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[SCEN FIXED] A few beginner questions and the Stand Up scenario

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[SCEN FIXED] A few beginner questions and the Stand Up ... - 3/22/2015 3:36:34 AM   


Posts: 187
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I started playing the Stand Up scenario because that was recommended as a good beginner scenario (I have already played through the tutorials). I have a few questions about my experience:

Why is it when I change the target of an air strike mission in the mission editor the planes still fly to attack the original airbase that I had instead of the new one? I had to give them manual orders to fly to the other base instead.

Why do the 123 paveway bombs not attack the base when the planes get there? I had to manually lower my altitude to a little over 10K feet before they could fire and I had to fire them manually. (I had read that the issue could be cloud cover blocking line of sight, but the clouds were level 2 which is below 10K feet, so not sure what the reason is?). Why doesn't the AI automatically adjust the planes altitude and drop the bombs without me having to manually adjust it?

How do you win this scenario? You start off at 0 points and the best I can do is -750 points. Even when I destroy all enemy planes and only lose one plane I'm still at -750 points.

How do you keep your planes from running out of fuel? I am using the tanker but the planes sometimes fly too far and can't make it back to base. Sometimes the AI will try to return the planes to base and sometime they don't. How do I ensure that I have enough fuel to make it back? Why doesn't the AI automatically know when you've flown too far and need to return?

Why is it when I lose some planes my score does not decrease? For example I was at -750 points and then lost all my planes due to lack of fuel but my score stayed the same.

That's all I can think of for now but may have more questions later, thanks.

< Message edited by emsoy -- 4/29/2015 3:27:12 PM >
Post #: 1
RE: A few beginner questions and the Stand Up scenario - 3/25/2015 8:45:12 PM   


Posts: 1952
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I took a look at it.


ORIGINAL: ioticus
Why is it when I change the target of an air strike mission in the mission editor the planes still fly to attack the original airbase that I had instead of the new one? I had to give them manual orders to fly to the other base instead.

I am not able to see this. When I change the target (and remove the old target), the planes change course.


ORIGINAL: ioticus
Why do the 123 paveway bombs not attack the base when the planes get there? I had to manually lower my altitude to a little over 10K feet before they could fire and I had to fire them manually. (I had read that the issue could be cloud cover blocking line of sight, but the clouds were level 2 which is below 10K feet, so not sure what the reason is?). Why doesn't the AI automatically adjust the planes altitude and drop the bombs without me having to manually adjust it?

I'm not sure. I see this as well with a strike against single unit airfield. Maybe it is because Single unit airfields aren't really supposed to be attacked. They are strong single unit fields to save the performance hit of having all individual hangars and taxiways etc modelled. But this may be causing the sim to think its weapons arent suitable (since a single unit airfield has very high damage point and armor value). I added a "Building Large" in the scenario editor and used that as target and they bombed it just fine.


ORIGINAL: ioticus
How do you win this scenario? You start off at 0 points and the best I can do is -750 points. Even when I destroy all enemy planes and only lose one plane I'm still at -750 points.

Why is it when I lose some planes my score does not decrease? For example I was at -750 points and then lost all my planes due to lack of fuel but my score stayed the same.

The scenario author has made an error with his scoring events. They all can fire only one time. They need to be set to be repeatable. So now only the very first instance will change score (e.g. the first plane you loses causes -750, but the next one changes nothing).


ORIGINAL: ioticus
How do you keep your planes from running out of fuel? I am using the tanker but the planes sometimes fly too far and can't make it back to base. Sometimes the AI will try to return the planes to base and sometime they don't. How do I ensure that I have enough fuel to make it back? Why doesn't the AI automatically know when you've flown too far and need to return?

That's all I can think of for now but may have more questions later, thanks.

Managing air to air refueling can be challenging. I wrote a little bit about it in this thread. I intend to write a more complete actual article for Baloogan's site at some point in the future.


ORIGINAL: ioticus
That's all I can think of for now but may have more questions later, thanks.

If you have any more, fire away!

