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R27T and ET Alamo's B D

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R27T and ET Alamo's B D - 11/19/2014 12:28:02 PM   

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R27T and ET Alamo's B D?

Is there a reason why these missiles are omitted from most of the SU-27 and MiG-29 loads?
Recent photos of RuAF Su-27's being greeted by the RAF in June 2014 show them carrying R-27T's.
It appears at least the R-27T is still in use?

Can the loads be remedied for the next DB update please?


(in reply to mikmykWS)
Post #: 1111
RE: R27T and ET Alamo's B D - 11/19/2014 2:22:17 PM   

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#69 - MRK Nanuchka IV [Pr.1234.2 Ovod]

I think the surface to air radar is pointing in the wrong direction?

Attachment (1)


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(in reply to KLAB)
Post #: 1112
RE: R27T and ET Alamo's B D - 11/19/2014 3:24:41 PM   


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Small detail but couple F-16AMs are missing Helmet mounted sight property:

Belgium: 2010 ad onwards
Netherlands: 2008 and onwards


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Post #: 1113
RE: R27T and ET Alamo's B D - 11/20/2014 10:59:16 AM   

Posts: 1213
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From: Belgique
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Tomcat's post reminded that, on the other hand, Rafale doesn't enjoy such an equipment.

  • #3639 - Rafale B -- France (Air Force), 2007, F02
  • #3640 - Rafale B -- France (Air Force), 2009, F03
  • #3641 - Rafale B -- France (Air Force), 2011, F03
  • #3642 - Rafale B -- France (Air Force), 2014, F03
  • #3643 - Rafale B -- France (Air Force), 2019, F03
  • #1749 - Rafale C -- France (Air Force), 2007, F02
  • #560 - Rafale C -- France (Air Force), 2009, F03
  • #2788 - Rafale C -- France (Air Force), 2014, F03
  • #3230 - Rafale C -- France (Air Force), 2019, F03
  • #1179 - Rafale M -- France (Navy), 2002, F01.1
  • #2084 - Rafale M -- France (Navy), 2004, F01.1
  • #35 - Rafale M -- France (Navy), 2009, F03
  • #2345 - Rafale M -- France (Navy), 2011, F03
  • #2789 - Rafale M -- France (Navy), 2014, F03
  • #3231 - Rafale M -- France (Navy), 2019, F03

    no Helmet Mounted Sight / Display (HMS/HMS)

    - Air & Cosmos
    - Air Fan
    - Combat Aircraft Monthly
    - Various fine people actually in the forces.

    < Message edited by Jan Masterson -- 11/20/2014 12:00:55 PM >

    (in reply to Tomcat84)
  • Post #: 1114
    RE: Mirage 2000N orgy for DB3000 - 11/21/2014 5:01:32 PM   

    Posts: 1213
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    From: Belgique
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    Hi community,

    time to give 2000N some love.

    Please note that it's all from public sources with their share of contradictions, so I sometimes had to take best guess, hopefully being decently close to operational reality..

    (same as Mirage 2000D above plus these specific sources:)
    - Jane's Strategic Weapon Systems #42 (2005)
    - The Naval Institute Guide to World Naval Weapon Systems #5 (2006)
    - "AMD-BA Mirage 2000 N, Les matériels de l'armée de l'air et de l'aéronavale n°12" (2012), Hervé Beaumont, ISBN: 978-2352502081.
    - Air & Cosmos HS27, FAS special
    - Air Fan #432
    - Air Actualités Hors-Série Harmattan 2012

  • #55 - ASMP [300kT Nuclear] -- 1987
    Date: make it from 1988 to 2011, first squadron being operational in July 1988 (EC. 1/4 "Dauphiné") and ASMP being "retired" in May 2011.
    Surface Max Range: 43nm (80km) low alt, 216nm (400km) high alt (Aéropostiale claims 80-100 km at "low altitude" and "400-450 km" at "high altitude)

  • #719 - ASMP-A [300kT Nuclear] -- 2011
    Date: 2009 (operational from October 1st 2009, EC. 3/4 "Limousin" at Istres)
    Surface Max Range: 270nm (500km) high alt. (best guess, since sources claim up to 100% gain while other simply talks about a "considerable enhancement".)

