Defending Meximieux AAR. (Full Version)

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xavutrecht -> Defending Meximieux AAR. (2/2/2016 5:10:22 AM)

This AAR will see German forces attacking US forces defending a small village.
On the menu infantry, leaders, tanks, half-tracks, self-propelled artillery, mortars, machine guns, anti-tank weapons, satchel charges. [:)]
Turns are divided in 2 player phases; phases are divided in segments.
First turn is quite detailed; the next ones are more straight to the point.
Hope you will enjoy reading it.

Scenario: Defending Meximieux: 1st September 1944 Meximieux, France
History: After the Allied breakout from their bridgeheads in southern France, Operation Dragoon became a northward race between the retreating German cover force, 11th Panzer Division, and the advancing Allied 45th and 3rd Infantry Divisions. On the 30th and 31st of August 1944, elements of the 45th Infantry Division, "The Thunderbirds", shifted eastward to avoid the German cover force and then moved north to capture the town of Meximieux. To protect the eastern flank of the retreating German forces, 11th Panzer Division received orders to dislodge the advancing 45th Infantry Division from the town. The Germans surrounded Meximieux on the 31st of August. An understrength Battalion from the 45th took up positions and awaited the attack. When the Germans attacked, the Americans managed to slow down the advance and separate the grenadiers from the panzers. This made the Panzers easy picking for the Americans. The Germans were forced to withdraw with heavy losses.

Unit strength for Human Players: German: 15 Squads, 1 PSK, 8 AFVs
AI player (strength may vary): American: 19 Squads, 4 AFVs, 2 Bazookas, 2 MTRs
Terrain: Rural/Village
Victory Objective: The side with the most Victory Points at the end is the winner. Both sides get VPs for controlling Victory Objectives.
Turns: 7

Scenario configuration:
Fog of war: On
Difficulty: Hard (Both the computer and human players follow the Command and Control rules, ie units can be ‘Out of Command’)
Scenario is set I will play the German attacking against an US AI entrenched in a small village. According to the description the German force is supposed to take a beating, let’s try to re-write history and take that village.

xavutrecht -> RE: Defending Meximieux AAR. (2/2/2016 5:12:01 AM)

So, what do I have under my command?
My force is split into 2 battlegroups (BGs), after a lot of hard thinking I will call those BGs North and South.
BG North looks like the main force, 3 leaders – 6 elite squads – 3 LMGs – 1 Panzerschreck – 2 Pz Vg – 2 Pz III/IV – 2 SPW251 (one with a 75mm gun). Quite an impressive amount of firepower.
BG South is slightly weaker and slower (still a bit of brute force though) with 2 leaders – 8 1st line squads – 2 MMGs – 2 Pz Vg

Known enemy: Infantry, mortars, anti-tank weapons, AFVs. Size is unknown, expect a company size force plus support. That will be a tough one to break.

xavutrecht -> RE: Defending Meximieux AAR. (2/2/2016 5:13:39 AM)

Looking at the map, the BG North will not have too much room to maneuver. The hill should give a nice view on the village, but no cover and I have a bad feeling about the woods east of it. My units will be like sitting ducks on that hill, a shame. [:D]
One road is leading straight to the middle of the village (and to the VP locations), it looks like there is a big road sign alongside it with “You are Welcome, that way please” written on it. No way I will move my units along this path.
Situation is a little bit more easy for the BG South, a big forest, small hills, more forest, open ground. They have everything, cover for the infantry, open terrain and hills should provide nice line of sight for the AFVs. Ok, it will be quite a challenge to keep everybody within command and the AFVs will be easy prey for any enemy infantry lurking in the woods (by definition, infantry is always hiding in the woods waiting for anything to shoot at).
7 turns to move from the assembly line to the VP hexes (and around), clock is ticking.
Time to make a plan, sigh!
This will be a combined attack from both BGs, from west to east and from south to north. Ah! What a plan!
BG North will progress north of the map. Woods and the little hill should provide enough cover for the infantry to move undetected and assault the village from the north. Vehicles will provide some fire support, the terrain is too favorable for the infantry, I do not want to have my vehicles moving straight into an ambush (those bazookas are quite effective at short range).
A small infantry force will move towards the hill, they will act as a flank recon team, and quite possibly as target practice for the enemy (life is hard!).
This option looks like the safest one, following the road is not an option for me, too much open killing ground.
BG South will progress through the woods first and move towards the village. The infantry will stay together, with the command rules in effect I want to have a firm grip on the squads or there will be a lot of grunts drinking coffee and sitting around, doing nothing!
I will detach one Pz Vg for fire support to the infantry (also because it’s on the track surrounded by woods and I don’t want to have an AFV bogged in the woods for the rest of the game). The second Pz Vg will move towards the hill north of its position, this should allow me to have some views on the woods north of it and on the south outskirt of the village.

