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RE: Win 10 free upgrade

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RE: Win 10 free upgrade - 7/31/2015 4:41:46 AM   

Posts: 3639
Joined: 12/6/2004
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Did everybody do the customize upgrade. Some of the things seemed pretty invasive with having information on my activities.

< Message edited by Zap -- 7/31/2015 5:44:44 AM >


(in reply to Toby42)
Post #: 61
RE: Win 10 free upgrade - 7/31/2015 5:22:40 AM   

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depending on what version you use, but yes i did custom, like all versions of windows, you need to alter some stuff, one drive for me makes it's very good as cloud storage is better than any home based ones, while it can be used in any O/S now days, to come with one from the start is always nice, also auto repair and back up on the pro one is well worth it if you like to do fresh installs a lot, quick and easy and with all your stuff backed up it's a fresh new O/S every time you need it, get rid of all junk :)

(in reply to Zap)
Post #: 62
RE: Win 10 free upgrade - 7/31/2015 5:49:27 AM   

Posts: 3639
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How about Microsoft edge. Good or bad. Is there a site that objectively informs someone how to customize your Win 10. I need someone who can explain clearly the advantages of and the negatives of things. Those of us. who are not so good at understanding what should and should not be used in my windows.

< Message edited by Zap -- 7/31/2015 6:50:57 AM >


(in reply to zakblood)
Post #: 63
RE: Win 10 free upgrade - 7/31/2015 7:40:22 AM   

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i still use chrome tbh as it backs up and restores all my settings with a simple login, so no matter what pc i'm on anywhere in the world i have al my stuff at hand, and is easy to clear after it's been loaded so stuff isn't left on so others can see it etc

(in reply to Zap)
Post #: 64
RE: Win 10 free upgrade - 7/31/2015 9:34:15 AM   


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One better checks the recently changed privacy policy:
especially "Personal Data We Collect"

(in reply to zakblood)
Post #: 65
RE: Win 10 free upgrade - 7/31/2015 9:58:44 AM   

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as 90% of this can be altered or changed anyway, why worry? it's been there and the same since day one, every O/S from any makers collects data from you, it's only the amount that altered from one to another, so unless you're a escaped con or terrorist i wouldn't worry about what does get seen or not, then again if you don't want stuff of your's online, then don't use the net at all, or any form of electronics, as phones do the same thing...

they all collect data, for one reason or another, matters little to most, and to me even less.

i walk about i get spied on by satellites and video cams, i use the car or phone and can be traced to a spot where i am, i use me pc and some bright spark knows where i am, even if i'm lost :)

it's how the modern world works, buy stuff and it gets logged somewhere for many reasons, nanny state it maybe, but corps rule the world, we just are a number, and mines not 42, it's 7

(in reply to Floyd)
Post #: 66
RE: Win 10 free upgrade - 7/31/2015 10:45:27 AM   
british exil

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From: Lower Saxony Germany
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Still waiting to be able to install/download win10. My WinApp says it is not ready for my pc.



"It is not enough to expect a man to pay for the best, you must also give him what he pays for." Alfred Dunhill


(in reply to gexmex)
Post #: 67
RE: Win 10 free upgrade - 7/31/2015 11:45:38 AM   


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Q. Can I transfer my Windows 10 installation to another computer after getting the free upgrade?

(in reply to british exil)
Post #: 68
RE: Win 10 free upgrade - 7/31/2015 11:52:50 AM   
Yogi the Great

Posts: 1948
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Here is some of what I just got from Microsoft (also said will be advised when it is available for me may be a few days or weeks)

System Requirements

If you want to upgrade to Windows 10 on your PC or tablet, here’s the minimum hardware you’ll need. Read further below to learn about the additional factors that impact upgradeability. For more information about the free upgrade offer1, please visit the Windows 10 Upgrade page for details.

Latest OS:
Make sure you are running the latest version of either Windows 7 SP1 or Windows 8.1 Update. •Don’t know which version you are running? Check here to find out.
• Need to download the latest version? Click here for Windows 7 SP1 or Windows 8.1 Update.

