Hard Sarge -> RE: Some Questions (6/6/2006 3:05:48 PM)
Hi VZ hmmmm interesting, but, over all, we do not have enough of the GE production showing or in the game, it was not lack of planes that hurt the LW in the end, but lack of fuel to train and fly the planes, and the lack of trained pilots, we will not get anywhere close to the numbers of planes that were really built during this time of the war that said, there was a bug in the game, that everything needed to build a plane for reseach, was not being "used up", so it was used for reseach and then replaced in the stock pile (I am not sure if we have knocked that one out yet or not, but we are working on it) for the SG, SKG units, my biggest concern is the player/AI pulling the Jabos out and replaceing them with planes they should not be using (I have a idea to stop this, but that has to wait on Programming time, to get it in) but over all, these units shoud be nothing more then a stop gap, and unless they get lucky, will lose more then they ever get (good play, good planning and they could turn into good units, but over all, they are not) overall, we pretty much keep what we get, so the units that start the game, will still be there at the end, which this works the same for both sides, a number of Allied units should get pulled from the line, sent back to rest and refit and then come back later or be disbanded or sent to another area, which we can not really do one thing I noticed, over the years, the GE planes seemed to gain Endurance, while the Allied planes lost it, that has been redone, so we should not be seeing planes from Denmark and Holland taking off and chaseing raids into Southern France any more, they should defend there Area, and not chase into areas they do not belong over all, this is a war of Atritions, you got to knock down the LW, in the air and on the ground, and stop them from being built and the planes allowed to fly, break the LW's back, and you take over the skies, if you just trade losses, you will gt behind the 8ball and stay there, late war, and the better GE planes start to show up, and even worse, once the new rockets come out, it is going to be a mess I think this verison has a chance to be be, very bloody, and to win, it is going to have to be bloody