RE: New Development for War In The Pacific -- MUST READ (Full Version)

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Demosthenes -> RE: New Development for War In The Pacific -- MUST READ (3/4/2006 6:01:56 PM)


ORIGINAL: ParachuteProne

Have you thought of doing a War in the Atlantic/Med addon?


Would be a wonderful addition...

jwilkerson -> RE: New Development for War In The Pacific -- MUST READ (3/4/2006 6:09:31 PM)


ORIGINAL: irrelevant

This is GREAT where do we go with our (most humble[;)]) suggestions and requests?

I'd say for now let's keep using the WITP Wish List. If something is not appropriate for WITP-1 it can just go on the ( future ) list for WITP-2. I don't think there are many WITP-1 suggestions or requests that are not already on the Wish List, but there might be a few. But don't worry necessarily about reading through the entire list before posting. I've read through the entire list and can pretty much eliminate duplicates on my side. It would however be a slight help if creating a post with multiple suggestions to number the nultiple suggestions. In my suggestion database, I carry one line for each suggestion, so for those who make 10 suggestions in one post, I store ten lines in my database. Multiple suggestions per post is fine, but having them numbered helps in the transcribing process.


Demosthenes -> RE: New Development for War In The Pacific -- MUST READ (3/4/2006 6:10:33 PM)



This is where I drop by and say "I told ya so" ... problem is it still doesn't make up for all the whining and abuse [:'(]

Well, no one likes abuse...but I think if it wasn't for all the 'whining' we may not have gotten to this happy development[;)] (squeaky wheel syndrome)

Rysyonok -> RE: New Development for War In The Pacific -- MUST READ (3/4/2006 6:19:28 PM)

Congratulations to Don and Joe :)

Can't wait to see new features *wink*

jwilkerson -> RE: New Development for War In The Pacific -- MUST READ (3/4/2006 6:27:24 PM)


ORIGINAL: Mike Scholl


ORIGINAL: jwilkerson

Greetings all,

Some things to keep in mind. Because we don't want to get distracted by launching new initiatives until we've got the 1.8 patch in hand, we will not be focusing on new development activities initially. However, once we have 1.8 released, then we will be interacting with the forum more to determine what is next. As soon as Don and I have taken care of some logistical matters to get us up and running, we will be estimating a timeframe for 1.8 and we will get that to you, I expect that estimate to be done in about a week.

Also, I have gone through ( manually ) the WITP Wish list thread and pulled the data from the first 400 or so items, in that list. There are a number of duplicates, but not too many. But I would say that the wish list is still a useful place to record suggestions.

Thanks for the "greetings" and know that Don and I are excited to be joining the team and for the opportunity to try to take WITP in directions that will be good for all of us.

Sounds like a reasonable starting point. May I ask one thing. If/when you ever get around to playing with WITP II, will you consider making it a PBEM game first and formost. PLEASE! Almost all the "problems" in the current game seem to trace back to the need to make it playable against the computer. I know this is popular with many players, but it seems to have made far to many of the problems unsolvable..., as well as creating such unworkable or totally screwed up sub-systems like the uncontrollable "overland supply movement" system or the "automatic convoy (destruction) system". Please make a game that works..., then if you must, put an AI on some of the scenarios where the scope and the demands on the AI can be limited.

My thoughts on the "AI" have been aired previously, but briefly re-stating. In any piece of real software, we must have a solid "test harness". I view the "AI" ( or perhaps more precisely, the operational and strategic components of the "AI" ) as essential components of the "test harness". Hence we cannot produce a WITP-2 without a test harness ( and thus not without an "AI" ).

This being said, the idea would be to have the "AI" scriptable, so that it can be changed and enhanced by developers and modders alike. But being able to test the software through many days or months or even years of play absolutely requires an AI. Otherwise we would never live long enough to test much of what needs to be tested, manually. And note that we would expect to spend a significant chunk of time of this "test harness" ( a.k.a. "AI" ) as this is really the only way we can adequately test a game of this size ... and to put out a game of this size without adequate testing would not be on our agenda.

Think of the old board games we've played, like original WITP. We know they never tested that baby from 1 Dec 41 through 15 Aug 1945 ... weren't enough years between when they started working on it and when they finished. And this would be true of almost every monster ( board ) game we've ever played. The power of the computer gives us the ability to automate the testing ( in supplement to manual Human testing ) which is a capability we never had with the old board games. So I welcome this new ability to automate much of the testing, because in the old days, the larger games were simply released untested ( at the strategic level ). They had no choice, we do, we should take advantage of the option ( to test at the strategic level ). And in the process of so doing, we will build a scriptable AI, which can be used to play against the computer ( though I would not expect it to be as strong as a human player ! ).

ckk -> RE: New Development for War In The Pacific -- MUST READ (3/4/2006 6:44:23 PM)

Sorry [:(] I don't have another address. Would of really liked his contribution's to this game. But anyway cogratulation's to you and Joe and don't let the negatavism get you down. This a great game and you guy's will only make it better!!