  • #1180 - Mirage 2000N -- France (Air Force), 1989
  • #19 - Mirage 2000N -- France (Air Force), 1997
  • #1283 - Mirage 2000N -- France (Air Force), 2000
  • #25 - Mirage 2000N -- France (Air Force), 2003
  • #1467 - Mirage 2000N -- France (Air Force), 2007

    Sensors: add: #2241 - AN/AVS-9 Night Vision Goggles
    Mounts: delete Alkan LL5602. (Wrong capacity and name could be better, see individual proposal below.)

    - Replace "Night Navigation (Ferry, Air-to-Air, Air-to-Surface Missiles)" by "Night Navigation/Attack (Incl. Bomb, Rocket Delivery)"
    - Add Terrain Following (Land: 200ft (60.9m), Sea: 100ft (30.5m))

    Military Static Thrust at S/L: should be 6562, (64.35 kN).
    Afterburner Static Thrust at S/L:: should be 9700, (95.13 kN).
    Military Static SFC at S/L: should be 0.92.
    Specific fuel flow with full AB: should be 2.12.

    Stores: #1786 - Rubis Navigation Pod [FLIR] should be removed, same from all and any loadouts. France only used it on Mirage F1CR from 1999 to 2003.

    -<<Following proposals only applies to the specific platform # and assume that aforementioned changes have been applied first >>-

  • #1180 - Mirage 2000N -- France (Air Force), 1989
    Name: could be named "Mirage 2000N K1"
    Date: from 1988 to 1998, by 1999 all K1 were upgraded to K2 standard.
    Stores: delete everything but the 2000 liter Drop Tank, ASMP and R.550 Magic 2.
    Loadouts: keep only the ASMP loadout.
    Engine: it does have an M53-P2.

  • #19 - Mirage 2000N -- France (Air Force), 1997
    Name: could be named "Mirage 2000N K2"
    Date: from 1989 to 2002.
    - add 1x Spirale ICD x 2 (112 Cartridges), same as on #1467 - Mirage 2000N -- France (Air Force), 2007.
    - add same Eclair Flares/Chaffs suggested for the 2000D.
    - Add #1814 - Mk82 500lb LDGP.
    - As far as I know, "Short-Range" type of loadout (with 6 bombs) have never been used in combat nor training.
    - Nor T.200 400kg.
    - As on 2000D, saw only 12 BAT.100 or BAT.120 fitted (and only during excercices, not actual ops).
    - A loadout with 4 T.25 bombs can be cloned and T.25 replaced by #1814 - Mk82 500lb LDGP

  • #1283 - Mirage 2000N -- France (Air Force), 2000
    Name: could be named "Mirage 2000N K2 (DDM)"
    Date: from 2002 to 2011. By Sept. 2011, all K2 are removed from service.
    Sensors: add #3891 - DDM.
    - add same Eclair Flares/Chaffs suggested for the 2000D.
    - Add #1814 - Mk82 500lb LDGP.
    - Delete #1508 - T.25 250kg GPB.
    - Delete #1507 - T.200 400kg GPB.
    - As far as I know, "Short-Range" type of loadout (with 6 bombs) have never been used in combat nor training.
    - As on 2000D, saw only 12 BAT.100 or BAT.120 fitted (and only during excercices, not actual ops).
    - Delete BAP.100, BAT.120, T.25 250kg and T.200 400kg loadouts.
    - Create a loadout with 2 #1531 - 2000 liter Drop Tank, 2 optional #242 - R.550 Magic 2 Mk2 and 4 #1814 - Mk82 500lb LDGP

