RE: Cobra Aus RapidShare link page (Full Version)

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CobraAus -> RE: Cobra Aus RapidShare link page (11/2/2006 9:23:06 AM)

version 5 is ok to use with CHS version 6 onwards is not compatible because of off map channels


BigJ62 -> RE: Cobra Aus RapidShare link page (11/2/2006 10:17:14 AM)

Outstanding and thanks.

el cid again -> RE: Cobra Aus RapidShare link page (11/2/2006 5:01:24 PM)

Big J: You may mix and match the pwhex files. That is, you can use EITHER Andrew Brown's Extended Map OR Cobra's Level 5 maps - with EITHER CHS or RHS Level 5 pwhex files.

However, only if you use both RHS pwhex and art will you get ferries and know where they are, etc. Someone who hated ferries but loved Cobra's art might use Andrew's pwhex with RHS art. River navigation is similar: RHS has a lot more of it (although it was Andrew's invention). My pwhex file fixes Coal Harbor supply and BOTH pwhex files fix the supply of Sakhalin oil to Soviet factories.

BigJ62 -> RE: Cobra Aus RapidShare link page (11/2/2006 6:26:16 PM)


ORIGINAL: el cid again

Big J: You may mix and match the pwhex files. That is, you can use EITHER Andrew Brown's Extended Map OR Cobra's Level 5 maps - with EITHER CHS or RHS Level 5 pwhex files.

However, only if you use both RHS pwhex and art will you get ferries and know where they are, etc. Someone who hated ferries but loved Cobra's art might use Andrew's pwhex with RHS art. River navigation is similar: RHS has a lot more of it (although it was Andrew's invention). My pwhex file fixes Coal Harbor supply and BOTH pwhex files fix the supply of Sakhalin oil to Soviet factories.

Thanks and I am going to test the waters so to speak in regards to CHS and the various RHS mods, with several different installations. Lately I've been playing a very slightly modified stock map that I made but, I have been curious about trying out CHS and RHS in a more serios way. I'm also going to be following that humongous campaign you and the other players are about to engage in, looks to be quite interesting to see how it will play out, who says you can't have (almost?)massively multiplayer support in a game like this.


CobraAus -> RE: Cobra Aus RapidShare link page (11/3/2006 7:07:28 PM)

RHS v5.18 and v6.18 posted at Send Space also avail at RHS web site

This includes just a couple of eratta

but resizes single squadron carriers and combines demi squadrons
into single squadrons.

I have not yet assigned squadrons to empty carriers for RN and USN.

This can be played. One more version x.19 will release prior to the release of Level 7, which will be x.20. I am going to keep updateing Level 5 and 6 for now.


download link v6.18

download link v5.18

cobra aus

CobraAus -> RE: Cobra Aus RapidShare link page (11/7/2006 2:05:04 AM)

RHS v6.19 all scenarios posted at Send Space an is avail at RHS Web site

This update:

1) Incorporates eratta from a number of sources;

2) Fits all US CVEs without air groups with an air group - and resizes some of them - such that carrier squadrons can be replaced if they resize on big CVs. If Matrix ever allows us control of carrier air groups - I will revert to historical ships having no air groups. However, note that these units in many cases DID operate from carriers for brief periods.

3) Redefines Australian cavalry units and infantry divisions to the RHS standards for Commonwealth nations (converting them from US to UK mortars, etc).

4) Reviews oil in Japan, Formosa, Korea, Manchuria and Sakhalin Island. Oil production eliminated on Formosa and Kyushu and generally divided by 2 or 3 elsewhere.

5) Ki-36 redefined as an observation plane (because it is too effective as a strategic bomber - apparently due to bomb count).

6) Duplicate units eliminated. Mostly these are USN/USMC air units.


