 11

Japanese aircraft losses
N1K1 Rex: 1 destroyed, 1 damaged

Allied aircraft losses
B-24D1 Liberator: 1 damaged
B-24J Liberator: 4 damaged

Airbase hits 2
Airbase supply hits 1
Runway hits 4

Aircraft Attacking:
11 x B-24J Liberator bombing from 15000 feet
Airfield Attack: 10 x 500 lb GP Bomb
7 x B-24D1 Liberator bombing from 15000 feet
Airfield Attack: 10 x 500 lb GP Bomb
6 x B-24D1 Liberator bombing from 15000 feet
Airfield Attack: 10 x 500 lb GP Bomb
Afternoon Air attack on TF, near Port Blair at 48,57
Weather in hex: Thunderstorms

Raid spotted at 31 NM, estimated altitude 19,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 11 minutes

Japanese aircraft
G3M3 Nell x 18
N1K1-J George x 27
P1Y1 Frances x 18

Allied aircraft
Thunderbolt I x 3
P-38J Lightning x 4
P-47D25 Thunderbolt x 8

Japanese aircraft losses
G3M3 Nell: 5 damaged
N1K1-J George: 2 destroyed
P1Y1 Frances: 1 damaged

Allied aircraft losses
Thunderbolt I: 1 destroyed
P-47D25 Thunderbolt: 1 destroyed

Allied Ships
xAP Lycaon
xAP President Madison, Torpedo hits 3, and is sunk
KV Chilliwack, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk
DE Sutlej, Torpedo hits 1, on fire, heavy damage
xAK Empire Grenfell, Torpedo hits 1, heavy fires
LSI(L) Australia Star, Torpedo hits 1, on fire, heavy damage
xAK Nathaniel Crosby, Torpedo hits 2, heavy fires
xAK San Felipe, Torpedo hits 1, heavy damage
xAK Fresno City II

Allied ground losses:
700 casualties reported
Squads: 44 destroyed, 11 disabled
Non Combat: 69 destroyed, 40 disabled
Engineers: 4 destroyed, 0 disabled
Guns lost 29 (28 destroyed, 1 disabled)
Vehicles lost 9 (7 destroyed, 2 disabled)

Aircraft Attacking:
18 x G3M3 Nell launching torpedoes at 200 feet
Naval Attack: 1 x 18in Type 91 Torpedo
18 x P1Y1 Frances launching torpedoes at 200 feet
Naval Attack: 1 x 18in Type 91 Torpedo
Afternoon Air attack on TF, near Port Blair at 48,58
Weather in hex: Heavy rain

Raid detected at 78 NM, estimated altitude 17,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 23 minutes

Japanese aircraft
P1Y1 Frances x 13

Japanese aircraft losses
P1Y1 Frances: 1 damaged

Allied Ships
xAP President Fillmore, Torpedo hits 5, and is sunk
xAK Yoma, on fire, heavy damage

Allied ground losses:
616 casualties reported
Squads: 35 destroyed, 58 disabled
Non Combat: 26 destroyed, 21 disabled
Engineers: 3 destroyed, 0 disabled
Guns lost 27 (25 destroyed, 2 disabled)
Vehicles lost 9 (9 destroyed, 0 disabled)

Aircraft Attacking:
13 x P1Y1 Frances launching torpedoes at 200 feet
Naval Attack: 1 x 18in Type 91 Torpedo


Hitting were it hurts

Attachment (1)

< Message edited by PzB -- 12/21/2011 9:23:05 PM >


"The problem in defense is how far you can go without destroying from within what you are trying to defend from without"
- Dwight D. Eisenhower

(in reply to PzB74)
Post #: 3138
RE: Enemy assaults Port Blair - 12/21/2011 9:41:37 PM   

Posts: 3890
Joined: 8/10/2008
From: Lone Star Nation
Status: offline

If he is committing CVs to try to flank your new line in northern Thailand, then the likelihood of a deep strike decreases. That in turn increases the odds you can run out the clock.


(in reply to PzB74)
Post #: 3139
RE: Enemy assaults Port Blair - 12/21/2011 9:43:06 PM   

Posts: 5076
Joined: 10/3/2000
From: No(r)way
Status: offline
Renewed combat; Andy said he should have turned about but couldn't.
More encounters with enemy destroyers but we have reinforcements and again the Allied Invasion Force Commander looses his nerve and turns back to sea.
- Obliterated!

Andy doesn't know it, but we don't have more forces than the destroyers in the region - KB reaction fleet steaming towards region though.
Our land bases are low on supplies; major supply convoys just about to unload.
- Desperate to replenish torpedo supplies for naval bombers and attach drop tanks to our escorts.
Deploy emergengy units from Bangkok and low level elite naval bombers.

Enemy is defeated; their ships are burning and Andy has a really, really bad day.
Our losses inflicted on enemy naval forces have been severe and the joint Allied mega force in the Central Pacific doesn't allow a major amph assault in Andamans.
Our air threat was to much and Allied LBA to far away to decisively intervene; their fighters on max range LRCAP inflicted heavy losses but couldn't stop us.

