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Joined: 9/17/2001 From: Toronto, Canada Status: offline
I'm going to be away on a much-needed vacation for the first couple of weeks of May. I'm hoping that v1.50 will be out by the time I get back. I want to try to upgrade my current game against PzB, but I also want to start two other campaign games as the Allies under the new version: 1 - A historic start where we let the AI run December 7 for us and see how well the game plays afterwards. This will be run under the "usual" conditions: sub doctrines off for both sides (and the AI sub control off right from the beginning), Allied "repair" doctrine on, one day turns, fixed reinforcements and so on. We'll make it as "vanilla ice cream" as possible. Let's see how well the Game behaves "as designed" under v1.50. 2 - A No-Whiners non-historic start where we both do whatever we want to do with no constraints on either side. We will use all of the conditions I've listed above with the following three additional "understandings": 2.1 - Both sides can send any and all forces ANYWHERE they want on the first turn and afterwards. So, for example, if I pull everything that will move out of Pearl or Manila or Singapore - that's the way it goes. If you want to pull everyone out of Manchuria and the coast of China, feel free. 2.2 - Both sides can attack ANYWHERE during the game at any time. So, for example, if you want to bomb every port in the Pacific on the first turn, feel free. 2.3 - Neither side will whine about buggy play, "unhistorical" play, bad game design, or even so-called "catastrophic" bugs. So if your Zekes don't show up, tough luck - it's only a game. The point is to see how wild we can go with this game. So, for example, if you want to invade Russia, China, and India simultaneously on the first turn; go ahead. Using the hex edges to trap opposing forces is fine. Go all-out to capture the Allied reinforcement entry hexes. Also, for example, if you fail to protect your Manchurian bases, I capture them and they become Soviet bases - "tough titty" (to use a War Time term). We won't consider that a "Bug", we'll consider that an "undocumented design feature". Also, for example, if either of us wants to put 25 DDs in an ASW TF - cool - make as many of them as you please. Likewise, if I want to put a 1000 bombers at 100 feet and pound your bases into dust - "them's the breaks". My point here is to test the new version past the breaking point. Anything and everything goes. Anyone here want to try this come May 18th or so? Thanks - Dave Baranyi