  • #25 - Mirage 2000N -- France (Air Force), 2003
    Name: could be named "Mirage 2000N K2 (Harmattan)"
    Date: make it 2011 to 2011. By Sept. 2011, all K2 are removed from service.
    Sensors: add #1673 - Generic Binoculars -- Anti-Air & Surface (they also were equipped with commercial Olympus SZ-30MR 24x hand held digital camera, didn't find similar sensor in the DB though).
    - Add #1906 - GBU-12D/B Paveway II LGB [Mk82]
    - Add #1924 - GBU-16B/B Paveway II LGB [Mk83].
    - Add #823 - GBU-22/B Paveway III LGB [Mk82].
    - Add #871 - GBU-24A/B Paveway III LGB [BLU-109/B].
    - Delete #1033 - BAP.100 Anti-Runway.
    - Delete #1561 - BAT.120 Anti-Armour.
    - Delete #1508 - T.25 250kg GPB.
    - Delete #1507 - T.200 400kg GPB.
    - Delete BAP.100, BAT.120, T.25 250kg and T.200 400kg loadouts.
    - Create a loadout with 2 #1531 - 2000 liter Drop Tank, 2 optional #242 - R.550 Magic 2 Mk2 and 2 #1906 - GBU-12D/B
    - Create a loadout with 2 #1531 - 2000 liter Drop Tank, 2 optional #242 - R.550 Magic 2 Mk2 and 2 #823 - GBU-22/B
    - Create a loadout with 2 #1531 - 2000 liter Drop Tank, 2 optional #242 - R.550 Magic 2 Mk2 and 1 #1924 - GBU-16B/B
    - Create a loadout with 2 #1531 - 2000 liter Drop Tank, 2 optional #242 - R.550 Magic 2 Mk2 and 1 #871 - GBU-24A/B

  • #1467 - Mirage 2000N -- France (Air Force), 2007
    Name: could be named "Mirage 2000N K3"
    Date: 2009-2018, operational from October 1st 2009, EC. 3/4 "Limousin" at Istres, then in 2018 Nuclear deterrence is planed to become Rafale's business only.
    Sensors: add #1673 - Generic Binoculars -- Anti-Air & Surface (they also were equipped with commercial Olympus SZ-30MR 24x hand held digital camera, didn't find similar sensor in the DB though).
    - Add #1906 - GBU-12D/B Paveway II LGB [Mk82]
    - Add #1924 - GBU-16B/B Paveway II LGB [Mk83].
    - Add #823 - GBU-22/B Paveway III LGB [Mk82].
    - Add #871 - GBU-24A/B Paveway III LGB [BLU-109/B].
    - Add #719 - ASMP-A [300kT Nuclear].
    - Delete #1033 - BAP.100 Anti-Runway.
    - Delete #1561 - BAT.120 Anti-Armour.
    - Delete #1508 - T.25 250kg GPB.
    - Delete #1507 - T.200 400kg GPB.
    - Delete #55 - ASMP [300kT Nuclear].
    - Delete BAP.100, BAT.120, T.25 250kg and T.200 400kg loadouts.
    - Delete ASMP loadout.
    - Create a loadout with 2 #1531 - 2000 liter Drop Tank, 2 optional #242 - R.550 Magic 2 Mk2 and 2 #1906 - GBU-12D/B
    - Create a loadout with 2 #1531 - 2000 liter Drop Tank, 2 optional #242 - R.550 Magic 2 Mk2 and 2 #823 - GBU-22/B
    - Create a loadout with 2 #1531 - 2000 liter Drop Tank, 2 optional #242 - R.550 Magic 2 Mk2 and 1 #1924 - GBU-16B/B
    - Create a loadout with 2 #1531 - 2000 liter Drop Tank, 2 optional #242 - R.550 Magic 2 Mk2 and 1 #871 - GBU-24A/B
    - Create a loadout with 2 #1531 - 2000 liter Drop Tank, 2 #242 - R.550 Magic 2 Mk2 and 1 #719 - ASMP-A
    - Replace "Night Navigation/Attack (Incl. Bomb, Rocket Delivery)" by "Bombsight - Advanced Navigation (INS/GPS)"


    Hope it helps.

    (in reply to ClaudeJ)
  • Post #: 1115
    RE: Mirage 2000N orgy for DB3000 - 11/21/2014 5:29:54 PM   


    Posts: 11524
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    Added to our list up until this point. Thanks guys!