Andy will have to rally yet again, don't envy him.


Surface Combat

Night Time Surface Combat, near Port Blair at 47,58, Range 6,000 Yards

Japanese Ships
DD Arikaze
DD Takakaze
DD Hikokaze
DD Susukaze, Shell hits 1

Allied Ships
DD Stembel, Shell hits 1, on fire
DD Vendetta, Shell hits 1

Task forces break off...
Night Time Surface Combat, near Port Blair at 47,58, Range 6,000 Yards

Japanese Ships
DD Arikaze, Shell hits 3, on fire
DD Takakaze
DD Hikokaze
DD Susukaze, Shell hits 1, on fire

Allied Ships
DD Charrette
DD Stevens, Shell hits 3, heavy fires
DD Parrott
DD Penn, Shell hits 1, heavy fires
DD Quality, Shell hits 1, and is sunk
DD Quilliam, Shell hits 3, on fire

Low visibility due to Rain with 96% moonlight
Maximum visibility in Rain and 96% moonlight: 6,000 yards
Range closes to 24,000 yards...
Range closes to 18,000 yards...
Range closes to 12,000 yards...
Range closes to 8,000 yards...
Range closes to 6,000 yards...
CONTACT: Japanese lookouts spot Allied task force at 6,000 yards
CONTACT: Allied lookouts spot Japanese task force at 6,000 yards
DD Arikaze engages DD Quilliam at 6,000 yards
DD Arikaze engages DD Quality at 6,000 yards
DD Penn engages DD Arikaze at 6,000 yards
DD Parrott engages DD Arikaze at 6,000 yards
DD Arikaze engages DD Stevens at 6,000 yards
DD Arikaze engages DD Charrette at 6,000 yards
Range closes to 4,000 yards
DD Quilliam engages DD Susukaze at 4,000 yards
DD Hikokaze engages DD Penn at 4,000 yards
DD Penn engages DD Takakaze at 4,000 yards
DD Arikaze engages DD Stevens at 4,000 yards
DD Stevens engages DD Takakaze at 4,000 yards
DD Charrette engages DD Takakaze at 4,000 yards
Range increases to 5,000 yards
DD Susukaze engages DD Penn at 5,000 yards
Magazine explodes on DD Quality
DD Quality sunk by DD Takakaze at 5,000 yards
DD Quilliam engages DD Takakaze at 5,000 yards
DD Parrott engages DD Takakaze at 5,000 yards
DD Takakaze engages DD Stevens at 5,000 yards
DD Arikaze engages DD Charrette at 5,000 yards
Range increases to 7,000 yards
DD Susukaze engages DD Charrette at 7,000 yards
DD Penn engages DD Arikaze at 7,000 yards
DD Takakaze engages DD Stevens at 7,000 yards
DD Takakaze engages DD Stevens at 7,000 yards
DD Charrette engages DD Hikokaze at 7,000 yards
Range increases to 11,000 yards
DD Hikokaze engages DD Parrott at 11,000 yards
DD Hikokaze engages DD Stevens at 11,000 yards
DD Arikaze engages DD Charrette at 11,000 yards
Range increases to 14,000 yards
DD Stevens engages DD Susukaze at 14,000 yards
DD Quilliam engages DD Hikokaze at 14,000 yards
DD Stevens engages DD Takakaze at 14,000 yards
DD Penn engages DD Arikaze at 14,000 yards
DD Charrette engages DD Arikaze at 14,000 yards
Range closes to 13,000 yards
DD Susukaze engages DD Stevens at 13,000 yards
DD Penn engages DD Susukaze at 13,000 yards
DD Arikaze engages DD Parrott at 13,000 yards
DD Arikaze engages DD Stevens at 13,000 yards
DD Susukaze engages DD Charrette at 13,000 yards
Araki W. orders Japanese TF to disengage
DD Quilliam engages DD Arikaze at 13,000 yards
DD Susukaze engages DD Penn at 13,000 yards
DD Stevens engages DD Takakaze at 13,000 yards
DD Susukaze engages DD Stevens at 13,000 yards
DD Arikaze engages DD Charrette at 13,000 yards
Range increases to 14,000 yards
DD Takakaze engages DD Quilliam at 14,000 yards
DD Quilliam engages DD Hikokaze at 14,000 yards
DD Takakaze engages DD Quilliam at 14,000 yards
DD Arikaze engages DD Parrott at 14,000 yards
DD Arikaze engages DD Charrette at 14,000 yards
Range closes to 13,000 yards
DD Hikokaze engages DD Penn at 13,000 yards
DD Takakaze engages DD Parrott at 13,000 yards
DD Arikaze engages DD Stevens at 13,000 yards
DD Charrette engages DD Arikaze at 13,000 yards
Humm, F.O. orders Allied TF to disengage
Range increases to 14,000 yards
DD Susukaze engages DD Quilliam at 14,000 yards
DD Penn engages DD Hikokaze at 14,000 yards
DD Arikaze engages DD Parrott at 14,000 yards
DD Arikaze engages DD Stevens at 14,000 yards
Task forces break off..
Night Time Surface Combat, near Port Blair at 48,57, Range 6,000 Yards

