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Joined: 11/16/2015 From: My Mother, although my Father had some small part. Status: offline
ORIGINAL: AtParmentier Not sure about the ability of the elevators being able to move the B7A, but the dimentions of the B7A with folded wings is a bit less than 11.5m by 8m. The smallest elevators (2) on Shokaku-class were 13 by 12m, the largest elevator was 13 by 16m. Going by dimensions the Shokaku-class should have been able to use the B7A, other elements are harder to come by. The height and weight would probably be more important, however hangar height was 4.8m vs Taiho 5m. Taiho had 2 elevators, one was 14 by 13.6 and the other was 14 by 14m. Akagi had 3 elevators one at 11.8 x 16.0m, a middle one at 11.8 x 13.0m and an aft one at 12.8 x 8.4m. Here I see issues, but the plane can still fit most elevators. Depending on the ability to turn the aircraft on deck and in the hangars. B7A wouldn't be efficient here, and can't maybe be used. Kaga had 3 elevators their dimensions were 11.5 by 12.0m, 10.7 by 15.9m and 12.8 by 9.9m. Same issue as with Akagi, going by sizes the elevators should be able to handle the B7A, however not efficiently. Soryu's elevators are 11.5 x 16.0m, 11.5 x 12.0m and 11.8 x 10.0m. Depending on willingness and ability to turn aircraft in the hangar, the B7A might be able to be operated on this carrier. Of the carriers shown so far, the least able. Hiryu's elevators are suprisingly big compared to soryu at 13.0 x 16.0m, 13.0 x 12.0m and 11.8 x 13.0m. Only 1 elevator might have issues around the size of the aircraft. Shinano's two elevators were 15.0 x 14.0m and 13.0 x 13.0m. No issues here. The Unryu-class had 2 elevators at 15.0 x 14.0m. No issues here. Now the CVL's, Ryuho had 2 elevators at 13.6 x 12.0m, these are large enough. Zuiho had 2 elevators at 13.0 x 12.0m and 12.0 x 10.8m, one elevator is a tight fit, the other has no problem. Ryujo had 2 elevators at 11.1 x 15.7m and 10.8 x 8.0m, one elevator is too small, the other might be able to carry the B7A. Chitose had 2 elevators at 13.0 x 12.0m and 12.5 x 12.0m, large enough. Ibuki had 2 elevators at 13.0 x 11.6m, large enough. Based upon these numbers the B7A could be used on Hiryu, the Shokaku-class, Taiho, Shinano, the Unryu-class, the Ryuho, the Zuiho-class, the Chitose-class and Ibuki. The ships where it would be difficult to impossible to use the B7A would be the Akagi, Kaga, Soryu and Ryujo. This is just based on the elevator sizes, their max load isn't taken into account. The plane had a height of less than 4.10m, even with folded wings. All the numbers I could find leave at least 0.20m of height above the plane, for the CVL's I'm not sure of the heights. I do apologize for not putting US conversions into my post. Thank you for that. No problems for the conversions for me. Besides, given that all of the dimensions are using the same system it is easily understandable. But any elevators that had problems with the Grace could have been used for other aircraft especially if they took off first.
Seek peace but keep your gun handy. I'm not a complete idiot, some parts are missing! “Illegitemus non carborundum est (“Don’t let the bastards grind you down”).” ― Julia Child