Industrial -> RE: Thinking of buying but..... (6/29/2006 8:33:24 PM)
1) Air-Power: The effectiveness of airpower largely depends upon the scenario designer, he has a lot of variables at his disposal to tweak the air-power to his liking. (precision guided weapon modifyer, air shock, ... ) 2) In former TOAW incarnation AA was basically useless for air-defence because of a bug in the game engine, that has been corrected in TOAW III, even though the programmer are thinking about toning it down a bit again, as AA is too powerful at the moment. Than again, if you lose a lot of air wings that might also be scenario dependent, for example by air shock, bad design decision, because a bug in TOAW is that mixing two types of planes in one unit can have devastating results. If long range bombers are mixed with short range fighter, than these fighters will operate at 1% efficiency when engaged beyond their range. So if this bomber wing attacks a distant target and is intercepted by enemy fighter, the fighter planes in the bomber wing will probably all be shot down with ease. Its not pretty, but can also be prevented by the scenario designer, by simply putting both plane types in a seperate air wing,.