Wenn Barbarossa steigt, wird die Welt den Atem anhalten und sich still verhalten! (Full Version)

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Williamb -> Wenn Barbarossa steigt, wird die Welt den Atem anhalten und sich still verhalten! (7/3/2006 8:37:13 AM)

I thought Id give a try at "Fire in the East". Also I studied German and Russian in College thought Id show how much I forgot.

My first attempt is the title. It should be Hitlers famous quote "The world will hold its breath" But I probably got it wrong [:'(]

So will make some comments in Russian and German. Native speakers please feel free to correct my mistakes as I know I will make many.

It will help me to improve my language skills.

Will try and keep my way of doing AARs which should be a big challenge in this kind of scenario

So here we go. To the largest land battle in history

Date june 21st 1942

Location Wolfschanze on the East Prussian Border


Hitler Meeting with his top generals to discuss Barbarosa the invasion of the Soviet union.


"Schön und Gut. Wo ist die Liste der Generäle?"
(Great. Where is the list of generals ?)

OKW Franz Halder
""Hier, mein Führer
(On here my leader)


(obJectives ?)

OKW Franz Halder
"Auf der Liste"
(On the List)

Hitler liest die Liste vor
(Hitler reads the list)

CO: Field Marshal (Fin) G.Mannerheim
Ziele: Leningrad


CO: GenFM Ritter von Leeb
Ziele: LeninGrad


CO: Gen/FM von Bock
Ziele: Moscow


CO: GenFM von Rundstedt
Ziele: Kiev


"Es hat begonnen"

Industrial -> RE: Die Welt Halten Sie seinen Atem (7/3/2006 6:46:17 PM)


ORIGINAL: William Amos

My first attempt is the title. It should be Hitlers famous quote "The world will hold its breath" But I probably got it wrong [:'(]

So will make some comments in Russian and German. Native speakers please feel free to correct my mistakes as I know I will make many.

It will help me to improve my language skills.

I think you mean this quote from Hitler: "Wenn Barbarossa steigt, wird die Welt den Atem anhalten und sich still verhalten!"

A rough translation would be: "With the beginning of Barbarossa, the world will hold its breath and remain quiet!"

Williamb -> RE: Die Welt Halten Sie seinen Atem (7/3/2006 7:57:15 PM)

Corrections made to my German. Many thanks Industrial and Arno.

Williamb -> RE: Wenn Barbarossa steigt, wird die Welt den Atem anhalten und sich still verhalten! (7/3/2006 8:41:06 PM)

Situation June 21 1941

Meeting in Kremlin with Stalin and his top commanders



"Какова ситуация ?"
What is the Situation ?


Marshal Alexander Vasilievsky. Army Cheif of Staff Stavka.

"Немецкая пехота на границе.никакой признак резервуаров"
(German Infantry on the border. No Sign of tanks)

"наши войска ?"
(Our Troops?)

"военные районы "
(Military Districts)

Leningrad District
MM Popov

Baltic District
FI Kuznetsoz

Western District
DG Pavlov

Keiv DIstric
MP Kirponos

Odessa District

Transcaucasus District
DT Kozlov

Kharkov District
AK Smirnov

Moscow District
IV Tyulenev

North Caucasus District
IS Konev

Orel District
FN Remezov

"Гитлер не будет нападать без резервуаров.Не будет никакого нападения, пока мы не видим их "

(Hitler will not attack without tanks. THere will be no attack until we see them.)

Industrial -> RE: Wenn Barbarossa steigt, wird die Welt den Atem anhalten und sich still verhalten! (7/3/2006 9:51:20 PM)

The strange part about that Hitler quote is the word "steigt", it's direct translation would be 'rise' or maybe 'climb', which is a funny way to describe the beginning of a military operation. Well, the german language evolved over the last 60 years, so it might have been common to talk that way back than, another explanation is that it might be a reference to the historical person Barbarossa, or maybe the quote is incorrect. If anybody knows for sure, please enlighten me :)

Terminus -> RE: Wenn Barbarossa steigt, wird die Welt den Atem anhalten und sich still verhalten! (7/4/2006 3:26:58 AM)

Maybe he meant it in a similar way to the expression "The Balloon has gone up"...

