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What each race reminds you of?

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What each race reminds you of? - 1/5/2012 11:29:47 AM   

Posts: 1093
Joined: 5/14/2010
From: Kiadia Prime
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Yesterday I was thinking about my next game as Quanemos and had a brainstorm: Quanemos are in a way similar to Orz in Star Control 2. They have battlemechs, compared to Orz power armors. They are skilled linquists, compare to Orz complex gibberish. They are aquatic, like Orz. They are isolationists, kinda like Orz.

There's similar instances with other races. Like Kiadians being similar to Psilons and Feayans. Teekans being similar to Jawas. Securans being similar to *insert your preferred sexy alien babe race here*.
Ketarovs are so seemingly similar to Pelengs that you could just change the names, pics and color the ships greenish and you would have Pelengs in the game.

Yes, this copying has been going on since beginning of SciFi in general, but I think it's still amusing to try find these common features that all races in SciFi share.

So, what does any particular race in DW remind YOU of?


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RE: What each race reminds you of? - 1/5/2012 12:12:34 PM   

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Yes, this copying has been going on since beginning of SciFi in general, but I think it's still amusing to try find these common features that all races in SciFi share.

I disagree. Many things are from real life and not some brain product. The real difference you can field to claim an idea copy cat is the technology of battle units - your mechs - and pictures. Everything else is a political and cultural terminus seen in our many ways too. These can never really be created or copied. We got nearly everything to this day.


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RE: What each race reminds you of? - 1/5/2012 12:27:21 PM   

Posts: 1093
Joined: 5/14/2010
From: Kiadia Prime
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Aye, that be true. SciFi reflects reality, it always has. Be it present or possible future. No denying that.
I was just speaking in confines of SciFi genre of what each race reminds me of.


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RE: What each race reminds you of? - 1/5/2012 2:05:42 PM   

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I can't look at the Wekkarus without thinking about Zeutberg (sp?) from Futurama...

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RE: What each race reminds you of? - 1/6/2012 3:35:50 AM   

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Wekks led me on a birdwalk down into menzoberanzon and the illithids that live down there. The frog people and the pyscic rodents are shadows of TMNT. The green boobie race is a nod to the syreeen from Sc2 as do a couple of the bug races resemble races like the Khotar and Urrquon. The Harronish are a nod to the Dune series. OBviosuly the Teekan are borrowed from Starwars. The human avatar is a direct copy and paste from the fmous LGBT homo-erotic miliary opera "OH Capt, MY Capt"

< Message edited by Evrett -- 1/6/2012 3:37:06 AM >


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Post #: 5
RE: What each race reminds you of? - 1/8/2012 7:27:44 PM   


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Dhayut remind me of my mother-in-law, bless her heart....

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RE: What each race reminds you of? - 1/11/2012 3:15:03 AM   
dazoline II

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Shakturi remind me of the Garthim Soldiers from The Dark Crystal.


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RE: What each race reminds you of? - 1/11/2012 5:53:55 AM   
Gelatinous Cube

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Yeah, Wekkarus definitely make me want to guard my Anchovies...

Teekan remind me of Jawas, but I doubt I'm the only one.

The rest really reminded me more of their earth animal counter-parts than other kinds of sci-fi, like the T-Rex/Naxxilians.


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Post #: 8
RE: What each race reminds you of? - 1/11/2012 8:22:43 AM   

Posts: 1093
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From: Kiadia Prime
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Zenox are definetly a mix of Yoda and Master Splinter. Which makes them awesome in my books.
Shakturis remind me a bit of Ur-Quan Kohr-Ahs and Reapers, but Garthims from Dark Crystals is quite nice comparison too.
Guaardians remind me of a good twin of The Shodan, and even that feels disturbing. Shodan's definetly one of my top-five villains of all time. Just her voice messes you up. *Shivers*

Stereotypes that are missing from DW are the space ogres (Bulrathi, Malogs and Thraddash) and robotic/cybernetic race. Well, there be expansions, I think.

< Message edited by J HG T -- 1/11/2012 9:04:24 AM >


Nothing is impossible, not if you can imagine it!
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Post #: 9
RE: What each race reminds you of? - 1/12/2012 3:55:10 AM   


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I've always pictured the Ikkuro as a race of Chewbaccas.  I would just say Wookiees but I don't know much about the lore outside of the movies, if all Wookiees are like Chewie, then yes, Ikkuro are pretty much Wookiees.  Fixin' ships, being tough as hell, living in trees... being... fuzzy, it all fits.

The Ugnari, despite looking nothing like them, and being dumb as rocks, remind me of the Ferengi. Like the Ferengi they're traders, they're annoying and they're repulsive. Kind of a loose comparison I guess, they just kinda give me the same vibe as the Ferengi. I try and exterminate them whenever possible.

Ohh yes, and the Keterov are pretty much the Bothan race from Star Wars.

< Message edited by Abraxis -- 1/12/2012 4:19:29 AM >

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