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Hey why all the hostile posts?

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Hey why all the hostile posts? - 9/7/2001 3:08:00 AM   


Posts: 4392
Joined: 12/29/2000
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Man I have to fix my computer..... I am gone a few days...... and when I return I find it looks like Matrix is being slagged. I have absolutely nothing negative to say about Steel Panthers, nothing at all, zero zip nadda. I dont know if I have ever seen a bug, I have never wondered why a tank blew up or been concerned if my score seemed somehow wrong looking. I have downloaded the slow way and the fast way, and in both cases I knew I was getting something great that was actually free. So bitching just aint going to happen from me thats for sure. Its the only old game I know that still looks good enough that I think new games still aint worth the money to buy them. So new games will have a long journey getting my interest. I resent having to upgrade my hardware just for a few software perks I never really needed. I love the sounds and I love the graphics. And I watch it on a monitor that is only 14 inches and looks like it might need to be replaced cause its going dark. And I still have a ball. I think the game plays more than fast enough. But then I am used to spending hours playing ASL so maybe I am biased. And my RAM is 64 not 126 or 256. My processor is a 300 that is likely more realistically a 230. So it obviously pleases me on what is definmitely a less than current platform. So all you people that are sending in the negative posts, make the choice. Play the game and be grateful you can. Or get your money out and buy what you think is so danged good. And when you get home and start playing, leave us to enjoy are own game of choice. I never mind constructive critiques, but man whining is just unbearable.


I LIKE that my life bothers them,
Why should I be the only one bothered by it eh.
Post #: 1
- 9/7/2001 3:20:00 AM   


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Yup, gotta agree with that.
FWIW, you may wish to read what Paul had to say about this very issue in another thread:


"...these go up to eleven."
Nigel Tufnel

(in reply to Les_the_Sarge_9_1)
Post #: 2
- 9/7/2001 6:30:00 AM   

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From: Birdsboro, PA, USA
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DIG THAT!!!!! I had an instance recently when my WAW started kicking off to desktop, AND in the process, knocking the colors to 256, AND resolution back to 640x480!! Pissed as I was, I didn't immediately jump on the forum crying foul!! Sure, I pissed and moaned a few, but finally figured that maybe the shortcut got screwy during a crash a few days earlier...Bingo, redid the shortcut, no problem now!! Things happen, and not everything is a bug, or a Matrix boo-boo, just chill and play the game!! Just my opinion,, I could be wrong.....


Mike Amos

Meine Ehre heißt Treue

(in reply to Les_the_Sarge_9_1)
Post #: 3
- 9/7/2001 6:38:00 AM   


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Dear Sarge : 3 or 4 elements at maximum who periodically raise again , throw their stone and then go anonimous for a while...
At about 4 elements among 4500 members...
Never seems they are always waiting for silly excuses to speak shame against MAtrix's work..
Clearly some provokers...they can't understand we all have Matrix's achievemnts here through our hands (how can you say in front of my eyes ?)
They waste their time,believe me..
Bye [ September 06, 2001: Message edited by: ruxius ]


Italian Soldier,German Discipline!

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Post #: 4
- 9/7/2001 6:51:00 AM   

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From: Jackson Tn
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Hey guys, gotta agree. Complete happiness here. I too wonder about all the complaining. Comes with the territory. As I said earlier: This is a free game-I have 57 games I paid a lot of money for and never played most more than once or twice. SPWAW has held my interest for 18 months. Only Civilization ever came close to that record. Chill everyone. Dodya


"I hate newspapermen. They come into camp and pick up their camp rumors and print them as facts. I regard them as spies, which, in truth, they are. If I killed them all there would be news from Hell before breakfast."- W.T. Sherman

(in reply to Les_the_Sarge_9_1)
Post #: 5
- 9/7/2001 7:31:00 AM   

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From: Dismal Seepage Indiana
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i might be wrong,but it seems most of the cry babies have been relative newcomers who don't know about the "good 'ol days"..let's see now,Matrix gave us the game for FREE....then they dared to IMPROVE on it...AND gave us such a great forum (of their/our) own to share info with similar minded persons,WORLDWIDE.....hmmmm,seems to me the crybabies are likely the same guys who would 1.put graffiti everywhere,2.want egg in their beer,and up uninvited at somebody elses party to complain about the lack of consideration these days......


