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RE: Suprass vs Operating 1.60 (no Operating please)

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RE: Suprass vs Operating 1.60 (no Operating please) - 12/16/2014 11:49:03 PM   

Posts: 3158
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To the Polish Fox,

Sorry, did not pay attention to the shift in NM after recapture of Keonigsberg, I was just too overjoyed to just get it back! In your AARs I was trying to get a feel for NM also, especially after Serbia and Belgian surrenders, plus what effect losing Warsaw caused. As the match progressed CP get's those NM boost from cities captured, so it is easy to lose track of when and where NM shifted. It did not seem that other Entente countries suffered much NM loss from surrenders. A lot of the NM stuff happens during or between turns, can't say that it puts up stats for immediate gratification or distain.

What I get concerned about with Serbia and Russia "IS ITALY". Even though it starts off with a small army, it has a decent PP and Oh yeah! 2 fighters and all the Research techs. Within several turns it can be lethal if not checked. If reinforced by others, even more trouble on a open flank.. I have to stay on the heart of Serbia, or else it is going to bounce back with a vengeance. I would not say that AH is rich with PP at all, but enough to manage a crisis, maybe a little better than that. Germany is definitely carrying the bigger load, but as Germany I do find it difficult to fight more than one front, but I noticed when you are CP you do a lot better job than I. (listen folks: "He is so sneaky, I call him The Polish Fox for a reason")

As far as Russian Research goes: A bar graph boost for Wire, (maybe the same for all countries), or give the troops that start the scenario a 1 point to their defense rating. It's not just the Hun vs the Cossack thing, its the Cossacks vs Turk thing, that's the back door nobody is talking about, just what would be fair on that front? It's not just "one" get's a change in balance, it's an International balance. Don't forget that there are countries that have not entered yet, so they would be way behind the others as far as tech development (that may, or may not be absolutely true) .

By the way, I'm sending you a nice big German Chocolate cake for Christmas on the end of a 175 MM howitzer shell, it should be arriving next turn!

Herr Commander, Bob

PS, pm me to let me know when to stop looking here.

(in reply to suprass81)
Post #: 31
RE: Suprass vs Operating 1.60 (no Operating please) - 12/17/2014 4:30:16 AM   

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ORIGINAL: kirk23

Hi suprass81, France & Britain have more than enough naval might, to deal with Central Powers in the Med! This is your first play through, the next time you play the scenario, you should be more aware of what is going on, by the way 1.6 Patch should be releasing very soon, and I have included some fixes that address, a few issue you have discovered while testing this beta,loving the AAR.

Those are Class I AH subs, not like the Class II subs England and Germany get.

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Post #: 32
RE: Suprass vs Operating 1.60 (no Operating please) - 12/17/2014 4:39:39 AM   

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ORIGINAL: kirk23

Hi Suprass81,

First strategic error you made was saving the Garrison unit that was attacked,It may sound heartless,but this unit is best sacrificed in order to buy you some time,because it will take the Austrian units another couple of attacks against this hapless Garrison unit in order to destroy it,also disbanding your Artillery at the start was a very big boo boo,your Strategy has to be first and foremost to Defend your Capital cities,because without these you loose all hope of repairing or building any new units, in order to defend your Country.

Another tip,don't attack with any unit you have positioned in Belgrade in the future,because this unit will more than likely sustain damage and be weakened,making it an easier target when it is attacked by Austrian forces.

Big mistake leaving Belgrade undefended? There is a massive morale penalty now in place for loosing Capital cities!

Tip for anyone playing as the Entente : In order to defend Serbia,Russia needs to be aggressive against the Austrian border,which should force Austria to keep a strong defense against Russia.France and Britain should use their naval forces in the Mediterranean to escort French & British troops to assist Serbia.

If you disband the damaged garrison out of country, it used to be that you "lose" the MP and any PP value it has left, the only positive gain would be the savings of 2PP upkeep, if that, would show in the production window next turn.

Kirk, Just checked ownership of the hex of damaged garrison, "it is Serbia's".

< Message edited by operating -- 12/17/2014 3:02:42 PM >

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Post #: 33
RE: Suprass vs Operating 1.60 (no Operating please) - 12/17/2014 6:04:53 AM   


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ORIGINAL: kirk23

It sound as thou you guys are enjoying playing this patch? As for Serbia and Russia, I have made a few minor adjustments, that will help the game play even more when the game goes official hopefully later this week.