    (in reply to ClaudeJ)
    Post #: 1116
    RE: Mirage 2000N orgy for DB3000 - 11/21/2014 9:05:23 PM   

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    Minor/ picking nit issue: Weapon_2493 AN/SSQ-57M is a 2/3 "A-size" sonobuoy, not an "A size". See Friedman, Norman, . The Naval

    Institute Guide to World Naval Weapon Systems, 1997-1998. Annapolis, Md: Naval Institute Press, 1997, pg. 656. Jane's also says the same.

    (in reply to mikmykWS)
    Post #: 1117
    RE: Brazilian 2000C for DB3000 - 11/21/2014 10:44:57 PM   

    Posts: 1213
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    From: Belgique
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    Let's have a trip down south.

    - "Latin American Mirages - Mirage III / 5 / F.1 / 2000 in Service with South American Air Arms" (2010), Santiago Rivas and Juan Carlos Cicales, ISBN 978-0-9825539-4-7.
    - "Manuel Pilote Mirage 2000-c", Armée de l'Air.
    - "No more Mirages over Brazil" Airforces Monthly #311 Feb. 2014, Santiago Rivas.
    - "Turbofan and Turbojet Engines: database handbook" (2007), Élodie Roux, ISBN 978-2-9529380-1-3.
    - F-2000, o ‘gap filler’ da defesa aérea do Brasil | Poder Aéreo - Informação e Discussão sobre Aviação Militar e Civil
    - Renato LTE's album on Flickr

  • #1014 - Mirage 2000C -- Brazil (Air Force), 2007-0
    Name: "F-2000C"
    Date: 2006-2013
    - delete Spirale ICD and CDM
    - add 1x Eclair that brings 2*8 Flares + 1x Eclair again that provides 1* 18 Chaffs, fitted at the expense of the drogue parachute:
    - delete 1700 liter Drop Tank
    - add 2000 liter Drop Tank
    - Ferry loadout, replace 1700 liter DT by 2000 liter DT.
    Engine: 1x M53-5
    Military Static Thrust at S/L: 5547 (54401 N).
    Afterburner Static Thrust at S/L:: 8995 (88208 N).

    Brazil also bought:
    - 10 Matra Super 530D (plus 4 CATM)
    - 22 Matra Magic 2 (plus 6 CATM)
    - 3750 30mm rounds
    - 288 flares and 64 chaffs
    - 10 1300 l fuel tanks
    - 6 2000 l fuel tanks

    The airframes, built in 1984, had about 1,000 hours of flight "available".
    Deliveries extended from 2006 (2 delivered) to 2008 (4 in 2007, 4 more in 2008), 2 two-seater ("F-2000B") were also delivred (first in 2006, second in 2007).

    They were flown by 1o. Grupo de Defesa Aérea "Esquadrão Jaguar" who's mission is to protect the capital, now flying F-5EM, from Base Aérea de Anápolis (SBAN).

    AA loadout pic:

    Hope it helps.

    < Message edited by Jan Masterson -- 11/21/2014 11:45:50 PM >

    (in reply to CV60)
  • Post #: 1118
    RE: Brazilian 2000C for DB3000 - 11/22/2014 6:19:10 AM   

    Posts: 974
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    #3320 - MiG-29K Fulcrum D add probe-refueling

    #57 - Su-33 Flanker D add probe refueling (you'll see the probe just below the IRST)

    #2689 - Su-35S Flanker add probe refueling

    In the DB most SU-27´s have probe refueling, while in fact no variant, not even J-11 or SU-27SM appear to have aerial refueling capability.

    SU-30SM seem to become operational soon, or maybe they are already, not too much data though.

    #3494 - MiG-35 Foxglove [MiG 1.42 MFI] experimental aircraft?

    She would need another designation then, the MIG-35 is a MIG-29 variant

    < Message edited by MR_BURNS2 -- 11/22/2014 7:19:54 AM >


    Windows 7 64; Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 920 @ 2.67GHz (8 CPUs), ~2.7GHz; 6144MB RAM; NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970;

    (in reply to ClaudeJ)
    Post #: 1119
    RE: Thread for DB3000 database problems, updates or issues - 11/22/2014 12:53:45 PM   

    Posts: 1213
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    Good call Mr Burns!