Download link

Cobra Aus

CobraAus -> RE: Cobra Aus RapidShare link page (11/7/2006 8:24:52 PM)

RHS v5.19 posted at Send Space and is avail at RHS web site

download link

cobra aus

CobraAus -> RE: Cobra Aus RapidShare link page (11/11/2006 1:59:57 AM)

RHS v5.20 v6.20 posted at Send Space (will now post to RHS web site as well)

his update includes elimination of duplicate leaders (except in special cases they are desired = supply sinks)

A good deal of Russian work, including adding two divisions, four tankers, six submarines, revising aircraft upgrade paths, etc. Also reworking some techincal stuff so ships and subs work properly.

Some revisions to Japanese aircraft and upgrades - including adding drop tanks to Ki-45s of all flavors -

Revision of political points for EOS to reflect the larger size of divisions now: the ratio remains the same - Japan with three divisions to start plus one per day - the allies with one to start - plus two per day - on the average. [If they pick a USMC division it is only 1.5 per day - those are not average sized!]

Major revision to the economic model in North America so it works in smaller places

Add to the previous list fixing Hamilton New Zealand

PPO also had pp increased


download link v6.20

download link v5.20

cobra aus

VSWG -> RE: Cobra Aus RapidShare link page (11/11/2006 2:33:55 AM)



A good deal of Russian work, including adding two divisions, four tankers, six submarines, revising aircraft upgrade paths, etc. Also reworking some techincal stuff so ships and subs work properly.

Very nice!

CobraAus -> RE: Cobra Aus RapidShare link page (11/12/2006 7:11:03 AM)

over the course of yesterday and to day due to request I have up loaded 4 full size planning maps the my own site and what was upload is the SubChaser digital stock map - the v5 RHS CHS digital map -the RHS v6 digital map and the yet to be released beta version of the forth comming v7 digital summer map

download link page

cobra aus

Mifune -> RE: Cobra Aus RapidShare link page (11/12/2006 12:03:10 PM)

Thanks Cobra for your fine work.

CobraAus -> RE: Cobra Aus RapidShare link page (11/14/2006 8:13:49 AM)

RHS v5.30 & v6.30 posted at Send Space, now avail RHS Web Site

This is an air oriented update:

Change in EOS pilot skill value for JNAF

Addition of requested USN carriers for EOS - complete with associated air groups

Assignment of air groups to RN carriers that acted mainly as transports/repair ships (but which sometimes really had operational units) - mainly so resizing of squadrons - if it occurs - will not prevent players from putting whatever they want on a particular deck (more options). This is what FAA did anyway - averaging about 6 changes per unit during the war!

Refinement of Soviet upgrade paths and one unit upgrade

Return of Ki-45b and Ki-48 II to RHSEOS - at the expense of the lovely Ki-74 and Ki-77

Redefining ASW bombers and the Me-264 into dual mission planes:
they can act as regular bombers or sub hunters - or as regular bombers and anti-ship hunters - but not the latter roles to long ranges. Fine technical tweeking and no need for separate slots.

Aussie brigades brought up to RHS standard and converted to British mortars. Unlike most commonwealth units - these units will upgrade to include a machine gun battalion (which otherwise appears mostly as a division asset in PTO - and historically had been a corps asset).


download link v5.30

download link v6.30

cobra aus

CobraAus -> RE: Cobra Aus RapidShare link page (11/15/2006 2:58:50 AM)

RHS v6.31/2 posted at Send Space and avail at RHS web site
note a air update only v6.32 came out will packaging I have rolled that into the v6.31 update

Somehow we had a corrupted cam file - for all scenarios. [Trust not editors]

This is 6.31 with the addition of

Modification of mine laying subs to lay via regular tubes (where absent)
8 Soviet Minesweepers (all scenarios)
IGo-1-b ASM mounted on Ki-102b (all scenarios)
Post Midway conversion plans for all IJN Battleships and
cruisers (to CV and CVL) [EOS only, these implement late -
and only Ise, Hyuga, Shinano, Ibuki and Mogami were actually
converted - 3 of them to semi-carriers; this is the only scenario
to offer the full conversions - without air groups]