Screenshot shows my plan divided in phases, mostly 2 phases for each battle group.
Phase lines are drawn in green, axis of advance are in blue. In red are shown the areas of suspected enemy presence (my guess).
I don’t want to decide yet which of the battle group will reach the village and go to defensive stand first. This will depend on the advance tempo and encountered resistance (the command and control rule could also ruin my plan by leaving units behind).

Ok, I have a plan, not very original but it should not last more than a few clicks. After that it’s going to be “Don’t panic” mode.

xavutrecht -> RE: Defending Meximieux AAR. (2/2/2016 5:15:13 AM)

Turn1, GE phase. GE admin segment.

I knew it! Mortar unit entrenched on the main hill. Better take care of it, those guy will rain hell on my troops.
One M10 is on the road, it should be an easy prey for my Panthers waiting in the shadows.
Only 2 infantry squads and a leader are within sight. No anti-tank weapons spotted yet, patience.
Nothing on the south side, 2 options either my guys are blind or it’s a big forest.
Let’s roll!

xavutrecht -> RE: Defending Meximieux AAR. (2/2/2016 5:16:30 AM)

Turn1, GE phase. GE Fire segment.

That’s a good start, the Panther within sight of the M10 is out of command (OoC) as well as the leader in the same hex, no fire – no move this turn! Let’s prey that the M10 crew is still sleeping.
PzIII/IV south of BG North is also OoC, those panzer boys seemed to have alarm clock issues!
Situation is not very ideal for the BG South; one leader is OoC. That’s perfect I have so many leaders available around, one less is no problem…

All the vehicles of BG North gave a shot at the emplaced mortar on the hill. Lots of smoke and noise, the US crew must be very pleased, not a single shot landed on target. No comment!

xavutrecht -> RE: Defending Meximieux AAR. (2/2/2016 5:17:50 AM)

Turn1, GE phase. GE movement segment.

Let’s move.
I will go crazy and start with the squad on top of the map!
It drew some attention, spotted by the mortar crew, steel rained on their path. Squad hit the dirt, took some casualties and broke (Broken+ status), mortar kept its rate of fire (ROF), shells are prepared.
Next squad moved forward, with a feeling of being doomed (maybe). Shells rained but no direct hit secured. Icing on the cake, the mortar broke.
1st platoon leader moved with one of its squad towards his fellow soldiers. The movement drew fire from the M10, crew missed and didn’t manage to keep the ROF, good boys. M10 is no threat to my Panther anymore.
2nd platoon leader moved with 2 squads towards the mortar position, trying to get as close as possible from the broken weapon. A risky move but might be worth it, the 81mm mortar is a deadly weapon.

Here is the situation on the north.

xavutrecht -> RE: Defending Meximieux AAR. (2/2/2016 5:18:55 AM)

BG South started its progression in the woods. Progression was made difficult by the nature of the terrain and by the absence of 4th platoon leader (tea was still hot; you don’t want to waste it).[:(]
Nothing special to report on the south.

xavutrecht -> RE: Defending Meximieux AAR. (2/2/2016 5:19:37 AM)

Turn1, US Defensive fire segment.
M10 fired its machine gun at the Panther in hex[0, 3]…

Turn1, GE Advancing fire segment.
The infantry managed to pin the US mortar crew, not very impressive but it’s a result anyway.

