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Damage assesment in AAR

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Damage assesment in AAR - 12/19/2018 8:39:59 PM   


Posts: 78
Joined: 11/3/2002
From: Haarlem, Holland
Status: offline
Would it be possible to add a feature to record how a unit (both friendly and enemy) was killed? Now it only says "destroyed" and it would be very helpful to see what the cause of a kill was to learn and adjust tactics.


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RE: Damage assesment in AAR - 12/20/2018 5:09:26 AM   

Posts: 419
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(in reply to Baskaatje)
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RE: Damage assesment in AAR - 12/20/2018 11:38:08 AM   

Posts: 489
Joined: 8/13/2002
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You need to pay attention to the message box as the game plays out, it gives the information you ask for as you go. I think this is more realistic and makes you learn by playing and immersing in the situation.

(in reply to Emx77)
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RE: Damage assesment in AAR - 12/20/2018 1:36:48 PM   

Posts: 61
Joined: 3/26/2016
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I don't own the game yet but it would be good to know if the log box retains the history of messages during a game and if it is scrollable, so that the game can be paused and you can review the action in the log?

(in reply to blackcloud6)
Post #: 4
RE: Damage assesment in AAR - 12/20/2018 2:46:37 PM   


Posts: 78
Joined: 11/3/2002
From: Haarlem, Holland
Status: offline
I know about the message box and do keep an eye out for the messages in there, but stopping the game every time you kill an enemy or one of your units is killed, takes you out of the flow of the game (which is superb).

I'm not sure, but can imagine that armies did a battlefield and damage assessment after an engagement to see what killed their own units and what caused kills with the enemy to evaluate performance of both men and machines (weapons), so a feature like that would be fitting in a game like this.

Maybe just saving the logbox at the end of the game and being able to click on the messages to go to the scene of the action would be a great solution as you then have also the space - time relation in the kills as well.


He who complains about the cost of knowledge, should look at the price of stupidity!

(in reply to darkhelix)
Post #: 5
RE: Damage assesment in AAR - 12/20/2018 5:18:17 PM   

Posts: 1304
Joined: 6/25/2007
From: Finland
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I'm working on a scrollable message box that stores all the messages. Another new feature is a customizable auto-pause/scroll system for different events.

The AAR view will be improved, for example to show all the hits, but not in the very near future.


Know thyself!

(in reply to Baskaatje)
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