Download link

Cobra Aus

CobraAus -> RE: Cobra Aus RapidShare link page (11/15/2006 9:36:47 PM)

RHS v5.31-2 has been potsed at Send Space will be avail at web site shortly

download link

Cobra Aus

CobraAus -> RE: Cobra Aus RapidShare link page (11/17/2006 2:33:36 AM)

RHS v6.33 all scenarios posted at Send Space (v5.33 will come when I get it)


USN and RN ship revisions per request

Revisions to Indian, British, Commonwealth, ANZAC and Dutch pilot replacements.


download link v6.33

cobra aus

CobraAus -> RE: Cobra Aus RapidShare link page (11/17/2006 10:36:24 PM)

RHS v5.33 update posted at Send Space

download link- fixed new link

cobra aus

CobraAus -> RE: Cobra Aus RapidShare link page (11/22/2006 7:07:31 PM)

RHS v6.34 posted at Send Space and RHS web site v5.34 will follow shortly

Force Z formed at sea

aircraft upgrade slot issues resolved

alternate aircraft loadouts introduced

uji device introduced

cluster bombs redefined and tested

a few eratta as usual

comments on air loadouts requested


download link v6.34

Cobra aus

CobraAus -> RE: Cobra Aus RapidShare link page (11/23/2006 1:28:20 AM)

RHS v5.34 all scenarios posted at Send Space and RHS web site

download link

Cobra Aus

CobraAus -> RE: Cobra Aus RapidShare link page (11/26/2006 10:17:19 PM)

RHS v6.36 posted at Send Space and will be avail at web site shortly

Updating aircraft for loadouts,

updating Hurricanes and correcting Allied aircraft with torpedoes (Ventura, B-26, PBY, etc) because of code issues.

Some eratta.

Updating blimps.

Only Vichy forces re Madagascar and Allied forces related to Madagascar not present.

Level 7 is next: ETA: Tuesday

(or a decision it won't work)

Redefining DC devices for upgrade paths and production quantities.

Adding Hurricane production in Canada.

Increasing P-43 production and adding P-43 to Indian Air Force upgrade path.

Slightly increasing B-17 production (in a way that upgrades to later planes)

This is 6.35 with some changes in the aircraft and air group files -
all related to Commonwealth aircraft.

6.35 is generally about aircraft, and bomb loadouts.

Loadouts can vary by unit, and if they do, this is indicated by a code in the unit name for player convenience:

We also have converted the 100 kg bomb to GP instead of AP.

The 60 kg GP bomb also represents a 60 kg DC, and says so.

If a unit has (AP) behind its name, it carries 1000 lb AP bombs
If a unit has (GP) behind its name, it carries 500 lb GP bombs (unless it is normal for that aircraft to carry 250 lb GP bombs)
If a unit has (T) behind its name, it carries a Torpedo on anti-ship missions
If a unit has (AS) behind its name, it carries DC
If a unit has (AT) behind its name, it carries simulated 40mm guns and rockets as well as bombs (some Hurricane IV units)

If a Japanese unit has the PREFIX K - it is an ASW unit

Now for Level 7.


download link

Cobra Aus

CobraAus -> RE: Cobra Aus RapidShare link page (11/27/2006 12:10:00 AM)

RHS v5.36 posted at Send Space will be avail at web site later today

download link

Cobra Aus

CobraAus -> RE: Cobra Aus RapidShare link page (12/1/2006 12:27:48 PM)

RHS v6.37 posted at Send Space and avail at Web Site

download link

Cobra Aus

Das ist alles.


Consumatum est.

This is it: the pre-data washed versions of Level 5 and Level 6.

