ragtopcars_slith -> To continue beating a dead horse... (12/15/2005 8:35:44 AM)
All right, this is a major barn burner... Earlier I had posted that while playing WITP 1.602 with CHS 1.06 my Imperial Guards division teleported from Chittagong to PM. After multiple attempts to replay the proceeding turns to see if the same error was generated, the unit still tele'd. My PBEM buddy and I decided that if Michalm couldn't fix the database, we would charge on like good troopers... so, we thought we would give it another turn and see how things went[8|] only to find that after the IG division had gone from Chittagong to PM, now it had managed to use Star Trek technology and get themselves to Townsville[X(] on the next turn... I think the IJA has decided to do a world wide tour[:-] Anyone have any ideas? or do we have to wait for patch 1.80... humbly yours derek the world wide tour guide