Japanese Ships
DD Akigumo
DD Ishikaze

Allied Ships
LSI(L) Australia Star, Shell hits 9, and is sunk
DE Sutlej, Shell hits 6, and is sunk

Allied ground losses:
1980 casualties reported
Squads: 113 destroyed, 32 disabled
Non Combat: 15 destroyed, 15 disabled
Engineers: 24 destroyed, 0 disabled
Guns lost 94 (94 destroyed, 0 disabled)
Vehicles lost 2 (2 destroyed, 0 disabled)

Low visibility due to Rain with 96% moonlight
Maximum visibility in Rain and 96% moonlight: 6,000 yards
Range closes to 28,000 yards...
Range closes to 26,000 yards...
Range closes to 24,000 yards...
Range closes to 22,000 yards...
Range closes to 20,000 yards...
Range closes to 18,000 yards...
Range closes to 16,000 yards...
Range closes to 14,000 yards...
Range closes to 12,000 yards...
Range closes to 11,000 yards...
Range closes to 10,000 yards...
Range closes to 9,000 yards...
Range closes to 8,000 yards...
Range closes to 7,000 yards...
Range closes to 6,000 yards...
CONTACT: Japanese lookouts spot Allied task force at 6,000 yards
CONTACT: Allied lookouts spot Japanese task force at 6,000 yards
Kurakane A. crosses the 'T'
DD Ishikaze engages DE Sutlej at 6,000 yards
DE Sutlej sunk by DD Akigumo at 6,000 yards
Range increases to 8,000 yards
Range closes to 5,000 yards
DD Akigumo engages LSI(L) Australia Star at 5,000 yards
Range closes to 2,000 yards
LSI(L) Australia Star sunk by DD Ishikaze at 2,000 yards
LSI(L) Australia Star sunk by DD Ishikaze at 2,000 yards
Combat ends with last Allied ship sunk...
Day Time Surface Combat, near Port Blair at 46,58, Range 30,000 Yards

Japanese Ships
MTB G-871
MTB G-873

Allied Ships
AM Engage
xAP President Tyler
xAP President Taylor
APA Wayne
AK Allioth
AK Alkes
AK Azimech
AK Hyperion
xAK Wilhelmina
xAK Donald McKay
xAK Mormacmar
xAK Mormacrey
xAK San Anselmo
xAK Admiral Wood
xAK President Quezon
xAK Charles McCormick
xAP Cape Johnson
xAP Cape Neddick
xAK Ethel Edwards
xAK Antoine Saugrain
xAK Arthur P. Davis
xAK B. F. Irvine
xAK Billy Sunday
xAK Brander Matthews
xAK David R. Francis
xAK Edward N. Westcott
xAK Ina Coolbrith
xAK John M. Bozeman
xAK Lew Wallace
xAK Louis A. Sengteller
xAK Luther S. Kelly
xAK S. Hall Young
xAK Samuel F. Miller
xAK Samuel Gompers
xAK Sidney Edgerton
xAK Stephen W. Kearny
xAK Thomas J. Walsh
xAK William Dawes
xAK William Dunbar
xAK William Ellery
xAK William Keith
xAK William S. Ladd
xAK Maldive
xAK Nirvana
xAK Adrastus
xAK Appleleaf
xAK Ascot
xAK Fresno City II
xAK Marietta E
xAK Tornus
xAK Yenangyaung
LSI(L) Empire Battleaxe
xAP Lycaon
xAP Kota Gede
xAK Samur

Allied Ships Reported to be Approaching!
Japanese TF begins to get underway
Low visibility due to Rain
Maximum visibility in Rain: 3,000 yards
Range closes to 29,000 yards...
Range closes to 26,000 yards...
Range increases to 27,000 yards...
Range closes to 25,000 yards...
Range closes to 24,000 yards...
Range increases to 25,000 yards...
Range closes to 24,000 yards...
Range closes to 23,000 yards...
Range closes to 22,000 yards...
Range closes to 21,000 yards...
Range increases to 22,000 yards...
Range closes to 21,000 yards...
Range increases to 24,000 yards...
Range closes to 22,000 yards...
Range closes to 21,000 yards...
Range closes to 20,000 yards...
Range increases to 21,000 yards...
Range increases to 23,000 yards...
Range closes to 22,000 yards...
Range closes to 21,000 yards...
Range closes to 20,000 yards...
Range closes to 19,000 yards...
Range increases to 22,000 yards...
Range closes to 19,000 yards...
Range closes to 18,000 yards...
Range closes to 17,000 yards...
Range increases to 19,000 yards...
Range closes to 16,000 yards...
Range closes to 15,000 yards...
Range increases to 16,000 yards...
Range increases to 20,000 yards...
Range increases to 22,000 yards...
Range closes to 21,000 yards...
Range closes to 20,000 yards...
Range closes to 17,000 yards...
Range increases to 20,000 yards...
Range increases to 23,000 yards...
Range increases to 26,000 yards...
Range increases to 29,000 yards...
Range increases to 30,000 yards...
Both Task Forces evade combat
Day Time Surface Combat, near Little Andaman at 45,60, Range 15,000 Yards

