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RE: Quick Questions Thread - 1/30/2022 6:05:44 PM   


Posts: 19
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Are soviet tank divisions/korps useless? I nurse them via the reserve to go up in toe, and then they get obliterated in the first battle, they show up with 1 cv (on the counter) and are worse in defence than a simple rifle division.

Historically i thought in 1941/42 the only thing the germans had respect of were the t34/kv. How ami supposed to use them?

(in reply to loki100)
Post #: 1381
RE: Quick Questions Thread - 1/30/2022 6:18:09 PM   


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Like this!

Assign good leaders, resupply them, build CPP, and smash panzers even without t34/kv.

For some reason tank divisions are very week in defense indeed. For Soviets and for Axis.


(in reply to aMaschina)
Post #: 1382
RE: Quick Questions Thread - 1/30/2022 8:41:37 PM   


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ORIGINAL: loki100

don't think you can, interdiction of the ferry hex Kronstadt-Leningrad might work. Remember you can cross an impassible hexside if you own both sides so the Soviets can pull supply overland

Nope, as long as that hex has been interdicted supply cannot pass into Oranienbaum from ports.

I will leave a link to the save file:

(in reply to loki100)
Post #: 1383
RE: Quick Questions Thread - 1/30/2022 8:46:22 PM   


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I specifically moved the German divisions away from hugging Kronstadt during the previous German turn to ensure there was no ZOC preventing the Soviets in Oranienbaum from leaving. During the Soviet turn when Oranienbaum got isolated, I could neither move divisions in or out, including ones I motorized to have lots of MPs.

(in reply to Jango32)
Post #: 1384
RE: Quick Questions Thread - 1/31/2022 12:20:12 AM   

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ORIGINAL: loki100


ORIGINAL: Hardradi


Yes, this is what I have seen as well. No one can get in and out of the port. The mouse over shows SHIPPING HEAVILY CONTESTED (as the Soviets).

sorry to repeat this but that is not the case, it just means that any actual unit movement in those hexes will take heavy losses,

you do have enough interdiction to stop supply and trigger isolation

the units may be unable to go onto ships if the port is damage or their transport load > available shipping in that zone

I found my old save and tested. You are correct.

The movement, in my case, has to be done =<3 hexes each go.

Also the unit cannot get on the transports if it does not have enough SMP.

< Message edited by Hardradi -- 1/31/2022 5:31:19 AM >

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Post #: 1385
RE: Quick Questions Thread - 1/31/2022 7:44:42 PM   


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Is there any downside in sending everyone to reserve so they try to rush to each others help?

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Post #: 1386
RE: Quick Questions Thread - 2/1/2022 12:48:13 PM   


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If corps is > 15 hexes from an assault army - it will still gain CCP bonuses, the only disadvantage is that if corps leader fail some rolls then this rolls will not be passed to an army?

(in reply to aMaschina)
Post #: 1387
RE: Quick Questions Thread - 2/1/2022 1:01:33 PM   


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If corps is > 15 hexes from an assault army - it will still gain CCP bonuses, the only disadvantage is that if corps leader fail some rolls then this rolls will not be passed to an army?

No - one of the conditions that must be met for units to gain advantages from being part of an assault front is that all elements in the command chain must be within command range. So an Axis unit must be within 5 hexes of its Corps which in turn must be within 15 hexes of the Assault Army. A Soviet unit must be within 15 hexes of its army which in turn must be within 45 hexes of the Assault Front. See 21.11.2 of the manual.

One thing that I'm not sure of is whether the command range requirement goes up the chain from the Assault HQ as well as down the chain? So does an Axis Assault Army have to be within 45 hexes of its AG (which in turn must be within 90 hexes of OKH). Similarly must a Soviet Assault Front be within 90 hexes of Stavka?

(in reply to Stamb)
Post #: 1388
RE: Quick Questions Thread - 2/1/2022 1:05:29 PM   


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Thanks. Reading manual is really useful. I will have to do it again when I have some spare time.

