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Windows 10 Compatibility List

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Windows 10 Compatibility List - 9/3/2015 12:24:25 PM   

Posts: 2804
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From: London
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Hi guys

Here are a list of games we have tested internally on Windows 10. There are a couple of games with issues listed below but the vast majority are fine and a few have minor issues you can work around (these are issues that were there with Window 8 too). We'll update this list when we have more information.

Full compatible games:

Advanced Tactics: Gold
Alea Jacta Est
American Civil War – The Blue and the Gray
Armada 2526
Armada 2526 Supernova
Battle Academy
Battle Academy 2
Birth of America
Birth of America 2: Wars in America
Brother Against Brother
Campaigns On The Danube
Carries at War
Civil War II
Close Combat: Gateway to Caen
Close Combat: Panthers in the Fog
Combat Command: The Matrix Edition
Command Modern Air Naval Operations WOTY
Commander: The Great War
Conflict of Heroes: Awakening the Bear!
Conflict of Heroes: Storms of Steel
Crown of Glory: Emperors Edition
Decisive Campaigns: The Blitzkrieg from Warsaw to Paris
Decisive Campaigns: Case Blue
Distant Worlds: Universe
Drums of War
Empire in Arms the Napoleonic Wars of 1805 - 1815
Espana 1936
Fantasy Kommander – Eukarion Wars
Flashpoint Campaigns: Red Storm
Forge of Freedom: The American Civil War 1861-1865
Frontline: Road to Moscow
Frontline: The Longest Day
Guns of August 1914 - 1918
Gary Grigsby's Eagle Day to Bombing the Reich
Gary Grigsby's World at War: A World Divided
Hannibal: Rome and Carthage in the Second Punic War
HISTORY Great Battles Medieval
HISTORY Legends of War
Hired Guns: The Jagged Edge
Hornet Leader
Horse and Musket: Volume I
John Tiller's Campaign Series
Kharkov: Disaster on the Donets
Larry Bond's Harpoon - Ultimate Edition
Legions Of Steel
Order of Battle: Pacific
Making History II: The War of the World
Mark H. Walker's Lock 'n Load: Heroes of Stalingrad
Napoleon's Campaigns
Officers - The Matrix Edition
Pandora: First Contact
Panzer Command Ostfront
Panzer Corps: Wehrmacht
Panzer Corps: Afrika Korps
Panzer Corps: Allied Corps
Pike & Shot
Pike & Shot: Campaigns
Piercing Fortress Europa
Pride of Nations
Revolution Under Siege Gold
Sovereignty: Crown of Kings
Star Hammer: The Vanguard Prophecy
The Operational Art of War III
Time of Fury
To End all Wars
Vietnam '65
War in the East
War in the Pacific: Admiral's Edition
War in the West
Warhammer 40,000: Armageddon
World War One Gold

Games compatible but need tweaking:

Battlefront - Runs in Compatibility Mode Windows XP
Battles in Italy - Runs in Compatibility Mode Windows XP
Battles in Normandy - Runs in Compatibility Mode Windows XP
Combat: Cross of Iron - Runs but you might experience serious graphical issues
Close Combat: Last Stand Arnhem - Runs in Windowed mode
Close Combat: Modern Tactics - Runs in Windowed mode
Close Combat: The Longest Day - Runs in Windowed mode
Close Combat: Wacht am Rhein - Runs in Windowed mode
John Tiller's Battleground Civil War - Video intro issues, but game works fine
John Tiller's Battleground Napoleonic Wars - Video intro issues, but game works fine
Scourge of War Gettysburg - Runs in Compatibility Mode Windows 7
Scourge of War: Chancellorsville - Runs in Compatibility Mode Windows 7
Scourge of War: Gettysburg - Runs in Compatibility Mode Windows 7
Scourge of War: Waterloo - Runs in Compatibility Mode Windows 7
War Plan Orange: Dreadnoughts in the Pacific 1922 - 1930 - Runs in Windowed mode and stretched full screen mode. Need to add switches to shortcut icon
War in the Pacifc - Runs in Windowed mode and stretched full screen mode. Need to add switches to shortcut icon

Incompatible games:

For Liberty!
Napoleon in Italy
Maximum-Football 2.0
Operation Barbarossa - The Struggle for Russia

< Message edited by VPaulus -- 11/27/2019 9:22:40 AM >


Iain McNeil
Matrix Games
Post #: 1
RE: Windows 10 Compatibility List - 9/3/2015 11:51:21 PM   

Posts: 2570
Joined: 9/29/2004
From: Snowflake, Arizona
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The SSI Titles:

Battles in Normandy
Battles in Italy

Gave me fits with display issues (along with old non-Matrix/Slitherine titles like the Cossacks series).

