Abraxis -> RE: What each race reminds you of? (1/12/2012 3:55:10 AM)
I've always pictured the Ikkuro as a race of Chewbaccas. I would just say Wookiees but I don't know much about the lore outside of the movies, if all Wookiees are like Chewie, then yes, Ikkuro are pretty much Wookiees. Fixin' ships, being tough as hell, living in trees... being... fuzzy, it all fits. The Ugnari, despite looking nothing like them, and being dumb as rocks, remind me of the Ferengi. Like the Ferengi they're traders, they're annoying and they're repulsive. Kind of a loose comparison I guess, they just kinda give me the same vibe as the Ferengi. I try and exterminate them whenever possible. Ohh yes, and the Keterov are pretty much the Bothan race from Star Wars.