    These two variant are fitted with a refuelling probe:

  • #920 - MiG-29K Fulcrum D -- India (Air Force), 2014

    A "buddy to buddy" config have been tested:
    "The heaviest ‘Fulcrum’configuration flown off the deck of INS Vikramaditya during the 2012 campaign was the ‘buddy-buddy’ tanker, incorporating one centreline PAZ-1MK refuelling pod and four underwing tanks."

    Source: "MiG-29K SHIPBORNE‘FULCRUM’COMES OF AGE", Alexander Mladenov, Combat Aircraft Monthly Vol14 No7 July 2013.

  • #844 - MiG-29SMT Fulcrum C -- Russia [1992-] (Air Force), 2011

    "Despite the presence of air-to-air refuelling probes on both the single and two-seat MiG-29s at Kursk, the regiment has not yet begun practising the skill because the Flight Test Centre at Akhtubinsk has not yet completed air-to-air refuelling trials to validate the procedure and add the appropriate amendments to the types’ flight manuals. The MiG-29UBT’s retractable refuelling
    probe is installed for pilot training purposes and is not connected to the fuel system – it is capable of practising dry contacts only.

    Source: "Russian Air Force Fulcrums", Alexander Mladenov, AirForces Monthly #318 SEPTEMBER 2014

    (in reply to MR_BURNS2)
  • Post #: 1120
    RE: Thread for DB3000 database problems, updates or issues - 11/22/2014 9:53:54 PM   

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    Some more details regarding THE french missile. Some corrections are trivial but, well, accuracy can't hurt.

    - "Mirage IV, Le bombardier stratégique" (2003), Hervé Beaumont, ISBN: 2-914205-02-3. (much more comprehensive than my other source, same author though, much more expensive too.)

  • #55 - ASMP [300kT Nuclear] -- 1987
    Diameter: 0.35 (was 0.38 m)
    Weight: 830 (was 860 kg)
    Surface Max Range: 43nm (80km) low alt, 216nm (400km) high alt (Aéropostiale claims 80-100 km at "low altitude" and "400-450 km" at "high altitude). Confirmed.
    LaunchSpeedMin: 250 kt.
    LaunchSpeedMax: 600 kt.
    LaunchAltitudeMin: 500 ft/152.4 m(was 60.96 m).
    LaunchAltitudeMax: 10 000 ft/3048 m (was 19812 m).

    Hope it helps.

    < Message edited by Jan Masterson -- 11/22/2014 11:04:30 PM >

    (in reply to ClaudeJ)
  • Post #: 1121
    RE: Thread for DB3000 database problems, updates or issues - 11/22/2014 10:18:39 PM   


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    Logged up until this point. Thanks guys!



    (in reply to ClaudeJ)
    Post #: 1122
    RE: Thread for DB3000 database problems, updates or issues - 11/23/2014 5:58:49 PM   

    Posts: 517
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    @ Jan Masterson

    Nice job/analysis so far.

    Could you, down the road or when you get a chance, do the same about the various Rafale configurations ? Because if i can remember corrently some of the available loadouts included BAT and other old phased out weapons which is not accurate (as far as I know.


    (in reply to mikmykWS)
    Post #: 1123
    RE: Thread for DB3000 database problems, updates or issues - 11/24/2014 1:28:36 PM   


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    Addition to Mig-29.
    #1185 Mig-29 UPG has probe refueling probe,
    It has seven hardpoints, ubt some loadouts seem to have nine.

    Addition to Mirage 2000 D/N.
    France upgraded them to use Mica IR instead of Magic2 [image][/image]
    Maybe France even uses the Mica IR for their Mirage 2000C instead of the Magic2, but I don't know it exactly.

    German Tornados use IRIS-T, with ASSTA 3.1 ECR Tornados can use all IDS weapons because they are technically the same except hardware stuffe like guns ETS.

    German F-4F ICE and greek F-4E Peace Icarus 2000 can use IRIS-T

    OV-10 Broncos should be "carrier capable", the USMC used them from Tarawa style ships OV-10 OV-10

    Eurofighter Tyhphoons have 13 hardpoints, but there are no loadouts using them in any plane from any country

    Rafale is not using all it's hardpoints as well (except in one A/A loadout)

    Su-33 has 10 hardpoints, but there is no loadout using all 10 hardpionts, it also can use R-27T/ET. What is with R-27EM, I thought it was specifically designed for the Su-33 to hunt cruise missles. It is ingame but no plane uses it.

