Gary D -> RE: AI - how good? (8/2/2006 1:46:43 AM)
In my experience the Japanese AI is "not bad" at giving an allied player a "historical" learning game. If you chose to invade the Marianas in spring of 42, it will not deal with that! The AI seems to have some historic "gates" it tries to pass through, like a March sortie of the KB into the Indian Ocean, won't consider the Eastern Solomons till after Jun/July 42 etc. If you are content to take a historal build up and defense as the Allied player, I think you will enjoy it. About once a month I go "help" the AI and tune the AC/AC engine production along the conventional lines so many folks have written great things about. Reading many of the AAR's available, you can read about the many non historical, but viable strategies our real life IJN buddies have come up with. Although it is not necessary to defeat the AI, I "simulate" the measures necessary to try and counter a "live" player. For example building up the interior of India to guard against an invasion that a live player may pull off, but that the AI never will. Keeping the AVG in China and developing the Hawaii bases around Pearl fit into that kind of solo play. Sure I wish the AI were better, but it is adequate to give you quite a few hours of fun if you give it a little help!