RE: Cobra Aus RapidShare link page (Full Version)

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el cid again -> RE: Cobra Aus RapidShare link page (12/14/2006 6:56:38 AM)

x.41 - which will upload in about plus 6 hours - will incorporate this art release

do NOT use x.41 WITHOUT these art - as a call to them will cause a crash if these panels are absent

CobraAus -> RE: Cobra Aus RapidShare link page (12/14/2006 11:00:12 AM)

RHS Japanese Aircraft v7.00 all scenarios posted at Send Space and avail at RHS web site
in scenarios/misc folder

this now withdrawn and files deleted
Cobra Aus

CobraAus -> RE: Cobra Aus RapidShare link page (12/14/2006 7:09:58 PM)

due to a mis understanding on my part the Potex 63.11 is only required in the allied art panels - there for the japanese v7.00 aircraft panel is being withdrawn and files deleted

cobra aus

CobraAus -> RE: Cobra Aus RapidShare link page (12/16/2006 2:46:19 AM)

RHS v6.41 is slowly coming in, EOS is avail at RHS web site now for downloading

download link

Cobra Aus

CobraAus -> RE: Cobra Aus RapidShare link page (12/16/2006 10:15:35 AM)

RHS v6.41 now Posted at Send Space now avail at web site also

This is 6.41 modified for various technical issues and OB corrections from a number of sources

and the conversion of EOS to using a variation of the unimplemented plan to invade (vice raid) Hawaii.

The first AI vs AI test indicates that a direct approach from the expected vector is a great way to insure the carriers meet and fight a battle (always resulting in the loss of the US carriers)

but also that the AI is not up to taking any of the Hawaiian island proper (except perhaps Molokai). It creates a wholly different and interesting situation. Human players should be able to take Hawaii - and human players vs AI as Japan will be able to feel "we beat off a big attack." Johnston Island and Midway should be taken as preliminarys in the normal game - leading to a Central Pacific Campaign rather earlier than usual. And humans commanding the Allies are not required to be stupid and close the Kiddo Butai - or its baby sister - with their carriers.


download link

Cobra Aus

el cid again -> RE: Cobra Aus RapidShare link page (12/16/2006 11:33:02 AM)

Another major change is the reworking of ROCAF - and working in of some ROCAF art and aircraft names. Types only used by ROC are now given that prefix (ROC I-16 for example). In Levels 5 and 6 ROC Hawks have their own art.

Level x.41 incorporates things learned for Level 7 - mainly OB related - so implementing Level 7 will NOT affecte 5 and 5 directly.

CobraAus -> RE: Cobra Aus RapidShare link page (12/16/2006 10:33:22 PM)

RHS v5.41 noe posted at Send Space and now avail at RHS Web Site

download link

Cobra aus

CobraAus -> RE: Cobra Aus RapidShare link page (12/17/2006 9:39:43 AM)

RHS v5.41 and v6.41 PWHEX set with instructions on use posted at Send Space
also avail at RHS Web Site

This series of pwhex files is intended for use with RHS Level 6 secnarios.

pwhex is the file you normally use and start with

PANPW64 is the file you rename pwhex IF the Panama Canal is ever broken - and otherwise you never use it. It is identical except for one hex side - between Colon and Panama City - with the regular file.

RHSPW64 is the file you rename pwhex IF you ever need to "fix" the Panama Canal AFTER you "busted" it - and it is in fact pwhex in its standard RHS form - renamed so you don't lose it if you do the "break the canal" trick.

These files fix a couple of discrepencies between map art and pwhex where Russian rail lines cross the borders of Manchukuo - and near Kan Hsien in China.

They also fix a mismatched hex side pair near Pyongyang, Korea.

The same remarks apply as to 6.41

EXCEPT that Level 5 RHS pwhex IS compatable with CHS map art.

That is, one may mix and match CHS extended map art, any Level 5 RHS map art, and CHS/RHS pwhex files - as one prefers. The advantage of RHS pwhex files is certain changes in river movement and ferries. One who hates those might prefer the CHS pwhex file instead.
Or - if one likes those - one might prefer RHS pwhex with CHS maps. Or one might want to break the Panama Canal - and restore it - in which case one can do that in CHS with the RHS pwhex files.

