RE: 56th Bde advances (Full Version)

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KDonovan -> RE: 56th Bde advances (4/22/2006 6:28:21 PM)

thank you Roger. I got the pictures online from various website's using google images search. Usually the maps had a lot of crap on them like names of cities/oceans/roads/mountains ect. So what i would do was trace the outline of the coast, then just fill in the ocean with 1 color, and fill in the land with another color, and wham! i had myself a blank map to work with. The rest is elementry

RUPD3658 -> RE: 56th Bde advances (4/26/2006 3:12:13 AM)

Bataan fell on 12-27 so my claim that I could take the PI in less than a month has been proven to be true.

Air drop on Kendari took out the defenders there.

The KB wandered a little too close to Seorabaja and discovered that it was a hornet's nest of 4E bombers. My cap did not fly as ordered (only 28 went up) and 3 DDs and a CL got beaten up pretty bad.

I am figuring that he is short of AV support and supplies so I don't think Fortress Java will be able to remain a threat for long.

So far Kenny is showing himself to be extremly good at using surface TFs to slow my advance. My LBA has yet to be a factor having only sunk about 10 AKs and a DD.

As my units run out of fuel and supplies my offensive is beginning to slow down. Now is when my Quartermaster skills will decide victoty or defeat.

KDonovan -> RE: Mayala debacle (4/30/2006 9:20:07 PM)

looks like i'll do a poorer job in mayala than done historically. You would think it would be easy just to retreat to Signapore, but not my troops. 1st they go to Georgetown to get trapped, this allows the rapid movement of jap forces down the west coast, thereby cutting off the east coast forces before they can reach the rail line. What a debacle. Now i got 1/3 less the forces to defend signapore.


KDonovan -> RE: Cruising the DEI (4/30/2006 10:01:52 PM)

what the KB has been up too (at least part of it [;)])


RUPD3658 -> RE: Cruising the DEI (5/2/2006 7:55:10 AM)

But where has the KB gone to now...........?[&:]

RUPD3658 -> RE: Cruising the DEI (5/3/2006 3:44:46 PM)

Heads up. Kenny smacked me bad this turn. I am sure he will post it soon. [:(]

ny59giants -> RE: Cruising the DEI (5/3/2006 6:55:19 PM)

Good to hear the "Evil Empire" may have gotten spanked!! [:D][:D]

I am trying to slow down those nasty Japs in my two games in about the same time (end of 12/41). One doing pretty good and the other not as well. [:(]

RUPD3658 -> RE: Cruising the DEI (5/3/2006 7:23:56 PM)

I took Kuching and put 100 Zeros and 100 Nells there to bomb his B-17s at Seorobaja.

The problem was that I put them on Naval attack/airfield attack. He put his B-17s on Airfield attack so they flew first and destroyed close to 80 planes on the ground. Ouch![:@]

On the plus side I trapped and destroyed 2 Burma Rifle Brigades last turn.

KDonovan -> RE: Cruising the DEI (5/3/2006 9:02:48 PM)

Burma Brigades....bleh!!...useless IMO [:D]. Taking Marcus Is last turn was the real prize

RUPD3658 -> RE: Cruising the DEI (5/4/2006 3:19:54 PM)

Send me your turn. You may not have it anymore[:'(]

KDonovan -> RE: Cruising the DEI (5/4/2006 7:46:24 PM)

turn we be sent out later today, have a meeting to go to in 20 minutes....then i got the afternoon off

RUPD3658 -> RE: Cruising the DEI (5/4/2006 10:24:49 PM)

.......Drools in anticipation........

My wife is working tonight so I have Dad duty until about 9pm. Don't have to be at work until 11 tomorrow (for a 16 hour shift) so I will try to send it back tonite.

Maybe my son (or cat) can give me a way to deal with the B-17s. [sm=00000018.gif]

Got a few suprizes planned for you this turn. [;)]

KDonovan -> RE: Road to Tokyo in Jan 42' (5/5/2006 6:53:44 AM)

moral booster for the Allies as they 2nd Marine Raider Btn takes Marcus in a daring daylight raid. What to do with the primitive base, remains to be seen. The date is Jan 8th


witpqs -> RE: Road to Tokyo in Jan 42' (5/5/2006 9:58:17 AM)



moral booster for the Allies as they 2nd Marine Raider Btn takes Marcus in a daring daylight raid.

Good job, Raiders! [sm=00000436.gif]


What to do with the primitive base, remains to be seen. The date is Jan 8th

Withdraw and live to fight another day!

