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Bugs/inconsistencies concerning XP cards

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Bugs/inconsistencies concerning XP cards - 8/25/2013 12:37:05 PM   


Posts: 32
Joined: 8/29/2002
Status: offline
I found the following bugs/inconsistencies when taking a look at the experience cards:

PROMOTIONS: There seems to be a bug that the first sub-unit (i.e. the first regiment of a division) receives an XP boost according to the general's inituition skill, while the other sub-units always receive 8 XP points (which is usually MUCH more than the first regiment receives).

EXERCISE: This seems to work as advertised, giving an XP boost to all sub-units according to the general's organisation skill.

PERSONNEL: The in-game description states that this card has diminished effects after 45 XP and a limit of 90 XP. Neither is true, you always receive the same XP boost up to a full 100 XP.

Further observations concerning XP:

- If you use the promotions card on a unit with 69 XP you may end up with 77 XP while a unit with 70 XP receives no boost at all (due to having reached the limit). This seems illogical, I would suggest boosting the XP to the limit but not further.

- If there is a single element in a unit that is at or above the XP limit, no element in the whole unit will receive any XP, even if their XP is well below the limit. This seems illogical and impractical. If you have an element in the unit that rarely takes losses (like AA in an infantry unit) and has high XP, you can not boost the unit's XP even if the other elements are taking heavy losses and receiving lots of green replacements.

- Elements going back to the pool seem to lose half of their XP. This seems unjustified and often makes reorganizing units inadvisable. For example, if you want to disband a depleted fighter unit to fill up another fighter unit you will end up with a heavy XP loss, and XP is very hard to obtain for air units.

- The XP gain due to (successful) combat action seems to be REALLY low compared to the effect of XP cards and automatic XP gain.
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RE: Bugs/inconsistencies concerning XP cards - 8/25/2013 8:26:14 PM   

Posts: 8262
Joined: 5/17/2004
Status: offline
Hi Thales,

There are some "rough edges" to those XP cards indeed, arent there?

thanks for reporting these issues. I am going to make some changes here for the next patch. Adding it to the to-do list.



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(in reply to Thales99)
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