    Su-34 has 10 hardponits, but there is no loadout using all 10 hardpionts

    PL-10 A/A missle is a bit weird, since there are two comlete different chinese missles with this name a Aspide copy (not ingame) and a short range IR missle (already in game), the Aspide PL-10 entered serice in 1994 and was used with J-8B and later versions. The J-10 used it, too.PL-10

    Embraer KC-390 is missing

    Yak-130 is missing

    Type 212 and 214 submarines should have their diving depth corrected. 250m is the official depth of the company the make them HDW. The destruction depth is somewhere at 700m or beyond.
    The Aip range for the 212 (and maybe the 214,too) should be extended. German U32 traveled from Eckernförde, Germany at the Baltic Sea to Rota, Spain submerged while only running on hydrogen (AIP) for 14 days. In Feb. 2013 the same submarine went from Eckerförde, Germany to Mayport, Florida in the US again constantly submerged without snorkeling for 18 days, they traveled about 4600nm on AIP.

    B-1B is to fast. Ingame it reaches 950kt (Mach 1.66) but in reality it's maximum speed is about Mach 1.2 clean

    F-217 of the german Brandenburg class is differnt than the other ships of it's class because it as a towed array sonar. It is a TASS-6-3 or FDSQS-30A LFTAS, I don't know exactly.

    #2512 Baden Wuerttemberg class can use the new Vulcan ammunition for it's Oto Melara 127/64 gun system. There are different variants for different missions Vulcano ammunition

    < Message edited by schroedi -- 11/24/2014 11:08:26 PM >

    (in reply to xavierv)
    Post #: 1124
    RE: Thread for DB3000 database problems, updates or issues - 11/24/2014 2:20:17 PM   

    Posts: 1213
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    From: Belgique
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    Hello schroedi,


    ORIGINAL: schroedi
    (...)Addition to Mirage 2000 D/N. France upgraded them to use Mica IR instead of Magic2 [image][/image]

    As far as I know from my recent research, the 2000N will never have anything but Magic 2 and the D may be equipped with Mica when it will be upgraded, nothing is done nor even set yet.

    Would you have a link or a reference to your sources please?


    Maybe France even uses the Mica IR for their Mirage 2000C instead of the Magic2, but I don't know it exactly.

    Check Mirage 2000-5F entries #12 and #20, they have it.


    Rafale is not using all it's hardpoints as well (except in one A/A loadout)

    As far as I know, front left hardpoint (#9 on the pic below) is not operational, nor is "central forward" point (#7):

    Would you have a source that states otherwise?

    (@navyrecognition, on it. Great website btw.)

    (in reply to schroedi)
    Post #: 1125
    RE: Thread for DB3000 database problems, updates or issues - 11/24/2014 2:47:58 PM   

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    Minor db 3000 issue. According to the manufacturer, the AN/SSQ-77C (Weapon_2497) has a launch altitude of 40-30,000 feet, is capable of deploying at preset depths of 200, 500 and 1,000 feet and has

    command-selectable lifetimes of either 0.5, 1, 2, 4 or 8 hours. See

    < Message edited by CV60 -- 11/24/2014 3:49:10 PM >

    (in reply to ClaudeJ)
    Post #: 1126
    RE: Thread for DB3000 database problems, updates or issues - 11/24/2014 3:46:26 PM   


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    I'm not sure how is it modelled in CMANO, but observe SSQ-77C (as passive omnidirectional sonobuoy) is stated on the manufacturer PDF as "convergence zone receive beam" capable. Perhaps it is modelled on the SSQ-77B/C range of 40 nm, as opossite to the only 15 nm range of SSQ-77A. And probably should be more CZ capable sonobuoys. (I think also that capability should be one of the USSR demise causes, showing the Soviets the futility of his submarine force).