This is nearly perfect (for me). I really like this one. It's the best I've played.

(in reply to kirk23)
Post #: 34
RE: Suprass vs Operating 1.60 (no Operating please) - 12/17/2014 11:18:18 AM   

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From: Fife Scotland
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Glad to see the game is moving in the right direction, I too think this patch is the best yet, and as you have already discovered while playing, there are a great many changes for the player to surprised by.


Make it so!

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Post #: 35
RE: Suprass vs Operating 1.60 (no Operating please) - 12/17/2014 1:56:46 PM   

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Sir Grzegorz,

Have not been taking SS of our match, to be fair, will take them next turn then wait a couple of turns before posting them in another thread. The Truce will be over when you get your cake.....

Herr Commander, Bob

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Post #: 36
RE: Suprass vs Operating 1.60 (no Operating please) - 12/17/2014 5:46:04 PM   


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27 MAY to 24 JUN


Russians army near Riga will soon be destryed. Becous of adventage in number Germans do what they want. I cant do nothing. I will try to build line Riga- Pskov and hold as lon as I can. I don't know if this can change anything becouse Russians NM is very low- this is consequences of my ignorance on the Baltic Sea...
Ottomans broke my lines. I can only say "I'll try to do something'...
Vinnytsia army is fighting for survival- I was encircled and than I escaped but for how long?

(in reply to operating)
Post #: 37
RE: Suprass vs Operating 1.60 (no Operating please) - 12/17/2014 6:41:20 PM   


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10 JUN to 24 JUN


Sorry but I don't know how but in the heat of fight I hąve lost some pictures... so thee are only two turns.
Nothing special. I'm unable to brake germans lines. Even british attacks on germans corps which is under heavy fire from the begining of my western offensive faild...

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Post #: 38
RE: Suprass vs Operating 1.60 (no Operating please) - 12/17/2014 6:48:07 PM   


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27 MAY to 24 JUN


I can't make any brakethru... maybe I choose a wrong direction? I'll chang it to attack Gaza, This bring aditional profits from lowering PP of Ottoman Empire.

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Post #: 39
RE: Suprass vs Operating 1.60 (no Operating please) - 12/17/2014 7:03:09 PM   


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10 JUN to 27 JUN


I forgot to take a pictures from the beginig of this campaign. Sorry but last days I'm really busy nad very angry when I wath what Operating is ooing on Med Sea...
AH lounched hard strike to unprepared italians possitions. They made a hole. After my quick intervention I hope I can close this front useing british and french infantry corps. I've lost one of italian fighter squadron :/

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Post #: 40
RE: Suprass vs Operating 1.60 (no Operating please) - 12/20/2014 10:26:15 AM   


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8 JUL 1915

I forgot to take pictures from 22 JUL 1915 :/

Russia. Next turn Germans took Riga. I decided to move back and build defence line closer to Pskov. It's only a matter of time and Russia will surrender. on 8 JULLY 1915 Bulgaria joined CP.

British infantry corps is trying to cut AH caalry. Also Milan is secured from arty bombardment.
In the turn I forgot to take a picture AH destroyed italian exposed garrison but did not attaked my arty.

Quiet. I'm ready to strike between paris and Verdun. This is last chance before Bulgarians will arive.

I've lost any hope to make a brakethru here. No mor offensive actions for now. I will save some ammo to use it in anothere places.

(in reply to suprass81)
Post #: 41
RE: Suprass vs Operating 1.60 (no Operating please) - 12/31/2014 9:08:03 AM   


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Sorry for delay. Christmass pause. I'll be back with info from the front in the first days of 2015. (I've made some more turns with Operating so I have a lot to show you guys :D)

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Post #: 42
RE: Suprass vs Operating 1.60 (no Operating please) - 1/4/2015 7:40:46 AM   


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Sorry guys but after New Year Photobucket changed it's site or something is broken- I can't upload images from there....

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Post #: 43
RE: Suprass vs Operating 1.60 (no Operating please) - 1/4/2015 2:37:19 PM   


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OK. All is good now.

