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Community Scenarios - Table of Contents

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All Forums >> [New Releases from Matrix Games] >> Campaign Series: Middle East 1948-1985 >> Mods and Scenarios >> Community Scenarios - Table of Contents Page: [1]
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Community Scenarios - Table of Contents - 2/15/2018 6:08:34 AM   

Posts: 17372
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Community Scenarios - Table of Contents

Please find a listing of CSME Community Created Scenarios below. Download, unzip, drop to your \scenarios folder, and you're good to go!

Scenarios set in 1940s

  • The Teacher, by John Pirman (Pointer to The Blitz Scenario Database)


    Ivan the Big
    12 June, 1948

    [NE of Damascus] [H2H/Arab] [FIC] [BH2H] [No VV] [Blitz Scenario Design Contest 2016 Entry] The Syrians, seeing their position for independence threatened began an operation in early June to make the British occupying forces think twice about their planned occupation & installation of a puppet government. On June 9th Syrian armored forces moved north and east from Damascus to secure the surrounding countryside. In the process they overran two British supply trains, captured the British drivers and commandeered the supplies. Twenty-eight British soldiers were held incommunicado as ransom bargaining chips for later negotiations to follow. A day later British bombers in retaliation attacked a Syrian installation NE of Damascus causing wide spread destruction killing 23 Syrian nationals and wounding 47. Colonel Qureshi commanding the 5th Syrian Mechanized Brigade had enough of this British bullying and moved his Brigade forward to engage the British blocking force at Halib. The British needed to be taught a lesson and Qureshi was their teacher.

    SM: 4 Turns: 20

    < Message edited by Crossroads -- 1/18/2022 6:44:14 PM >


  • Post #: 1
    RE: Community Scenarios - Table of Contents - 2/15/2018 6:08:45 AM   

    Posts: 17372
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    Scenarios set in 1950s

  • Ambush by Djerrah, by Eagle-FZS (Pointer to a post where scenario zip is available as an attachment)


    The ambush of Palestro, or ambush of Djerrah, is a military engagement that takes place on May 18, 1956 during the Algerian war near the village of Djerrah in the Palestro region (now Lakhdaria) in Kabylia. A commando of about 40 members of the National Liberation Army (NLA), led by Lieutenant Ali Khodja, destroyed a patrol of twenty-one men of the 9th R.I.C. under the command of Lieutenant Hervé Artur. At the scene of the ambush were found 16 dead French soldiers and one survivor. Of the remaining 4 soldiers lacked any trace. In the face of this serious situation, General Massu alerted several units. Among them paratroopers of the 4 / 13e R.D.P. with 4 helicopters, experienced people who are used to this type of operation. As soon as they hit the ground, the paratroopers began searching for the missing.

  • Operation Oued Stita, by Eagle-FZS (Pointer to a post where scenario zip is available as an attachment)


    Operation Oued Stita

    August 1, 1956, Oued Stita Valley, Algeria, After the insurrection of Ait Aissa Mimoun led by leader Mohamed et Ali Oudiai has led to several attacks on French soldiers and riots in the population. Lt-Col. Lemoine units into the Oued Stita valley to bring him and his fellaghas to the track.
    When taking the rebel camp found no trace of Mohamed et Ali Oudiai who has found a way to settle with some insurgents.

    < Message edited by Crossroads -- 6/26/2018 6:59:33 PM >


    (in reply to Crossroads)
  • Post #: 2
    RE: Community Scenarios - Table of Contents - 2/15/2018 6:08:52 AM   

    Posts: 17372
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    Scenarios set in 1960s

  • Conquest of Sinai, by Fritzfarlig (Pointer to The Blitz Scenario Database)


    5 June, 1967

    [N Sinai Peninsula]: [H2H] [HIS] [GD]

    The year 1967 began with confident predictions that it would not bring war. Nasser, it was argued in Israel, had learned the lesson of 1956 and would not start a war unless he was ready. In any case, his relations with Jordan were notoriously bad and a coalition between Nasser and King Hussein was out of the question.

    In quick succession, events gave the lie to these predictions.

    A clash in the air, in which Syria - Russia's closest ally in the Middle East - lost 13 planes, provided the opening signal. As a result of Soviet prodding, Nasser mobilized and sent 100,000 troops to Sinai. He demanded that the Secretary General of the United Nations withdraw UNEF forthwith, and - probably to his own surprise - succeeded immediately and the "firemen" departed.

    Then, on May 23rd, Nasser announced the closing of the Straits of Tiran to Israeli shipping - a clear-cut casus belli. He ended by taunting Yitzhak Rabin, Israel's Chief of Staff: "Let him come, I'm waiting." the Six Day War in Sinai had started!

