ValinFel -> RE: The Sandbox Mode -- Does It Work At All? (7/21/2006 1:58:03 AM)
I'm currently running a historical replay starting in 1901 with 60 player rosters. I didn't use the sanbox mode though, I used the replay option. Before starting the season, I went to the players screen and force retired all good fictional players, so I was left with the real players and a bunch of scrubs. Then when I started the draft, the game automatically created scrubs to fill out the rest of the rosters, since forcing all those fictional players to retire left then need for more players to reach 60 per team. It is a little time consuming, but I wanted to build my own history starting from the beginning, but by the time I got the present day I didn't want the 35 player restrictions. So far this seems to work, although I'm having problems with the real players importing to some teams. for example, 1902 the Milwaukee Brewers moved to St. Louis and became the Browns. So I changed the city and nickname to reflect this change. now I can't get any of the St. Louis Browns players in the lahman database to get drafted on St. Louis. In fact, St. Louis doesn't ever draft anyone. Same thing happens when I moved Baltimore to New York. Any ways, so far everything seems to work ok and I have successfully completed two full seasons.