(in reply to Sammy5IsAlive)
Post #: 1389
RE: Quick Questions Thread - 2/1/2022 1:08:25 PM   


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ORIGINAL: Sammy5IsAlive
One thing that I'm not sure of is whether the command range requirement goes up the chain from the Assault HQ as well as down the chain? So does an Axis Assault Army have to be within 45 hexes of its AG (which in turn must be within 90 hexes of OKH). Similarly must a Soviet Assault Front be within 90 hexes of Stavka?

I remember that loki told that AG can be overloaded with units and it will not remove assault army bonuses from an armies that are assigned to this army group (assault army itself must be within capacity limits). I think the same is with a range.

But it should be not a problem to keep them within a range.

< Message edited by Stamb -- 2/1/2022 1:09:11 PM >

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Post #: 1390
RE: Quick Questions Thread - 2/2/2022 10:08:35 AM   


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23.6.3. Soviet Artillery Limitations

Before 1944, Soviet artillery and rocket ground elements (i.e. both those in units and specialist Support Units) will have a notional requirement for only 60% of their ammunition needs. In turn, this will reduce the rate of fire.Units reporting (directly or indirectly) to a Front set to Assault Status (21.11.2) will have a notional requirement for 90% of their ammunition.

Does it still work if front/army is over capacity limit?

(in reply to Stamb)
Post #: 1391
RE: Quick Questions Thread - 2/2/2022 10:39:52 PM   


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From: Germany
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When some players are writing to sit units in bad shape onto depots to refit them, what does this excactly mean?

Has the unit literally to sit on the direct depot hex or can the unit be close within 3 hexes away from the depot?

I am in my singleplayer campaign at turn 4 and some of my motorized corps are getting in bad shape.
I took Pskov and Smolensk and I am thinking about resting my motorized corps. Since I never got behind turn 5 I am not sure how to proceed. I finally have this time a good start and I do not want to screw it.

< Message edited by FriedrichII -- 2/2/2022 10:40:18 PM >

(in reply to Stamb)
Post #: 1392
RE: Quick Questions Thread - 2/3/2022 8:12:50 AM   

Posts: 10920
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From: Utlima Thule
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When some players are writing to sit units in bad shape onto depots to refit them, what does this excactly mean?

Has the unit literally to sit on the direct depot hex or can the unit be close within 3 hexes away from the depot?

I am in my singleplayer campaign at turn 4 and some of my motorized corps are getting in bad shape.
I took Pskov and Smolensk and I am thinking about resting my motorized corps. Since I never got behind turn 5 I am not sure how to proceed. I finally have this time a good start and I do not want to screw it.

there's a few bits to this.

Fundamentally there is the core gain, on the depot you have (by definition) the best access to both the freight and the transport capacity associated with that location.

The second bit is very relevant with mot/arm formations in that refit can involve swaps/upgrades as well as simply taking on missing elements. Each discarded tank etc takes freight to remove, so the more freight to hand, the more likely the swap is to happen.

This is one reason why you can end up with a build up of modern tanks in the reserve while your combat formations are using obsolete ones. Its also why refit in the reserve can be so useful, that really will flush out the junk - perhaps more a focus for 1942 when you can finally shed the Czech and French tanks

Beyond refit etc, I work on a 1/3 model with the Pzr Corps, from t2/3 onwards I rest 1/3, that clears fatigue, regains CPP and sorts out any emerging fuel/ammo gaps. In the end, you'll do better the more you regularly rest, every now and then try to rest most, the next turn can be satisfyingly explosive as a result


(in reply to FriedrichII)
Post #: 1393
RE: Quick Questions Thread - 2/3/2022 11:23:50 AM   


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ORIGINAL: Beethoven1



What is the reason that RAD units assigned to a corps HQ are not going to repair nearby hexes. I have corps HQ with 4 RAD units - 2 goes to map. Another corps has 3 units - 1 goes to map.
Damaged hexes are in 5 hexes range as well as repaired railway to continue a railway.

Super annoying

They can only repair hexes that are adjacent to a previously repaired hex. A previously repaired hex does NOT include either:

a) Another hex repaired by a RAD on the same turn. So you can't have 2 RADs repairing in a row.
b) Hexes repaired during your movement phase by a FBD. So you can't have RADs and FBDs both repairing the same line at the same time.

