huggarn -> What to make of DiveBombers? (1/30/2006 1:38:05 PM)
Im playing as Japan, with custom upgrade = on, and I wonder what to do with the divebombers? In China you have respectable number of divebombers, a mix of Ki-30 Ann, Ki-32 Mary, Ki-51 Sonia. As I can se it in China the Mary and Ann are preferable because of the higher bombload. So why switch to the Sonia with the shortest range and lowest bombload and lowest endurance. Ok it have armor and higher manuver(+4) and durability(+4). But as I figured it out the bombload determins the damage done and not to say that the range is valuable. In my experience you dont need to worry about heavy flak or CAP in China. So my questions are as follows : Shall I upgrade Ann and Mary to Sonia or shall I go for the punch and upgrade them to all to Lilys? The default path is Ann--> Sonia ; Mary --> Lily; Ann --> NONE. Theres a posibility to change some to Helen bombers and they pack quite a punch! Or shall I use them as they are, that is let them stay in the old model and maybe covert a small factory to Ann. And one last question : is there any bonus/penalties for divebombers in the game?