Solution was to run in compatibility mode (Windows XP) with the box checked for "Disable Display Scaling on high DPI settings"

A lot of older games run fine with this box checked. Feel stupid for not trying this option earlier.


Love & Peace,

Far Dareis Mai

My old Piczo site seems to be gone, so no more Navajo Nation pics :(

(in reply to IainMcNeil)
Post #: 2
RE: Windows 10 Compatibility List - 9/4/2015 12:23:36 AM   


Posts: 3630
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Armada 2526 - OK
Armada 2526 Supernova - OK
War in the Pacifc - Windowed mode or -deepcolor switch
Command Modern Air Naval Operations WOTY - OK
To End all Wars - OK

(in reply to rhondabrwn)
Post #: 3
RE: Windows 10 Compatibility List - 9/4/2015 6:12:38 AM   

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I can add Panzer Command Ostfront to that list. Works OK.

< Message edited by Janes -- 9/4/2015 7:19:47 AM >

(in reply to VPaulus)
Post #: 4
RE: Windows 10 Compatibility List - 9/4/2015 4:09:23 PM   

Posts: 451
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Hey Iain:

You've forgotten about the product that built Matrix Games.

Come on ........ admit it.


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(in reply to Janes)
Post #: 5
RE: Windows 10 Compatibility List - 9/4/2015 4:39:24 PM   

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Campaign Series OK


(in reply to Major_Mess)
Post #: 6
RE: Windows 10 Compatibility List - 9/4/2015 5:57:39 PM   


Posts: 18
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Additional to your list:

Birth of America 2: Wars in America - OK
Espana 1936 - OK
Alea Jacta Est - OK
Revolution Under Siege Gold - OK
Commander: The Great War - OK
Qvadriga - OK

< Message edited by animalshadow -- 9/4/2015 6:58:45 PM >

(in reply to Crossroads)
Post #: 7
RE: Windows 10 Compatibility List - 9/5/2015 7:56:20 AM   

Posts: 728
Joined: 10/5/2012
From: Britannia
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Scourge of War Gettysburg Runs in Compatibility Mode
Scourge of War: Antietam Runs in Compatibility Mode
Scourge of War: Brandy Station Runs in Compatibility Mode
Scourge of War: Chancellorsville Runs in Compatibility Mode
Scourge of War: Gettysburg Runs in Compatibility Mode
Scourge of War: Pipe Creek Runs in Compatibility Mode
Scourge of War: Waterloo Runs in Compatibility Mode
Close Combat: Last Stand Arnhem Runs in Windowed Mode
Close Combat: Modern Tactics Runs in Windowed Mode
Close Combat: The Longest Day Runs in Windowed Mode
Close Combat: Wacht am Rhein Runs in Windowed Mode
Close Combat: Cross of Iron Runs but has serious graphical issues
For Liberty! Does not run

Will patches be made available for the games that are not working properly at the moment?

I am very surprised to see one of your new games: 'Scourge of War - Waterloo' in this list and I certainly won't be buying this now. Shame.



(in reply to animalshadow)
Post #: 8
RE: Windows 10 Compatibility List - 9/5/2015 1:36:34 PM   


Posts: 3630
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From: Portugal
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ORIGINAL: cataphract88


Scourge of War Gettysburg Runs in Compatibility Mode
Scourge of War: Antietam Runs in Compatibility Mode
Scourge of War: Brandy Station Runs in Compatibility Mode
Scourge of War: Chancellorsville Runs in Compatibility Mode
Scourge of War: Gettysburg Runs in Compatibility Mode
Scourge of War: Pipe Creek Runs in Compatibility Mode
Scourge of War: Waterloo Runs in Compatibility Mode
Close Combat: Last Stand Arnhem Runs in Windowed Mode
Close Combat: Modern Tactics Runs in Windowed Mode
Close Combat: The Longest Day Runs in Windowed Mode
Close Combat: Wacht am Rhein Runs in Windowed Mode
Close Combat: Cross of Iron Runs but has serious graphical issues
For Liberty! Does not run

Will patches be made available for the games that are not working properly at the moment?