1 gigahertz (GHz) or faster processor or SoC


1 gigabyte (GB) for 32-bit or 2 GB for 64-bit

Hard disk space:
16 GB for 32-bit OS 20 GB for 64-bit OS

Graphics card:
DirectX 9 or later with WDDM 1.0 driver


Important Notes:

• Windows 10 Home users will receive updates from Windows Update automatically when it’s available. Windows 10 Pro and Windows 10 Enterprise users will have the ability to postpone updates. The amount of time that Windows 10 Pro users can postpone updates is limited.
•An internet connection2 is required to perform the upgrade. Windows 10 is a large file -- about 3 GB -- and Internet access (ISP) fees might apply.
•To check for device compatibility and other important installation information, visit your device manufacturer’s website. Manufacturer contact information can be found on the Contact Information page.
•The upgradeability of a device includes factors beyond the system specification. This includes driver and firmware support, application compatibility, and feature support, regardless of whether or not the device meets the minimum system specification for Windows 10.
•Support may vary by device. Find more information on the Windows Lifecycle page.
•If your PC or tablet is currently running Windows 7 SP1 or Windows 8.1 Update, you can check to see if it meets the requirements by using ‘Check my PC’ in the Get Windows 10 app. To open the Get Windows 10 app, click on the small Windows icon found at the right end of the taskbar. If you don’t see it, visit our Windows 10 Q&A page for more info.
• Many applications, files, and settings will migrate as part of the upgrade. However, some applications or settings may not migrate. ◦For antimalware applications, Windows will check to see if your antimalware subscription is current (not expired) and compatible during the upgrade.
◦If the antimalware application is compatible and current, your application will be preserved during the upgrade to Windows 10.
◦If the antimalware application is incompatible, Windows will uninstall your application while preserving your settings. After upgrade is complete, if your antimalware provider has informed Microsoft that it has made a compatible version available for your active subscription, Windows will notify you to install the latest version available with the settings that were set prior to upgrade.
◦If your antimalware subscription is not current (expired), Windows will uninstall your application and enable Windows Defender.
◦Some applications that came from your OEM may be removed prior to upgrade.
◦For certain third party applications, the Get Windows 10 app will scan for application compatibility. If there is a known issue that will prevent the upgrade, you will be notified of the list of applications with known issues. You can choose to accept and the applications will be removed from the system prior to upgrade. Please be sure to copy the list before you accept the removal of the application.

•Microsoft Family Safety child users with local accounts (accounts tied to the machine) will not have their safety settings migrated to Windows 10 during the upgrade. This means that after the upgrade to Windows 10 is complete, parents would need to setup safety settings for the child user along with a Microsoft account if they do not have one. To find out more about the changes, visit the FAQ page.

Feature deprecation

•If you have Windows 7 Home Premium, Windows 7 Professional, Windows 7 Ultimate, Windows 8 Pro with Media Center, or Windows 8.1 Pro with Media Center and you install Windows 10, Windows Media Center will be removed. For a limited time (the “eligible period”), on systems upgraded to Windows 10 from one of these older versions of Windows (a “qualified system”), a DVD playback app (“windows DVD player”) will be installed. Note: the Windows DVD Player may not be installed immediately; it will be installed after the first successful Windows Update. The Windows DVD Player will be available for purchase from the Window Store for systems that (i) are qualified systems but the eligible period lapsed; (ii) are non-qualified systems; or (iii) were qualified systems but windows 10 was subsequently clean installed (in this case, Windows Update cannot detect that it was previously a qualified system).
•MDM functionality will not be available in Windows 10 Home edition when Windows 10 is released.
•Windows 7 desktop gadgets will be removed as part of installing Windows 10.
•Solitaire, Minesweeper, and Hearts Games that come pre-installed on Windows 7 will be removed as part of installing the Windows 10 upgrade. Microsoft has released our version of Solitaire and Minesweeper called the “Microsoft Solitaire Collection” and “Microsoft Minesweeper.”
•If you have a floppy drive, you will need to download the latest driver from Windows Update or from the manufacturer’s website.
•If you have Windows Live Essentials installed on your system, the OneDrive application is removed and replaced with the inbox version of OneDrive.
•OneDrive does not support placeholder files in Windows 10. Windows 8.1 displayed placeholders for files available in OneDrive but not on locally on the device. In Windows 10, users can choose which folders to sync from OneDrive settings.
•Snap is limited to 2 apps in Tablet Mode.

(in reply to Floyd)
Post #: 69
RE: Win 10 free upgrade - 7/31/2015 5:32:08 PM   

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I think I'll just wait and buy a computer with it on it. The computer I have is about ready for the dustbin.

Edit: Well, now I guess I'm good to go for the upgrade. I finally got the icon in my tray and clicked reserve.

