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Cargo Tutorial

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Cargo Tutorial - 5/17/2018 10:36:02 AM   


Posts: 78
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Hello again!
Knowing there is a request from the community for a Cargo Tutorial, here it is my creation.

There are a few known bugs related to cargo operations:
1) One LCM always spawn in the LCVP davits of San Marco and San Giorgio, no matter how you add them (tried adding first the LCVPs and then the LCMs and seemed ok, but when loading got mixed again).
2) The AAV7 and M113 can't be loaded on the LCMs (I know they are amphibious, but they can't be launched by themselves in the game).
3) LCM/LCVPs don't launch when in a mission, you have to launch them manually.

However, these are only minor bugs and don't affect the playthrough.

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< Message edited by SirAndrew -- 6/19/2018 3:34:06 PM >
Post #: 1
RE: Cargo Tutorial - 5/17/2018 11:23:07 AM   
Andrea G

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From: Genoa, Italy
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Thank you, thank you, thank you


(in reply to SirAndrew)
Post #: 2
RE: Cargo Tutorial - 5/17/2018 12:12:33 PM   

Posts: 1355
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Thanks for all of these. I have a fair bit of experience but have made good use of ALL of the tutorials. It's a deep game and never too early to teach an old dog new tricks. Especially on new features


Dave A.
"When the Boogeyman goes to sleep he checks his closet for paratroopers"

(in reply to Andrea G)
Post #: 3
RE: Cargo Tutorial - 5/17/2018 1:27:59 PM   


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I agree with you Dave! I actually started them while playing in the Editor to try out new features, and I've learned more even while creating them!
Aircraft damage and Cargo operations really gave the game a new depth (and complexity )!

(in reply to ultradave)
Post #: 4
RE: Cargo Tutorial - 5/17/2018 4:57:23 PM   


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Thank you! I really need this.

(in reply to SirAndrew)
Post #: 5
RE: Cargo Tutorial - 5/17/2018 9:49:23 PM   


Posts: 198
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These are excellent tutorials that you've created. I've completed
the ASW one and am working my way through the air tutorials.
Very well done and thanks for making these.

(in reply to stolypin)
Post #: 6
RE: Cargo Tutorial - 5/18/2018 10:09:10 AM   
Andrea G

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From: Genoa, Italy
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ORIGINAL: ultradave

Thanks for all of these. I have a fair bit of experience but have made good use of ALL of the tutorials. It's a deep game and never too early to teach an old dog new tricks. Especially on new features

I have just learned that if the mission zone of an amphibious landing stretches too far inland the LCAC will get amid the fields and won't unload cargo, until you call back it manually near the shore.


(in reply to ultradave)
Post #: 7
RE: Cargo Tutorial - 5/18/2018 3:42:30 PM   


Posts: 98
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Awesome training mission love it. Are there any missions just dealing with cargo operations that people know about? So I can practise what I have learned.....

(in reply to Andrea G)
Post #: 8
RE: Cargo Tutorial - 5/19/2018 1:04:06 PM   
Andrea G

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From: Genoa, Italy
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Awesome training mission love it. Are there any missions just dealing with cargo operations that people know about? So I can practise what I have learned.....

Not only with cargo, but many with a heavy cargo component.


(in reply to Selchu)
Post #: 9
RE: Cargo Tutorial - 5/19/2018 7:36:02 PM   


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Shameless plug!

Indian Ocean Fury #4 has quite a bit of cargo involved. Testing now:

Two more on the way.


(in reply to Andrea G)
Post #: 10
RE: Cargo Tutorial - 5/20/2018 4:38:17 PM   


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I'm really glad that you all found this tutorial useful!
I really recommend Bart's Indian Fury 4, like all his other scenarios it's very well done!

I was creating a few scenarios with heavy cargo component in the past, but stopped them to craft the I may return to them!

If other authors that created cargo-heavy scenarios are reading this, you're more than welcome to remind us of (or post) your creations!

(in reply to Gunner98)
Post #: 11
RE: Cargo Tutorial - 5/23/2018 4:22:34 AM   


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thank you very much.....

(in reply to SirAndrew)
Post #: 12
RE: Cargo Tutorial - 5/28/2018 1:01:52 AM   


Posts: 67
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It is a great tutorial. Thanks

(in reply to magi)
Post #: 13
RE: Cargo Tutorial - 5/28/2018 4:48:49 AM   


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great tutorial.... my only disappointment with this cargo thing so far.. is you cannot group select units to pick.....

(in reply to trebor6669)
Post #: 14
RE: Cargo Tutorial - 5/28/2018 8:40:26 PM   


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Hello everyone!
Just found another Cargo-heavy scenario, Operation Sandstorm IV by [21Tac] Hornet.
It's currently only on the Steam Workshop, here is the link:

(in reply to magi)
Post #: 15
RE: Cargo Tutorial - 6/5/2018 12:00:08 PM   


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It's weird but when i try and download it it doesn't show up in the mission list. Not the first time this has happened with steam either.

