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Manual Errata

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All Forums >> [New Releases from Matrix Games] >> Decisive Campaigns: Ardennes Offensive >> Manual Errata Page: [1]
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Manual Errata - 12/2/2021 9:26:36 AM   

Posts: 8262
Joined: 5/17/2004
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With some of the patches the rules are improved or fine-tuned, hence there are some changes compared to the release print of the manual.

Go over here to see the manual errata:

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Post #: 1
RE: Manual Errata - 2/12/2022 9:47:24 PM   
Capt Cliff

Posts: 1791
Joined: 5/22/2002
From: Northwest, USA
Status: offline
How about a manual for the editor? I have been modding the Wacht am Rhein scenario but I need to change the entry point of Allied reinforcements. The current reinforcement hex's seem to support the AI playing the Allies. There are also a lot of set-up errors. Both 1st SS and 12th SS were historically place behind the 12th VG Division which cause huge traffic jam problems. But the Wacht Am Rhein scenario has both SS divisions on the line and able to attack on turn one. Peiper historically didn't or couldn't move until 7:30 pm on the 16th.

So how can I change the entry hex's for allied reinforcements? I searched the editor and found nothing.

I finally did find the table to revise the entry hex for units. But I am in the dark as to what to enter.

< Message edited by Capt Cliff -- 2/12/2022 10:41:15 PM >


Capt. Cliff

(in reply to Vic)
Post #: 2
RE: Manual Errata - 2/12/2022 10:01:38 PM   


Posts: 5
Joined: 6/12/2007
Status: offline
Excellent. Thank you for updating the manual. Oh, and whilst I'm at it - thank you for developing such an outstanding game!

(in reply to Capt Cliff)
Post #: 3
RE: Manual Errata - 2/13/2022 10:22:45 AM   


Posts: 4778
Joined: 2/10/2008
From: Germany
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ORIGINAL: Capt Cliff

How about a manual for the editor? I have been modding the Wacht am Rhein scenario but I need to change the entry point of Allied reinforcements. The current reinforcement hex's seem to support the AI playing the Allies. There are also a lot of set-up errors. Both 1st SS and 12th SS were historically place behind the 12th VG Division which cause huge traffic jam problems. But the Wacht Am Rhein scenario has both SS divisions on the line and able to attack on turn one. Peiper historically didn't or couldn't move until 7:30 pm on the 16th.

So how can I change the entry hex's for allied reinforcements? I searched the editor and found nothing.

I finally did find the table to revise the entry hex for units. But I am in the dark as to what to enter.

The only thing we can do is some sort of DC Wiki. Vic already got a site p, but I presume he's the only admin. Suggestion: Recruiting some dedicated grognards to put some flesh on the bones.


Klink, Oberst


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(in reply to Capt Cliff)
Post #: 4
RE: Manual Errata - 2/13/2022 11:00:14 AM   

Posts: 895
Joined: 3/9/2008
From: Italy
Status: offline
To check or change the entry hexes you must use the table 71
Turn==1 for US, Turn==2 for German units

You can use the borders or a specific hex and dispersion value !


Attachment (1)

< Message edited by nikdav -- 2/13/2022 4:06:02 PM >

(in reply to Capt Cliff)
Post #: 5
RE: Manual Errata - 2/13/2022 2:41:56 PM   
Capt Cliff

Posts: 1791
Joined: 5/22/2002
From: Northwest, USA
Status: offline
Thanks nikdav! I am getting a handle on it. The current Washt am Rhein scenario seems to be setup for AI play and not face to face or hot seat play! Bless their heart but short of get a Cray Computer to run the AI they have to be creative with reinforcement and setup placement.


Capt. Cliff

(in reply to nikdav)
Post #: 6
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