(in reply to Les_the_Sarge_9_1)
Post #: 6
- 9/7/2001 8:18:00 AM   


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Eerste: Ask them how they liked the price. Tweede: I have encountered a few glitches, like the indestructible small units of 5,2, and occasional missing destroyed vehicle. SO BLERRIE WHAT!!! This is the best f#kk#ng WW2 game in history, so belt up, whingers! You don't blerrie like the game, don't blerrie play it. Go play the latest Quake clone. Sorry about the testiness, but Matrix has devoted so much time and effort, (and money) in giving, (Ja, whingers, giving) this game that they deserve applause, not censure. Got to get back to my command. Have to run the Jerries out of Arnhem. Ta-Ta. troopie


Pamwe Chete

(in reply to Les_the_Sarge_9_1)
Post #: 7
- 9/7/2001 10:38:00 AM   


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Well, I'm new at this game, but I'll toss in my 2 cents I guess. I've spotted things that at first unnerved me or I found incongruous but I just took them as nuances of the game to be factored in to play style, or obstacles to overcome/neutralize, to put it in a tactical metaphor. I mean, I understand serious issues, sure, but not whining about the AI "cheating" or whatnot. A good commander in the field, or on the mousepad, if you will, will find ways to deal with the unexpected. I've never had any technical glitches in the game so far except he annoying "psychadelic colors" when alt-tabbing, but I didn't see it as a big deal or go whining to the developers or demanding it be patched NOW!!...I did wonder about halftrack "turret" damage, but I phrased my observation in a question, not as "this is a bug!!" format...perhaps those who find fault in the game could phrase their concerns in a non-accusatory manner, getting all pissed/indignant amounts to beign about as effective as just advancing your tanks directly against the strongest other words, unnecessarily brutal, and the only end product is frustration.... Just a thought on what in my humble opinion is a great game, -Tim


(in reply to Les_the_Sarge_9_1)
Post #: 8
- 9/7/2001 11:41:00 AM   
Larry W. Wilson


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Well,my two cents may not be worth much, but I LIKE SPWaW...and love the MC. I just finished up the MC and found it to be a real challenge and a lot of fun. Maybe I like playing so much that I don't worry about some of the stuff I see guys complaining about. I've preordered the Lost Victories CD and am a loyal customer. Matrix has gone to extraordinary lengths to give us grognards the best WWII game out there. Thanks Matrix..keep up the good work.


Twenty-Nine, Let's Go

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Post #: 9
- 9/7/2001 12:09:00 PM   

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Status: offline turn...well...I guess since we are being blunt...I bought MC desert Fox...had trouble with it,...still have trouble with it...BUT...I will buy the next one too..and the one after that.
The amount of game playing...and comp. enjoyment of wargaming...that Matrix has givin' many of you bought other off the shelf games at the software store , that have sat on the shelf.....ALOT...I think. Myself included.
they listen to our suggestions...answer our responses.. blunt....if you like what you have gotten /or are looking forward to...then stand behind them. If not... GO. No hard feelings...just go...if you wanna come and look at the forum time to time...good...
If you wish to come back at a later date....great... I/we(I hope) (the forum)...will welcome you with open armes...
OK...I said my mind...if I'm out of line...tell me so....but I don't think I am....
Take care all.....


(in reply to Les_the_Sarge_9_1)
Post #: 10
- 9/7/2001 4:23:00 PM   


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From: Cento, Italy
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I can say only few word to Matrix: T H A N K Y O U ! ! ! WONDERFUL GAME, WONDERFUL SUPPORT. I'm waiting Combat Leader and in the meanwhile I've pre-ordered MCLV. I play SP since SP1 a long time ago and then SP2 and SP3.
Steel Panther is the best computer wargame I have play. And SPWAW is the masterpiece.


"Violence is the last resource of incompetents". (I. Asimov)

(in reply to Les_the_Sarge_9_1)
Post #: 11
- 9/7/2001 6:51:00 PM   
Panzer Capta

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The only serious bugs are the unwarranted negative comments.....they should truely be squashed!!!


(in reply to Les_the_Sarge_9_1)
Post #: 12
- 9/7/2001 7:11:00 PM   

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From: West Palm Beach, FL USA
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I recently tried to list all the things I love about SPWaW, from the fact I am in contact with gamers worldwide who I never would have met otherwise, to the fact the game is free. I gave up as it was becoming too time-comsuming! There were just too many reasons why SPWaW is the best!


Retreat is NOT an option.

(in reply to Les_the_Sarge_9_1)
Post #: 13
- 9/7/2001 7:12:00 PM   


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SPWAW is absolutly one of the best games I've ever played, possibly it's only civilization that rivals it for me. I can't understand why some complain so loud about SPWAW when it's for free! Reporting bugs and coming with creative suggestion is another thing though. So far Matrix Games has fixed most errors/bugs I've noticed, and there hasn't been many of those.
I enjoy SPWAW tremendously and have bought both MC. I must say I'm having trouble with MCNA, not with bugs but with winning some of the scenarios, but if it wasn't a challenge it wouldn't be worth the price. Keep up the good work Matrix and I'm looking forward to your own developped games. Melcer


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Post #: 14
- 9/7/2001 7:35:00 PM   


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The only bug I ever saw was probably the highlight of my SPWAW playing life. I'm not sure what it was supposed to be but some of my doughty boys were forced to hide deep in their foxholes as a horse drawn wagon flew over my position dropping "bombs" of some sort (they were fairly ineffective, so possibly the majority of the bombing was horse manure). Personally, I couldn't wait for them to come back and strafe...


