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RE: Star Wars: Ancient Fears Mod for DW:Universe [WIP]

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RE: Star Wars: Ancient Fears Mod for DW:Universe [WIP] - 6/28/2014 2:46:46 AM   

Posts: 31
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ORIGINAL: judahpeter

I wanted to stop in and thank you also for your hard work! :) I'm a noob at this game, but the Star Wars mod is helping me get into it and learn it.

BTW, in case you're interested, I have a lot of star wars music tracks that I could donate to this mod. I've been using them and it really adds to the immersion.

Yes, if you have some good star wars music tracks they could work well. I chose to not include some of them because they were too aimed at movies, and too specific for particular scenes (like the Duel of the Fates) .
But maybe you have something that I didn't find, so don't hesitate to send me PMs with them!


ORIGINAL: Unforeseen

Looks like a really good mod, except for the characters. Alot of them are dead long before the events of the new republic. If your going to include dead people, how can you not include Revan? I mean Nihilus is probably one of the most epic sith lords ever...but still...No Revan?

I was in the process of expanding the number of characters for the Mod, and I thought of characters that I would've liked to be included. For some strange reason I didn't think of Revan, which actually is my favourite character of all the EU...
I'll certainly put him in the next release.
Of course it's not historically accurate to include someone like Aayla Secura or Greedo, but afterall Lucasfilm did resurrect Maul for the Clone Wars, and there aren't enough good characters for Twi'leks and Rodians in that time period, so...

And also, there really aren't solid proofs, at the moment, about the death of Ahsoka Tano ( the "The Clone Wars" tv show didn't show her dead ), Darth Maul ( same ), Grand Admiral Thrawn ( he died inside his own starship, so no one can really be sure that he's dead ), and Jabba ( he could have pretended to be dead when Leia strangled him ).

For Darth Nihilus and Darth Malgus, let's just say that they were resurrected by Sith magic.
Magic can solve any plot holes, just like time travels



Great mod! In my game sometimes pirates deal with themselves to attack some empire - for instance "The Dark Moon Interstellar have made a secret deal with a pirate faction, the Dark Moon Interstellar, to attack ships and bases of Imperial Chiss Realm!" and so on. Also for some reason population grown is really really slow 1-2%.

That's a strange bug, I don't know what can cause that... As for the population growth I think it's just because I set the Research Cost at Expensive in that Map, to make the game last longer.
You can try with a custom game to see if it's still slow with the Research Cost set at Cheap.

(in reply to judahpeter)
Post #: 31
RE: Star Wars: Ancient Fears Mod for DW:Universe [WIP] - 6/28/2014 9:31:45 AM   


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What's up with the systems with multiple 100% quality planets with planetless star names?

< Message edited by Glymner -- 6/28/2014 10:32:34 AM >

(in reply to TheRevanchist)
Post #: 32
RE: Star Wars: Ancient Fears Mod for DW:Universe [WIP] - 6/29/2014 1:36:49 PM   


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I started playing through this and so far it is GREAT work.
I am not sure if this is a bug or a glitch of the installation but, playing as the Chiss I am starting with the Keskudon PDU with a maintenance of 3600 and a defense value far below the Kiadan strike trooper making it a pointless unit.

As for characters I fell like the whole thing should eventually include all characters then we can guilt you into making a map that starts pre Episode I so I can destroy Naboo and those pesky Gungan before they screw up the epic ;)

(in reply to Glymner)
Post #: 33
RE: Star Wars: Ancient Fears Mod for DW:Universe [WIP] - 6/29/2014 6:25:25 PM   

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What's up with the systems with multiple 100% quality planets with planetless star names?

Ehm... These are not the planets you are looking for. *waves hands*


I started playing through this and so far it is GREAT work.
I am not sure if this is a bug or a glitch of the installation but, playing as the Chiss I am starting with the Keskudon PDU with a maintenance of 3600 and a defense value far below the Kiadan strike trooper making it a pointless unit.