    Join in with Egypt as Commander for Sinai front to command and attempt to stop the Israeli invasion force with your direct delivered from the Soviet Union T55 tanks. You have four infantry divisions, two armored divisions, two armored brigades and one mechanized division at your disposal, for historical reasons, some fixed in the first turns. Your air force is unfortunately destroyed by Israel's successful operation Focus.

    Or play as Israeli Defence Force's Southern Command with the three divisions led by Tal, Yoffe and Sharon. Your objective is clear: reach Suez canal in a damn hurry. But first, there are just a few tasks for you: Rafa, Jiradi Pass, Abu Ageila, and four Egyptian armored divisions. Do not worry, your air force shall support you!

    [ALL: OPT VV] [Designed to be played as a team game, with room for multiple commanders for both sides.] [2.00]

    SM: 10 Turns: 120

  • The Battle of Rafah Junction 1967 OoB Mod by Spartan (Pointer to a post where scenario zip is available as an attachment)


    Spartan - Alan R. Arvold original
    5 June, 1967

    [Rafah, Sinai Peninsula]: [SIDE A] [HIS] [GD]:

    -- Alternate version of Alan R. Arvold's scenario, with a modified IDF Order of Battle by Spartan --

    As the code words "Red Sheet" flashed over the radio nets of the Israeli Defense Forces, Ugdah "Tal" prepared to move out along the northern axis across the Sinai.

    The first task at hand was the taking of the town of Rafah and the destruction of the blocking force which consisted of the main body of the Egyptian 7th Infantry Division.

    The Israelis did this in a two pronged attack, one prong led by the 7th Armored Brigade from the direction of Khan Yunis, and the other prong led by the 202nd Parachute Brigade, supported by the "Baron" Force.

    The Israeli 60th Armored Brigade was held in the second echelon as an exploitation force once the breakthrough had been achieved in the Egyptian front lines. All of this was supported by the Israeli 215th Artillery Brigade and plenty of airstrikes.

    The Egyptians seemed to weather the initial assault rather well but soon the weak morale of the Egyptian soldiers took hold and they began surrendering in droves, while some of their more stalwart companions continued to resist. However, after three hours the breakthrough was achieved and the Israelis began to move off to the west towards El Arish.

    [CS Event Engine Enabled] [2.00]

    Turns: 50

    ^^ Note the Design Notes are available as a player briefing message dialog, in the beginning of the battle.

    < Message edited by Crossroads -- 1/18/2022 6:45:36 PM >


    (in reply to Crossroads)
  • Post #: 3
    RE: Community Scenarios - Table of Contents - 2/16/2018 4:26:47 PM   

    Posts: 17372
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    Scenarios set in 1970s

  • A War in October, by Fritzfarlig (Pointer to The Blitz Scenario Database)


    6 October, 1973

    [NW Sinai Peninsula Suez Canal Area]: [H2H] [HIS] [GD]:

    After the Six Day War in 1967, Israel gained new territories and therefore faced new challenges. The IDF had to guard the Sinai border along the Suez Canal, where it installed numerous posts on what was called the Bar-Lev line. The Golan Heights was also new territory for the IDF to defend.

    After they were swiftly defeated in the Six Day War, the Arab countries surrounding Israel wanted to redeem themselves, and sought to regain lost territories. From 1972, the Egyptian and Syrian militaries rebuilt themselves from the ground up. They acquired up-to-date equipment, mainly through the USSR: MiGs, T-55 and T-62 tanks, anti-aircraft missiles (SA2-3-6-7) and Sagger anti-tank guided missiles. By October 1972, Anwar Sadat, President of Egypt, was already speaking about attacking Israel in private meetings with his army staff.

    At 2:00 p.m., the Egyptian artillery and air force bomb IDF positions along the Bar-Lev line at Israel's southern frontier in the Sinai. Nearly 2000 tanks and artillery posts take part. Five Egyptian infantry divisions cross the canal in small boats.

    IDF forces on the ground are the 252th Sinai Division of Brigadier General Avraham Mendler and under it the 14th Armored Brigade of Colonel Amnon Reshef, guarding a 200km-long frontier. They both suffer losses, notably due to Egypt's use of the easily-transportable Sagger anti-tank guided missile. By night, Egyptian T-55 tanks have crossed the canal.

    Choose to command the Egyptian Army, and your task is to cross the canal and take the main roads into Sinai and Israel. This time the Egyptians are ready with Sagger anti-tank missiles and SAM air defense from Russia.

    Or command the Israel Defense Forces with a tactic that attack is the best defense, and try to find the gap between the Egyptian 2. and 3. Armies.

    Have fun!