(in reply to Les_the_Sarge_9_1)
Post #: 15
- 9/7/2001 7:54:00 PM   


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Just to throw my penny into the ring.
SPWAW is absorbing to say the least - if people dont like the game go then they should just go and BUY something different instead. There being the catch that SPWAW is FREE and not £30 or £40. Yes there are a few features - i work closely on a day to day basis with guys at redmond (thats microsoft) and there software costs a fortune and they have bugs - its software it happens. Matrix work hard to fix the bugs and again all for free. I was a founder of a dot-com comapany (sorry about the plug) - which provides free web-services (chat, forums, home-pages, and several other services) to 750,000 people - the tech support is hideous and costs a fortune. So i understand what matrix are going through - for those that dont its pretty simply - PUT up with it or Go elsewhere - reporting bugs is important - but doing it in a whiny - slagging off manner is not the way forward.
To all at matrix - keep up the good work - and wild bill - plrease reply to my email re sealion


(in reply to Les_the_Sarge_9_1)
Post #: 16
- 9/7/2001 8:03:00 PM   


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Some posts here make me plenty of happiness...
My ever best favourite game so appreciated from such a crowded crew of wargamers !
And who can really forget the first Civilization ? or Wing Commander ?
What did Matrix that is great is that gave a Son to the old SP1...neither Sid Meier IMHO succeded in this difficult task...nor the SSI itself !


Italian Soldier,German Discipline!

(in reply to Les_the_Sarge_9_1)
Post #: 17
- 9/7/2001 9:04:00 PM   

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From: Jackson Tn
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I have always defended MatrixGames and SPWAW. But if there is on complaint that can hold water it is this: It takes up a lot of our time. I may soon be divorced over this great game. But, in my opinion it will be worth it.LOL Dodya, dasvadanya


"I hate newspapermen. They come into camp and pick up their camp rumors and print them as facts. I regard them as spies, which, in truth, they are. If I killed them all there would be news from Hell before breakfast."- W.T. Sherman

(in reply to Les_the_Sarge_9_1)
Post #: 18
- 9/7/2001 9:38:00 PM   


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For all of those who think they ought to have a perfect game in SPW@W: Take the money you did not spend on the game. Purchase large quantity of crying towels. Apply same as often as necessary. If symptoms persist, buy and install a REAL problem game, such as MS Train Simulation. Then you WILL have something to moan about. The person who said: Better to light one candle than curse the darkness - I think said it all. Just once I would like to have these people say: What can I do to make this a better game, how can I help? Bing


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(in reply to Les_the_Sarge_9_1)
Post #: 19
- 9/7/2001 11:22:00 PM   
Paul Vebber

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Huffy - have you tried the Beta patch? IF you would let me know teh trouble you are having (or refresh my memory if you have told me once... )


(in reply to Les_the_Sarge_9_1)
Post #: 20
- 9/8/2001 12:51:00 AM   


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Listen to him Huffy..his help is real !
Thank you very much Paul - (officially) - for your help !


Italian Soldier,German Discipline!

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Post #: 21
- 9/8/2001 2:33:00 AM   


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hello all ...
that's the way , everything is for free , almost everybody is polite , give something to turn the game even better or leave ... that's what i think...


A sorte protege os audazes

(in reply to Les_the_Sarge_9_1)
Post #: 22
- 9/8/2001 4:56:00 AM   


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"You don't have to lie, or 'rose color' things, but please be responsible in your criticsm! DOuble check your facts, if you think something is REALLY broke, send a private message or drop an email before you decaare the sky to be falling for some reason.
We are on the brink of really great things, but wargamers can be fickle, so is your right! But be aware of the impact you can have, and what is in the best interests of wargamings future in the long run. "
Above a quote from Paul on another thread-same basic topic. It fits so well I thought I'd reproduce it here. WARNING About to sprain my arm patting myself on the back WARNING I've posted a few times about the difference between "Whining" and actual real problems to be sorted. I've seen in the two or so years I've been on this forum, that many of the "problems" are:
1- Didn't know that issue is adjustable with the preference screen
2- "The other side's too good." AKA The Allied/Axis bias syndrome.
3- Relying on some secondary source material, some questionable, as God's own truth and belittling arguments to the contrary.
4- Flamers/Trolls and other such bottom-feeders.
Before thousands respond saying "how else can I get questions answered?", my point especially concerning #1 above is there's a way to ask if this is a design choice, simple oversight, or something one doesn't know how to change. Yelling on the forums that "this game sucks because of xxxx" is what I object to.


