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Joined: 3/8/2004 From: Wisconsin Status: offline
right nopw im playing a scenario after ichiki and bloody ridge 4 weeks of hell i think its called ive lost only a couple ships, the japs have lost about 10, including i-7, my first sub kill ive reinforced guadalcanal, aeriasl and ground troops there r about 45000 allied troops on the canal i wiped out the jap presence at taivu, preparing to attack tassafaraonga i sent 12 subs to patrol off tassafaronga, and they have been SLAUGHTERING jap warships and transports im flying supplies in primarily 2 fuel convoys reached tulagi (2 TKs) and lunga (3TKs) and ive been using pt boats to good effect, basing them at tulagi 1 of my pt boats put a torp into the kongo at 1 time there were 4 jap carries nw of the canal, but i hurt them pretty bad according to intel, none were sunk, but theyre no doubt OOA so far as i can tell, there are only approx 15000 japs on the canal i have about a 3 to 1 advantage over them ive been knocking zeros and bombers out of the sky with my aprox 10 fighter squadrons at henderson this will b the 2nd time ive secured the canal and yes, b4 i sent enterprise to pearl i took off her CAG and a bmb force of about 15 DDs is heading for tassafaronga it will b 1 3 pronged, 3-D assault against the japs there ive also consolidated a few b17 groups into about 2 as soon as i get more and consiolidate them ill launch attacks against shortland and rabaul i also found out i forgot addtl av spprt onhenderson but other than that, its going good in addition, all of my carriers r still afloat so, its going very good at 1point i thot there was a chance that id lose the canal, but i believe that qick action, with a VERY tight sea blockade, ive been strangling the japs hold and supply line to the canal i think i will secure the canal by the end of november approx 3 months ahead of history