Arno 2 -> RE: Wenn Barbarossa steigt, wird die Welt den Atem anhalten und sich still verhalten! (7/4/2006 12:44:24 PM)

great aar so far! as for the german "steigt", this is a phrase not uncommon in german, although it maybe isnt used very often today. Today I guess it is most used as "Die Party steigt morgen abend" (the party is tomorrow evening) or something like that. I thought about it and cant remember when I used it last, but you wouldnt draw any strange looks if you used it.
Although it literally means "to rise", in this context it is translated quite correctly with "begins" or "happens" or "starts".

As for the quote, I dont know that one, but concerning grammar and choice of words, it sounds right.

Keep it up, the russian is a nice touch, too [:)]


Williamb -> RE: Wenn Barbarossa steigt, wird die Welt den Atem anhalten und sich still verhalten! (7/4/2006 11:39:14 PM)

Reichsmarschall Hermann Goering

Der luftwaffe Sturmen Ausbreitunge ! Bald das Feuer von den Walküren Wird Russland anzünde!
(The storm of the Luftwaffe spreads ! Soon the fire of the valkyries will ignite Russia !)


Just after dawn of June 22nd 1941 the storm of the luftwaffe did strike. The first hit were many attacks on the airfeilds of the soviets.

The first strike in the North was by "Kampfgeschwader 2 Holzhammer.


Over 80 german bombers hit the airfeilds of the Baltic 6th Soviet Air Division


They acheive complete surprize. No damage was reported by any German bombers.


The Soviet losses on the other hand were extensive

69 I-15s, 65 I-16s and 116 SB-2s were destroyed on the ground. The entire base was in a shambles and the Soviets had to disband the 6th Air divison


Williamb -> RE: Wenn Barbarossa steigt, wird die Welt den Atem anhalten und sich still verhalten! (7/4/2006 11:47:12 PM)

The next attack was by Kampfgeschwader 55 "Greif"


They hit the airbases of the Western Front's 10 Soviet air division. The base also housed the 12th AAA Regt and the 20th recon Regt.


Bombs hit both the airbase and the nearby barracks. The Luftwaffe had 3 He - 111s shot down and another 4 damaged.

The damage to the ground units as light.1 motorcycle, 1 76mm AA gun, 1 85mm AA gun, and 3
horseteams were lost

The damage to the airbase was more extensive. 44 I-16s, 8 IL -2s, 9 PE-2s, and 20 Yak - 1s were destroyed on the ground. The base was heavily damaged.

Williamb -> RE: Wenn Barbarossa steigt, wird die Welt den Atem anhalten und sich still verhalten! (7/4/2006 11:53:01 PM)

Anther air attack hit a base in the western part of Russia.

Kampfgeschwader 3 "Blitz" hit the 9th Soviet Air Division


Dornier 17s and ME110s bombed and straffed the base.


In the end 2 Do -17s and 1 ME110 were damaged.


The soveits again took extensive losses. 18 I-15s, 22 I-16s, 10 SB-2s, 17 MiG-1s, and 74
MiG3s were destroyed or badly damaged on the ground

Williamb -> RE: Wenn Barbarossa steigt, wird die Welt den Atem anhalten und sich still verhalten! (7/5/2006 12:05:32 AM)

"Kampfgeschwader 53 "The Condor Legion" struck the next blow against the Western Front's 11 Soviet Air Divsion.


German Heinke Bombers pounded the base for almost 20 minutes in several bombing runs.

In the end 2 HE-111s were shot down and 3 others damaged.

The Soviets lost 72 I-15s, 71 I -16s, 28 SB-2s and 37 PE-2s.


Williamb -> RE: Wenn Barbarossa steigt, wird die Welt den Atem anhalten und sich still verhalten! (7/5/2006 12:12:08 AM)

Another attack was carried out by "Kampfgeschwader 3 "Greif" against the Keivan Front's 19th Soveit Bomber Divison.


German Do 17s and He 111s smashed the bomber base.


No German losses occurred. The soviets again took heavy losses as once agian they were caught on the ground.

60 SB2s, 11 PE2s and 39 Yak 4s were destroyed or rendered inoperable.

Williamb -> RE: Wenn Barbarossa steigt, wird die Welt den Atem anhalten und sich still verhalten! (7/5/2006 12:17:03 AM)

"Kampfgeschwader 3 "Blitz" also struck the Keivan 14th Soviet Air Division.