We have completed Level 5 pwhex files to the same standard as 6. However, the set does not include a file actually called pwhex (since 6 is the present default case). IF you are playing level 5, RENAME RHSPW54.dat as pwhex.dat
and put it in the top level WITP folder.

Note that RHS Level 5 pwhex files ARE compatable with CHS extended maps. IF you like Andrew's maps, but you want to be able to use the Panama Canal, more rivers, ferries between islands, etc - you might want to use the RHS pwhex files. If you don't want the Panama Canal open (and in CHS it is not) - use PANPW54 instead of RHSPW54.


Download link

CobraAus -> RE: Cobra Aus RapidShare link page (12/17/2006 11:48:52 PM)

unofficial RHS EOS v5.41 and V6.41 test files posted at Send Space

deleted new micro update posted

Cobra aus

CobraAus -> RE: Cobra Aus RapidShare link page (12/18/2006 1:29:57 AM)

RHS v6.42 & v5.42 Cam files posted at Send Space

Seems the Russians are active in the Russian passive scenarios

since the cam files are not part of the data review process

these can be updated to x.42 level (and used with x.41)

If you want the Russians passive use these files for Level 5 or Level 6
CVO and/or RPO..


Download link

Cobra Aus

CobraAus -> RE: Cobra Aus RapidShare link page (12/18/2006 6:57:23 PM)

unofficial RHS v6.412 & v5.412 EOS files posted at send space for testing

These three files are used mainly to change the Lexington and Saratoga over
to a new format - along with their associated air groups:

Class aircraft capacity is now 81 vice 72:

VF now has a max of 18 (vice 19) - and historical starting size
VB and VS are combined with max size of 36 (vice 38) - and historical starting size
VT now has a max size of 12 (vice 15) and historical starting size of 12

VMSB-231 and VMF-221 have a max size of 15 (and start at 15).

These latter units may detach. IF they detach, ANY carrier capable squadron can be added to Lex or Sara (because even if they are 18 or 19 it won't overload the ship). If units from CVEs are used, they will also be carrier qualified and suffer no operational penalties. These two ships thus represent a different capability for USN - the ability to ferry a carrier capable squadron - or operate one - in addition to the regular air group. Alternatively, a NON-carrier squadron can be embarked - there is room - but it won't operate at sea.

This is to generate comments and it is just as unofficial as x.41 was. It is called x.42 and it ONLY applies to EOS scenarios at this point.

I do plan to add it to all scenarios - unless it is grossly unpopular - in which case we will put the Marines ashore.


download link

cobra aus

Dili -> RE: Cobra Aus RapidShare link page (12/18/2006 7:11:00 PM)

I have found 2x  89th Ind Chutai with Ki15-Babs  All are in China, the Nanchang unit is in China Exp Army and Chengting unit is in Southern Area Army. It's okay or a mistake?

Btw the Southern Area Army has many units all around are that supposed to be that way? Same with Saipan Fortress a static unit in Southeast Fleet command but in a 4th Fleet Island. 

Post Edit: Another Btw... any reason all cities around Tientsing are classed Central China instead of North China?

Post Edit2: There are 2x F3 Tainan Chutai - It's missing the F2

Dili -> RE: Cobra Aus RapidShare link page (12/19/2006 9:13:44 PM)

More Issues:

Kageros, Shimakze and Yugumos have 5"/40 Tp89 DP gun. That is wrong.  5"/50 3YT is the right one. Dunno how that mistake could have slipped.

There are 2 CA Tone in update list. CA Tone have 1 gun per 25mm mount. In reality they had double mounts.

PC Lepanto has only 4 amno for central 25mm and 84 for rear 25mm.  

witpqs -> RE: Cobra Aus RapidShare link page (12/19/2006 9:21:27 PM)

I think CobraAus wants this thread just for his posting announcements and questions. Try posting this stuff in the RHS release thread (the one that talks about version numbers). That's where you can be pretty sure Sid will pick it up.

Dili -> RE: Cobra Aus RapidShare link page (12/19/2006 10:12:36 PM)

Ok. Sorry. I will do that.

Post edit: Btw where is that thread. Tried to find it and came up with nothing.