How does it inform you? Is there anything that says you are confirmed for a reserved copy?

< Message edited by H Gilmer -- 7/31/2015 9:51:50 PM >


"Venimus, vidimus, Deus vicit" John III Sobieski as he entered Vienna on 9/11/1683. "I came, I saw, God conquered."
He that has a mind to fight, let him fight, for now is the time. - Anacreon

(in reply to Yogi the Great)
Post #: 70
RE: Win 10 free upgrade - 8/1/2015 7:24:24 AM   

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Windows 10: Microsoft Says Newest Operating System Had 14 Million Users Within 24 Hours, so i do wonder how many it is now then, a day or so later :)

(in reply to Gilmer)
Post #: 71
RE: Win 10 free upgrade - 8/1/2015 9:53:43 AM   

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That went almost painless. Had to enter the device manager and manually ask the PC to DL and install the newest driver for my Gforce card to get Win10 to realize that I prefer to use the Gforce card and not the generic one. After that, all seems stable so far.

Kinda weird that it did not manage to do that on its own, espesially since Nvidia is bragging about how they worked closely with MS on this. Oh well.


"Hun skal torpederes!" - Birger Eriksen

("She is to be torpedoed!")

(in reply to zakblood)
Post #: 72
RE: Win 10 free upgrade - 8/1/2015 10:09:50 AM   

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choices and tips,

well for me it's a upgrade first, as i haven't a key like most of you for the free key you need to do the upgrade, so reserve a key is your first choice...

then wait, of if you don't like waiting use the tool...

select the right version, 86x64 etc

and the same version of the type your on now, i picked / selected 64bit pro for windows 10, as i had a 64 bit version of windows 8.1 pro

then let the tool do it's stuff, i did the USB install, used it to upgrade by windows 8.1 install on my pc, then laptop, then did all my other 6 pc's, all free...

once it's installed, it takes a snapshot of your hardware, then if like me you want a clean install, either straight away, or at a later date, use the same USB drive and install it again, this time select a fresh install, no key needed, when you are done, just click register, and M/S checks the hardware and your done

simple, works the same for windows 7 as well...

choice are your lanuage etc, it may ask you if the one you pick is different from the one you already have, and asks you to download the pack etc etc

but apart from that it's all done and easy, speed depends on hardware, but i've done it in 13mins for a fresh install, 30 min quickest for a upgrade, on a fast pc, slower ones will take longer, some a lot longer but it works all the same...

either way enjoy the free stuff as it doesn't come along very often, so take advantage of it, you have a maximum of a year from first date to use it, so you don';t have to do it straight away, and can wait, but i'd register it either way now, then you at least have the option later.

if you need to know to know and google can't give you the answer, plenty will be able to help here...

(in reply to terje439)
Post #: 73
RE: Win 10 free upgrade - 8/1/2015 11:57:33 AM   
Yogi the Great

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From: Wisconsin
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Hey Zakblood here is a very important question.

Is it working well with your BAB and Order of Battle Pacific?

(in reply to zakblood)
Post #: 74
RE: Win 10 free upgrade - 8/1/2015 12:10:39 PM   

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(in reply to Yogi the Great)
Post #: 75
RE: Win 10 free upgrade - 8/1/2015 9:27:40 PM   

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I actually got it! For free!! I thank all that is good in the world that they put all that CRAP that was all over the screen in 8 down off the screen and under the start button.

My internet seems to be running slow, though. Or well, I'm having slow troubles uploading videos to youtube, rather.


"Venimus, vidimus, Deus vicit" John III Sobieski as he entered Vienna on 9/11/1683. "I came, I saw, God conquered."
He that has a mind to fight, let him fight, for now is the time. - Anacreon

(in reply to zakblood)
Post #: 76
RE: Win 10 free upgrade - 8/1/2015 11:24:36 PM   

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How about Microsoft edge. Good or bad. Is there a site that objectively informs someone how to customize your Win 10. I need someone who can explain clearly the advantages of and the negatives of things. Those of us. who are not so good at understanding what should and should not be used in my windows.

I think Windows 10 is the best version so far, but I'm not a big fan of Edge. It's slow and missing too many basic features (for example, you can't change the default downloads folder). Not ready for prime time at the moment.

But IE 11 is still there, and I'm using both Firefox and Chrome.

Here are some thorough reviews. The last one (PC World) covers Edge in detail.

