Fabio Prado -> (7/13/2000 1:50:00 AM)
Paul, I have the book.It's "Germany's TIGER Tanks - Tiger I & II: Combat Tactics" by Thomas L Jentz.
On page 18, you'll find:
" 4. Turret Mantle at 30 degrees Compound Angle - 6 pounder APDS
Three rounds. Numbers 27, 28, and 29, resulted in the nose lodging for one round and two non-defeats at striking velocities of 3357, 3351, and 3551 ft/sec, respectively. From rounds 27 and 28 an estimated limit was obtained at 3354 ft/s, representing a range of approximately 1200 yards. Round 27, striking in the area of the turret telescope, sheared two bracket-holding bolts but otherwise appeared to do little damage."
"5. Turret Mantle at Normal - 6 pounder APCBC
Round 73, striking at 2398 ft/s, 1.5 inches above the lower edge of the mantlet, scooped down through the roof, holing same 7.5 x 4 inches. Considerable damage was caused to the rear end of the transmission. Fragments of roof plate were found on the driver's seat.The driver would have beenkilled and other members of the crew may have been casualties."
On page 13, however, in Table 7.3.3; Jentz states:
Range in meters at which the Tiger I could be Penetrated at a side angle of 30 degrees:
FRONT 57mm 6 pounder APCBC
Gun Mantlet 0
Turret 0
Superstructure 0
Hull 0
Penetration ability of the 6 pounder:
457 81mm 131mm
914 74mm 117mm
1371 63mm -
1828 56mm 90mm
Source: Guns vs. Armor Website, Copyright 1999 David Michael Honner.
Originally posted by Paul Vebber:
This boils down to being something of a "glass half empty/glass half full" sort of thing.
The pictures show clearly that there are places where the armor is thicker than "front" or teh "mantle" and others where the mantle is teh nly protection. The problem comes in deciding which value to use if you have to pick one. Some think the lessor, some the higher.
Jentz has a good record of shots at different locals by different weapons and summarizes by indicating that the "mantle" how ever he defined it, was significantly harder to penetrate than the "front".
If someone has that book, what was teh penetration of the 6 lber APDS? I think it was largely ineffective but managed one penetration? THis would argue for something like 180 as a compromise value giving the 6 lber APDS some chance?
Looking at this from an effectiveness standpoint I think is the only way to get a good compromise rather than simply picking numbers out of the air, or making it an "either/or"
Fabio Prado [email]fprado@fprado.com[/email]
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