Ol_Dog -> RE: Cobra Aus RapidShare link page (12/19/2006 11:14:08 PM)

currently titled experimental EOS and x.412

Dili -> RE: Cobra Aus RapidShare link page (12/20/2006 12:11:25 AM)

okay thanks

CobraAus -> RE: Cobra Aus RapidShare link page (1/8/2007 8:44:12 AM)

RHS v5.5 & v6.5 all scenarios except EOS posted at Send Space - will be avail from RHS web site shortly

This is a MAJOR revision of Allied ships

and a rework/enhancement of the new radar system.

Players now can tell the type of search radar by the designation due to a suffex note:

EW = Early Warning (only land based)
AS = Air Search (relative to era - early US AS and Japanese AS have less range
than later Allied "short range" AS does)
SRAS = Short Range Air Search
SS = Surface Search

Also converted Indian Chindit Brigades to include British and/or Ghurkha squads - and added one brigade. This a response to a Forum posting.

Also removed R-12/Yak-4 in favor of the Su-2. While the former is a recon plane, the latter is a recon bomber - so it is classed as a bomber - but units upgrade to recon planes OR bombers - and if set on automatic always stay recon units. This was a response to a Forum posting.

Other minor feedback incorporated.

The radar rework due to Forum requests - but it turned out to involve a lot of work.


download link v5.5

download link v6.5

Cobra Aus

DrewBlack -> RE: Cobra Aus RapidShare link page (1/8/2007 7:02:14 PM)

Hi been away for a while, love the work CID has done with RHS, but can you tell me whats the difference in 5.5 and 6.5....why the differnet versions??

Ta Drew

TulliusDetritus -> RE: Cobra Aus RapidShare link page (1/8/2007 7:27:55 PM)

Drew Black, 5.x and 6.x use different maps. The fomer is compatible with CHS or something like that. The latter is not => only for RHS scenarios.

el cid again -> RE: Cobra Aus RapidShare link page (1/8/2007 7:41:34 PM)

Absolutely correct:

Scenarios remain the same at all levels.

Level 5 = CHS. It is so compatable you can use Andrew Brown's Extended Map. You can mix and match any combination of Level 5 map art, pwhex file and Andrews map art and pwhex file. Cobra and I think you should prefer our art/pwhex (he does the former, I the latter) - for logistic reasons - but someone who loved RHS and hated ferries or river movement might go the other way. This is not an accident - but deliberate.

Level 6 = Primitive map edge movement track. ALLIED ships may sail "the backside around the world" leaving the West Map edge and returning on the East - or vice versa. You also may divert to/from Panama up the Pacific Side of South America - OR go to the South Pacific.

Level 7 is not released. It may not even be possible - but it looks like we will be there soon. The main problem is we keep finding technical issues - some going all the way back to stock - others made right here by us - and still others are enhancements someone thought of. But we may be done with that - and so you may see Level 7 this month????
Level 7 adds Madagascar and several off map shipping tracks - and Japan can sail to Madagascar by various tracks. It involves a major rework of pwhex - the art and OB are done. Australia is of a different - and less distorted - size. Should help limited range Allied planes be more effective defending the place - and it gives us "more" ocean to play with.

el cid again -> RE: Cobra Aus RapidShare link page (1/8/2007 7:42:23 PM)

I recommend using the x.01 (5.01 and 6.01) update due to formation issues.

DrewBlack -> RE: Cobra Aus RapidShare link page (1/8/2007 8:05:11 PM)

Excellant thanks

I wondered why i Had i S Atlantic entry hex floating!!

el cid again -> RE: Cobra Aus RapidShare link page (1/8/2007 8:07:09 PM)

If it is in the ocean, not in a track, you have the wrong pwhex file and the wrong map art.

You must use a Level 5 pwhex file (or Andrew's) with Level 5, and Level 6 pwhex with Level 6.

In addition, if you do EOS, you need DIFFERENT plane art than the RHS standard. 5 scenarios (regardless of level) use the main plane art - but EOS has its own. All 6 scenarios (regardless of level) use the same ship art, fonts, etc.
And there are alternate fonts - 5 or 6 different sets - not to mention you can use stock, CHS or other fonts!

