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Joined: 12/29/2000 Status: offline
I can agree with Degen. Matrix Games has treated us and treated us and treated us. Where does it end? SPWaW is done folks. It works. Every item that has needed a patch (to my knowledge) where the word "need" is functionally of value, was created as a result of creating the latest version. I remember christmas day hearing that the snd folder got messed up as the files were nestled in a redundant folder. Little errors like that basically. But considering the people involved were working themselves to perhaps crazy levels to give us a completed game in time for christmas morning. Now there will always be those that don't agree with some aspect of the games "realism". We are all wargamers, and it is a personal affliction of wargamers, that we all "know better than the other guy". But I would like to see some stalwart individual, or group of individuals, stop talking with their keyboard, and start talking with their wallets. After 8.0 I think it is time the game's needs were taken up by a private group and left to them to fiddle with it if anyone feels it is actually important. Leave Matrix Games to get on with their future, and stop expecting them to endlessly fiddle with a game that plays just fine (regardless if you think that machine gun was to efficient, or that bazooka seemed odd). It is forgotten in most cases, that each time the game is fiddled with, it means a major rush of fresh downloads. Each download has cost someone cash, and that someone is normally Matrix Games. Ok David has explained the actual cost before, but to put it in terms you can relate to, picture each download costing approximately the same as a modest priced wargame. So if you have downloaded the file say 20 times over the course of enjoying it over the years that Matrix Games has been evolving it, you have basically gotten matrix Games to invest in 200 plus bucks on giving you that free game. That is no small thing. Which is why it is time, the overly fussy crowd should be asked to shoulder this burden, or just enjoy that game, and stop insisting on minor minutae get fiddled with. I play Steel Panthers WaW regularly. I have yet to play a game, and get a result, and get angry over the result, and quit the game due to its obvious grotesque level of inaccuracy. I frankly don't even see the results. I play the game with the perspective, was it fun, did I need to concentrate to win, was it to hard to win, or was it do darned simple to win. It never is about, did that MG get a result that is historically idiotic. I want Matrix Games to move forward and onward. Forward to me, is finishing Combat Leader, and cornering the market for turn using tactical wargaming at this scale of combat. It would please me to see it in a years time after release, become the industry favourite, and to hear David just paid off his mortgage or something hehe. I want what Matrix Games is doing, to have been practical. I want them to still be here in 5 years.
I LIKE that my life bothers them, Why should I be the only one bothered by it eh.