RADs also cannot repair hexes bordering an enemy unit.

Looks like a) is not true.
They are from same army.

From the start of the game I had a feeling that there is something wrong with that RAD units.
Sometimes they repair hexes, sometimes not. Sometimes they go to a map, sometimes not. I understand that it would be a minor issue when you have lots of supplies. But right now only Soviets have them. And not getting N hexes repaired by X turns is pretty big for the Axis.

Attachment (1)

< Message edited by Stamb -- 2/3/2022 11:27:31 AM >

(in reply to Beethoven1)
Post #: 1394
RE: Quick Questions Thread - 2/3/2022 11:40:28 AM   

Posts: 10920
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From: Utlima Thule
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ORIGINAL: Beethoven1



What is the reason that RAD units assigned to a corps HQ are not going to repair nearby hexes. I have corps HQ with 4 RAD units - 2 goes to map. Another corps has 3 units - 1 goes to map.
Damaged hexes are in 5 hexes range as well as repaired railway to continue a railway.

Super annoying

They can only repair hexes that are adjacent to a previously repaired hex. A previously repaired hex does NOT include either:

a) Another hex repaired by a RAD on the same turn. So you can't have 2 RADs repairing in a row.
b) Hexes repaired during your movement phase by a FBD. So you can't have RADs and FBDs both repairing the same line at the same time.

RADs also cannot repair hexes bordering an enemy unit.

Looks like a) is not true.
They are from same army.

From the start of the game I had a feeling that there is something wrong with that RAD units.
Sometimes they repair hexes, sometimes not. Sometimes they go to a map, sometimes not. I understand that it would be a minor issue when you have lots of supplies. But right now only Soviets have them. And not getting N hexes repaired by X turns is pretty big for the Axis.

the rules for (a) are met, the repaired hexes are adjacent to one already repaired and that hex doesn't have a FBD etc

if your logistics depend on the perfect optimisation of the SU allocation then you are not doing the basics right.


(in reply to Stamb)
Post #: 1395
RE: Quick Questions Thread - 2/3/2022 11:49:49 AM   


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Got it. Thanks.

(in reply to loki100)
Post #: 1396
RE: Quick Questions Thread - 2/3/2022 2:38:35 PM   

Posts: 48
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From: Kentucky
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If you reassign support units prior to movement on turn 1 of the 1941 campaign do they suffer the -1 for admin rolls during turn 1?

(in reply to Stamb)
Post #: 1397
RE: Quick Questions Thread - 2/3/2022 11:19:51 PM   


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Does the Soviet garrison TB have replacement prioritisation like western Europe? For Romanian replenishment.

(in reply to johng5155)
Post #: 1398
RE: Quick Questions Thread - 2/4/2022 10:06:55 AM   


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Were there any nerfs to super depots in recent patches?

When I was playing vs AI (probably 06 08 patches)I was getting 15k of freight in Dnepropetovsk and around 5k in Krarkov. Both super depots.

Now, patch 0.19, in my game I have 5k only with 1 super depot in Stalino even when there is no blizzard and snow level is 2-3.

Rails usage is like always 5416

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< Message edited by Stamb -- 2/4/2022 10:07:23 AM >

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Post #: 1399
RE: Quick Questions Thread - 2/4/2022 10:10:02 AM   


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Maybe single double line to Stalino is the limiting factor, but how as a player can I check it, where is a bottleneck?

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Post #: 1400
RE: Quick Questions Thread - 2/4/2022 10:16:44 AM   


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There was a patch between .11 and the .19 beta that changed the logistics phase a bit, I think it was .13

But even so, you need to have depots in the rear with lots of freight to pulse over into the super depot. Bottlenecks usually occur when there is only one line actually feeding into a hex. Think of Smolensk for example. The line from Vitebsk actually feeds into the main line from Orsha because it doesn't connect into Smolensk proper. For that same reason it's not very worthwhile to repair the double rail near the Bialystok area because it's not a third line leading into Minsk; rather it's a line that leads into the Vilnius-Minsk line.