CobraAus -> RE: Cobra Aus RapidShare link page (1/8/2007 9:41:14 PM)

RHS v5.51 & v6.51 all scenarios except EOS posted at Send Space will be avail at RHS web site shortly

changes micro
This does three things:

fixes formation pointers

fixes Japanese naval stations with respect to name, command, pointer and/or

moves Agano class cruiser torpedoes to the centerline (in all variations and updates)

There are only three data files - and the comment file: location, class and ship.


download link v5.51
download link v6.51

cobra aus

CobraAus -> RE: Cobra Aus RapidShare link page (1/9/2007 7:06:49 AM)

RHS v6.52 for all scenarios except EOS posted at Send Space
v5.52 not through yet
This micro update INCLUDES and REPLACES 6.51.

6.52 adds pools for sound detectors because testers report they do not produce and land units need them to draw on - not because they work (we don't know if they do or not - and they only work rarely if they do work due to low ratings) - but so they will upgrade to radar.

It changes the DC on Tomodzuru "Torpedoboats" (not MTB, baby DDs)
(and also centerlines the TT on Agano CLs)

It fixes spelling errors in ROCAF unit names

It fixes errors in formation pointers (a formation must point at itself) in BBO, RAO
and PPO

It fixes Japanese naval stations in some technical respects - and renames some -
so if they move it does not seem odd to have the name in the wrong place.


download link v6.52

cobra aus

CobraAus -> RE: Cobra Aus RapidShare link page (1/9/2007 11:00:29 AM)

ok guys 3 new sets of files
1. v7.01 allied air panels update to change the R12/YAk4 to the SU2 for both standard and EOS

download link

RHS v5.53 & 6.53 posted at Send Space (updates 5.51-6.51 & 52 have been deleted)
Note even though these are micro updates the file sets are a combination of x.5 51 52 53 full sets)

This isn't a typo.

5.53 micro update INCLUDES and REPLACES 5.52 - and must be installed after downloading 5.50 comprehensive.

In CVO and RAO (only) there are additional ship eratta - otherwise this is the same as 5.52.


download link v5.53
download link v6.53

if there are more micros I will update web site tomorrow

cobra aus

CobraAus -> RE: Cobra Aus RapidShare link page (1/10/2007 8:52:28 PM)

I was not on line all day yesterday and missed all the drama
RHS comprehensive updates V5.55 & 6.55 all sen except EOS posted at send space this combines all micros since vx.5 into 1 download
see previous thread notes

download link v5.55

download link v6.55

cobra aus
ps will not be online as well to day its 5.00am and 32 degree c already to hot to work

CobraAus -> RE: Cobra Aus RapidShare link page (1/11/2007 10:15:06 AM)

RHS v6.552 for bbo only posted at send space

This addresses ship class errors - AND updates ships that may use those sub classes (mostly not - but maybe some)

and it adds 6 units (all battalions) to the Indian Army
and corrects 4 more in some name sense


download link

CobraAus -> RE: Cobra Aus RapidShare link page (1/11/2007 8:12:37 PM)

RHS v6.553 update for BBO only posted at send space

This is a more complete modification of 6.55. In addition to fixing the device errors in 14 classes of ships posted in the Forum:

a) It adds 6 and modifies the names of 4 Indian Army battalions ("regiments").

b) It adds the missing Kwajalein Base force and modifies 3 other IJN base
forces or naval station battalions.

c) It converts the PBJ to a "carrier capable" aircraft. This is only used by USMC and it is not assigned to any carriers.

d) It adds a the ANT-6 in its transport version;

e) It adds the 23 TBAE independent transport squadron to the Soviet Long Range Air Forces - the ONLY transport unit in 1941 in PTO.

f) It converts the regiment of Li-2 transports back to their historical date and location - they are not starting the war and not at Vladivostok.

g) It adds the 63 MRAE independent recon squadron to the Soviet Pacific Ocean Fleet (TOF) Air Flotilla - the ONLY naval recon unit in 1941 in PTO.

h) We have NOT identified the SQUADRON of B-25s used in the Doolittle raid - so we cannot make it carrier capable - since RHS uses squadrons - not group organization for USAAF.

i) We updated the Soviet CA class to have depth charges

j) We updated any ship record using any modified class record

These changes affect the aircraft, ship class, air group, location and ship files.

Since I have NOT fixed the ships except in BBO - that is all I will upload now. I need a nap. I will do the rest (sans EOS) when I wake up.


download link

cobra aus

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