RUPD3658 -> RE: Road to Tokyo in Jan 42' (5/6/2006 1:04:02 AM)

Ha! Captured the commander's shopping list! It will give them something to read while they all slowly starve![:D]

KDonovan -> RE: Bad week to be a Japanese pilot (5/6/2006 6:07:55 PM)

great week for me in the Air War. Doubt i'll get this luckly again. Now if i can only have the same success in the ground war.


KDonovan -> RE: Bad week to be a Japanese pilot (5/8/2006 1:42:48 AM)

Japan has secured Burma now. Only Signapore and Java stand in the way of the Japanese


KDonovan -> Beauforts, Engineers, Mines, oh my! (5/16/2006 3:53:20 AM)

Signapore continues to hold, as 80,000 jap troops continue to assault the fortress. Soon enough, only Java and Timor will remain


RUPD3658 -> Japs Advance! (5/31/2006 6:23:33 PM)

Kenny has been busy so I figure I will update everyone.

It is now 2/25 and Japan has cleared the PI, taken Malaya, and all of the DEI save Seorabaja and Timor.

In China, Changsha is mine as is all of North China.  Sian in contested and Homan is encircled. China is down to 950 supply per day due to a prolonged stategic bombing campaign.

Burma is a stalemate.  I took Ledo with airborne troops but they have been pushed out.  I hold everything South of Ledo.

South Pacific finds me holding all of NG and the Solomons.  Currently I have Betties raiding Neouma air field and port.

Current score has me up by a ratio of 3.25:1 ( about 14K to 4K)

So far there have been no major ship losses. Kenny has lost the Boisie, 6-7 DDs, about 20 SS, and a ton of transports.  Due to skillfull use of mines and surface Tfs he has sunk about 10 DDs, 3 CLs, 10 PCs, and about 20 transports. Most of my surface combat ships have been used for Fast Transport and Bombardment missions so they are almost all in the 10-20 sys damage range. 

Kenny has been making me pay for every conquest. His surface TFs sank a bunch of ships and his fighters seem to appear whenever I don't send escorts. The air war is dead even in losses.

ny59giants -> RE: Japs Advance! (6/1/2006 1:55:27 AM)

Not a good sign for the Japanese to have equal losses in aircraft. [:-]
I hope for your sake, that both Palembang (Oil) and Toboali (Resources) were taken with little damage. [:D]
I found out too late as the Allied, that Toboali had over 20k of supply sitting there in early 1/42 [X(]  By then it was hazardous to leave an AK there to load up (loaded only 200 supplies per day with port size 1).

RUPD3658 -> RE: Japs Advance! (6/2/2006 4:13:10 PM)

Palembang was trashed. Only about 60 oil survived. [:@]

The rest of the DEI was taken virtually intact. I am currently expanding the ports to speed up load of resources and oil.

China has been taken virtually intact due to Kenny's "Sir Robin" defense. What I haven't captured I have burned to the ground. [sm=sterb032.gif]

KDonovan -> RE: Japs Advance! (6/2/2006 7:12:19 PM)


In China, Changsha is mine as is all of North China. Sian in contested and Homan is encircled. China is down to 950 supply per day due to a prolonged stategic bombing campaign.

thats some intel you got there. Generallisoma Chang won't even tell me how much supply he's getting a day. Probably because he's mad that i withdrew his entire airforce to India.

KDonovan -> RE: Japs Advance! (6/2/2006 7:35:11 PM)

sorry for the lack of updates, everyone. Tom is right that i've been very busy. I'm in my 4th year at Med school, so i really don't have time to make my pretty maps anymore, which is a shame cause i really enjoyed making them, and it added a lot more to the AAR. Tom is also very busy working nights as a Detective, and playing around on "the thread" [:D] But we'll continue to try and update as much as possible

some points that Tom missed above...

Soerabaja - getting trashed everyday by Sally's, but luckly the Level 7 forts and secret reinforcements from outside the DEI are really causing pain for the Japanese army. We are playing without combat replay, so vital information of what reinforcements i brought into DEI are missing, which makes this battle very interesting

Timor - is mostly taken, but Koepang remains the only allied base in DEI without any japanese troops present.