(in reply to SirAndrew)
Post #: 16
RE: Cargo Tutorial - 6/6/2018 11:12:14 AM   

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I just played through this cargo tutorial and wanted to say thanks. It's comprehensive and gives a good idea of how to handle cargo/paras/amphib several different ways. Great job.


Dave A.
"When the Boogeyman goes to sleep he checks his closet for paratroopers"

(in reply to Selchu)
Post #: 17
RE: Cargo Tutorial - 6/9/2018 1:30:06 PM   

Posts: 13500
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From: Melbourne, Australia
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One LCM always spawn in the LCVP davits of San Marco and San Giorgio, no matter how you add them (tried adding first the LCVPs and then the LCMs and seemed ok, but when loading got mixed again).

This is a known problem and arises when there are more than once docking facility that can handle the various boats; it is using the first facility with least free space to maximize boat storage. This can have the side affect of mixing up different boat types and sometimes causing returning boats from not being able to dock due to 'no space' (as smaller boats have used up the space in the larger dock). It has been logged.



(in reply to ultradave)
Post #: 18
RE: Cargo Tutorial - 6/9/2018 10:41:41 PM   

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Another item (I posted it in tech support with a save) is that the LCAC's from Kearsarge travel WAY in inland - about 10 nm. They seem to pick a spot in the mission area as if they were helicopters. As far as I know these are over the beach vehicles but not all terrain vehicles :-)

Haven't had anyone answer if it also happened to them.


Dave A.
"When the Boogeyman goes to sleep he checks his closet for paratroopers"

(in reply to michaelm75au)
Post #: 19
RE: Cargo Tutorial - 6/10/2018 2:36:57 AM   

Posts: 13500
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From: Melbourne, Australia
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3) LCM/LCVPs don't launch when in a mission, you have to launch them manually.

Move the ships closer to shore. The boats are too far off shore. I moved them closer to beach and they launched.
Not sure if the tactical radius of the boats shows up in the DB viewer??



(in reply to ultradave)
Post #: 20
RE: Cargo Tutorial - 6/10/2018 2:57:04 AM   

Posts: 13500
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2) The AAV7 and M113 can't be loaded on the LCMs (I know they are amphibious, but they can't be launched by themselves in the game).

The LCM is categorized for Small Cargo, and the AAV7 is 'Large' and M113 is 'Medium'. That might be reason for not loading.

Tested this by adding a LCM-8 to one of the Italian ships, assigned to the mission and the AAV7s loaded onto it okay.

< Message edited by michaelm75au -- 6/10/2018 3:37:30 AM >



(in reply to michaelm75au)
Post #: 21
RE: Cargo Tutorial - 6/10/2018 3:00:52 AM   

Posts: 13500
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From: Melbourne, Australia
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ORIGINAL: ultradave

Another item (I posted it in tech support with a save) is that the LCAC's from Kearsarge travel WAY in inland - about 10 nm. They seem to pick a spot in the mission area as if they were helicopters. As far as I know these are over the beach vehicles but not all terrain vehicles :-)

Haven't had anyone answer if it also happened to them.

Yes, it happened to 2 out of 3 LCACs when I played the scenario, though it does vary depending on where the AI plotter sets the unload point.
The 'unload' is failing because there are no 'beach' locations present at the AI plotted end-point. Moving the LCAC back towards the shore makes it unload.
A simple work around would be to treat the beach landings (with a smaller RP area concentrated on the beacharea) and the inland landing (by helo) as 2 separate missions.
The AI course plotter probably shouldn't be going so far inland.

< Message edited by michaelm75au -- 6/10/2018 3:33:28 AM >



(in reply to ultradave)
Post #: 22
RE: Cargo Tutorial - 6/10/2018 3:53:22 AM   

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Items subscribed to from Steam are loaded into the folder 'Steam Workshop'.



(in reply to Selchu)
Post #: 23
RE: Cargo Tutorial - 6/11/2018 6:30:15 AM   

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SirAndrew, have your tutorials been added to steam workshop yet?

(in reply to michaelm75au)
Post #: 24
RE: Cargo Tutorial - 6/12/2018 3:39:50 AM   


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A quick cargo question: I put two infantry sections into a helicopter, but what I get out is one infantry unit with two infantry section 'mounts'. Is this normal? Is there any way to get two independent units?


(in reply to NimrodX)
Post #: 25
RE: Cargo Tutorial - 6/12/2018 4:19:54 PM   

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You ought to add something for air cargo as well. Amphibious shipping is useful and important, but there's other cases too including air dropping cargo, picking up cargo, and moving things between airbases.