Japanese Ships
DD Takakaze
DD Hikokaze, Shell hits 1

Allied Ships
DD Hughes, Shell hits 5, on fire
DE Encounter
DE Fortune
DE Isis
APD Manley
APD Little
DMS Dorsey
APA Feland
APA Warren
APA Elmore
APA Fayette, Shell hits 1
AKA Centarus
AKA Aquarius
SC PC-1079
xAP Hong Kheng
xAP Kedah, Shell hits 1
KV Cyclamen
KV Genista
LSI(L) Kanimbla
AP Gen. A.E.Anderson
AM Rohlikhand
LST 11
LST 157
LST 160
LST 162
LST 163
LST 164
LST 209
LST 238, Shell hits 1
LST 239
LST 280

Reduced visibility due to Rain
Maximum visibility in Rain: 15,000 yards
Range closes to 25,000 yards...
Range closes to 20,000 yards...
CONTACT: Japanese radar detects Allied task force at 20,000 yards
Range closes to 15,000 yards...
CONTACT: Japanese lookouts spot Allied task force at 15,000 yards
Japanese open fire on surprised Allied ships at 15,000 yards
DD Hikokaze fires at DD Hughes at 15,000 yards
DD Hikokaze fires at DE Isis at 15,000 yards
DD Hikokaze fires at LST 238 at 15,000 yards
Range closes to 10,000 yards
DD Hughes engages DD Hikokaze at 10,000 yards
DD Hikokaze engages DE Isis at 10,000 yards
Range closes to 9,000 yards
DD Hikokaze engages DD Hughes at 9,000 yards
DD Hikokaze engages DE Isis at 9,000 yards
Range closes to 8,000 yards
DD Hughes engages DD Hikokaze at 8,000 yards
DD Hikokaze engages DE Isis at 8,000 yards
DD Hikokaze engages SC-701 at 8,000 yards
Range increases to 9,000 yards
LST 280 collides with AKA Aquarius at 45 , 60
DD Hughes engages DD Hikokaze at 9,000 yards
DD Hikokaze engages DE Isis at 9,000 yards
Range increases to 10,000 yards
DD Hikokaze engages DD Hughes at 10,000 yards
DD Hikokaze engages DE Isis at 10,000 yards
Range closes to 6,000 yards
DD Hughes engages DD Hikokaze at 6,000 yards
DD Takakaze engages DE Isis at 6,000 yards
Range closes to 5,000 yards
DD Hughes engages DD Hikokaze at 5,000 yards
DD Hikokaze engages DE Isis at 5,000 yards
Kuga, T. orders Japanese TF to disengage
Range increases to 6,000 yards
APA Fayette , APA Elmore screened from combat
- escorted by DD Hughes , DE Isis , DE Fortune ,
DE Encounter , KV Genista , KV Cyclamen ,
SC PC-1079 , SC-701 , SC-700 ,
SC-642 , DMS Dorsey
DD Hughes engages DD Hikokaze at 6,000 yards
DD Takakaze engages DD Hughes at 6,000 yards
DD Takakaze engages xAP Kedah at 6,000 yards
Range increases to 10,000 yards
DD Hughes engages DD Takakaze at 10,000 yards
DD Takakaze engages DE Isis at 10,000 yards
DD Takakaze engages APA Fayette at 10,000 yards
DD Hikokaze engages APA Feland at 10,000 yards
Range increases to 16,000 yards
APA Fayette , APA Elmore , APA Warren ,
APA Feland , LSI(L) Kanimbla , AKA Aquarius ,
AKA Centarus , AP Gen. A.E.Anderson , LST 280 ,
LST 239 , LST 238 , LST 209 screened from combat
- escorted by DD Hughes , DE Isis , DE Fortune ,
DE Encounter , KV Genista , KV Cyclamen ,
SC PC-1079 , SC-701 , SC-700 ,
DD Hughes engages DD Takakaze at 16,000 yards
Range increases to 19,000 yards
APA Fayette , APA Elmore , APA Warren ,
APA Feland , LSI(L) Kanimbla , AKA Aquarius ,
AKA Centarus , AP Gen. A.E.Anderson , LST 280 ,
LST 239 screened from combat
- escorted by DD Hughes , DE Isis , DE Fortune ,
DE Encounter , KV Genista , KV Cyclamen ,
SC PC-1079 , SC-701 , SC-700 ,
DD Hikokaze engages DD Hughes at 19,000 yards
DD Takakaze engages APD Manley at 19,000 yards
Range increases to 24,000 yards
APA Fayette , APA Elmore , APA Warren ,
APA Feland , LSI(L) Kanimbla , AKA Aquarius ,
AKA Centarus , AP Gen. A.E.Anderson , LST 280 ,
LST 239 , LST 238 , LST 209 ,
LST 164 , LST 163 screened from combat
- escorted by DD Hughes , DE Isis , DE Fortune ,
DE Encounter , KV Genista , KV Cyclamen ,
SC PC-1079 , SC-701 , SC-642
Range increases to 28,000 yards
APA Fayette , APA Elmore , APA Warren ,
APA Feland , LSI(L) Kanimbla , AKA Aquarius ,
AKA Centarus , AP Gen. A.E.Anderson , LST 280 ,
LST 239 , LST 238 , LST 209 ,
LST 164 , LST 163 , LST 162 ,
LST 160 , LST 157 , LST 11 ,
LST 9 , LST-174 screened from combat
- escorted by DE Isis , DE Fortune , DE Encounter ,
KV Genista , KV Cyclamen , SC PC-1079 ,
SC-701 , SC-700 , SC-642
Task forces break off...
Day Time Surface Combat, near Port Blair at 48,57, Range 12,000 Yards