Turn1, GE Advance segment.
German infantry moved one hex forward. Nothing happened.

xavutrecht -> RE: Defending Meximieux AAR. (2/2/2016 5:24:43 AM)

Turn1, GE phase. GE Close combat segment.
No units involved in CC.

Here is the situation at the end of the German impulse in turn 1.
North: Small resistance encountered so far. Casualties are light, one broken + half-squad.

xavutrecht -> RE: Defending Meximieux AAR. (2/2/2016 5:25:23 AM)

South: Nothing to report apart from a lazy platoon leader falling behind.

xavutrecht -> RE: Defending Meximieux AAR. (2/2/2016 5:45:54 AM)

Turn 1, US phase. US and GE admin segment.
US administrative segment is AI controlled, goes very quick. GE admin segment will see who is in command.
Here is what was displayed in the “event box”:

==> Processing Human Command & Control
[GE] SQUAD: 1st Line ID#: 36 In Cmd
[GE] SQUAD: 1st Line ID#: 37 In Cmd
[GE] SQUAD: 1st Line ID#: 41 In Cmd
[GE] SQUAD: 1st Line ID#: 40 In Cmd
[GE] SQUAD: Elite ID#: 30 In Cmd
[GE] SQUAD: Elite ID#: 31 In Cmd
[GE] SQUAD: 1st Line ID#: 28 In Cmd
[GE] SQUAD: 1st Line ID#: 35 In Cmd
[GE] SQUAD: 1st Line ID#: 38 In Cmd
[GE] SQUAD: 1st Line ID#: 39 Out of Cmd
[GE] LEADER: Lieutenant B** ID#: 42 Out of Cmd
[GE] LEADER: Lieutenant B* ID#: 43 In Cmd
[GE] LEADER: Sergeant C* ID#: 44 In Cmd
[GE] LEADER: Sergeant C ID#: 45 In Cmd
[GE] LEADER: Corporal D* ID#: 46 In Cmd
[GE] PzKpfw VG ID#: 4 In Cmd
[GE] PzKpfw VG ID#: 5 In Cmd
[GE] PzKpfw VG ID#: 6 In Cmd
[GE] PzKpfw VG ID#: 7 In Cmd
[GE] SPW 251/9 ID#: 9 In Cmd
[GE] PzA III/IV ID#: 11 In Cmd

Long story short, 2nd platoon leader is still OoC.
The Broken + squad changed status and went Broken (a tiny bit better).

xavutrecht -> RE: Defending Meximieux AAR. (2/2/2016 5:46:31 AM)

Turn 1, US phase. US fire segment.
The M10 kept on its target practice, the Panther is nice enough to stand there. The M10 hit the target, Panther is shocked (it will try to recover from shocked state in Administrative Segment. Shocked AFV unit may not fire or move.), I have a bad feeling about this! Luckily enough the M10 didn’t keep its ROF.

The mortar crew recovered from the pinned status and fired at the Pz III/IV. Hit was scored, the SP Arty is immobilized. Gosh! ROF was kept but second salvo didn’t hit and the firing stopped.

[US] 81mm M1 MTR ID#: 0
>>> vs [GE] PzA III/IV ID#: 10
[GE] PzA III/IV ID#: 10 is IMMOBILIZED in HEX [ 0, 2 ]
[US] 81mm M1 MTR ID#: 0 Keeps its ROF

xavutrecht -> RE: Defending Meximieux AAR. (2/2/2016 5:46:49 AM)

Turn 1, US phase. US move segment.
I didn’t see anything. Stealth mode?