Here are some screens from the past:

5 AUG 1915 to 30 SEP 1915

I'm trying to do whatever I can to stay alive as long as I can. If I would not loose my Drednought at the begining this could be better than now. In 30 SEP 1915 Russia has only 3% NM and Germans are at the gates of undefended capital city Helsinki. I think it's the last turn for them.

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Post #: 44
RE: Suprass vs Operating 1.60 (no Operating please) - 1/4/2015 2:50:47 PM   


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5 AUG 1915 to 30 SEP 1915

Western front is regrouping for last offensive before Russia will surrender. I hope to retake Calais. German subs are killing my british fleet so I have to do something before Operating will take control of Lamanche Cannal

At 2 SEP 1915 French and British lounched an attack and killed one germans corps. And than I saw that the better way to make any hole in CP lines is to attack to north-east where there are only garrisons... so I've changed direction of the attack.

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Post #: 45
RE: Suprass vs Operating 1.60 (no Operating please) - 1/5/2015 6:29:08 PM   


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5 AUG 1915 to 30 SEP 1915

Thyere are only small skirmishes at this front. I think operating is waitingto finnish Russia.

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Post #: 46
RE: Suprass vs Operating 1.60 (no Operating please) - 1/5/2015 6:34:17 PM   


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2 SEP 19151 to 30 SEP 1915

General retreat ordered... I will move my forces to Sues Cannal.

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Post #: 47
RE: Suprass vs Operating 1.60 (no Operating please) - 1/8/2015 9:31:18 PM   


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14 OCT 1915

Last turn for Russia. She has 0% and will surrender at the end of next tur.

In Italy sneaky AH try to take my city. British will stop them. Next time second arty will enter game and I will destroy this garrison quickly

In France Entente is pushing her offensive. I want Calais back!

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Post #: 48
RE: Suprass vs Operating 1.60 (no Operating please) - 1/8/2015 9:34:05 PM   


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28 OCT 1915

Calais is my! First sucess of this war. All is lost but I will fight untill the end.

Small fights in Italy. This can bee danger...

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Post #: 49
RE: Suprass vs Operating 1.60 (no Operating please) - 1/11/2015 6:24:10 AM   


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11 NOV 1915

In France I have to stop for a while. I have to repair and rest my units. Next turn I'll try to attack again.

AH forced me to retreat in Italy. Milan will be under fire soon...

Fighting to save convoys. Last turn I've lost destroyer.

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Post #: 50
RE: Suprass vs Operating 1.60 (no Operating please) - 1/14/2015 10:24:20 AM   


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25 NOV to 9 DEC 1915

Road to Calais is back in my hands. Now I have to push towards Antwerp but I'm running out of ammo so I don't hope to go far. I think that from 1916 I'll be on defensive only.
British prepared large anti- sub baloons squad.

In Italy situation is OK for now but it's a matter of time when Operating will strike and than I'll be in troubles. If AH will bombard Milan I will have to disband one or two from italian units to keep income of PP.

(in reply to suprass81)
Post #: 51
RE: Suprass vs Operating 1.60 (no Operating please) - 3/23/2015 11:20:28 PM   

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Sir Grzegorz,

This is the first time reading your AAR since last December, 2014, it was just as enjoyable now as it was in December. Your next turn to me should be turn 58-59. Posted some AARs recently, but forgot who they were against (been awhile, they were with you). From what I been hearing: The Russians in 1.62 are a lot tougher. Just finished another match where upon the Kaiser is going to present me with another victory medal, but no medal will shine so bright as the one I'll get from chasing the Polish Fox around the world if we finish this match. At the rate we are going it could be months before a final cessation of hostilities. I have 1 other match left in 1.60 beta that's in the late 90s, once that is done I'm seriously considering going 1.62. I'd like to hear your thoughts on that.

I've already started preparations for invading England, however when France surrenders I think England won't be far behind in surrendering also. If I am not mistaken, the USA and Portugal are still neutral, and make no mistake, I'd just assume to leave it that way, "NO life ring for my Buddy". My guess is: in 2 weeks we will be done, if it's OK with you, it's OK with me. Later we can pick up rocks and start throwing them against one another in 1.62.

Herr Commander, Bob

(in reply to suprass81)
Post #: 52
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