    < Message edited by Broncepulido -- 11/24/2014 5:15:33 PM >

    (in reply to CV60)
    Post #: 1127
    RE: Thread for DB3000 database problems, updates or issues - 11/24/2014 4:48:07 PM   

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    I believe all the VLADs also have a bottom bounce capability, although I'm not sure that is modeled in the game. See Friedman, Norman, and Norman Friedman. The Naval Institute Guide to World Naval Weapon Systems, 1997-1998 Annapolis, Md: Naval Institute Press, 1998, pg. 657-58 ; - Reliable Security Information. "AN/SSQ-77B Vertical Line Array Directional Frequency Analysis andRecording (VLAD) Sonobuoy." Accessed November 24, 2014.

    I'm not sure how is it modelled in CMANO, but observe SSQ-77C (as passive omnidirectional sonobuoy) is stated on the manufacturer PDF as "convergence zone receive beam" capable. Perhaps it is modelled on the SSQ-77B/C range of 40 nm, as opossite to the only 15 nm range of SSQ-77A. And probably should be more CZ capable sonobuoys. (I think also that capability should be one of the USSR demise causes, showing the Soviets the futility of his submarine force).

    < Message edited by CV60 -- 11/24/2014 5:49:09 PM >

    (in reply to Broncepulido)
    Post #: 1128
    RE: Thread for DB3000 database problems, updates or issues - 11/24/2014 5:31:56 PM   


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    I see also VLAD states for Vertical-line Array DIFAR (a pity,it's not Vlad Tepes related! )

    < Message edited by Broncepulido -- 11/24/2014 6:33:23 PM >

    (in reply to CV60)
    Post #: 1129
    RE: Thread for DB3000 database problems, updates or issues - 11/24/2014 5:58:45 PM   


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    Might have been mentioned earlier but the Type 42 Batch 3 class destroyers should have a 40 missile magazine, not 22 like the Batch 1 and 2. This is due to the fact that they got a longer hull to fit a larger magazine and improve seakeeping.

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    Post #: 1130
    RE: Thread for DB3000 database problems, updates or issues - 11/24/2014 6:39:48 PM   

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    ORIGINAL: mikmyk


    ORIGINAL: Sardaukar

    Israel: Ofeq-10 satellite

    I believe we have the earlier variants in there already. We need some pretty detailed info to implement satellites.


    Just from Wikipedia Ofek/Ofeq 10 is an upgraded version of Ofek 8 (which is also missing):

    There is a lot of detail on Ofek-8 here:

    perhaps it would be possible to add them both but just with the same specification?

    < Message edited by ojms -- 11/24/2014 8:26:30 PM >

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    RE: Thread for DB3000 database problems, updates or issues - 11/24/2014 7:40:54 PM   

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    I have also found this information about the orbit of Ofeq 10 and ofeq 8 which hopefully should be enough for the orbital information.

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    Post #: 1132
    RE: Thread for DB3000 database problems, updates or issues - 11/24/2014 9:53:47 PM   


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    ORIGINAL: Jan Masterson

    Hello schroedi,


    ORIGINAL: schroedi
    (...)Addition to Mirage 2000 D/N. France upgraded them to use Mica IR instead of Magic2 [image][/image]

    As far as I know from my recent research, the 2000N will never have anything but Magic 2 and the D may be equipped with Mica when it will be upgraded, nothing is done nor even set yet.

    Would you have a link or a reference to your sources please?


    Maybe France even uses the Mica IR for their Mirage 2000C instead of the Magic2, but I don't know it exactly.

    Check Mirage 2000-5F entries #12 and #20, they have it.


    Rafale is not using all it's hardpoints as well (except in one A/A loadout)

    As far as I know, front left hardpoint (#9 on the pic below) is not operational, nor is "central forward" point (#7):

    Would you have a source that states otherwise?

    (@navyrecognition, on it. Great website btw.)

    Won't the Mirage 2000D and N get the same upgrade, I thought that.

    For the Rafale, I am not talking about those "air intake" hardpoints for the targeting pod. The plane has eleven/twelve hardpoints for weapons but all loadouts except the "heavy cap" loadout only use nine hardpoints, count it.