Japanese Ships
DD Akigumo, Shell hits 1
DD Ishikaze, Shell hits 2, on fire

Allied Ships
DD Charrette
DD Stevens, Shell hits 2, on fire
DD Parrott
DD Penn, Shell hits 1, heavy damage
DD Quilliam, Shell hits 1, on fire

Reduced visibility due to Rain
Maximum visibility in Rain: 15,000 yards
Range closes to 24,000 yards...
Range closes to 18,000 yards...
Range closes to 12,000 yards...
CONTACT: Japanese lookouts spot Allied task force at 12,000 yards
CONTACT: Allied lookouts spot Japanese task force at 12,000 yards
DD Parrott engages DD Ishikaze at 12,000 yards
DD Ishikaze engages DD Parrott at 12,000 yards
DD Ishikaze engages DD Stevens at 12,000 yards
DD Charrette engages DD Ishikaze at 12,000 yards
Range closes to 8,000 yards
DD Ishikaze engages DD Stevens at 8,000 yards
DD Ishikaze engages DD Parrott at 8,000 yards
DD Ishikaze engages DD Stevens at 8,000 yards
DD Ishikaze engages DD Charrette at 8,000 yards
Kurakane A. orders Japanese TF to disengage
Range closes to 6,000 yards
DD Quilliam engages DD Ishikaze at 6,000 yards
DD Akigumo engages DD Parrott at 6,000 yards
DD Parrott engages DD Ishikaze at 6,000 yards
DD Stevens engages DD Akigumo at 6,000 yards
Range increases to 10,000 yards
DD Quilliam engages DD Akigumo at 10,000 yards
DD Akigumo engages DD Penn at 10,000 yards
DD Akigumo engages DD Parrott at 10,000 yards
DD Stevens engages DD Akigumo at 10,000 yards
Humm, F.O. orders Allied TF to disengage
Range increases to 13,000 yards
DD Quilliam engages DD Ishikaze at 13,000 yards
DD Akigumo engages DD Parrott at 13,000 yards
DD Akigumo engages DD Charrette at 13,000 yards
Range increases to 19,000 yards
DD Ishikaze engages DD Parrott at 19,000 yards
DD Akigumo engages DD Charrette at 19,000 yards
DD Parrott engages DD Akigumo at 19,000 yards
Range increases to 24,000 yards
Task forces break off...
Day Time Surface Combat, near Port Blair at 47,58, Range 30,000 Yards

Japanese Ships
DD Akigumo
DD Ishikaze, on fire

Allied Ships
AM Engage
xAP President Tyler
xAP President Taylor
APA Wayne
AK Allioth
AK Alkes
AK Azimech
AK Hyperion
xAK Wilhelmina
xAK Donald McKay
xAK Mormacmar
xAK Mormacrey
xAK San Anselmo
xAK Admiral Wood
xAK President Quezon
xAK Charles McCormick
xAP Cape Johnson
xAP Cape Neddick
xAK Ethel Edwards
xAK Antoine Saugrain
xAK Arthur P. Davis
xAK B. F. Irvine
xAK Billy Sunday
xAK Brander Matthews
xAK David R. Francis
xAK Edward N. Westcott
xAK Ina Coolbrith
xAK John M. Bozeman
xAK Lew Wallace
xAK Louis A. Sengteller
xAK Luther S. Kelly
xAK S. Hall Young
xAK Samuel F. Miller
xAK Samuel Gompers
xAK Sidney Edgerton
xAK Stephen W. Kearny
xAK Thomas J. Walsh
xAK William Dawes
xAK William Dunbar
xAK William Ellery
xAK William Keith
xAK William S. Ladd
xAK Maldive
xAK Nirvana
xAK Adrastus
xAK Appleleaf
xAK Ascot
xAK Fresno City II
xAK Marietta E
xAK Tornus
xAK Yenangyaung
LSI(L) Empire Battleaxe
xAP Lycaon
xAP Kota Gede
xAK Samur

Reduced visibility due to Rain
Maximum visibility in Rain: 15,000 yards
Range increases to 30,000 yards...
Both Task Forces evade combat