This time it was a group of JU87 Stukas striking the air base.


4 Stukas were shot down. Another 2 were damaged.

The Soviets also lost heavily in this air attack.

4 I-15s and 26 I-16s were destroyed or damaged in the attack.


Williamb -> RE: Wenn Barbarossa steigt, wird die Welt den Atem anhalten und sich still verhalten! (7/5/2006 12:21:49 AM)

The air compaign then shifted to the Southern Front

"Kampfgeschwader 4 "General Weaver" attacked the Odessa Front's 20th Air Division


The Germans had damage to 1 HE 111 bomber


Again for the soviets the losses were massive

They lost 125 I-15s, 55 SB2s, 122 MiG3s, 5 PE2s and 18 SU2s.


Williamb -> RE: Wenn Barbarossa steigt, wird die Welt den Atem anhalten und sich still verhalten! (7/5/2006 12:35:07 AM)

The final airfeild attack by the Luftwaffe was also against the Odessa Front.

Kampfgeschwader 27 "Boelicke" hit the Odessa Fronts 45th Air Division

Heinke 111 bombers hit their airbase.

In the end one German HE 111 bomber was lost.

This time the soviet losses were much more modest

They lost 14 I 16s, 21 SB2s, 2 MiG3s and 1 SU2 either destroyed or damaged on the ground.


The overall tally for the "Luftwaffe Sturm" was

The soviets lost destroyed on the ground or damaged
288 I-15s, 228 I-16s, 269 SB2s, 8 IL-2s, 17 MiG-1s, 196 MiG3s, 62 PE2s ,20 Yak-1s, 39 Yak 4s and 18 SU2s.

The Germans had Lost 4 stukas and 6 HE 111 Bombers were shot down 2 Stukas, 8 He 111s and 2 DO 17s and 1 ME110 were damaged

Williamb -> RE: Wenn Barbarossa steigt, wird die Welt den Atem anhalten und sich still verhalten! (7/5/2006 12:49:27 AM)

There were also several Stuka attacks on various Soveit ground forces. These below were independant of any ground attack taking place.

Stuka "Kampfgeschwader Totenkopf launched an attack on the 22nd Tank Divison of the 14th mechanized corps.


Over 40 stukas hit the 20th's deployment zone. In the end no German aircrat were lost. 6 riflemen and their 82mm morter with their truck were hit and destroyed by a bomb.
Stuka "Kampfgeschwader Totenkopf also bombed the Soviet 4th Army Hq and several Russian Artillery regiments.
Heavy AA fire prevented a coordinated attack. q Stuka was damaged with no losses the Russians

Stuka "Kampfgeschwader 77 Dive bombed the Russian 75th Rifle Division. This time 2 stukas were hit by groundfire. 6 soviet riflemen, 2 50mm morters and a horseteam were lost to the bombing
Stuka "Kampfgeschwader 77 also hit the 49th Rifle Division and 8th AT Regt. They were driven off by heavy AA fire with 2 stukas shot down and 5 others damaged with no losses to the soviets.

Williamb -> RE: Wenn Barbarossa steigt, wird die Welt den Atem anhalten und sich still verhalten! (7/5/2006 1:20:47 AM)

The ground war launched the same dawn as the air strikes. OKH's strategy was to crack open the lines with several successive infantry attacks.

As one German General stated.

""Klopf an die Tür mit der Faust, dann tritt sie mit den Füßen ein."

(knock on the door with (ie your) fist then kick it (ie in) with your feet !)

In the north the attack was launched by Armee Gruppe Nord commanded by GenFM Ritter von Leeb.


The northern most attack was by the 291st Infantry Divison commanded by General der Artillerie Kurt Herzog


The 504th Infantry Regt backed by the OKH 53rd Nebelwerfer Battalion launched the northern most attack. Also"Kampfgeschwader 1 "Hindenberg" supported it with a Stuka attack


Defending was the 10th Rifle Divison and the 9th AT Regiment of the Soviet 8th Army Commanded by Gen Major I.I. Fadeyevii.



The first wave of the attack hit a reinforced Rifle battalion. Russian morter fire slowed the Regiments advance until German artillery responded with counterbattery fire silencing the morters.

But that was countered with russian heavy guns hitting the werfers. 2 guns were damaged before German stukas stopped this attack.