Turn 1, US phase. GE defensive fire segment.
This will be the only time my units can react during this phase so let’s try to make the best of it.
Immobilized Pz III/IV took its revenge. One well aimed shot got rid of the mortar crew.
Second Panther shot at the leader and squad in building [10, 5] but missed.
Not a fantastic segment but I am very happy with the mortar being out of the game.

xavutrecht -> RE: Defending Meximieux AAR. (2/2/2016 5:47:08 AM)

Turn 1, US phase. US advancing fire segment / US rout segment / GE rout segment.
GE broken squad moved forward and met with its platoon leader.

Turn 1, US phase. US advance segment
US units heard moving around but nothing spotted yet.
Situation unchanged in the south.
Mortar on the hill is no longer a threat, the infantry can move forward safely again (until next time).

xavutrecht -> RE: Defending Meximieux AAR. (2/2/2016 5:48:37 AM)

Turn 2, GE phase.
GE half-squad rallied, the Panther is no longer shocked. Good.
2 squads from 4th platoon (BG South) went OoC, sure they waited for their beloved leader!
Panther finally got a shot at the M10 and destroyed it. Great job Hans (all my GE tank gunners are called Hans)!

Source HEX: [ 0, 3 ] >>> FIRE VS >>> Target HEX: [ 16, 4 ]
[GE] PzKpfw VG ID#: 7 firing with 75mm
[US] M10 GMC ID#: 1 has been eliminated in HEX: [ 16, 4 ]
[GE] PzKpfw VG ID#: 7 MA Keeps its ROF

The panzer can keep on firing but I will not take the risk of a weapon malfunction.
Time to maneuver now.
Things are moving fast for BG South now, at least one US platoon was spotted. It seemed they are facing some command and control difficulties, only the leader and the 2nd line squad in hex[14, 26] are in command (I unchecked the OoC markers for more visibility).

xavutrecht -> RE: Defending Meximieux AAR. (2/2/2016 5:50:10 AM)

The BG North reported new enemy positions. AT weapons and machine guns are spotted.
Enemy spotted units are mostly west and south of the village, northern edge seemed to be clear (so far).

US units didn’t react to the German advance, no defensive fire.
GE units didn’t achieve much during the advancing fire segment (mainly pinned results). Ah!

xavutrecht -> RE: Defending Meximieux AAR. (2/2/2016 5:51:48 AM)

Here is the situation at the end of the German phase.
The stronghold in building [16, 11] (near south VP) is not in sight anymore.

xavutrecht -> RE: Defending Meximieux AAR. (2/2/2016 5:52:43 AM)

BG South infantry is closing in on the enemy. A MG nest is located alongside the road leading to the village, Panthers should be able to clear it.

xavutrecht -> RE: Defending Meximieux AAR. (2/2/2016 5:53:19 AM)

Turn 2, US phase.
BG South squads survived the US fire, resistance in the woods was dealt with. Woods are clear of enemy units.
BG North manage to dispatch one AT squad (building near the orchard).
The US infantry seemed to keep a low profile, no movement sighted.

xavutrecht -> RE: Defending Meximieux AAR. (2/2/2016 5:54:33 AM)

Turn 3, GE phase.
BG North. A Panther is OoC, the very same which has been staying put since the beginning of the battle. Luckily for them they got rid of the M10, I will let the crew aware that I have some train ticket available for a journey eastward…
Second Panther managed to upset the US squad collocated with the leader. They are now Elite as a result. Perfect!

Things are moving slowly, a bit too slowly I have to hurry.