< Message edited by Tomcat84 -- 3/25/2015 9:48:20 PM >


My Scenarios and Tutorials for Command

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Post #: 2
RE: A few beginner questions and the Stand Up scenario - 3/25/2015 9:32:28 PM   


Posts: 187
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Thanks for the helpful answers. I'm surprised the scenario is still broken after 7 patches and no one noticed? (This is a stock scenario.) Is it possible for someone to upload a fixed Stand Up for me because I have no idea how to fix it myself. Thanks.

(in reply to Tomcat84)
Post #: 3
RE: A few beginner questions and the Stand Up scenario - 3/25/2015 9:44:21 PM   


Posts: 11524
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Ok will add this to our fix list.

Thanks guys



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Post #: 4
RE: A few beginner questions and the Stand Up scenario - 3/26/2015 4:51:45 AM   


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Another thing odd about this scenario is the UK is able to change its rules of engagement from tight(only engage confirmed hostiles) to anything it wants, which runs counter to the scenario description's starting rules of engagement doctrine. Not sure if this is intended.

(in reply to mikmykWS)
Post #: 5
RE: A few beginner questions and the Stand Up scenario - 3/26/2015 7:15:12 AM   


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ORIGINAL: ioticus
I'm surprised the scenario is still broken after 7 patches and no one noticed? (This is a stock scenario.) Is it possible for someone to upload a fixed Stand Up for me because I have no idea how to fix it myself.

Well, everyone involved with this piece of software is human, so mistakes can be made. That includes the devs but also the testers and players etc. I personally never happened to play this scenario so I did not notice. I also know some people dont look at score and just evaluate themselves on how they feel they performed, rather than look at a number. And maybe since many do regard this as a beginner scenario, when they play it they dont realize the scoring issue yet? Maybe you are just very perceptive I might be able to take a look later today to make and upload a version that fixes the scoring issue, but the scenario author might do so as well? (not sure who built it)


ORIGINAL: ioticus
Another thing odd about this scenario is the UK is able to change its rules of engagement from tight(only engage confirmed hostiles) to anything it wants, which runs counter to the scenario description's starting rules of engagement doctrine. Not sure if this is intended.

I dont think this is necessarily a problem. Really with the WCS setting you control how your units behave if left to their own devices. If you as the player want to misbehave and ignore your briefing then that is kind of your own fault. But just to illustrate, even if the setting was fixed to tight, you as the player could still select an unknown/neutral track and hit H to declare it hostile and they would still attack. So it is your own responsibility to carry out or ignore your briefing.


My Scenarios and Tutorials for Command

(Scenarios focus on air-warfare :) )

(in reply to ioticus)
Post #: 6
RE: A few beginner questions and the Stand Up scenario - 3/26/2015 4:03:29 PM   


Posts: 11
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Why is it when I change the target of an air strike mission in the mission editor the planes still fly to attack the original airbase that I had instead of the new one? I had to give them manual orders to fly to the other base instead.

I think the issue can be resolved by pressing F3 twice. I've noticed on occasion that units retain their old headings. Not sure if it's a bug or not (or user error on my part).

I can be really frustrated with bombing as well. I'll watch planes fly right over the target without dropping any bombs. I've resorted to doing most bombing manually, which I find more engaging anyway.

I'm new to the game as well and I think some of these things are just little nuances to pick up and learn. Threads like these help demystify some of them, so thanks.

(in reply to ioticus)
Post #: 7
RE: A few beginner questions and the Stand Up scenario - 3/26/2015 6:25:02 PM   


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ORIGINAL: solidgeoff


Why is it when I change the target of an air strike mission in the mission editor the planes still fly to attack the original airbase that I had instead of the new one? I had to give them manual orders to fly to the other base instead.

I think the issue can be resolved by pressing F3 twice. I've noticed on occasion that units retain their old headings. Not sure if it's a bug or not (or user error on my part).

F3 twice is also a good one when you drag/enlarge a patrol sector and you want the units in it to recalculate their path as well. Sometimes with ASW I'll just F3 repeatedly til the patrolling plane/helo goes where I want.

(in reply to solidgeoff)
Post #: 8
RE: A few beginner questions and the Stand Up scenario - 3/26/2015 7:12:39 PM   


Posts: 1952
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Attached version should have working scoring, that's the only thing I changed. Judging by what gives points though (killing/losing aircraft/ships, not land bases) I think you're not supposed to try to bomb the airfields in Argentina.