The Regiment was able to push in 2 miles but was halted by a counter attack by the Russian divisons engineers.

The 504th and artillery reported 52 dead and 140 wounded. 12 German engineers were also wounded when artillery struck their truck.

In equiptment the Germans lost 1 motorcycle,1 155mm wefer, 1 210 mm werfer, 1 truck and 2 stukas were damaged.

The soviets had stopped the attack but took heavy damage. 150 Soldiers were dead, 80 were captured and 100 others were wounded.

In the attack by the soviet engineers 12 were killed and 18 wounded.

The 10th rifle also suffered heavy equiptment losses.

Their infantry force lost 5 MMGs, 17 HMGs, and 6 45mm atgs.

Their Mortar battalion was decimated. 9 50mm morters, 9 82mm morters, and 5 120mm morters were lost to either German artillery or infantry.

Their artillery battalion lost 5 76mm Guns,7 dual AAMGs, 2 37mm AA,and 10 horseteams.

The 9th AT Regt also lost 6 76mm ATGs,26 ATRs,and 1 BA10 Armored car.


Williamb -> RE: Wenn Barbarossa steigt, wird die Welt den Atem anhalten und sich still verhalten! (7/5/2006 1:39:47 AM)

The next nearest attack was launched by the 217th Infantry division commanded by Generalleutnant Richard Baltzer.

The 343rd Infantry Regitment of that divison hit the 67th NKVD regiment.


The Regiment was able to surround the battalion within hours and force them to surrender. Few of the NKVD soldiers were able to escape the encirclement.


12 germans were killed and 30 wounded.

150 NKVD officers were captured. 90 were killed

The Germans captured or destroyed 5 HMgs, 6 45mm ATGs, 3 82mm Morters and 20 trucks

Terminus -> RE: Wenn Barbarossa steigt, wird die Welt den Atem anhalten und sich still verhalten! (7/5/2006 1:40:27 AM)

Nice one, William. Just one thing: all the "Kampfgruppes" from your above posts should be "Kampfgeschwader". KG = Kampfgeschwader, KGr = Kampfgruppe.

Williamb -> RE: Wenn Barbarossa steigt, wird die Welt den Atem anhalten und sich still verhalten! (7/5/2006 1:42:39 AM)

Ah will correct that thanks Terminus

Williamb -> RE: Wenn Barbarossa steigt, wird die Welt den Atem anhalten und sich still verhalten! (7/5/2006 1:53:01 AM)

Next was an attack by the 11th Infantry Divison commanded by General der Infanterie Herbert von Böckmann.


the 44th Infantry Regiment launched the attack against the 6th NKVD Regiment.

Three successive attacks were turned back.

The NKVD fought hard and didnt give any ground. The Germans halted their advance after making no ground.


22 Germans were killed and 44 were wounded. The Russians lost 34 Killed and 44 Wounded. They also lost 1 HMG, 1 45mm ATG and 8 trucks that were destroyed in german artillery strikes.

Williamb -> RE: Wenn Barbarossa steigt, wird die Welt den Atem anhalten und sich still verhalten! (7/5/2006 2:08:25 AM)

Next in line was the 21st Infantry divison commanded by General der Infanterie Otto Sponheimer


The 45th Regiment with the OKH 52 Werfer Brigade in support was the main thrust of this attack.

The attack was against the 10th NKVD Regiment.

Ther germans were able to push in about a mile. but a NKVD counterattack stalled the drive. A counter offensive by German engineers was unable to budge the NKVD troopers.

In this offensive 42 Germans were killed and 114 were wounded. 6 German engineers were also wounded.

The NKVD had 42 Killed and 54 wounded. They also lost 2 HMGs and 4 Trucks

Williamb -> RE: Wenn Barbarossa steigt, wird die Welt den Atem anhalten und sich still verhalten! (7/5/2006 2:17:16 AM)

In the next series of attacks the entire 290th Infantry divison was involved in three seperate thrusts.

The Division was commanded by Generalleutnant Theodor Freiherr von Wrede


The first attack was by the 502nd Infantry Regiment against the 12th NKVD regiment.


One German battalion was able to flank the NKVD Regiment. It caused a general retreat of the entire Russian Regiment.

The Germans pressed the advantage driving several miles into Russian controled territory.