As for characters I fell like the whole thing should eventually include all characters then we can guilt you into making a map that starts pre Episode I so I can destroy Naboo and those pesky Gungan before they screw up the epic ;)

Lol, poor Gungans
As for the Chiss, do you mean that instead of the Chiss image you get the Keskudon one? If you're just referring to the units, I don't know, I didn't edit those, so maybe it's a problem in the Expanded Mod by Haree78.
Anyway thank you for reporting the problem, and also for the compliments

(in reply to Glymner)
Post #: 34
RE: Star Wars: Ancient Fears Mod for DW:Universe [WIP] - 7/17/2014 7:24:04 PM   


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question when are you going to update this for newest update ?

(in reply to TheRevanchist)
Post #: 35
RE: Star Wars: Ancient Fears Mod for DW:Universe [WIP] - 8/1/2014 10:05:12 PM   

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I don't know, I'm on vacation right now. But I have many plans for the next updates :)

(in reply to ponasozis)
Post #: 36
RE: Star Wars: Ancient Fears Mod for DW:Universe (Versi... - 9/9/2014 2:00:06 AM   
Chet Guiles


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This is awesome. I have downloaded and installed and have started playing. Nice job. Looking forward to any future revisions or additions. I'm not a modder (except low level) but enjoy the variety you've managed to create.


(in reply to TheRevanchist)
Post #: 37
RE: Star Wars: Ancient Fears Mod for DW:Universe (Versi... - 9/9/2014 4:20:57 PM   

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Thank you It's comments like this that make a modder's life awesome

(in reply to Chet Guiles)
Post #: 38
RE: Star Wars: Ancient Fears Mod for DW:Universe [WIP] - 9/28/2014 4:43:55 PM   


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When I start the game as the New Republic, the ships that are given to me automatically at the very beginning have hyperdrives, these ships are currently above the tech level that you start out with, because when my empire automatically builds private cargo ships or when I build other military ships, they lack hyperdrives and other advanced technologies. Is this normal?

(in reply to Unforeseen)
Post #: 39
RE: Star Wars: Ancient Fears Mod for DW:Universe [WIP] - 9/28/2014 6:07:03 PM   


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Do not use the Clone Wars TV show as legitimate source of Star Wars information please xD

(in reply to TheRevanchist)
Post #: 40
RE: Star Wars: Ancient Fears Mod for DW:Universe [WIP] - 1/11/2015 12:52:30 PM   


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Hi there,
as a fresh DW player (I bought the Universe edition and upgraded recently to I'm thrilled by the different mods available, and by this one in particular.
First of all the soundtracks are amazing, but I like the whole setting. :)

Still there are some concerns I'd like to state, and maybe some1 has some advice or can solve this:
- Some systems on the map are named "abundantly", e.g. Lekku system, where Lekku is the name of one planet, most others named Foselu ##. That means the star would normally be named Foselu too. (Some more systems have this same problem, some others just repeat the inhabited planet's name for the star)
- The influence range for colonies seems to be bugged, at least for some factions.
- Not all factions who need it have access to the warpfield pre-cursors. It should be within their home system, because the necessary researching takes enough time to stall them.
- Maybe its a little too unbalanced to let some factions start with lots of tier 3 techs, giving them a decent head start.

This leads me to the sad conclusion that beside one or two favorable factions its not worth my time, sorry to say that.
Of course I'm hoping there may be a solution to these topics in the not too far future ;)

< Message edited by Sabretooth -- 1/11/2015 7:35:47 PM >

(in reply to Knickers)
Post #: 41
RE: Star Wars: Ancient Fears Mod for DW:Universe [WIP] - 4/27/2015 11:07:44 PM   


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Bit of a new Player here asking whether or not I need the Expanded mod for thiss mod to work?

Also a pre-episode 1 map woulld also be nice, I agree with a previous poster, I wanna nuke Naboo out of orbit so that the CIS can rule the galaxy :P

(in reply to Sabretooth)
Post #: 42
RE: Star Wars: Ancient Fears Mod for DW:Universe [WIP] - 6/18/2015 10:33:43 PM   


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Mod looks interesting but I'm curious about the size of the world. I believe there is a lot that can happen to make this game interesting in moving . Lots of small factions and pockets of rebels in the galaxy, along with the various other smaller factions.