Attachment (1)


My Scenarios and Tutorials for Command

(Scenarios focus on air-warfare :) )

(in reply to Casinn)
Post #: 9
RE: A few beginner questions and the Stand Up scenario - 3/26/2015 7:48:06 PM   


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Thanks Tomcat!

(in reply to Tomcat84)
Post #: 10
RE: A few beginner questions and the Stand Up scenario - 3/26/2015 11:43:27 PM   


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I played the scenario again (using your fixed scenario) and scored 3250 without a single loss, so I'm getting the hang of it. I did notice a few strange things however. HMS Portland had a small red rectangle appear when I click on it for no apparent reason. The rectangle doesn't move, cannot be selected and is not labelled. I think the rectangle use to be a way point that I created and then deleted, but I'm not sure. I believe this denotes a station position since the HMS Clyde creates a similar symbol when I select it, and it is labelled "station". I never noticed this symbol before when I played the scenario. Not sure why the Clyde has a station position since I never ordered it to station (I don't even know how to do so).

Sometimes when I manually move the Clyde or Wave Ruler (select F3 and place a way point), the ships do not move and stay at zero kts and I have to manually increase their throttle speed. Other times they automatically increase their speed and I don't have to do anything. Why is this happening?

Sometimes when I destroy a ship the event triggers but I get no message that my harpoon hit the target. In fact it says I missed by X number of feet. Why is that? Is this just a case of fog of war or faulty reporting?

I had my planes patrolling an area set to not investigate outside the patrol area (box was unchecked). When I ordered them to automatically attack a target outside the patrol area they did not do so even though they were set to ignore plotted orders. I was able to manually order them to attack, but the auto attack did not allow then to leave the patrol area even though ignore plotted course when selecting targets was active. Is this a bug or working as intended?

It might be nice for the scenario to penalize you for destroying a fishing boat like I did, but no negative event triggers.

< Message edited by ioticus -- 3/27/2015 12:56:45 AM >

(in reply to ioticus)
Post #: 11
RE: A few beginner questions and the Stand Up scenario - 3/28/2015 12:16:17 AM   


Posts: 11524
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Ioticus if you can post of a save of the the unmoving ship we can probably tell you. Unfortunately I can't replicate here.

Thanks for your valuable input. We'll definitely do some updates to the scenario at some point.

Baloogan's got some great gameplay videos that might be helpful. Check them out if you can.

< Message edited by mikmyk -- 3/28/2015 1:16:25 AM >


(in reply to ioticus)
Post #: 12
RE: A few beginner questions and the Stand Up scenario - 3/28/2015 6:43:52 AM   


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I don't have a save and I can't seem to replicate the non-moving ship bug. I loaded an autosave and the ship would not move so I saved the file to send it but when I reloaded the file it started moving so I don't know what's going on. Also, when I reloaded the autosave the station symbol was no longer visible when I selected HMS Clyde.

(in reply to mikmykWS)
Post #: 13
RE: A few beginner questions and the Stand Up scenario - 3/30/2015 12:04:21 AM   


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I played The Shark scenario this time and got a message that my sub ran out of fuel and that it was "attempting to switch to alternate propulsion". My battery was drained and I had plenty of diesel but the sub never used the diesel and never moved. I stayed at periscope depth but my battery never recharged. I'm confused on how this is supposed to work, is this a bug or working as intended?

Edit: I attached a save of the scenario. I can't make the ship recharge or run on diesel fuel.

Attachment (1)

< Message edited by ioticus -- 3/30/2015 1:30:27 AM >

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Post #: 14
RE: A few beginner questions and the Stand Up scenario - 4/19/2015 9:02:39 PM   


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Bump, any idea why the battery won't charge?

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Post #: 15
RE: A few beginner questions and the Stand Up scenario - 4/20/2015 6:45:43 AM   


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ORIGINAL: ioticus
Bump, any idea why the battery won't charge?

We are going to release an update which should resolve any snorting-related issues. Please be patient.


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Post #: 16
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