34 Germans were killed and 102 were wounded. the German Regiments engineer battalion was abushed in the pursuit and took heavy casualties. 8 engineers were killed and 16 wounded.

In the retreat the NKVD lost 100 prisoners, and 45 dead and 11 wounded. The germans were also able to capture or destroy 3HMGs, 1 45mm ATG, 2 82morters and 8 trucks.

Williamb -> RE: Wenn Barbarossa steigt, wird die Welt den Atem anhalten und sich still verhalten! (7/5/2006 2:35:26 AM)

The next attack of the 290th Divison was by the Division's 501st infantry regiment. They were supported by Kampfgeschwader 76's stukas.

It hit the Soviet 48th Rifle Divison Commanded by Gen.- Major P.V. Bogdanovin prepared positions.

One battalion quickly got stopped by the Russians. The German commander threw in his engineers to clear out Russian trenchs.

Russian Morter and artillery fire continued to harass the Germans all day. Even several stuka attacks didnt stop their murderous fire.

Finally the reserve battalion was committed and they and the German Engineers were able to overrun a battery of 45mm ATGs supported by several Machine Guns that held a key house at a crossroads. This forced a general retreat of the Russians


The final count was 125 german soldiers were killed and 141 were wounded. 8 German engineers were killed and 10 wounded. 7 members of their ATR Squads were killed and 11 wounded.

The Germans also lost2 MMGs, 1 HMG,2 81mm Morters and 1 horseteam

also 4 Stukas were shot down and 9 were damaged in airsrikes.

The Russians also suffered greviously. 75 soldiers were captured, 35 were wounded and 136 were killed.

18 Russian Engineers were killed and 30 wounded in a counter attack

Equiptment losses were also heavy. 7 MMGs, 8

HMGs, 12 ATRs, 7 45mm ATGs, 9 76mm guns, 5 122mm how, 12 50mm morters,8 82mm morters, 11 120mm morters, 2 37mm AA, 15 horseteams and 2 T -26s Tanks were lost.

The final attack of the 290th Divison was by their 503rd Infantry Regiment supported by OKH werfers and KG Hindenburg Stukas

The attack was against the 125th Rifle Division Commanded by Gen Major P.P Boygaychuk


Reports are inconclusive

(I stupidly forgot to take a screenshot of the damage Grr [:@]) But the Regiment forced the Russians to retreat and this was the print out of losses

Soviet approximate equipment and personnel losses -16%
Axis approximate equipment and personnel losses - 1%

Williamb -> RE: Wenn Barbarossa steigt, wird die Welt den Atem anhalten und sich still verhalten! (7/5/2006 2:50:19 AM)

the next attack in the slow scrolling veiw south was by the 122nd Infantry Division commanded by Generalleutnant Sigfrid Macholz


the 411th Regiment supported by KG 75 Stukas attacked the 5th Soviet Rifle Division Commanded by Col. F. P. Ozerov.

The attack made little headway. A German Reccon Company was ambushed and had to be rescued by a counter attack. Finally the germans called off the attack just before dark.

The Germans lost 41 soldiers killed and 67 Wounded.6 German engineers were wounded in skirmishes. 1 Wheeled Scout car and 3 stukas were damaged. 3 motorcycles were shot to peices.

For the Russians 54 were killed and 30 wounded. Also 6 Russian engineers were wounded. The Russians suffered no other losses

Williamb -> RE: Wenn Barbarossa steigt, wird die Welt den Atem anhalten und sich still verhalten! (7/5/2006 3:07:12 AM)

The next unit was the 12th Infantry division commanded by General der Artillerie Walter von



The 27th Infantry regiment had the fire support of 2 full regiments of OKH Artillery and 1 battaion of 270mm RailGun artillery.


The 27th Regiment was able to get no less than 4 hours of bombardment from their artillery. The Comanding officer held back his troops the whole 4 hours. Finally the bombardment lifted and his troops advanced.


The bombardment have been very effective. The 16th NKVD Regiment had ceast to exist. The Germans quickly overran the survivors and drove into Russian territory.

The Soviets lost 114 dead, 110 prisoners and 16 wounded. 5 HMGs, 6 45 ATGs, 3 82mm morters and 20 trucks were also captured or destroyed by the Germans.

The Germans had 12 soldiers wounded when their truck overturned. That was their only loss.

