Posts: 257
Joined: 1/31/2003 Status: offline
ORIGINAL: M4Jess I have not read any of the OOBs threads, here or on any other SPWAW web page. and I dont plan to. I will always play the most up-dated OOBs, not because I want to, because I have too. I love this Game. I think the OOB people are making the game worse, and have been doing so for 2 years. The only real good OOB change is Panzer Leos H2H. I for one hope he will NOT do one for 8.0+ Its not because I dont like 8.0+, Its because I dont like the up-grades. The copy file (game size) and DLs, and over write and what-is too much I really dont give a hoot about the OOB to date. I loved 7.1 and 5.2 for gods sake! This is really about a game right? and most players (1000's strong), and not a few members that get to pick the OOB's From a design stand point..I Really dont care.. like I said its all albout this great game. I and many others, design our scenarios to the most up-dated OOBs. 8.0+ ..but let this be the last one. IMO the attention should be on the great maps! and who gave us thes SHPs..RockingHarry and Tracer. There is so much we can all give back to this game...I think Matrix has done that. I say let this be the last OOB, and pay more attention on way more cool things like maps. The OOBs are ok..damn sissys Jess Frankly speaking, I am quite comfortable with H2H except one fact that the HEAT of the PV IV came into service too early and the flak 88 wont fire at coming aircraft. However it was not corrected after repeating request. As I play SPWAW more and more, I found that they are going for game balance more and more often. And futher to that I am still waiting for somebody to convert those german words to English too. Overall it is quite ok compare to version 8.0. Much better actually. Ver 8.0 is acutally a great disappointment because it has too many mistake in the oob when the version was released.