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RE: impressions anyone?

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RE: impressions anyone? - 7/31/2021 3:16:39 PM   


Posts: 2
Joined: 9/8/2016
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I bought it a couple of days ago and played a few scenarios. I owned ASL many years back. But never really got to play it.So it's good to play an equivalent game that is so accessible.

I lost most, but won a couple withe the Americans. I think I need to take more risks, especially as the attacker.

I really like the game? The scenarios are easy and quick to play. And the game does give a sense of squad combat. I do not believe the game cheats in the die rolls. The luck has broadly evened out.

The lack of FOW is not a put-off for me. But I think it would be an interesting addition.

The game is a great low intensity pick-up-and-play title. You can just switch it on and play a couple
of scenarios, without worrying about strategic elements. For that reason,I can see myself play it much more than most other Steam games I have.

I have the impression that the game could be modded for other war themes, including sci-fi. For example, I can see the Germans modded as Imperial and the Americans modded as rebels in a Starwars themed scenarios? Only the graphics and names need be changed on the counters.

Only minor thing missing is the game does not seem to record your best result in each scenario. But that is not too important.

(in reply to thewood1)
Post #: 61
RE: impressions anyone? - 7/31/2021 7:37:30 PM   

Posts: 509
Joined: 6/7/2006
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I love this game!

But it needs some more scenarios like NOW!!

Also, a wreck counter for destroyed tanks and AFV's would be amazing. Ala the old Panzer Blitz game.

Also, could you clearly let us know the scale both in terms of hex size and time per turn?


"In Arduis Fidelis"
Louie Marsh

Once A Raider…
Getting Real -

(in reply to LoyalSoldier)
Post #: 62
RE: impressions anyone? - 8/1/2021 9:36:56 AM   


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Also, a wreck counter for destroyed tanks and AFV's would be amazing. Ala the old Panzer Blitz game.

Oh I cannot agree more there is something about destroying an enemy vehicle and it just leaves an empty hex that just leaves me well feeling empty. I love the idea of the old school Panzer Blitz destroyed vehicle graphic that is a great idea. Gamers love to see brewed up vehicles, that is universal. Lets face it, if the game expands to the Eastern Front how can we not have the fields strewn with burning T-34's and Panthers right?

I would guess that game scale is pretty "standard" at around 50m per hex roughly though that is anyones guess. Time maybe 3-5 minutes a turn? It's abstracted like with any game system but we gamers always like a reference.

I highly recommend you try the editor yourself, I've suprised myself just by plunking down units and going at it. Once in awhile a happy accident occurs and a halfway decent scenario is created.

< Message edited by Monkie -- 8/1/2021 9:52:24 AM >

(in reply to AZKGungHo)
Post #: 63
RE: impressions anyone? - 8/1/2021 4:10:12 PM   

Posts: 153
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Agreed wreck counters would improve and not clutter the map. Nice addition if added.

(in reply to Monkie)
Post #: 64
RE: impressions anyone? - 8/2/2021 7:33:35 AM   

Posts: 15
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Nice addition really

(in reply to Bradley62)
Post #: 65
RE: impressions anyone? - 8/31/2021 11:54:58 AM   


Posts: 56
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I like it!!! More please.

(in reply to wodin)
Post #: 66
RE: impressions anyone? - 9/5/2021 8:59:08 AM   


Posts: 95
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I really enjoy the game.

One thing that I have found that has increased the enjoyment is a decent zoom. It is probably a sign that I am getting old but being able to zoom in and out makes it a lot easier to play. I find I’m not enjoying my older war games on the larger better quality screens where it is limited to two or three fixed resolutions.

Overall I think it is a good first up game and it will ensure another purchase from me.

I am also glad it isn’t just on steam as well.Don’t do steam.



(in reply to BradK82)
Post #: 67
RE: impressions anyone? - 9/16/2021 5:15:36 PM   

Posts: 791
Joined: 11/26/2009
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well done, very well done from a new Crew.

Has a real feel for Asl CoI, CoD etc.....

Will look for East Front and Pac. island scenarios!!

(in reply to nikb)
Post #: 68
RE: impressions anyone? - 9/16/2021 5:16:18 PM   

Posts: 791
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Oh and I would kill for a Vietnam era game with this scale and interface.....

(in reply to carll11)
Post #: 69
RE: impressions anyone? - 11/7/2021 12:01:21 AM   


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I got this not long ago and have played the first 4 scenarios as the attacker numerous times.

So far I think this is awful.

- The scenarios are unbalanced, the attacker is always outnumbered.
- as noted above no indirect fire
- you have to stack to mass firepower and it's a ridiculous mechanism that seems to be in all games at the scale, you should be able to link adjacent single units to generate fire and decrease casualties.
- I don't like the interface, doesn't seem to be a way to turn off the results pop up table. the constant pop ups are annoying.
- entirely luck based. you can sit and shoot at a target forever and if the puter doesn't generate sufficiently low rolls you're just stuck. This might be Ok if the scenarios were significantly longer to offset the rolls (or lack thereof).
- it looks pretty, I do like the graphics.
- the end of scenario outcome splash seems to be broken - I've played scenarios were the objectives are taken as required but you get no credit and the outcome is declared a loss.
- at this point in the experience it's just a time killer for me, can't really recommend this to anyone.

(in reply to thewood1)
Post #: 70
RE: impressions anyone? - 11/18/2021 12:23:02 PM   


Posts: 19
Joined: 5/11/2021
From: Germany
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I bought it on the first day and I'm absolutely not disappointed.

* Nice map artwork
* Clear, simple User Interface
* Stable game engine - I've encountered only some minor errors, but nothing serious. And after reporting, they were patched soon.
* Acceptable AI - the computer opponent act mostly reasonable. (with the exception of light vehicles like Jeeps, Kübelwagen e.g. These units tends to commit suicide runs against enemy positions).

Creating custom maps and campaigns is possible, but a little bit tricky and not supported by the game itself - you need some programming experience to generate the static "LOS maps" for your own maps.

Although, there are some negative points like missing board game features (e.g. mine fields, snipers, mortars, artillery/air strike, valor).

My conclusion: The boardgame is great - this computer game is good and has the pontential to become great too.

(in reply to rallye72)
Post #: 71
RE: impressions anyone? - 11/20/2021 11:11:20 AM   


Posts: 869
Joined: 11/14/2009
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More scenarios NOW.

Come on... Tigers On The Hunt has about 400 - and that's your competition.

At the time of wiring this post there hasn't been a forum entry under the scenarios section for 4 months. *
I find the dice score where low is better an odd choice.

Why not let players play beyond the designed number of turns; so what if it takes me 10 turns to do what the scenario wanted me to do in 6 ?
There are my first impressions - I bought it yesterday and have played one scenario. I think it could be a great casual game. Get Rico to work on maps and scenarios :)

* Ok 1 by Eddie

< Message edited by altipueri -- 11/20/2021 11:13:15 AM >

(in reply to Niederrheiner)
Post #: 72
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