    (in reply to ClaudeJ)
    Post #: 1133
    RE: Thread for DB3000 database problems, updates or issues - 11/24/2014 10:03:35 PM   


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    ORIGINAL: Jan Masterson

    Hello schroedi,


    ORIGINAL: schroedi
    (...)Addition to Mirage 2000 D/N. France upgraded them to use Mica IR instead of Magic2 [image][/image]

    As far as I know from my recent research, the 2000N will never have anything but Magic 2 and the D may be equipped with Mica when it will be upgraded, nothing is done nor even set yet.

    Would you have a link or a reference to your sources please?


    Maybe France even uses the Mica IR for their Mirage 2000C instead of the Magic2, but I don't know it exactly.

    Check Mirage 2000-5F entries #12 and #20, they have it.


    Rafale is not using all it's hardpoints as well (except in one A/A loadout)

    As far as I know, front left hardpoint (#9 on the pic below) is not operational, nor is "central forward" point (#7):

    Would you have a source that states otherwise?

    (@navyrecognition, on it. Great website btw.)

    Didn't the Mirage 2000Ds and Ns get the same upgrade? I thought that.

    For the Rafale, I am not talking about the "air intake" hardpoints for the targeting pod. The plane has eleven/twelve harpoints for weapons but except the "heavy CAP" all loadouts are only using nine hardpoints, count it.
    For example: #3230 SCALP EG loadout: 2x Mica, 2x Meteor, 2x Scalp, 2x 2000l tank, 1x 1700l tank = 9 hardpoints used.
    Or SBU-38 AASM loadout: 2x Mica, 2x Meteor, 6x AASM on TERs (3 AASM on each hardpoint), 2x 2000l, 1x 1700l, 1x Damocles on the air intake hardpoint (don't count that one) = 9 hardpoints used

    < Message edited by schroedi -- 11/24/2014 11:05:09 PM >

    (in reply to ClaudeJ)
    Post #: 1134
    RE: Thread for DB3000 database problems, updates or issues - 11/24/2014 10:25:20 PM   

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    As for today, and as far as I know, the plan is to retire the Mirage 2000N K3 in 2018 while a second Rafale B squadron is to be dedicated to nuclear deterrence.

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    RE: Thread for DB3000 database problems, updates or issues - 11/24/2014 10:37:27 PM   


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    than I am sorry that I made a mistake here

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    Post #: 1136
    RE: Thread for DB3000 database problems, updates or issues - 11/24/2014 11:27:31 PM   


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    Various requests added to our list.

    We do require a link or a picture so if you didn't provide it but could that would be great:)




    (in reply to schroedi)
    Post #: 1137
    RE: Thread for DB3000 database problems, updates or issues - 11/25/2014 12:44:22 AM   


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    example for Rafale full loadout not completely full, the targeting pod next to the air intake is missing.
    Su-34 full loadout some loadouts ingame have DECM Pods, I missed that before some don't have them and have two hardpoints unused.
    for the Su-33 I am sorry, it is correct ingame, i missed the DECM Pods
    Eurofighter full loadout
    Tornado IRIS-T
    F-4 Phantom IRIS-T
    story about Type 212 voyage to Florida
    back of a usual Brandenburg class
    back of F-217 Bayern with towed array
    Tornado IDS and ECR ASSTA 3.1

    < Message edited by schroedi -- 11/25/2014 2:07:36 AM >

    (in reply to mikmykWS)
    Post #: 1138
    RE: Thread for DB3000 database problems, updates or issues - 11/25/2014 12:45:41 AM   


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    sorry pushed quote instead of edit

    < Message edited by schroedi -- 11/25/2014 1:49:25 AM >

    (in reply to schroedi)
    Post #: 1139
    RE: Thread for DB3000 database problems, updates or issues - 11/25/2014 12:56:45 AM   

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    ORIGINAL: schroedi
    example for Rafale full loadout

    Not an operational loadout, you can tell easily since it sports Meteor which are not expected before couple of years at the soonest and there are black-white stickers on the bombs to help accurate tracking once they are released.
    As far as I know, it's a Dassault funded test, not per Armée de l'Air request, intended as an incentive for potential export customers.

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