Air Combat

Morning Air attack on TF, near Port Blair at 48,58
Weather in hex: Light rain

Raid spotted at 31 NM, estimated altitude 20,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 11 minutes

Japanese aircraft
G3M3 Nell x 13
P1Y1 Frances x 13
Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 37

Allied aircraft
Beaufighter TF.X x 8
Thunderbolt I x 2
P-38J Lightning x 14
P-47D25 Thunderbolt x 20

Japanese aircraft losses
G3M3 Nell: 1 destroyed, 1 damaged
Ki-43-Ic Oscar: 7 destroyed

Allied aircraft losses
P-38J Lightning: 1 destroyed
P-47D25 Thunderbolt: 2 destroyed

Allied Ships
xAK David R. Francis, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk
LCI-222, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk
xAK Admiral Wood, Torpedo hits 1
xAK William S. Ladd, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk
xAK Adrastus
xAK Billy Sunday, Torpedo hits 3, and is sunk
xAK Ethel Edwards, Torpedo hits 3, and is sunk
AM Engage, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk

Allied ground losses:
4152 casualties reported
Squads: 63 destroyed, 26 disabled
Non Combat: 250 destroyed, 85 disabled
Engineers: 8 destroyed, 1 disabled
Guns lost 13 (13 destroyed, 0 disabled)
Vehicles lost 112 (105 destroyed, 7 disabled)

Aircraft Attacking:
12 x G3M3 Nell launching torpedoes at 200 feet
Naval Attack: 1 x 18in Type 91 Torpedo
13 x P1Y1 Frances launching torpedoes at 200 feet
Naval Attack: 1 x 18in Type 91 Torpedo
14 x Ki-43-Ic Oscar sweeping at 15000 feet
Morning Air attack on TF, near Rangoon at 52,55
Weather in hex: Thunderstorms

Raid spotted at 16 NM, estimated altitude 17,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 4 minutes

Japanese aircraft
P1Y1 Frances x 17

Allied aircraft
PV-1N Ventura x 1

Japanese aircraft losses
P1Y1 Frances: 2 destroyed, 1 damaged

No Allied losses

Allied Ships
xAK Samteviot, Torpedo hits 1, on fire, heavy damage
xAK Cape Chalmers, Torpedo hits 1, on fire, heavy damage
xAK Saminver, Torpedo hits 1
xAK Chatanooga City, Torpedo hits 3, and is sunk

Aircraft Attacking:
7 x P1Y1 Frances launching torpedoes at 200 feet
Naval Attack: 1 x 18in Type 91 Torpedo
7 x P1Y1 Frances launching torpedoes at 200 feet
Naval Attack: 1 x 18in Type 91 Torpedo
Morning Air attack on TF, near Port Blair at 46,58
Weather in hex: Partial cloud

Raid spotted at 19 NM, estimated altitude 17,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 5 minutes

Japanese aircraft
P1Y1 Frances x 22

Allied aircraft
P-38J Lightning x 5

Japanese aircraft losses
P1Y1 Frances: 7 destroyed, 4 damaged

No Allied losses

Allied Ships
xAK Empire Grenfell, Bomb hits 1, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk
xAK San Felipe, heavy damage

Allied ground losses:
1241 casualties reported
Squads: 56 destroyed, 22 disabled
Non Combat: 37 destroyed, 32 disabled
Engineers: 12 destroyed, 3 disabled
Guns lost 64 (56 destroyed, 8 disabled)
Vehicles lost 9 (7 destroyed, 2 disabled)

Aircraft Attacking:
4 x P1Y1 Frances bombing from 15000 feet
Naval Attack: 2 x 250 kg SAP Bomb, 4 x 60 kg GP Bomb
9 x P1Y1 Frances launching torpedoes at 200 feet
Naval Attack: 1 x 18in Type 91 Torpedo

Heavy smoke from fires obscuring xAK Empire Grenfell
Morning Air attack on TF, near Port Blair at 48,58
Weather in hex: Light rain

Raid spotted at 17 NM, estimated altitude 4,100 feet.
Estimated time to target is 5 minutes

Japanese aircraft
Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 14
Ki-49-Ia Helen x 25
Ki-49-IIa Helen x 11
Ki-84a Frank x 20

Allied aircraft
Beaufighter TF.X x 3
Thunderbolt I x 1
P-38J Lightning x 10
P-47D25 Thunderbolt x 13

Japanese aircraft losses
Ki-43-Ic Oscar: 4 destroyed
Ki-49-Ia Helen: 1 destroyed, 7 damaged
Ki-49-Ia Helen: 1 destroyed by flak
Ki-49-IIa Helen: 7 damaged
Ki-49-IIa Helen: 1 destroyed by flak
Ki-84a Frank: 2 destroyed

Allied aircraft losses
Beaufighter TF.X: 1 destroyed
Thunderbolt I: 1 destroyed
P-38J Lightning: 2 destroyed
P-47D25 Thunderbolt: 3 destroyed