We have:

1) Reflagged Soviet ports

2) Reflagged Soviet ships

3) Soviet submarines present in Russian passive scenarios

4) Zero range 33 for the first time (= 11 operational extended range)

5) MAD gear working at last

6) Ki-74 restored to Japanese service

7) Dutch squadrons of four types have alternate upgrade options

8) Still more air unit loadouts for both sides

9) New (and old) configurations for new (and old) Japanese light cruisers, including Mogamis in their original 15 gun version, a 12 gun Oyodos, deletion of the improved Agano's (in favor of the Oyodo's),
conversion of protected cruisers to CLs.

10) Changing of appearance location and date and strength of the
Indian 19th Division

11) Conversion of New Zealand Mounted Brigades to motor vice horse

12) Conversion of CW 16 gun mg battalions to 48 gun (organic to brigades or divisions)

13) Lots of stuff I am forgetting to list.

Surrendering control of this file set.

Other scenarios will follow as the Soviet ships complete reflagging.


CobraAus -> RE: Cobra Aus RapidShare link page (12/1/2006 7:45:23 PM)

RHS v5.371 4 of the updates have come in and avail at web site as soon as the missing 2 come in will post full set at Send Space

cobra aus

CobraAus -> RE: Cobra Aus RapidShare link page (12/2/2006 12:14:56 AM)

rhs v5.371 posted at Send Space and avail at web site

download link

cobra aus

CobraAus -> RE: Cobra Aus RapidShare link page (12/10/2006 8:03:59 AM)

RHS v6.40 posted at Send Space and avail at RHS web site

Major revisions to EOS JNAF Air Groups

Major revisions to ROCAF

Minor revisions to USMC Air Service and USAAF

Minor modification to support unit device defintions

Minor upgrading of Indian/CW African land units

Bunches of eratta


download link

Cobra Aus

CobraAus -> RE: Cobra Aus RapidShare link page (12/10/2006 8:55:06 AM)

if anyone want the font that Subchaser used for his map I sent the set to Send Space

16 meg download

download link

Cobra Aus

CobraAus -> RE: Cobra Aus RapidShare link page (12/10/2006 12:46:10 PM)

RHS v5.40 posted at Send Space and avail at RHS web site

download link

cobra aus

CobraAus -> RE: Cobra Aus RapidShare link page (12/10/2006 9:47:06 PM)

due to a file mix up scenario 60 v6.40 ended up having mixed files this ha been corrected
so RHS v6.40 fixed all scenarios has been posted at Send Space and so has CVO scenario 60
the fix has also been done at the RHS web site
download link all scenarios

download link scenario 60 CVO

Cobra Aus

TulliusDetritus -> RE: Cobra Aus RapidShare link page (12/10/2006 11:50:36 PM)

He he, this explains my first weird turn (CVO scenario) [:)] Historical First Turn and Surprise ON.

The Execute Phase starts... and I notice the Soviets are sending their planes to attack a Japanese base in Mandchouria [8D] Re-downloading again.

m10bob -> RE: Cobra Aus RapidShare link page (12/11/2006 12:30:43 AM)



due to a file mix up scenario 60 v6.40 ended up having mixed files this ha been corrected
so RHS v6.40 fixed all scenarios has been posted at Send Space and so has CVO scenario 60
the fix has also been done at the RHS web site
download link all scenarios

download link scenario 60 CVO

Cobra Aus

Thank you..This explains the Russian attack(s)...[:)]

CobraAus -> RE: Cobra Aus RapidShare link page (12/14/2006 1:39:22 AM)

RHS Alled plane sides and tops v7.00 update for EOS scenario and all other scenarios posted at Send Space and avail at RHS web site in the scenarios/misc folder


these panels are now extended to include 245 to 248 panels
Potex 63.11 = bitmap 245
ROC Hawk = bitmap 246
F4F - F2 = bitmap 247

download link EOS
download link all other scenarios

futher changes to come
there is need to do some clean up and defringe to some of the tops - will do this when get time

Cobra Aus

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