I am very surprised to see one of your new games: 'Scourge of War - Waterloo' in this list and I certainly won't be buying this now. Shame.

In the case of Close Combat, I'm almost 100% sure it won't be possible. But personally I don't see this to be an issue at all. You just need to configure the game to be played in windowed mode and match the resolution with the one in the desktop. The Close Combat games will work like a lot of the other games do, for example JT Campaign series.

With Scourge of War the issue is even less significant, as the only thing you need to do is to set the game to Windows 7 compatibility. It will run perfectly.

(in reply to Cataphract88)
Post #: 9
RE: Windows 10 Compatibility List - 9/5/2015 3:41:09 PM   


Posts: 3437
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In the case of Close Combat, I'm almost 100% sure it won't be possible. But personally I don't see this to be an issue at all. You just need to configure the game to be played in windowed mode and match the resolution with the one in the desktop. The Close Combat games will work like a lot of the other games do, for example JT Campaign series.

With Scourge of War the issue is even less significant, as the only thing you need to do is to set the game to Windows 7 compatibility. It will run perfectly.

Glad to hear Matrix is so positive it will not do anything to fix the Close Combat games, NOT!

CC5 which all the Matrix games are based works fine and the last 2 Matrix CC releases do too so it is not that they can not work it is a lack of Matrix desire/support.

As someone who owns the games and plays them full screen I do not agree with your comment; "I don't see this to be an issue at all". What a disappointing view of a Matrix employee, you would think the customers view would be listened to and not downplayed or taken as less important than their view (which by the way of course has no cost to the company).

On my system all menu screens, which were hard coded/locked at 800x600, were automatically doubled in size to 1600x1200 making them much more readable and using more of the monitor size so it is an issue

< Message edited by Tejszd -- 9/5/2015 4:44:38 PM >

(in reply to VPaulus)
Post #: 10
RE: Windows 10 Compatibility List - 9/5/2015 3:55:07 PM   


Posts: 3630
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From: Portugal
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Glad to hear Matrix is so positive it will not do anything to fix the Close Combat game, NOT!

CC5 which all the Matrix games are based works fine and the last 2 Matrix CC releases do too so it is not that they can not work it is a lack of Matrix desire/support.

I believe it's not possible due to the engine limitations. Microsoft stopped supporting 16 bit color mode since Windows 8 and that probably would means that we would need to overhaul/tweek the game engine for all the older titles. That's what have happened with the new titles. But maybe Steve can explain it better.


On my system all menu screens, which were hard coded/locked at 800x600, were automatically doubled in size to 1600x1200 making them much more readable and using more of the monitor size so it is an issue.

You're right regarding the menu screens, but the rest is the same. I can understand that this can be an issue for you. That's why I wrotepersonally, for me it's not an important issue.

< Message edited by VPaulus -- 9/5/2015 4:55:58 PM >

(in reply to Tejszd)
Post #: 11
RE: Windows 10 Compatibility List - 9/5/2015 4:54:15 PM   

Posts: 1148
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Thanks for posting that list, Iain.


This war is not about slavery. --Robert E. Lee

(in reply to IainMcNeil)
Post #: 12
RE: Windows 10 Compatibility List - 9/5/2015 7:04:16 PM   


Posts: 4472
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If the original SSI release of Close Combat 5 works fine (I have not tested this as I do not have the game installed anywhere currently) then it may be some difference in the versions of DirectX Microsoft has decided to support on Windows 8+, and how. As I recall the original code used DirectX 3, which IIRC did not even support a windowed mode. Matrix Games releases use DirectX 9.

The two newer releases (Panthers and Caen) work fine because we did a massive overhaul of the graphics in the Close Combat engine and went to full 32 bit color. And it is the older 16-bit color mode that Windows 8+ no longer supports in full screen.

