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Bug: Constructor dumps cargo after building

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Bug: Constructor dumps cargo after building - 4/21/2015 4:39:09 AM   

Posts: 153
Joined: 4/21/2015
From: Canada
Status: offline
I've done a lot of research into this and I can only assume it is a bug. Otherwise I can see no reason for this as a feature.

When a constructor ship is ordered to build a mining base, it goes to the star-port to fill it's cargo hold with resources. When the mining base is built, however, the constructor then dumps all remaining cargo into the cargo hold of the mining base and flies away empty.

Now this causes two problems:
The constructor needs to go back to a star-port to refill its cargo hold before it can build anything else.
The mining base now has a hold full of resources that will never be collected by freighters and take up valuable room that could be used for the resources the base is mining. This is because a base mining gold and steel will only ever be visited by freighters looking for gold and steel. All the silicon, polymer, iridium, etc., etc. that the constructor left behind will never be collected so that capacity of the cargo hold is essentially disabled forever. A constructor with a really big cargo hold can essentially cripple a mining base before it has lifted a shovel. Freighters are privately owned, so I can't even order one to go get the cargo.

I created a saved game file and posted it as you specify in the FAQ.
Upgrade the constructor to any of the (many) designs I created and build a mining base anywhere.

Is this a bug, or am I missing something fundamental?

BTW: I am using the latest version:

< Message edited by RemoteLeg -- 4/21/2015 5:52:54 AM >
Post #: 1
RE: Bug: Constructor dumps cargo after building - 4/21/2015 2:49:37 PM   
Fishers of Men

Posts: 329
Joined: 3/27/2010
From: Fishers, IN USA
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When you order up any construction ship to build a base of any type, it will go to a space port and fill it's cargo hold with all necessary materials to build that particular base only. It will carry additional material if there is extra room on board.

The reason the extra material is left behind after construction is finished, is to be used to refit that base when a new model is designed. If the base's cargo space is too small, additional material will have to be delivered there to finish the refit order.

As the game progresses and your base increase in size, make sure the cargo space on your construction ships also increases so all materials can be delivered in one trip to build a new base.

I hope this helps answer your question.


Old............but very fast

(in reply to RemoteLeg)
Post #: 2
RE: Bug: Constructor dumps cargo after building - 4/21/2015 3:17:36 PM   

Posts: 207
Joined: 3/6/2015
Status: offline
Hmm.. I kind of think that's a bad policy (to leave excess cargo at the base). I would prefer that the ctor take its excess cargo back to the spaceport, and/or reuse it for its next job. As the OP says: this can seriously diminish a mining base's capacity to mine, which seems like a bad idea, no?

(in reply to Fishers of Men)
Post #: 3
RE: Bug: Constructor dumps cargo after building - 4/21/2015 3:30:39 PM   

Posts: 153
Joined: 4/21/2015
From: Canada
Status: offline
So it is a feature.
Okay, I can understand the logic, but I would much rather build a Constructor with a big cargo bay then get it to build a couple of bases before returning to restock.

I missed the concept that now bases can retrofit without needing a constructor. Yes, that's a big advantage in an empire with lots of bases.

Yes, I tried building a Constructor with a very small cargo bay to minimize the impact, but it just stalled the construction waiting for freighters to deliver more cargo.

Thank you Fishers of Men.

(in reply to Fishers of Men)
Post #: 4
RE: Bug: Constructor dumps cargo after building - 4/22/2015 5:31:36 AM   


Posts: 159
Joined: 3/18/2012
Status: offline

All my mining stations have resources in their hold that seem redundant...aculon, chromium, carbon fibre...etc
The list is identical for all and the amounts are standard, 50 units for most and 25 of three (emeros and 2 others I forget)
It doesnt matter what the size of the station is, so it is not excess that is dumped I would think
It seems to be some kind of default loadout

Also, many of my mining stations have reduced cargo space for their mined resources because pirates are storing stuff in them in large quantities

(in reply to RemoteLeg)
Post #: 5
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