Posts: 10920
Joined: 10/20/2012 From: Utlima Thule Status: offline
ORIGINAL: grbwm All right now I'm flustered! About ten years in on my first Grand Campaign (first exposure to PoN also) and playing the United States. I am one of those "learn the rules as you go kind of guys" and I believe I'm doing pretty well with the economy and foreign policy. I've actually created Cambodia as a US colony and Hawaii and the Marshalls are Protectorates. I've started to figure out the balance between domestic and foreign trade and I'm creating Private Capital and Money at a fairly prodigious rate BUT.... What the hell do I do to keep the Northern population of the US from rioting and disruptiong all the wonderful factories and Coal mines that I have built :) ! I have coal mines and manufactured goods, textile and luxury factories built but New York, Boston, Cleveland and et al. are all in disorder or general strike. Taxes have been at 1 to 2% for 5 years but that doesn't help. I've had every social decree passed through Congress. Built every Telecommunications, Sewer and Road . Now I can't do squat because 75% of my coal mines are on strike even though I have government and private cash up the ying yang. Somebody please give me a hint what I'm forgetting to do! Dave I've not played the US but from comments, pre-civil war you have a number of inbuilt revolt problems. So some you probably just need to ride out. Having said that - put MP units in the high militancy provinces, if you don't have enough MP use Cavalry - both have a high police value and will drive militancy down. Check you are meeting their needs, you sometimes need both the quantity stated and a decent range of goods so trading is the solution. Play all the contentment cards (mostly on the F1 screen, some on F6). Look at the various 'development' decisions - roads, wetlands, telegraphs, sewers etc, all these reduce underlying revolt risk. Juggle your tax base, some have less impact on overall population militancy. I'd suggest if you want US specific advise put up a query on the AGEOD forum, much more likely to get responses from people who have played the US and managed this problem.