Williamb -> RE: Wenn Barbarossa steigt, wird die Welt den Atem anhalten und sich still verhalten! (7/5/2006 3:20:44 AM)

The final attack in HEERESGRUPPE NORD's area was by the 32nd Infantry Division commanded by Generalleutnant Wilhelm Bohnstedt


This attack was by 96th Infantry regiment and 3 battalions of OKH artillery.

The attack hit the 188th Rifle Division Commanded by Brigader Gen. A.S. Chichkanov


Two German battalions were able to pinch a Russian one between them. This caused the battalion to collapse and German artillery fire routed any attempt to relieve them.

The 188th Rifle division started a slow retreat giving up several miles to the german advance.

Then a German Batalion struck the rearguard of the Russian division its engineering company. It quickly turned into a rout.


The Germans had lost 22 Dead and 44 Wounded.

200 Russians were taken prisoner. Another 150 were killed and 74 were wounded. 30 Russian engineers were captured and 34 were killed.

The Russians lost alot of equiptment. 9 MMGs, 11 HMGs, 19 ATRs, 7 45mm atgs, 9 76mm guns, 3 122mm how,14 50mm morters,10 82mm morters, 9 120 mm morters, and 8 horse teams were all destroyed or captured.

Speedysteve -> RE: Wenn Barbarossa steigt, wird die Welt den Atem anhalten und sich still verhalten! (7/5/2006 7:21:52 PM)

Excellent AAR[:)]

Williamb -> RE: Wenn Barbarossa steigt, wird die Welt den Atem anhalten und sich still verhalten! (7/6/2006 3:36:03 AM)

the Action now shifts to HEERESGRUPPE “MITTE”

Commanded by Gen/FM von Bock


The Northern most attack involved the 18th & 58th regts of the 6th Infantry Division.

Commanding General was General der Infanterie Helge Auleb.


This thrust was into a area held by the Soviet 126th Rifle Division commanded by Gen Major M.A. Kuznetsov.


Ths russians stubbornly gave ground. Even using two regiments Auleb was unable to force them off a series of hills. Auleb commited 2 companies of Engineers but even their attack was beaten off.

Auleb requested more artillery support from AG Mitte to help break this bottleneck the next day.

In the end the 6th Infantry Div lost 55 killed and 83 wounded. 8 engineers were killed and 10 wounded. They also lost 1 motorcycle and 2 MMGs in the assaults.

For the Russians they stop the germans but took heavy losses. 75 Soldiers were taken prisoner. 65 were wounded. 298 were killed.

12 engineers were killed and 8 wounded on holding one hill.

German counter battery fire was very accurate. The Russian Morter battalion lost 9 50mm morters, 15 82mm morters, and 5 120 mm morters.

The Russian Artillery regtiment also suffered from this battery fire. 6 76mm guns, 7 122mm How, and 10 horseteams were lost.

And the divisions also suffered the loss of 12 MMGs, 9 HMGs,10 ATRs, and 10 45mm ATGs.

Williamb -> RE: Wenn Barbarossa steigt, wird die Welt den Atem anhalten und sich still verhalten! (7/6/2006 5:17:28 AM)

The 35th Infantry Division was the next unit in line of attack.

Its commanding officer is 35th Infantry - Rudolf Freiherr von Roman

Its 109th Infantry regiment was backed up by an OKH Artillery Brigade.

Its attack hit the Soviet 128th Rifle Division commanded by Gen. Major Zotov.

A thunderous roar of German Artillery opened up at dawn.


The Germans pressed the attack all during the day.Progress was steady but not spectactular.

Finally the 109th Stopped for the night. That allowed the 128th Rifle to retreat during the night.

40 Germans soldiers were killed and 62 Wounded. 6 German Engineers were also wounded. 1 Wheeled Scoutcar was destroyed.

The Soviets suffered heavy damage. 150 were captured. 158 were killed and 82 wounded. Also 12 engineers were killed and 18 wounded.

In equiptment the Russians lost alot during the battle and retreat. These losses include 9 MMGs, 4 HMGs, 12ATRs, 9 45mm ATGS, 8 76mm Guns, 3 122mm Guns, 15 50mm Morters, 15 82mm Morters, 3 120 mm Morters, 1 37mm AA and 11 Horse teams.

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