BTW I play with Nik's Mod The A2A and other changes(logistics + realistic ac replacement rates etc)have made the game more enjoyable. Again Good Luck


Brady -> RE: New Development for War In The Pacific -- MUST READ (3/4/2006 6:50:29 PM)

The Dream Lives On...........




Full OOB....

All the Air Units and the planes they realy Flew........

It's good to want things, even better when you get them, or at least the hope of it happing, Thanks for all the efort guy's it is appricated[:)]

Black Mamba 1942 -> RE: New Development for War In The Pacific -- MUST READ (3/5/2006 12:44:21 AM)



The Dream Lives On...........


It's good to want things, even better when you get them, or at least the hope of it happing, Thanks for all the efort guy's it is appricated[:)]

I'm envisioning Sampan Amphibious TF's moving at x20 on GT 1.[:D]
Phew! Thank god I woke up from that nightmare.[;)]

mutterfudder -> RE: New Development for War In The Pacific -- MUST READ (3/5/2006 1:41:37 AM)

Great,gophers greasy,gimmy, guys are ubove and beyond the call....


39battalion -> RE: New Development for War In The Pacific -- MUST READ (3/5/2006 4:58:39 AM)

This is truly great news[:D][:D][:D][:D]

Very pleased also that Joe has confirmed that the AI will not be neglected---good news for all of the vs. AI players out there and a sensible commercial decision with regard to the customer base.

I hope this very positive development might entice Mr Frag back into a more active involvement. His contribution to the development of the game and his assistance to newbies over the years has been outstanding IMHO.

David Heath -> RE: New Development for War In The Pacific -- MUST READ (3/5/2006 6:14:27 AM)


ORIGINAL: Demosthenes



This is where I drop by and say "I told ya so" ... problem is it still doesn't make up for all the whining and abuse [:'(]

Well, no one likes abuse...but I think if it wasn't for all the 'whining' we may not have gotten to this happy development[;)] (squeaky wheel syndrome)

Trust me the whining and abuse has nothing to do with it..... more our love for the game and the dedication of the fans.


1275psi -> RE: New Development for War In The Pacific -- MUST READ (3/5/2006 11:14:02 AM)


Am i the last one to hear of this!!!!!!!!

Now what!!!!

18 months of REAL LIFE on WITP dedicated to a game -and 3 more years to go -and WITP2 coming out!
AND I just started a new one -that means if I don't get an Auto victory quick -I'LL NEVER FIND TIME FOR ANYTHING NEW FOR GAWDS SAKE!

and this news has me very excited!


Oliver Heindorf -> RE: New Development for War In The Pacific -- MUST READ (3/5/2006 1:36:03 PM)

thank you Matrix and all the others ! [:)]

Derbe ! [:D]

ctangus -> RE: New Development for War In The Pacific -- MUST READ (3/5/2006 5:43:20 PM)


ORIGINAL: jwilkerson

This being said, the idea would be to have the "AI" scriptable, so that it can be changed and enhanced by developers and modders alike. But being able to test the software through many days or months or even years of play absolutely requires an AI. Otherwise we would never live long enough to test much of what needs to be tested, manually. And note that we would expect to spend a significant chunk of time of this "test harness" ( a.k.a. "AI" ) as this is really the only way we can adequately test a game of this size ... and to put out a game of this size without adequate testing would not be on our agenda.

Think of the old board games we've played, like original WITP. We know they never tested that baby from 1 Dec 41 through 15 Aug 1945 ... weren't enough years between when they started working on it and when they finished. And this would be true of almost every monster ( board ) game we've ever played. The power of the computer gives us the ability to automate the testing ( in supplement to manual Human testing ) which is a capability we never had with the old board games. So I welcome this new ability to automate much of the testing, because in the old days, the larger games were simply released untested ( at the strategic level ). They had no choice, we do, we should take advantage of the option ( to test at the strategic level ). And in the process of so doing, we will build a scriptable AI, which can be used to play against the computer ( though I would not expect it to be as strong as a human player ! ).

A scriptable AI would be great. People who play vs. the AI could tweak it to their liking. Also I'd recommend that the script be changeable mid-game and not only at the start. In playing the AI I noticed it would sometimes get stubborn about launching hopeless attacks against strongpoints. It'd make the AI more of a challenge if you could quick go in & say - hey - stop that!

That could also lead to a subculture of my script vs your script players. E.g. load in your scripts, run the game AI vs AI for a week or month or two, modify your scripts & continue. One could at least get through an entire war quickly that way.

Tom Hunter -> RE: New Development for War In The Pacific -- MUST READ (3/5/2006 6:19:34 PM)

Here is my wish list for the game:

No more dissapearing units. Leaders are units and mine vanish at a stunning rate.

My wish list for WitP II

Combat systems that are based on real analysis of actual combat data, that produce results in line with historical results.

Compared to this, everything else is minor.