(in reply to Gibster)
Post #: 43
RE: Star Wars: Ancient Fears Mod for DW:Universe [WIP] - 7/11/2015 8:57:00 AM   


Posts: 1327
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Great mod. I have been playing it a bit. I would like give you one good idea for improve it easily.

I have seen how you found problems searching images from ships. You can make them if you use by example pictures from Star Wars Empire at War models, there is a small tool named aloviewer which it lets you take screenshots from a model. You can load them with a top view and after it, you can edit the screenshot with any image editor. I have checked it and it will work.

Next if you search in mods, you can find thousands of different units from SW. By example at my EAW/FOC mods, you can find many new units and specially many new stations, more than at other mod.

Other option for search models can be the old Xwing Alliance games. There is a tool named optgl or some like this (sorry I do not remember the name at 100% and I´m not at home). With this tool, you can take pictures from the game models as at EAW. I can give you the tool if you contact with me by private message by example and you give me a email address.

Well, I tried by myself, just for personal use, the addition from from some new ships at your mod and it looked good. Perhaps I would like edit it at 100% but I have not time for this and I would not publish it without your permission. However, who knows........

However, if you want my help with this, you can get it. I can spend some of my huge free time with this.

< Message edited by Nomada_Firefox -- 7/11/2015 9:59:38 AM >

(in reply to BlackSoulReaper)
Post #: 44
RE: Star Wars: Ancient Fears Mod for DW:Universe (Versi... - 8/17/2015 1:02:40 AM   


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reworking Star Wars Ancient Fears 1.0
adding more to it! have to wait out the 10 days to post links! srry!

(in reply to TheRevanchist)
Post #: 45
RE: Star Wars: Ancient Fears Mod for DW:Universe (Versi... - 8/17/2015 1:18:23 AM   


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All of above includes the same mod! except few added files from other how made them! and i conbined few of them and changed few files and images and sound and music file to a lower kbps on DWU standards 160 kbps was the file sounds for DWU
added more sounds and music as well!, ready to go ,except the 10 days wait for links to share it! or more posting ill have to do
The Revanchist ty!! for a great mod! and i like to see if you continue with it! adding the same Kotor, Clones Wars and Even Empire and other factions as one Huge Freaking Mod !!
naming it to Star Wars Ancient Fears Extreme 2.0

get back with ya soon!!


(in reply to Camoflagecaper)
Post #: 46
RE: Star Wars: Ancient Fears Mod for DW:Universe [WIP] - 5/5/2016 11:44:38 PM   


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ORIGINAL: Knickers

Do not use the Clone Wars TV show as legitimate source of Star Wars information please xD

Well excuse me, but it's considered cannon! D:<

(in reply to Knickers)
Post #: 47
RE: Star Wars: Ancient Fears Mod for DW:Universe [WIP] - 5/9/2016 5:34:16 PM   
Hattori Hanzo

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great Star Wars mod, thank you !!!

(in reply to Unforeseen)
Post #: 48
RE: Star Wars: Ancient Fears Mod for DW:Universe [WIP] - 5/18/2016 6:01:19 PM   


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ORIGINAL: Knickers
When I start the game as the New Republic, the ships that are given to me automatically at the very beginning have hyperdrives, these ships are currently above the tech level that you start out with, because when my empire automatically builds private cargo ships or when I build other military ships, they lack hyperdrives and other advanced technologies. Is this norma

I have the same problem. I think this break the early game a little bit.

(in reply to Knickers)
Post #: 49
RE: Star Wars: Ancient Fears Mod for DW:Universe [WIP] - 5/18/2016 8:21:33 PM   

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The creator hasn't posted since 9/14. Assume it won't get fixed. Or updated.

(in reply to Roberbond)
Post #: 50
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