If there were a simple fix for this we would have done it long ago. It may be possible to revert to older DirectX interfaces and make a separate version of each game that can run full screen (and ONLY full screen), but the only other option I have found to date would be to update all the games to full 32-bit color. And this would be no small amount of work.


(in reply to Greybriar)
Post #: 13
RE: Windows 10 Compatibility List - 9/5/2015 7:24:32 PM   
Blind Sniper

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WitP-AE - WitE - CWII - BASPM - BaB

(in reply to SteveMcClaire)
Post #: 14
RE: Windows 10 Compatibility List - 9/6/2015 1:35:54 AM   


Posts: 3437
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ORIGINAL: Steve McClaire

If the original SSI release of Close Combat 5 works fine (I have not tested this as I do not have the game installed anywhere currently) then it may be some difference in the versions of DirectX Microsoft has decided to support on Windows 8+, and how. As I recall the original code used DirectX 3, which IIRC did not even support a windowed mode. Matrix Games releases use DirectX 9.

The two newer releases (Panthers and Caen) work fine because we did a massive overhaul of the graphics in the Close Combat engine and went to full 32 bit color. And it is the older 16-bit color mode that Windows 8+ no longer supports in full screen.

If there were a simple fix for this we would have done it long ago. It may be possible to revert to older DirectX interfaces and make a separate version of each game that can run full screen (and ONLY full screen), but the only other option I have found to date would be to update all the games to full 32-bit color. And this would be no small amount of work.


Could you not extract the .tga files files from the container files and via script save them as 24bit or 32bit instead of 16bit so then the game would run full screen at 24/32bit color???

< Message edited by Tejszd -- 9/6/2015 2:37:37 AM >

(in reply to SteveMcClaire)
Post #: 15
RE: Windows 10 Compatibility List - 9/7/2015 4:15:04 PM   


Posts: 3916
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ORIGINAL: cataphract88

I am very surprised to see one of your new games: 'Scourge of War - Waterloo' in this list and I certainly won't be buying this now. Shame.

Works fine for me in Windows 10, No compatibility mode used.


If the Earth was flat, cats would of knocked everything off of it long ago.

(in reply to Cataphract88)
Post #: 16
RE: Windows 10 Compatibility List - 9/8/2015 12:17:54 PM   


Posts: 1
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I appreciate your games list. My computer in using Windows 7 operating system. Can I play any of your games there?
I am afraid ! I am searching a game that can at least run in my operating system.

(in reply to Aurelian)
Post #: 17
RE: Windows 10 Compatibility List - 9/8/2015 2:18:11 PM   


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ORIGINAL: Robbowdich87

I appreciate your games list. My computer in using Windows 7 operating system. Can I play any of your games there?
I am afraid ! I am searching a game that can at least run in my operating system.

Yes, you can run them on Windows 7.

(in reply to Robbowdich87)
Post #: 18
RE: Windows 10 Compatibility List - 9/8/2015 8:44:15 PM   


Posts: 150
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Will For Liberty! ever be updated to be compatible? That's one I've always wanted to purchase but had issues with the demos. Either way, thanks for the list!

(in reply to VPaulus)
Post #: 19
RE: Windows 10 Compatibility List - 9/8/2015 9:56:39 PM   


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ORIGINAL: Steve McClaire

If the original SSI release of Close Combat 5 works fine (I have not tested this as I do not have the game installed anywhere currently) then it may be some difference in the versions of DirectX Microsoft has decided to support on Windows 8+, and how. As I recall the original code used DirectX 3, which IIRC did not even support a windowed mode. Matrix Games releases use DirectX 9.

The two newer releases (Panthers and Caen) work fine because we did a massive overhaul of the graphics in the Close Combat engine and went to full 32 bit color. And it is the older 16-bit color mode that Windows 8+ no longer supports in full screen.

If there were a simple fix for this we would have done it long ago. It may be possible to revert to older DirectX interfaces and make a separate version of each game that can run full screen (and ONLY full screen), but the only other option I have found to date would be to update all the games to full 32-bit color. And this would be no small amount of work.


Could you not extract the .tga files files from the container files and via script save them as 24bit or 32bit instead of 16bit so then the game would run full screen at 24/32bit color???