Allied Ships
KV Timmins
xAP Lycaon
xAK Brander Matthews
xAP Kota Gede, Bomb hits 5, on fire, heavy damage
xAK Tornus, Bomb hits 1, heavy fires
xAK B. F. Irvine
APA Wayne
xAK President Quezon, Bomb hits 2, heavy fires, heavy damage
xAP Cape Johnson, Bomb hits 2, on fire
xAK William Dunbar, Bomb hits 2, heavy fires, heavy damage

Allied ground losses:
233 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 4 disabled
Non Combat: 9 destroyed, 37 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled

Aircraft Attacking:
22 x Ki-49-Ia Helen bombing from 100 feet
Naval Attack: 4 x 250 kg SAP Bomb
10 x Ki-49-IIa Helen bombing from 100 feet *
Naval Attack: 2 x 250 kg SAP Bomb

Massive explosion on xAK Tornus
Morning Air attack on Port Blair , at 46,58
Weather in hex: Partial cloud

Raid spotted at 20 NM, estimated altitude 19,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 5 minutes

Allied aircraft
B-24D Liberator x 9
B-24D1 Liberator x 21
B-24J Liberator x 13
B-25C Mitchell x 3
P-38J Lightning x 9
P-51B Mustang x 6
PBJ-1D Mitchell x 21

No Allied losses

Japanese Ships
DD Onami, Bomb hits 7, and is sunk

Port hits 9
Port supply hits 4
Morning Air attack on TF, near Port Blair at 48,58
Weather in hex: Light rain

Raid spotted at 19 NM, estimated altitude 18,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 5 minutes

Japanese aircraft
P1Y1 Frances x 9
Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 3

Allied aircraft
P-38J Lightning x 4
P-47D25 Thunderbolt x 2

Japanese aircraft losses
P1Y1 Frances: 1 destroyed, 5 damaged

No Allied losses

Allied Ships
xAK Fresno City II, Torpedo hits 3, and is sunk
AK Hyperion, Torpedo hits 3, and is sunk

Allied ground losses:
3000 casualties reported
Squads: 181 destroyed, 54 disabled
Non Combat: 72 destroyed, 35 disabled
Engineers: 38 destroyed, 3 disabled
Guns lost 79 (67 destroyed, 12 disabled)
Vehicles lost 28 (28 destroyed, 0 disabled)

Aircraft Attacking:
7 x P1Y1 Frances launching torpedoes at 200 feet
Naval Attack: 1 x 18in Type 91 Torpedo
Afternoon Air attack on TF, near Port Blair at 48,58
Weather in hex: Clear sky

Raid spotted at 3 NM, estimated altitude 15,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 0 minutes

Japanese aircraft
G3M3 Nell x 13

Allied aircraft
Beaufighter TF.X x 7
Thunderbolt I x 2
P-38J Lightning x 22
P-47D25 Thunderbolt x 16

Japanese aircraft losses
G3M3 Nell: 9 destroyed

No Allied losses
Afternoon Air attack on TF, near Rangoon at 52,55
Weather in hex: Overcast

Raid spotted at 6 NM, estimated altitude 15,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 1 minutes

Japanese aircraft
P1Y1 Frances x 9

Allied aircraft
Spitfire Vc Trop x 3
P-47D2 Thunderbolt x 5
PV-1N Ventura x 1

Japanese aircraft losses
P1Y1 Frances: 6 destroyed

No Allied losses

Allied Ships
xAK Fort Frontenac, Torpedo hits 1, on fire, heavy damage
Afternoon Air attack on TF, near Little Andaman at 43,59
Weather in hex: Light rain

Raid spotted at 29 NM, estimated altitude 19,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 8 minutes

Japanese aircraft
P1Y1 Frances x 9

No Japanese losses

Allied Ships
DMS Dorsey
DE Fortune

Aircraft Attacking:
9 x P1Y1 Frances bombing from 15000 feet
Naval Attack: 2 x 250 kg SAP Bomb, 4 x 60 kg GP Bomb
Afternoon Air attack on TF, near Port Blair at 48,58
Weather in hex: Clear sky

Raid spotted at 11 NM, estimated altitude 3,100 feet.
Estimated time to target is 3 minutes

Japanese aircraft
Ki-49-Ia Helen x 22
Ki-84a Frank x 15

Allied aircraft
Beaufighter TF.X x 7
Thunderbolt I x 2
P-38J Lightning x 22
P-47D25 Thunderbolt x 16

Japanese aircraft losses
Ki-49-Ia Helen: 22 damaged
Ki-84a Frank: 5 destroyed

No Allied losses

Allied Ships
xAK Charles McCormick
xAP President Tyler, Bomb hits 4, heavy fires
xAP Lycaon, Bomb hits 3, heavy fires, heavy damage
xAP Cape Neddick, Bomb hits 1
xAK Appleleaf, Bomb hits 4, heavy fires, heavy damage
xAK William Keith, Bomb hits 1, heavy fires
xAP President Taylor, Bomb hits 2, on fire

Allied ground losses:
266 casualties reported
Squads: 4 destroyed, 10 disabled
Non Combat: 7 destroyed, 21 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Guns lost 5 (1 destroyed, 4 disabled)
Vehicles lost 3 (1 destroyed, 2 disabled)

