Sgt Popov
Posts: 101
Joined: 4/7/2000 From: Ga USA Status: offline
I have been playing LV for a week or so, and the following has occured: I had a "replay loop" of several scenarios, and now on the Collective Farm scenario the game gets to about the 7-8th turn, and then either crashes, says it is waiting to sync and then locks up, or just cuts off. The autosave feature starts me back at the beginning of the scenario. I have tried replaying it several times (I am really good at this one now), but it continually screws up. I checked the forums last night, and installed a 7.1 beta patch, but once again today, it did it again. Whats the deal with a correct patch? I really didnt enjoy replaying scenarios repeatedly either. Please advise.
- Sergeant, what should I do if my parachute won't open? - Bring it back and I'll replace it.