Burma - japanese troops are currently moving over the trails to India. But it looks like a diversion, to draw my troops in and flank me with a seaborne invasion [:-]

AVG - deserves its own title, as its the most potent weapon at my disposal. With exp in the 75's and the Zero bonus that doesnt apply, it can go toe to toe with the japanese zero. Currently it is quietly rebuilding somewhere, after losing 60% of its planes in the first 2 months, while racking up 130 kills (mostly Zero's and Nells)

Submarine campaign - not much to report here, besides the intial lost of 20 somthing SS's at manila on the opening day of the war. The submarine campaign has been quiet on both sides. Biggest success would be the sinking of the Chitose in the DEI and the sinking of an AK full of F4F's at Noumea before they could unload. As it stands now i think only 4 Subs on each side have been lost to ASW efforts, with about double that damaged from ASW attacks

India - invasion looks iminent. Tom commented that he wants to wait till DEI is completely cleaned up, but somehow i don't believe him[:D] as there is a huge comglameration of ships at Signapore at the moment. Should be an interesting fight

Marcus Is - yes i still hold marcus island, after a marine raider invasion a month ago. Not sure what to do with it, as its become an attraction for japanese subminlayers. I guess better there than my other ports

ny59giants -> RE: Japs Advance! (6/2/2006 11:49:32 PM)

And I thought that doctors were able to go days without sleep as part of your training.[:D]
As a professional counselor, I could never get a clear understanding of this practice. I don't want a doctor who has been up over 36 hours making decisions about my health.

I just started my first AAR and will learn from that also. The "EVIL EMPIRE" is running amok again. [&o]

KDonovan -> RE: Japs Advance! (6/3/2006 1:00:10 AM)

no need to worry....there's a law on the books that doctors can't make life saving decisions if they work more than 80 hours a week. Hour number 79, no problem....80, then thats hazardous.

RUPD3658 -> RE: Japs Advance! (6/3/2006 4:28:50 AM)




In China, Changsha is mine as is all of North China. Sian in contested and Homan is encircled. China is down to 950 supply per day due to a prolonged stategic bombing campaign.

thats some intel you got there. Generallisoma Chang won't even tell me how much supply he's getting a day. Probably because he's mad that i withdrew his entire airforce to India.

He is telling you . "Not enough" [:D]

BrucePowers -> RE: Japs Advance! (6/3/2006 5:21:40 AM)

Too bad about the maps. You did a very good job with them. However, I do understand the time management (even if I am not very good at it). So, good luck.

KDonovan -> RE: Mine's/Ops Losses (6/6/2006 12:43:51 AM)

not much to report....

Andaman Is falls to 11,000 jap troops, but 3 DD's hit mines (one of them 4 times!). S-boat is lost in an attempt to interdict the invasion. The route to India is now open by sea

Soerabaja is losing fort levels daily due to BB bombardments and japanese deliberate attacks. Down to level 4. Expect the base to be capture in about a week

Koepang is still untouched, with C47's flying daily supply missions and troops in. Zeros try to interdict, but lose more planes from ops then they shoot down

China about 180,000 troops look trapped in N. China at Sian and Homan. They are well entrenched, so it will be a while before they fall. Rest of the Chinese forces are located at the Wuchow, Kweilin, Hengchow line

RUPD3658 -> RE: Mine's/Ops Losses (6/6/2006 3:50:27 PM)

I got tired of having scout planes over fly Singapore. Andaman had to go.

Kenny tells me that there were 99 mines at the base and I cleared them all during the landing. Sadly 3 DDs did this by plowing through them and have sunk as a result. I forgot whose tagline it is that any ship can be a mine sweeper...once.

Andaman had to be taken via Fast Transport due to the fact that it is within B-17 range of Calcutta. I figured that the losses due to mines were a better option than APs due to airstrikes although I had't counted on losing 3 of them. The salt in the wound was that the Patrol planes were not there anymone.

Now I have to decide if I want a showdown with the B-17s in India or if I want to take Northen Oz.

CentPac raids took out a Catalina squadron, a AVD, 2 AKs, 2 PTs, and 2 AV regiment fragments at the loss of 1 DD. Fortunetly Kenny did not pursue me back to Lunga since they ran out of gas and had to be helped by oilers. There were some tense turns after 2 of his CVs showed up and bombed Baker Island the day after I left.

I tried interdicting the C-47s to Keopang but lost 6 Zeros in exchange for 4 C-47s. Maybe they rammed them? [:@]

ny59giants -> RE: Mine's/Ops Losses (6/6/2006 6:39:54 PM)

I send a few transport TF's from Chandpur/Diamond Harbor to Victory Point and Tavoy immediatedly to get the BF's to Andaman Island to do 2 things - Air bridge for the short legged LBA's in Malaya and DEI to India; and with the Ragoon based CD moved there force the Japanese to invade (build up forts while they wait) and beforehand keep a Catalina or PBY squadron to monitor ship movement. If they are going to die, it might as well be in a useful way rather than a speed bump staying where they were. [:D] [:D]

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