BG North is moving towards the northern edge of the village. Recon element (former recon/bait unit on the hill) is moving eastward. Another AT US squad got broken and routed away.

xavutrecht -> RE: Defending Meximieux AAR. (2/2/2016 5:57:29 AM)

BG South spotted a squad with a satchel charge in a wooden building near the woods. I should deal with it ASAP or BG South order of battle will be way shorter.

xavutrecht -> RE: Defending Meximieux AAR. (2/2/2016 5:57:59 AM)

Turn 3, US phase.
The panzershreck squad took some heavy fire from all the US squads around. Morale went down (Broken+) but no casualties. German defensive fire achieved nothing.
Both US squads carrying satchel charges (BG south) are in a Broken+ state as a result of German defensive fire.

xavutrecht -> RE: Defending Meximieux AAR. (2/2/2016 5:59:27 AM)

Turn 4, GE phase.
BG North. Things are a bit chaotic. The recon element was not able to move (leader OoC) and attracted some fire, to no effect.
Main infantry element is moving southward and spotted new enemy units (1 mortar, 1 M10).
US leader and squad in stone building [10, 5] were removed from the game, Broken+ state, adjacent to enemy unit and unable to move to a safer position (a good way to deal with broken units, apart from CC of course).
That’s good news, the western edge of the village is clear.

xavutrecht -> RE: Defending Meximieux AAR. (2/2/2016 6:02:37 AM)

BG South is moving northward. The enemy MG nest is no longer a threat, the squad routed in a stone building, away from any friendly leader. Panthers are taking position and will have to deal with the M10.
4th platoon is falling behind, what a surprise this platoon will be renamed “the OoC boys”.[:@]

xavutrecht -> RE: Defending Meximieux AAR. (2/2/2016 6:03:52 AM)

Turn 4, US phase.
The mortar and M10 fired at leader/LMG squad in stone building [14, 6] with no result. Subsequent defensive fire broke the mortar crew. The crew routed south leaving the VP hex undefended.
Unable to reach its leader, the panzershreck squad withdraw behind the hill, enough is enough!

NSTR for BG South.

xavutrecht -> RE: Defending Meximieux AAR. (2/2/2016 6:05:18 AM)

Turn 5, GE phase.
The phase started badly with a lot of units OoC. Clock is ticking now.
BG North. Progress is slow, the first VP was captured by a SPW 251, armor units are moving into the village now.
Capture of VP hex [14, 8], hex with the mortar emplacement, will win the game.
This hex is worth 10 VPs, I need to control it.

xavutrecht -> RE: Defending Meximieux AAR. (2/2/2016 6:06:37 AM)

BG South. The infantry is moving along its 2nd approach path, the 2 Panthers are ambushed (more or less) waiting for the M10 to move.

xavutrecht -> RE: Defending Meximieux AAR. (2/2/2016 6:07:48 AM)

Turn 5, US phase.
BG south reported enemy moves, both infantry and armor.
It looks like the US commander rejected the Alamo option and called for reinforcements…

xavutrecht -> RE: Defending Meximieux AAR. (2/2/2016 6:08:59 AM)

BG North is slowly reducing the resistance on its way towards the next VP hex.
US player didn't move much, the M10 is staying put, and tried to disloged the LMG squad in the stone building. No luck.

xavutrecht -> RE: Defending Meximieux AAR. (2/2/2016 6:12:37 AM)

Turn 6, GE phase.
BG South.
The Panther fired at the infantry in the stone building. Lucky shot, all the enemy units broke and some took casualties. Good job Hans.

[GE] PzKpfw VG ID#: 5 firing with 75mm
[US] LEADER: Lieutenant B* ID#: 15 is Broken
[US] SQUAD: 1st Line ID#: 0 is Broken
[US] SQUAD: Green ID#: 5 has been casualty reduced to: [US] HALF-SQUAD: Green
[US] HALF-SQUAD: Green ID#: 5 is Broken
[US] HALF-SQUAD: Green ID#: 5 failed Experience check, [ Average ] and will be replaced by [US] HALF-SQUAD: Green

The enemy infantry advance was put to a stop. As well as my own moves, one as to choose between fire or movement.[;)]
BG North.
Village is ours (almost)! Second VP hex was captured. Panthers closed in on the M10 at took a shot but missed.
The Broken+ units were eliminated (adjacent to enemy unit, and surrounded by open terrain).
Things are not too bad. Keep focused, I am a bit concerned about those enemy armor reports.

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