(in reply to SirAndrew)
Post #: 26
RE: Cargo Tutorial - 6/13/2018 2:43:12 PM   


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Hello everyone!
Sorry for answering so late, RL got in the middle and I've been busy for the past weeks.
That happens to me too. Every time I download something from the workshop, I have to manually copy the file to the desired location.
Steam will download to:
C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\"Numerical Folder"
You can have the folders ordered by date to find out the one you need. Then copy the .scen files to:
C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Command Modern Air Naval Operations\Scenarios\"Scenario Folder name"

@dave: Thank you very much sir!
Regarding the LCACs, I have noticed that with a large landing zone that may happen. To avoid complicating the tutorial with too many missions (and to show players how the game will automatically assign troops and vehicles to the different transport units), I decided to have a single area for both naval and air landings in the south of Sicily. We have a say here that this is a "short blanket" problem, if you try to cover a problem, another will be left uncovered!

@michaelm75au: I must really, really thank you very much for the troubleshooting!
It's good to know I wasn't doing something wrong with LCVP and LCMs! I spent a lot of time trying to add and remove them so that they will fit in the proper slot in the Editor, but they kept being mixed when loading the scenario. Do you have them sitting in the proper dock at scenario start?
I don't know if a fix is possible by the devs, but it's only a minor issue so IMHO they shouldn't spend time on that!
Regarding the launch of LCM/LCVPs, I've tried moving the ships closer to the shore, but with no effect. The distance should be ok, they should be able to do the round trip from the current position. Maybe that was connected with the previous issue, with one LCM assigned to the mission being in the LCVP davits and not able to load, and that stopping the mission.
Great catch with the LCM-8! They should be able to swim ashore (and I know other authors had the same issue), but that's a good workaround!
Again, thank you very much Michael!!

@Nimrod: Not uploaded yet, but may happen soon!

@AndrewJ: Yes, the units always spawn together. That happens even with different units, for example if you have 2 infantry sections and one FAC with laser pointer. They will spawn as a single unit with 2 infantry mounts and a laser pointer.
I think it's rooted in the game code, and even with micromanaging you can't do differently, so as far as I know you can't get independent units.

@SeaQueen: There are two Italian air bases (one south of Sicily, the other on the west end of Sicily) with C-130s and helicopters and you can use them to parachute infantry and sling-load vehicles to the launch zone. There is also a NH-90 that should be used to pick up a few infantry units that acted as advanced recon and bring them home.
Moving things between airbases should be an interesting addition, but it's still limited to people and vehicles. It would be great to have munitions transportable between bases!


(in reply to SeaQueen)
Post #: 27
RE: Cargo Tutorial - 6/14/2018 12:36:57 AM   


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Sweet. Thanks man!

(in reply to SirAndrew)
Post #: 28
RE: Cargo Tutorial - 6/14/2018 10:25:19 AM   

Posts: 13500
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From: Melbourne, Australia
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@michaelm75au: I must really, really thank you very much for the troubleshooting!
It's good to know I wasn't doing something wrong with LCVP and LCMs! I spent a lot of time trying to add and remove them so that they will fit in the proper slot in the Editor, but they kept being mixed when loading the scenario. Do you have them sitting in the proper dock at scenario start?
I don't know if a fix is possible by the devs, but it's only a minor issue so IMHO they shouldn't spend time on that!
Regarding the launch of LCM/LCVPs, I've tried moving the ships closer to the shore, but with no effect. The distance should be ok, they should be able to do the round trip from the current position. Maybe that was connected with the previous issue, with one LCM assigned to the mission being in the LCVP davits and not able to load, and that stopping the mission.
Great catch with the LCM-8! They should be able to swim ashore (and I know other authors had the same issue), but that's a good workaround!

The current build will always re-order the boats on the scenario load to fit what it thinks is the optimized berthing. I have logged the issue.
This has no impact on the LCM/LCVP launching. I assigned all the cargo to the mission; first time tricked me as I didn't notice that they all had 0/x in the mission cargo list. I moved the ships to within ~24 nm of the drop zone, and they started to deploy once loaded. I'm not sure why the range needs to be this, but it did automatically launch the boats. I have logged a request to show an error if you can't launch the ready boats but that might be irksome as it will probably keep popping up continually.
Also the cargo I think should be showing in red if it can't be moved to the boats, but it doesn't seem to be working. Logged this too.



(in reply to Selchu)
Post #: 29
RE: Cargo Tutorial - 6/14/2018 10:31:41 AM   

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The Steam files should being copied to '<steam install directory>\Scenarios\Steam Workshop' when Command start up. This assumes you have the Steam installation of Command.



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