But blimps with pinup nose art would be nice, especially if there was an enlarge feature so we could get a better look. [:D]

demonterico -> RE: New Development for War In The Pacific -- MUST READ (3/5/2006 7:13:40 PM)

Welcome Joe and Don, and thanks Matrix for your dedication and hard work.

Mike Scholl -> RE: New Development for War In The Pacific -- MUST READ (3/5/2006 8:21:24 PM)



This is where I drop by and say "I told ya so" ... problem is it still doesn't make up for all the whining and abuse [:'(]

FRAG Glad to see you still "cruise the waters" from time to time. Thanks for your efforts in keeping things under control. One thing you ought to have from all that time beating your head on the keybord is a pretty fair "gut feeling" for what issues got the greatest response from the greatest number of players (as well as what issues aroused the most furor from a few). Hopefully you will pass it along to the "newbies" sometime to help guid them to things that will please the greatest number of players. Now that you've achieved "Sagedom", it's only right that you pass on some of your accumulated knowledge...

Captain Cruft -> RE: New Development for War In The Pacific -- MUST READ (3/6/2006 2:03:16 AM)

Great news! Congrats to Don and Joe, all that inestimable work on the CHS paid off :)

Believe it or not, despite all my previous rantings, I would be quite wary about doing a WitP II. I do think that the existing engine could be "made good", which has to be an easier task. I will find the wish list thread and detail there ...

Admiral Scott -> RE: New Development for War In The Pacific -- MUST READ (3/6/2006 9:46:29 AM)


steveh11Matrix -> RE: New Development for War In The Pacific -- MUST READ (3/6/2006 12:57:36 PM)


ORIGINAL: Mike Scholl
Sounds like a reasonable starting point. May I ask one thing. If/when you ever get around to playing with WITP II, will you consider making it a PBEM game first and formost. PLEASE! Almost all the "problems" in the current game seem to trace back to the need to make it playable against the computer. I know this is popular with many players, but it seems to have made far to many of the problems unsolvable..., as well as creating such unworkable or totally screwed up sub-systems like the uncontrollable "overland supply movement" system or the "automatic convoy (destruction) system". Please make a game that works..., then if you must, put an AI on some of the scenarios where the scope and the demands on the AI can be limited.


This would destroy the game for me. I go back to the oft mentioned contrast between the proportions of solo vs PBEM players overall, vs the same proportions of that subset who actually visit and post here.

There MUST be an AI that will, at the least, provide an opponent for solo players. Failure to do so would drastically limit the appeal of the game.


Sonny -> RE: New Development for War In The Pacific -- MUST READ (3/6/2006 3:44:56 PM)


ORIGINAL: jwilkerson


And in the process of so doing, we will build a scriptable AI, which can be used to play against the computer ( though I would not expect it to be as strong as a human player ! ).

This scriptable AI - will it not also use a computer? When this scriptable AI plays the computer what will the computer use to determine its moves? This is all so confusing.

mark24 -> RE: New Development for War In The Pacific -- MUST READ (3/6/2006 4:12:15 PM)

Will the patch require I start a new game?

timtom -> RE: New Development for War In The Pacific -- MUST READ (3/6/2006 4:20:27 PM)

Wow - that's the best news I've heard in a while!

God help Don & Joe! [:D]

Skyros -> RE: New Development for War In The Pacific -- MUST READ (3/6/2006 7:22:40 PM)

"And there was great rejoicing through out the land"

invernomuto -> RE: New Development for War In The Pacific -- MUST READ (3/6/2006 8:49:50 PM)

Thanks the Thread for giving us WITP II

siRkid -> RE: New Development for War In The Pacific -- MUST READ (3/6/2006 10:32:24 PM)

Welcome! Great News.

Xargun -> RE: New Development for War In The Pacific -- MUST READ (3/7/2006 1:25:52 AM)

Can I be the first to buy it again ??? I promise to buy at least 5 copies again :) But this time let me know first so I don't show up in my lounge around the house clothes :) Actually this is great news and look forward to it sometime in the near future.


rogueusmc -> RE: New Development for War In The Pacific -- MUST READ (3/7/2006 6:04:12 AM)



Can I be the first to buy it again ??? I promise to buy at least 5 copies again :) But this time let me know first so I don't show up in my lounge around the house clothes :)...


You'll have time for another long gme AND get your wardobe straightened out...[:D]

Admiral Scott -> RE: New Development for War In The Pacific -- MUST READ (3/7/2006 6:10:09 AM)

After the next patch, what would an expansion pack, or WITP 2, add to the game?

Better graphics and A.I.? I hope.
Support for 1280 x 1024 resolution is important in my opinion too.

I can't wait!
How fast can you guys program?

Andy Mac -> RE: New Development for War In The Pacific -- MUST READ (3/7/2006 7:15:27 PM)

You just made my millenium guys Mike Wood will be a hard act to keep up with but I am confident you will do well.

Best Wishes


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