Posts: 801
Joined: 10/31/2011 From: NL Status: offline
Looking at the map, the BG North will not have too much room to maneuver. The hill should give a nice view on the village, but no cover and I have a bad feeling about the woods east of it. My units will be like sitting ducks on that hill, a shame. One road is leading straight to the middle of the village (and to the VP locations), it looks like there is a big road sign alongside it with “You are Welcome, that way please” written on it. No way I will move my units along this path. Situation is a little bit more easy for the BG South, a big forest, small hills, more forest, open ground. They have everything, cover for the infantry, open terrain and hills should provide nice line of sight for the AFVs. Ok, it will be quite a challenge to keep everybody within command and the AFVs will be easy prey for any enemy infantry lurking in the woods (by definition, infantry is always hiding in the woods waiting for anything to shoot at). 7 turns to move from the assembly line to the VP hexes (and around), clock is ticking. Time to make a plan, sigh! This will be a combined attack from both BGs, from west to east and from south to north. Ah! What a plan! BG North will progress north of the map. Woods and the little hill should provide enough cover for the infantry to move undetected and assault the village from the north. Vehicles will provide some fire support, the terrain is too favorable for the infantry, I do not want to have my vehicles moving straight into an ambush (those bazookas are quite effective at short range). A small infantry force will move towards the hill, they will act as a flank recon team, and quite possibly as target practice for the enemy (life is hard!). This option looks like the safest one, following the road is not an option for me, too much open killing ground. BG South will progress through the woods first and move towards the village. The infantry will stay together, with the command rules in effect I want to have a firm grip on the squads or there will be a lot of grunts drinking coffee and sitting around, doing nothing! I will detach one Pz Vg for fire support to the infantry (also because it’s on the track surrounded by woods and I don’t want to have an AFV bogged in the woods for the rest of the game). The second Pz Vg will move towards the hill north of its position, this should allow me to have some views on the woods north of it and on the south outskirt of the village. Screenshot shows my plan divided in phases, mostly 2 phases for each battle group. Phase lines are drawn in green, axis of advance are in blue. In red are shown the areas of suspected enemy presence (my guess). I don’t want to decide yet which of the battle group will reach the village and go to defensive stand first. This will depend on the advance tempo and encountered resistance (the command and control rule could also ruin my plan by leaving units behind). Ok, I have a plan, not very original but it should not last more than a few clicks. After that it’s going to be “Don’t panic” mode.
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< Message edited by xavutrecht -- 2/2/2016 7:30:34 AM >