"...these go up to eleven."
Nigel Tufnel

(in reply to Les_the_Sarge_9_1)
Post #: 23
- 9/8/2001 6:16:00 AM   
Neil Stalker


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SPWAW is the best of the genre and hey can you beat the price and the level of support that is given. Paul,David and Michael spend 100s of hours on this. The Design Teams spend 100s of hours on MCs. Yes SPWAW has some idiosycrancis(however you spell that) but that adds to the charm of the game. And no matter if Matrix don't develop it anymore there are a faithful band of enthusiasts out there who will keep tweaking it. Unless someone has something positive to say or a constructive idea I think they are a waste of time and space. Hell my own thing I would love to see is spotter planes that is in SPWW2 but I know its not feasible.


Neil "Dingo" Stalker
Wild Bill's Raiders

(in reply to Les_the_Sarge_9_1)
Post #: 24
- 9/8/2001 10:57:00 PM   


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i agree with the other posts. no more words to say. only a question: where is the game on STRATEGIC level that is perhaps as good as SPWAW on the tactical WW 2 section. i want to comand whole divisons / korps. airforces and ships. want to change production and control even diplomatic and economic options. it should have good graphic and a good interface.
if it´s modern time or WW I or II doesn´t matter that much.......IS SOMETHING OUT THERE LIKE THIS??


Greetings Frank

(in reply to Les_the_Sarge_9_1)
Post #: 25
- 9/8/2001 11:36:00 PM   
Zevious Zoquis


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I have to agree with the general sentiment here. I completely commend Matrix for the work they've done. I just can't believe it when people slog a project like this. If you ask me, any complaints about bugs/glitches in SPWAW should be presented in the absolutely "humblest" possible way. If you are going to complain about something your post should begin something like this: "I absolutley love and appreciate the work you've done on SP. Please forgive me for pointing out the following miniscule issue (which in no way diminishes my appreciation of the product or the tremendous amount of effort you've put into improving it)..."


(in reply to Les_the_Sarge_9_1)
Post #: 26
- 9/9/2001 12:13:00 AM   

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Not only is SPW@W free, its entertaining, its interesting, and is ever improving. To quote an old proverb, "You get more bees with honey than salt". So quit salting and if you don't like the game buy one you do like and see what you get. I have a few that even the manufacturer could not get to work. This game works, perfect no, but what the heck. Another plus side to this game is the people you meet on this forum, and who are ready to assist you with your problems. Thanks to Matrix and those that have helped me along the way, you know who you are.....Chief


"God Bless America and All the Young men and women who give their all to protect Her"....chief

(in reply to Les_the_Sarge_9_1)
Post #: 27
- 9/9/2001 12:14:00 AM   


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Eheheheh entries can not be said to need any particular advices here..they show at first a high maturity..
I definitively think these fellows may be interested in destroy more than communicate..
I don't know their reasons..they just exists..I surely know they only look for excuses..
when it's so clear I know they don't deserve any credit ..
Matrix's enemies ? maybe some competitors...or some people who thinks to be part of...'nothing'
boh !


Italian Soldier,German Discipline!

(in reply to Les_the_Sarge_9_1)
Post #: 28
- 9/9/2001 12:16:00 AM   
Mike Oshiki


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I think there is a difference between constructive input (criticism) and whining. The "agents provocateurs" who incite these flame sessions with their incessant whining should suffer the fate of those convicted of high treason. On other notes, I bought the first MC prior to my move this summer and am now just getting started with the first campaign. Guess I'd better get the patch from you Paul. Still waiting to find out when your O5 promo is... Mike


(in reply to Les_the_Sarge_9_1)
Post #: 29
- 9/9/2001 12:35:00 AM   


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Originally posted by Zevious Zoquis:
I have to agree with the general sentiment here. I completely commend Matrix for the work they've done. I just can't believe it when people slog a project like this. If you ask me, any complaints about bugs/glitches in SPWAW should be presented in the absolutely "humblest" possible way. If you are going to complain about something your post should begin something like this: "I absolutley love and appreciate the work you've done on SP. Please forgive me for pointing out the following miniscule issue (which in no way diminishes my appreciation of the product or the tremendous amount of effort you've put into improving it)..."
No. Zevious, you don't need to snivel or grovel. But beginning a post with something like "This game sucks," gets you the answer, "Then why do you play it?" I have complained loudly in the past, but never in a disparaging way. troopie


Pamwe Chete

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Post #: 30
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