Aircraft Attacking:
22 x Ki-49-Ia Helen bombing from 100 feet
Naval Attack: 4 x 250 kg SAP Bomb

Massive explosion on xAK Appleleaf


Enemy defeated

Attachment (1)


"The problem in defense is how far you can go without destroying from within what you are trying to defend from without"
- Dwight D. Eisenhower

(in reply to PzB74)
Post #: 3140
RE: Enemy assaults Port Blair - 12/21/2011 9:57:26 PM   

Posts: 3890
Joined: 8/10/2008
From: Lone Star Nation
Status: offline
What LCUs did you decimate? If they are Commonwealth it will take a while to refill his pools.

PzB, you are the JFB MAN!


(in reply to PzB74)
Post #: 3141
RE: Enemy assaults Port Blair - 12/21/2011 10:56:48 PM   

Posts: 5076
Joined: 10/3/2000
From: No(r)way
Status: offline
No idea which LCUs that went down...What Andy is unhappy about (to say the least) is the fact that his ships refused to stay and unload despite being ordered to do so at any cost.
Me thinks the combined sea and air threat overruled this order; just so much a commander will take before turning about?

Andy just came in to light for this one - watched the combat replay for the next turn and Allied ships are withdrawing.
Next time will be harder but we will be stronger and better prepared as well then; got lots of new LCUs ready.
- The more time we buy the stronger we become; that's why Andy is indeed in a time sqeeze as stated earlier!


"The problem in defense is how far you can go without destroying from within what you are trying to defend from without"
- Dwight D. Eisenhower

(in reply to Cribtop)
Post #: 3142
RE: Enemy assaults Port Blair - 12/21/2011 10:59:41 PM   

Posts: 5076
Joined: 10/3/2000
From: No(r)way
Status: offline
Soon taking a break for the Xmas; would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year!
Thanx for reading and participating in this story, greatly appreciate it

Here's a little gem for you; Mercy of Maria by Midnight Choir

< Message edited by PzB -- 12/21/2011 11:03:44 PM >


"The problem in defense is how far you can go without destroying from within what you are trying to defend from without"
- Dwight D. Eisenhower

(in reply to PzB74)
Post #: 3143
RE: Enemy assaults Port Blair - 12/22/2011 6:59:13 AM   

Posts: 4162
Joined: 10/21/2001
From: Zagreb,Croatia
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Good work, as usual mate!

All the best to you and your family!


(in reply to PzB74)
Post #: 3144
RE: Enemy assaults Port Blair - 12/22/2011 9:35:36 AM   
castor troy

Posts: 14330
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Lol, Andy was told so often in his AAR he should NOT do such operations because he would be slapped again and again. He doesn't listen, he doesn't learn, he just deserves it again. Well done PzB! I bet Andy will comment it as "c'est la vie" again.

Not only is he going to lose the equivalent of two or more Allied divisions lost at Sea but you can also kill the three Chindit bgds. Could not be going any better for you.

What makes me really wonder is this though:

22 x Ki-49-Ia Helen bombing from 100 feet
Naval Attack: 4 x 250 kg SAP Bomb

so how can that be? The bomber should have the bomb load halved for attacking at 100ft but they attack with full load. Should only be possible for attack bombers.

< Message edited by castor troy -- 12/22/2011 9:47:48 AM >


(in reply to PzB74)
Post #: 3145
RE: Enemy assaults Port Blair - 12/22/2011 11:50:18 AM   

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From: Valladolid, Spain
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Merry Christmas to the Samurai !!!

(in reply to castor troy)
Post #: 3146
RE: Enemy assaults Port Blair - 12/22/2011 2:06:15 PM   


Posts: 36
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Merry Christmas too!!

Regarding the fact you sank so many troops a question is rising: Is it implemented in the game now that you get victory points for destroying his squads, e.g. is this counted within points for allied army loss points?

Greets Chris

(in reply to traskott)
Post #: 3147
RE: Enemy assaults Port Blair - 12/22/2011 2:09:31 PM   

Posts: 5244
Joined: 1/20/2011
From: Maryland
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reading these IJN AARs is scary.

Attachment (1)

< Message edited by zuluhour -- 12/22/2011 2:11:27 PM >

(in reply to snuffl)
Post #: 3148
RE: Enemy assaults Port Blair - 12/22/2011 4:56:38 PM   

Posts: 3890
Joined: 8/10/2008
From: Lone Star Nation
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Merry Christmas, PzB. Good job putting coal in Andy's stocking.


(in reply to zuluhour)
Post #: 3149
RE: Enemy assaults Port Blair - 12/22/2011 5:17:14 PM   

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ORIGINAL: zuluhour

reading these IJN AARs is scary.

Do one stupid thing .. don't toggle some swtich .. put one TF in one mode and another in another mode at a critical time... and the IJ can ruin ones day .. and have the Allies looking at the reinforcement schedule for when the next operations can begin ...

(in reply to zuluhour)
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