(in reply to Zap)
Post #: 77
RE: Win 10 free upgrade - 8/1/2015 11:33:54 PM   

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How about Microsoft edge. Good or bad. Is there a site that objectively informs someone how to customize your Win 10. I need someone who can explain clearly the advantages of and the negatives of things. Those of us. who are not so good at understanding what should and should not be used in my windows.

I think Windows 10 is the best version so far, but I'm not a big fan of Edge. It's slow and missing too many basic features (for example, you can't change the default downloads folder). Not ready for prime time at the moment.

But IE 11 is still there, and I'm using both Firefox and Chrome.

Here are some thorough reviews. The last one (PC World) covers Edge in detail.

My thoughts as well....really like Win 10, but not big fan of Edge...doesn't support extensions which means various tools won't work such as password managers and such. Plus, found it doesn't work on a number of forums and sites....I am sure eventually it will get there, but prefer the other browsers for now.


(in reply to Queeg)
Post #: 78
RE: Win 10 free upgrade - 8/2/2015 2:06:57 AM   

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Before you get all excited about Windows 10, take your time and wait until all the bugs and concerns have been worked out. I just read from Yahoo Tech: "Windows 10 may share your Wi-Fi password with facebook".

"If you're taking up Microsoft on its offer of a free upgrade to Windows 10, you should know that the new operating system has a feature, called Wi-Fi Sense, that automatically shares your Wi-Fi passwords with others.

When Wi-Fi Sense is enabled, anyone you have in your Skype, Outlook or Hotmail contacts lists - and any of your Facebook friends - can be granted access to your Wi-Fi network as long as they are within range."

I would look into this and other things before you make the jump.


Conflict with the unexpected: two qualities are indispensable; first, an intellect which, even in the midst of this obscurity, is not without some traces of inner light which lead to the truth; second, the courage to follow this faint light. KvC

(in reply to Grim.Reaper)
Post #: 79
RE: Win 10 free upgrade - 8/2/2015 4:31:05 AM   

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ORIGINAL: Jagdtiger14

Before you get all excited about Windows 10, take your time and wait until all the bugs and concerns have been worked out. I just read from Yahoo Tech: "Windows 10 may share your Wi-Fi password with facebook".

"If you're taking up Microsoft on its offer of a free upgrade to Windows 10, you should know that the new operating system has a feature, called Wi-Fi Sense, that automatically shares your Wi-Fi passwords with others.

When Wi-Fi Sense is enabled, anyone you have in your Skype, Outlook or Hotmail contacts lists - and any of your Facebook friends - can be granted access to your Wi-Fi network as long as they are within range."

I would look into this and other things before you make the jump.

This can be disabled as well as many of the other features people may not want....I have encountered no issues so far, but everyone can decide for themselves.


(in reply to Jagdtiger14)
Post #: 80
RE: Win 10 free upgrade - 8/2/2015 5:10:20 PM   

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ORIGINAL: Jagdtiger14

Before you get all excited about Windows 10, take your time and wait until all the bugs and concerns have been worked out. I just read from Yahoo Tech: "Windows 10 may share your Wi-Fi password with facebook".

That's OK. I don't "do" facebook.


"Venimus, vidimus, Deus vicit" John III Sobieski as he entered Vienna on 9/11/1683. "I came, I saw, God conquered."
He that has a mind to fight, let him fight, for now is the time. - Anacreon

(in reply to Jagdtiger14)
Post #: 81
RE: Win 10 free upgrade - 8/2/2015 5:39:27 PM   


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ORIGINAL: Jagdtiger14

Before you get all excited about Windows 10, take your time and wait until all the bugs and concerns have been worked out. I just read from Yahoo Tech: "Windows 10 may share your Wi-Fi password with facebook".

That's OK. I don't "do" facebook.

Me either. I didn't even get the option to disable this Wi-fi Sense. (Don't do wi-fi either.)

< Message edited by Aurelian -- 8/2/2015 6:40:22 PM >


If the Earth was flat, cats would of knocked everything off of it long ago.

(in reply to Gilmer)
Post #: 82
RE: Win 10 free upgrade - 8/2/2015 6:06:35 PM   

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2 second job tbh, like all other features many don't want, just need to find them and turn them off, it takes 2 seconds to ask it where is what etc, then another 2 secs to open and turn off

(in reply to Aurelian)
Post #: 83
RE: Win 10 free upgrade - 8/2/2015 7:10:38 PM   
british exil

Posts: 1686
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From: Lower Saxony Germany
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I am still waiting for my download link. Feel like the 29 July was weeks ago.