That is not how it works, the issue is not one of asset bitdepth, but that 16bit and 32bit screens are fundamentally different, both in how they need to be accessed for any pixel-level operations, and how they are supported in newer versions of windows. As Steve said, switching to a compatible screen depth (and more version of DX) would require re-architecting the graphic system for the game.




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(in reply to Tejszd)
Post #: 20
RE: Windows 10 Compatibility List - 9/9/2015 12:24:07 AM   


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The re-architecting is already done for PiTF/GTC so it would be copying that code into the previous release and changing the graphic images bit depth.....

(in reply to PipFromSlitherine)
Post #: 21
RE: Windows 10 Compatibility List - 9/9/2015 10:33:32 AM   


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ORIGINAL: PipFromSlitherine




ORIGINAL: Steve McClaire

If the original SSI release of Close Combat 5 works fine (I have not tested this as I do not have the game installed anywhere currently) then it may be some difference in the versions of DirectX Microsoft has decided to support on Windows 8+, and how. As I recall the original code used DirectX 3, which IIRC did not even support a windowed mode. Matrix Games releases use DirectX 9.

The two newer releases (Panthers and Caen) work fine because we did a massive overhaul of the graphics in the Close Combat engine and went to full 32 bit color. And it is the older 16-bit color mode that Windows 8+ no longer supports in full screen.

If there were a simple fix for this we would have done it long ago. It may be possible to revert to older DirectX interfaces and make a separate version of each game that can run full screen (and ONLY full screen), but the only other option I have found to date would be to update all the games to full 32-bit color. And this would be no small amount of work.


Could you not extract the .tga files files from the container files and via script save them as 24bit or 32bit instead of 16bit so then the game would run full screen at 24/32bit color???

That is not how it works, the issue is not one of asset bitdepth, but that 16bit and 32bit screens are fundamentally different, both in how they need to be accessed for any pixel-level operations, and how they are supported in newer versions of windows. As Steve said, switching to a compatible screen depth (and more version of DX) would require re-architecting the graphic system for the game.



I am still using Windows 7 so I can't test it out myself but for many old games the DXWnd program has been very useful. Perhaps it can be used to run Close Combat on Windos 8 and later? In the video tab of Dxwnd there are many options regarding color management.

link is here:

(in reply to PipFromSlitherine)
Post #: 22
RE: Windows 10 Compatibility List - 9/9/2015 3:24:27 PM   


Posts: 1446
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The re-architecting is already done for PiTF/GTC so it would be copying that code into the previous release and changing the graphic images bit depth.....

It's very much not a case of "copying that code". If it were a trivial task we would have done it already.




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(in reply to Tejszd)
Post #: 23
RE: Windows 10 Compatibility List - 9/18/2015 11:15:54 PM   


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Combat Command ME runs fine for me.As does SPWAW v1.1 except i have a i7 processor and the artillery screen is difficult to use.

(in reply to PipFromSlitherine)
Post #: 24
RE: Windows 10 Compatibility List - 9/19/2015 1:13:40 AM   


Posts: 3630
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From: Portugal
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Conflict of Heroes: Awakening the Bear! - OK
Conflict of Heroes: Ghost Divisions - OK
Conflict of Heroes: Storms of Steel - OK

(in reply to barkhorn45)
Post #: 25
RE: Windows 10 Compatibility List - 9/22/2015 5:03:33 PM   

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main list need updating with others mentioned tbh

so top list has all them that does and doesn't work at a glance imo

(in reply to VPaulus)
Post #: 26
RE: Windows 10 Compatibility List - 9/23/2015 5:52:20 AM   


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I don't see the Batte Academy's on that list. Do they not work?

(in reply to zakblood)
Post #: 27
RE: Windows 10 Compatibility List - 9/23/2015 7:58:04 AM   

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Crown of Glory Emperors Edition works fine with win10


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(in reply to aaatoysandmore)
Post #: 28
RE: Windows 10 Compatibility List - 9/23/2015 9:02:47 AM   


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ORIGINAL: aaatoysandmore

I don't see the Batte Academy's on that list. Do they not work?

Yes. :)

(in reply to aaatoysandmore)
Post #: 29
RE: Windows 10 Compatibility List - 9/24/2015 1:09:32 AM   


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Yes they do not work or yes they do work?

(in reply to VPaulus)
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