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Post #: 1401
RE: Quick Questions Thread - 2/4/2022 10:43:52 AM   

Posts: 10920
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From: Utlima Thule
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ORIGINAL: johng5155

If you reassign support units prior to movement on turn 1 of the 1941 campaign do they suffer the -1 for admin rolls during turn 1?

yes, but scarcely going to make much difference


(in reply to johng5155)
Post #: 1402
RE: Quick Questions Thread - 2/4/2022 10:45:03 AM   

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From: Utlima Thule
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Does the Soviet garrison TB have replacement prioritisation like western Europe? For Romanian replenishment.

I think so, the rules for the active boxes are generic but I've never noticed many losses from the Soviet garrison box so it could be different - just never hits critical parts of the replacement stock


(in reply to Jango32)
Post #: 1403
RE: Quick Questions Thread - 2/4/2022 10:47:21 AM   

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From: Utlima Thule
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Maybe single double line to Stalino is the limiting factor, but how as a player can I check it, where is a bottleneck?

logistics map mode can be useful, but if you have a single line running back to Lvov then by the time its supplying a depot at Stalino its going to be stretched

this comes back to the fundamental issue for the Germans in 1941, a line that is easy to resupply is also a line that is going to lose you the war, so you need to push off that comfort zone but then there are consequences to the decisions you make


(in reply to Stamb)
Post #: 1404
RE: Quick Questions Thread - 2/4/2022 10:49:26 AM   

Posts: 10920
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From: Utlima Thule
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Rails usage is like always 5416


its not, again issue has been raised and answered many times

what you see is last turns usage/6

more precisely, usage up to 30k (dual track)/6
usage over 30k or created by interdiction (air or partisan)/3

add in there are sometimes random dumps of usage to reflect errors/accidents and so on


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Post #: 1405
RE: Quick Questions Thread - 2/4/2022 10:58:17 AM   


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I understand rails usage is /6. That is why i wrote "Maybe single double line to Stalino is the limiting factor, but how as a player can I check it, where is a bottleneck? "

And with this: "Rails usage is like always 5416"
This is actually what player see after logistic phase. I have no problems with that value. As it indicates that maximum amount of freight was send during the logistics phase.

I think that in previous game I had more double rail lines. Probably it is the case. Thanks for the answers Jango32, loki.

< Message edited by Stamb -- 2/4/2022 11:01:58 AM >

(in reply to loki100)
Post #: 1406
RE: Quick Questions Thread - 2/5/2022 9:42:27 PM   


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From: Germany
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Where can I see which detection level exactly an enemy unit has?
I know I can see via the map mode the combat recon level of an enemy hex field, but I am looking for the unit detection level.

(in reply to Stamb)
Post #: 1407
RE: Quick Questions Thread - 2/5/2022 11:01:17 PM   


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Does routing significantly increase vehicle losses from a defeat? I've hit a few panzers this game, but this is the most vehicles they've lost by far.

I think the last 2 panzer battles they've lost between 1-100 vehicles at most, and weren't routs.

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(in reply to FriedrichII)
Post #: 1408
RE: Quick Questions Thread - 2/7/2022 1:51:56 AM   


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Does the level of Naval Interdiction accumulate over time or is it a value that's created after each mission? I want to know if there is value in doing Naval Patrol from turn 2 around Odessa until it falls.

1)Is the interdiction pointless to do early? (Before the land resupplyong is cut off)
2)Should I run Naval Patrol at less than 9k altitude to avoid the city flak?
3)What is the best loadout for Naval Patrol?


(in reply to RedJohn)
Post #: 1409
RE: Quick Questions Thread - 2/7/2022 6:48:35 AM   

Posts: 10920
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From: Utlima Thule
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Where can I see which detection level exactly an enemy unit has?
I know I can see via the map mode the combat recon level of an enemy hex field, but I am looking for the unit detection level.

best is to hover over the unit, the image in 10.2.1 shows you what you will know as DL increases, so you can map that to what you see


(in reply to FriedrichII)
Post #: 1410
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