Maybe Microsoft has forgotten me!



"It is not enough to expect a man to pay for the best, you must also give him what he pays for." Alfred Dunhill


(in reply to zakblood)
Post #: 84
RE: Win 10 free upgrade - 8/2/2015 7:22:33 PM   
Jeff Norton

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MadDogDriveThru..... Now, that is a name I've not heard in a long time... /Obi Wan moment


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(in reply to Chijohnaok2)
Post #: 85
RE: Win 10 free upgrade - 8/2/2015 7:23:28 PM   
Jeff Norton

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ORIGINAL: british exil

I am still waiting for my download link. Feel like the 29 July was weeks ago.

Maybe Microsoft has forgotten me!


Run Windows Update - it 'should' show there...


Veritas Vos Liberabit
"Hate America - love their movies" -Foos Babaganoosh - Anchor - Jihad Tonite

(in reply to british exil)
Post #: 86
RE: Win 10 free upgrade - 8/2/2015 7:23:50 PM   


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ORIGINAL: british exil

I am still waiting for my download link. Feel like the 29 July was weeks ago.

Maybe Microsoft has forgotten me!


I got tired of waitng, so I used the link in that post. This one.

< Message edited by Aurelian -- 8/2/2015 8:24:08 PM >


If the Earth was flat, cats would of knocked everything off of it long ago.

(in reply to british exil)
Post #: 87
RE: Win 10 free upgrade - 8/2/2015 7:44:44 PM   

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ORIGINAL: british exil

I am still waiting for my download link. Feel like the 29 July was weeks ago.

Maybe Microsoft has forgotten me!


I kept playing around with it because I never got a notice that asked me to reserve a copy, so I ran window update.

Then I kept playing around with it and pulling up the window that said "reserve your copy", and eventually there was a window that I clicked up and it said, "Begin installation now?"


"Venimus, vidimus, Deus vicit" John III Sobieski as he entered Vienna on 9/11/1683. "I came, I saw, God conquered."
He that has a mind to fight, let him fight, for now is the time. - Anacreon

(in reply to british exil)
Post #: 88
RE: Win 10 free upgrade - 8/2/2015 8:26:49 PM   

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From: Snowflake, Arizona
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I used the tool to do a direct download. Ran it most of yesterday and got to 63% completed when I ran out of battery power (we're in our monsoon season right now and it's a record one so I'm really short of power) and the computer shut off.

This morning I rebooted and tried to run the tool again, but it wouldn't run. Then I noticed that I was downloading something big with no programs running, so I assume that it was my Win X download continuing which is great. Could have really used some kind of message or indicator that this was going on though.

Now it's quit downloading and something called wicainventorv.exe is running. I assume things are getting set up but still no message or indication of what is going on. I had expected to get a message asking me to confirm that I wanted to install Win X but it looks like it may be doing it automatically because I selected the "install" option off the download tool (other option was to download an ISO file to "install on another computer"). Not a problem, I'm wanting to install it, but feeling really puzzled right now about what is going on. Microsoft needs to add a bit of informational hand holding IMHO.

Hoping for the best....

Oh, and Windows Task Manager shows nothing running, but CPU usage is running at close to 50%, nothing in "Processes" to account for it and Resource Monitor won't run at all... assuming Microsoft doesn't want anyone to know what their install program is doing in the background.

My recommendation is to start things running and then just go away and spare yourwself the angst of wondering what is happening

< Message edited by rhondabrwn -- 8/2/2015 9:30:41 PM >


Love & Peace,

Far Dareis Mai

My old Piczo site seems to be gone, so no more Navajo Nation pics :(

(in reply to Gilmer)
Post #: 89
RE: Win 10 free upgrade - 8/2/2015 11:36:37 PM   

Posts: 2570
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From: Snowflake, Arizona
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4 1/2 hours and I'm still watching the PC churning away with nothing running according to Windows Task Manager. CPU running at 40%, memory close to maxed out, and nothing showing up in "Processes" but normal little 1% miscellaneous programs running.

How long do I let this run? Sun is setting and power is going to be a problem soon


Love & Peace,

Far Dareis Mai

My old Piczo site seems to be gone, so no more Navajo Nation pics :(

(in reply to rhondabrwn)
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