    [ALL: OPT] [Designed to be played as a teamgame] [2.00]

    SM: 10 Turns: 120

    < Message edited by Crossroads -- 1/18/2022 6:46:37 PM >


    (in reply to Crossroads)
  • Post #: 4
    RE: Community Scenarios - Table of Contents - 2/20/2018 8:02:06 AM   

    Posts: 17372
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    Scenarios set in 1980s

  • Day of the Merks, by John Pirman (Pointer to The Blitz Scenario Database)


    John M. Pirman
    14 June, 1982

    [Jenin settlement, northern Israel] [H2H] [WIF] [BZ] On June 14, 1982, at 1200 hrs, the latest of several UN negotiated seize fires between the Israelis and the Syrians was due to take effect. About an hour before, in the Jezreel Valley, elements of the Syrian 4th Armored Brigade were moving up to reinforce units already facing the IDF in front of Jenin. As the Syrians moved up they came under intense anti-tank fire from the heights on their left. Soon four of the Syrians newest Main Battle Tanks, the T-72 were set afire! Scrambling to get into position and cease the anti-tank fire coming at them, the Syrians sent mechanized infantry up into the heights to eliminate the IDF anti-tank threat. But they were met with small arms and machinegun fire as they climbed the heights. Shortly thereafter IDF artillery started to zero in and the Syrian mechanized infantry were taking casualties at an alarming rate. Unable to move any further up the heights the Syrian mechanized infantry withdrew back towards the main road leading to the northwest. At about the same time the Syrian mechanized infantry was catching hell, other T-72 tanks accompanied by more mechanized infantry skirted to the left off the main road and attacked Jenin head on. There the Syrian T-72 tanks came under further anti-tank fire from IDF Merkava I Main Battle Tanks holding defensive positions in Jenin. Unable to move any further towards Jenin that day the Syrians decided to withdraw and fell back licking their wounds. [ALL: No VV] [NONE] [1.02] [Based on a scenario originally created by Wyatt Kappely]

    SM: 4 Turns: 22

    < Message edited by Crossroads -- 1/18/2022 6:47:19 PM >


    (in reply to Crossroads)
  • Post #: 5
    RE: Community Scenarios - Table of Contents - 2/20/2018 8:03:50 AM   

    Posts: 17372
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    ORIGINAL: Crossroads

    First four scenarios added to the opening post. May there be many more!


    ORIGINAL: Crossroads

    A new scenario mod by Spartan added to the lot: Rafah Junction 1967 Israeli OoB mod. Thank you!

    I also grouped scenarios by decade, hopefully makes it easier to find things.


    (in reply to Crossroads)
    Post #: 6
    RE: Community Scenarios - Table of Contents - 6/8/2018 7:21:00 PM   

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    Our first 1950s Community Scenario added. Thanks Eagle-FZS


    (in reply to Crossroads)
    Post #: 7
    RE: Community Scenarios - Table of Contents - 6/26/2018 7:00:38 PM   

    Posts: 17372
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    A new 1950s scenario added to the list: Ambush by Djerrah, by Eagle-FZS .

    Thank you!


    (in reply to Crossroads)
    Post #: 8
    RE: Community Scenarios - Table of Contents - 1/18/2022 4:11:40 PM   


    Posts: 48
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    Just a FYI, but those links go to some UK cut-rate pharmaceutical website, not anything wargame related....

    (in reply to Crossroads)
    Post #: 9
    RE: Community Scenarios - Table of Contents - 1/18/2022 4:21:28 PM   

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    ORIGINAL: theWombat

    Just a FYI, but those links go to some UK cut-rate pharmaceutical website, not anything wargame related....

    Thanks, good catch!

    TheBlitz had their domain changed from to, with former ending up at void…

    I will need to locate these scenarios from there and update the links. Give me a couple of days to fo so.


    (in reply to theWombat)
    Post #: 10
    RE: Community Scenarios - Table of Contents - 1/18/2022 6:48:03 PM   

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    Links to theBlitz updated.


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    Post #: 11
    RE: Community Scenarios - Table of Contents - 1/19/2022 2:50:11 AM   


    Posts: 292
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    thanks for this Crossroads and keeping things updated!

    (in reply to Crossroads)
    Post #: 12
    RE: Community Scenarios - Table of Contents - 1/19/2022 8:03:55 PM   


    Posts: 48
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    The real question is, though, did you score some discount pain meds while you were at it???

    (in reply to gabeeg)
    Post #: 13
    RE: Community Scenarios - Table of Contents - 1/20/2022 12:25:02 AM   
    Big Ivan

    Posts: 1963
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    ORIGINAL: theWombat

    The real question is, though, did you score some discount pain meds while you were at it???



    Blitz call sign Big Ivan.

    (in reply to theWombat)
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